TSA trauma: Is that a bomb in your junk or are you just happy to see me?
Lindsey Deaton frequently is between Cincinnati and Los Angeles on business. She recounts her experiences in a recent essay at Cincinnati.com.
In 2010, the TSA adopted two controversial procedures for primary screening of passengers – body-scanning machines and full-body pat-downs. The Washington Post reported that year that there were 'high-profile acts of civil disobedience' in response to the new procedures, including software programmer John Tyner's unforgettable warning to a TSA official that "if you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested." Unfortunately, the TSA is touching my junk almost every time I travel.
Exiting the magnetic scanner July 1 in LAX Terminal 3, I was stopped by a female TSA agent. Looking back at the display, I saw the crotch area on the screen was lit yellow. Immediately I told the agent I am transgender and asked if she was trained to deal with transgender people. She said, ‘"yes," then asked if I wanted "a man to screen me."
No! I'm a girl," I shouted. "And I want to be screened privately."
Two female TSA agents led me to a private room. I lifted my white sleeveless dress, pulled my panties down and showed them I was carrying nothing. They turned away flinching and instructed me to stand still. One the agents ran her hands up to the top of my legs, touching my tucked penis. I cried and shook through the whole experience.
I guess there is fear of a penis bomb.
Afterwards, I wanted to document the experience. A TSA lead agent came in and said, "You can't take pictures, sir."
I screamed back at him, "She! She! She!" Writing down what happened, I posted it to my Facebook page. During the hour I waited, I was inundated with support. My friends had no idea that transgender people are regularly subjected to this invasive screening every time we travel.
Apprehensive about my return trip, I entered the TSA magnetic scanner in Denver and was stopped. Another yellow box. I told the agent, "I’m transgender." She offered to rescan me as a male, and I passed. It turned out that rescan was not sufficient. Since I presented female, I had to be privately screened.
The lead TSA agent and screener took me to a private room. Crying hard while the screener slid her hands all the way up my legs, touching my penis under my shorts, I told these agents that their policy requires transgender people to out themselves. They said "no, but you must submit to the private screening every time if you present yourself in a gender with genitals that don't match." There was no compassion or understanding of the trauma I was being subjected to by strangers touching me. The next day I wrote to the TSA Office of the Administrator/Chief of Staff reporting my experiences and immediately received a reply assigning my complaints/experiences to the appropriate offices.
We all want the travel experience to be a safe one. Right now it’s not. For some of us, it’s traumatic. The TSA needs comprehensive transgender cultural competency training.

The TSA may become obsolete soon
Microsoft Pitches Technology That Can Read Facial Expressions at Political Rallies
Here's how George Orwell described a facecrime in 1984
The mindset behind the TSA will bring this 1984 nightmare.
The political revolution continues
Freaking wonderful, Shockwave /s
So creepy. What if someone suddenly has a pain, or dog forbid, gas? Terrorist! What about getting a confusing or irritating text? Non Conformist!
1984 with a side of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Beyond 1984 there is a world of artificial superintelligence
The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
AI takeover
We will be on 7x24 artificial intelligence TSA scrutiny.
TSA's 'Airport of the Future' Includes More Biometrics and 'Intelligence-Driven" Procedures
Solving Airport Security Through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
The political revolution continues
They make up the rules as they go along, I think
So, on the return flight the agent scanned as a male, so no yellow crotch box. But something triggered the junk being groped.
But then passenger is told this:
So two TSA employees, and two different statements. Plus, I'm guessing a female has breasts, so if she said, "I'm really a man in a dress," then wouldn't a yellow breast box show up on the screen?
Damned if you do; damned if you don't. But yeah, trans people 'choose' this 'lifestyle' so they can be f*cked over at every turn. Makes perfect sense, NOT.
This TSA idea was one of the worst to come out of Bush Admin!
Robyn, there's no excuse for the lack of logic and critical thinking in your situation. The TSA agent screened you as a man, and you passed. Which meant, obviously, you weren't carrying a damn gun, bomb, or anything else those porno machines are suppose to warn on. At that point, whether you are female, male, or Martian should make no difference, IMO. Just pure political theater meant to add to the fear and anxiety of America's populace.
I haven't flown since 9/11, and not because I'm afraid of mad bombers. Seeing the military with guns at the ready policing our airports afterwards killed any desire I had for flying. I saw too much of a police state developing back then. Now, those trained military soldiers have been replaced with basically minimum wage, pedantic, by-the-book-don't-use- your-brain idiots. Granted, common sense is a precious commodity in the United States anymore, but it's like they go out of their way to seek out these kinds of people. And I say that, knowing that there MUST be some caring TSA agents out there someplace... I've just never heard of any! The "system" doesn't seem to support the personality type.
My body is full of metal; so much so, I set off Gordman's alarm when I ENTERED the building! There is just NO WAY I'm going to fly, knowing what I'll have to go thru. I'm a rape survivor. And while it happened decades ago, there are triggers that'll set me off. And the TSA situation would definitely be one of those triggers! They also make no allowances for women with my experience.... or people like me, who depend on titanium and other metals to hold our bodies together from the inside!
And beyond that... on sheer principle alone... I object. You walk into an airport (and too many other places these days) and it's a constitution-free zone. You are automatically assumed guilty and it's up to you to prove you're innocent.
I'm so sorry you must fly; I just pray I'm never placed in a HAVE-TO position, myself. The government infringes on my freedoms, especially my freedom of movement, because I will not permit myself to be scanned naked, treated as a criminal, and basically strip searched.
There is something VERY wrong here...
That's all part of 'social
That's all part of 'social engineering'; conditioning a free people to the belief that they have no human or citizen inherent rights to privacy or anything else, that they're cattle intended to submit to 'authority' and must accept any and every humiliation and exerted control over personal autonomy.
But it's OK, they can have 5 minutes of hate any old time at all on propaganda media and redirect their frustration and that nasty powerless, dispossessed feeling at more vulnerable others among their 'relative poors' group to try to have 'those people' kept/made even more limited and miserable than themselves, which somehow makes those susceptible to this feel better.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I am boycotting flying too, and I wish everyone would. If
no one flew, the rules would change in a hurry. Money is everything.
But of course it won't be enough people to change the system. Too many people put up with the abuses because of the convenience.
Good luck with your letters, Robyn. I hope they will agree to sensitivity training.
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It wasn't something that happened to me...
...but to the writer of the essay, Lindsey Deaton.
I'm so sorry
The experience you describe is horrific. I'm crying as I read what you went through. No one should ever be dehumanized like that.
A sincere question: If I were in line next to you at the airport and realized that this was happening, would it be helpful if I spoke up? Or would it make things worse for you if I stood with you or vocally objected or in some way expressed my belief that trans people should not be mistreated this way?
I know you can't speak for all trans people, but I'm curious if there's anything that might be helpful in the moment. Sometimes, I want to start screaming at the perpetrators when I witness injustice or mistreatment, but I've learned that my "help" can sometimes make things worse for the person being oppressed.
If you'd allow a virtual hug: {{{Robyn}}}
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
People should have boycotted flying
When the TSA started groping little kids, handicapped people, including soldiers with artificial limbs, breast cancer survivors, people with colostomy bags and other disabilities.
The TSA has failed 90% of the tests to find explosives or guns as have the cancer inducing scanner machines.
Now every ballgame, concerts and public gatherings, people willingly give up their 4th amendment right against unlawful search and seizure.
The TSA would have been dismantled in a week if people had boycotted flying.
Instead, the TSA is continually expanding it's powers.
I refuse to fly or go to ballgames and submit to the further eroding of our rights.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
TSA Precheck ...
I'm another one who refused to fly after 9-11. The security changes became so bizarre and so intrusive, I simply refused to subject myself to the sheer indignity of it all. It wasn't as if flying was a whole lot of fun anymore anyways. After the dehumanizing pass through security, all that awaited was to be treated like a head of cattle for the duration. Pass.
Unfortunately, my elderly parents aren't getting any younger. So this spring I simply had to bite the bullet and fly home ... first flight in probably 18 years. But I did some research a few months before the flight and stumbled upon this program called "TSA Precheck". Basically, it allows you to pass through the simplified security common in pre-911 days ... no removal of shoes or belts, no pulling out your liquid bottles or your laptop, and only walking through a metal scanner. All I had to do was fill out a quick form on line, drive to a designated office to be fingerprinted, and pay $85.00 (for a pass that is good for 5 years). Within two weeks I had my "Known Traveler Number" which I filed with the airline I booked tickets on.
My flights took me from SFO (San Francisco) to DTW (Detroit Metro) and back ... and going through security was a breeze in both directions ... quick (no lines), efficient, and free of all humiliation. I would highly recommend it to anyone. It certainly reduced my travel stress a great deal.
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
Precheck = nice little racket
You pay a premium for them to "give you back" the rights they never should have stolen from you in the first place.
Ah, AmeriKa - where you can have as much freedom as you can BUY.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thanks for posting this Robyn. The TSA should simply be
disbanded, but I doubt we'll evere see that happen.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I did not know that
transgenders are subjected to that every time they travel, either.
Is that because tucking sends a signal that something could be concealed in underwear? If so, could that be prevented by changing the material used to tuck? It seems that someone should be able to work on this with the TSA or the government to find a solution both sides can live with.
Meanwhile, I am so sorry that you and others are enduring this.
Just about the time we think we have solved a problem
here comes all kinds of corollary problems to grab us.
Who knew the TSA gave a damn about penises?
They evidently attract people
They evidently attract people who like touching other people's sexual organs against their will...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.