Junkyard Cesspool Wars 2016: Opening Ceremony

(In British- Scrapheap Poo Pit Challenge)

To start on a positive note, Michael Phelps is the leading Medal Winner participating in this Olympics. He's a swimmer (I swim) and has demonstrated remarkable longevity in his sport. He's anti-Steroid (well, never tested positive) and claims he's never been in a race without dopers. So U-S-A U-S-A to you.

On the other hand it could have been Ibtihaj Muhammad who fences in a hijab which is an unfair advantage in that it's a visible distraction and may cause you to misdirect your strike out of the scoring area (hey, I fence too).

Downhill from this minor distraction? Well, it's a mite grassy and rocky this time of year but I have some boards I can trash. Sure. Why not?

On almost the same level, why exactly is "Golf" an Olympic sport? There is nothing more deadly dull on the face of the earth than watching golf in person, do it once and you'll appreciate the brisk, nay- frenetic, pace of U.S. television coverage.

Let's pick up some speed.

If a section of the Stadium (or the whole thing) doesn't crumble into dust tonight I'll be sadly disappointed. The corruption and shoddiness of the construction has only cost 10s of worker's lives and they are slaving in the heat, double shifting for paltry wages. It would be easy to blame them for the inferior quality of the Olympic Village and other projects but it's really design flaws and cheap (sub-standard) materials to pad the graft. Somewhere between 25% and 30% of the Olympic Village is uninhabitable, Australia got burned out of their area, Team USA rented an Ocean Liner (yup, one of them floating hotels).

The competition sites are the same. I really expect Michael Phelps to get sucked down in a maelstrom when the pool bottom goes out like a drain plug at the bottom of a bathtub.

And that's not counting of course the 10s of thousands of poor people, living in slums, who had their homes bulldozed for parking lots to keep the riff raff away.

Great Job Brazil! Lest we forget they're in the middle of a Constitutional coup where the disloyal compromise Vice President who colluded with Congressional and Judicial branch members to manufacture some charges and impeach the President. Remind you of Clinton? Perhaps Corbyn.

Your Police, when they're not out on strike because you don't pay them, are an occupying army sweeping streets in riot gear with shields, batons, and teargas. Despite that theft and more violent crimes are endemic (did I mention that Austrailia got burned out? Well, the firemen who put it out boosted whatever looked loose).

Brazil's economy is based on extractive industries and with Oil leading the way the primary export commodities have declined in value. Once a Brazil, Russia, India, China of emerging nations, it is now wracked with Recession (since we're too well bred to call it a flat out Depression) with no end in sight. There are a lot of people who are pretty damn poor while wealth shoots straight to the top. It's not that they pump less, it's that they have to sell it so cheaply.

So you can hardly blame the firemen, they haven't been paid just like the cops and they consider it a gratuity anyway. My advice? Tip generously and at every opportunity. Some people live on tips.

In any event Brazil is as unstable as Vesuvius; so much so that the Torch Relay, usually a shameless celebration of corporate sponsorship (the imprinted water bottles get expensed as Public Relations or Advertising), has been interrupted and diverted constantly by demonstrations against the Coup government, extinguishing the torch on several occasions (don't worry, they have a spare and there are emergency instructions on how to re-kindle the sacred flame of amateur sportsmanship which probably don't involve a BIC).

As an Olympic athlete you've already dedicated years and years of torture and pain to your particular discipline so a little more doesn't seem that big a deal. Well, welcome to Rio. I've already talked about your miserable accommodations which would shame a Stalinist and sink to levels only monopolist capitalism can descend (c'mon, even the Romans got toilets right). All that shit that doesn't ooze out between the tiles because the pipes are not hooked up slides right on down to Guanabara Bay where the open water events will take place. In addition to having the boat ramp collapse (ahem) there is also watching for the really big turds (which always rise to the top for some reason). You're basically paddling around in diarrhea soup which, in addition to the usual cornucopia of anti-anti-biotic super bugs and more tractable parasites, have the special attraction of flesh eating Amoeba.

I expect to see some unlucky capsized sailor emerge a grotesquely mutated Creature from the Black Lagoon.

He can storm Copacabana Beach, the filthiest in the World, in a kind of environmentalist irony and still not be the weirdest thing to wash up (tidal toilet ring; used condoms, needles, cigarette butts, broken glass) in front of the Beach Volleyball site.

No, that would be the dismembered body parts.

It's a bum rap. A mob hit. Capsized Sailor Creature dies in a hail of gunfire from the rapid response anti-terrorist teams (if they're not on strike because they haven't been paid) and tragically breathes his last-


That's not stolen, it's an homage.

Frighteningly the beach is not the scariest part of Rio (did I mention rampant theft?), That would be Rio itself. Air quality is not that far from Peking levels, and you have Zika and dozens of other tropical diseases.

Of course you're up against dopers. Michael has never raced without one (Hmmm). I give the International Olympic Committee and the World Anti-Doping Agency full credit, along with the individual Sport governing bodies, for allowing Russian athletes to participate in the absence of credible evidence they were Juicing. Association is not guilt.

Now the bad side. It's pretty much a given that hosting an Olympic Games is mostly a several $Billion money pit and cities are increasingly unwilling to host them. This qualifies, in IOC terms, as a big deal.

Why? Because we'll lose this 100 year old quadrennial celebration of ideals of fair play and virtue in excellence that were musty in Victoria's day? No, because the board members of the IOC will lose the $Multi-Million graft they grift being bribed for their votes in a contested election.

This shall not stand! It is an affront to amateurism! Might as well get myself a gig at FIFA (regrettably only the second most corrupt institution, recruit for destiny boys).

Finally (for now) we have the the perversion of coaches. I think we've known for years that the personal relationship between exceptionally limber girls and their middle age mentors is kind of... creepy. This is somewhat less surprising than Ailes.

I'll tell you, being a coach is hard because you have to tell people to do things you can't, won't, couldn't do in the first place. If you are any good at all you're forging bonds of trust and providing direction. To abuse this relationship is the worst kind of crime.

I think we've reached the bottom. Shredded it.

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riverlover's picture

his Brazilian wife,& new unexpected bebe. He family has $$$. Armed guards in the streets, a visit to jungle accommodations with more armed guards. Cell phone service at the top of a distant hill. Sounds nice!

Fencing with a hijab on is slightly less scary than having a French coach who loved nailing female fencers in the breasts. I swam and fenced, too.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alex Ocana's picture

What the fuck do people in the USA have to slander our South American countries for? Blame the fucking vulture funds and the US imperialism that created an extreme corporate fascist coup who destroyed the worker's government. Blame centuries of economic colonialism built on slavery. And maybe some praise for what we accomplished in spite of all the negative crap that has been published all over the MSM since before the world cup.

Whatever! As a Bolivian from next door to Brazil (a "WE" South American), I feel your essay is a warped, one-sided imperialist, racist attack and suggest that instead of ragging on Rio and Brasil, you might mention the corruption and police brutality and toxic algae plumes and shit floating in the water in Michigan and Illinois, Utah and Florida, the Zika in Miami (what, Brazil is to blame for Zika?) , the heat wave and drought in California and Arizona (what, Brasil is to blame for its climate?) the blatant racism and homophobia in Arizona and Oklahoma, the USA/European destruction and rape of half the planet... the blowback from American "foreign policy". Get your fucked up focus, your imperialistic vision and your warped facts right.

The way you paint Brasil is the same loud corporate capitalist crap of floating turd verbiage that Americans have always painted our countries. I am sufficiently angry about this warped essay that I consider this a slander piece and deserving of a skull and cross bones.

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From the Light House.

elenacarlena's picture

we are partly responsible! But does that change the fact that the water is not safe to swim, the beach is not safe to walk, the tourists are likely to get robbed, the poor people were abused if not outright killed by the government, the athletes are likely to get Zika, the cops and firemen are not getting paid, etc., etc.? Or does the poster have the facts wrong?

If we held the Olympics in Miami - or Lake Placid or wherever - and wound up with filthy, collapsing, disease-ridden, crime-ridden venues that had displaced and/or killed residents in preparation for the games, not to mention the jaguar, you can bet your sweet patootie I'd be saying the games should be moved, and if not moved, the spectators should boycott. It's nothing specific against Brazil or South America.

Lives before politics.

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Alex Ocana's picture

Its a dumb ass stereotype. I have college educated friends who have visited Bolivia back in the old days and some who want to ask about visiting Dominica. Somewhere buried in their brainwashing is that: the our places are full of infectious disease, nasty insects, the water is unsafe to drink, that if they step into the wrong part of town they will be mugged, raped or knifed by a drug-crazed black man or mustached drug lord, and that everyone who lives in a poor section of a city is a criminal or a child prostitute. All bullshit from top to bottom.

You may even site homicide statistics... for example Dominica, which had five homicides, almost all domestic and bar brawl murders in 2014, has a homicide rate 2 1/2 times that of the USA. We had one murder by cop (in the station, not shot down on the street, and all five cops went to jail, and some major reforms were made, but statistically makes the Dominica rate higher than Chicago.

I personally have lived and worked in some of these high crime slums. In fact, my family has lived in one of La Paz's "red zones" for a couple generations. No problem, never got mugged and never got murdered. Never even got pick pocketed in the years I have spent in the zona rojo. In fact, it was and still is much more comfortable than living in the South Bronx or Southside of Chicago, which I have also done in my college years. And the water and food is much better.

I also lived in the suburbs around the university in USA (bordering campuses in WA) and that was fun and great. Plenty of socialist friends and an international cultural center on campus, LOL.

I worked with street kids in Peru (thesis research, one year) and visited, almost daily, some of the "worst" barrios pobres (before they became tourist attractions) in Lima and Cusco, this during a cholera epidemic and the violent Shining Path insurrection. No problem. The only times I got pick pocketed or maltreated in anyway was down in the tourist section in front of a fancy hotel and once in a tourist bus on the a trip with street kids to Machhu Picchu. And, of course, heavy censorship during the capitalist Fujimori regime.

Dominica may have a huge homicide rate with its five murders per year, and it may have a third of the per family income than the USA, but we have good local food, tasty, crystal clear water coming out of the tap, and even though I am one of a maybe a hundred (privileged) Latinos amongst a population of 95% beautiful, Afro-caribbean friends and neighbors, I have never felt categorized as an "other" or been victimized about my skin color, outspoken lack of religion, or wild anarcho-communist political views. Even the drunks in town know me enough to pass on by instead of hitting me up for a dollar (they still can get some cigarettes off me).

In any event, the stereotypes that come from gringos who have never even been here, or have and have never ventured outside of the tourist comfort zone, about our countries are both calumnious and hurtful. Its the same white man's burden shit we have put up with for centuries. Its the same American exceptionalism... you think you have an excuse to slander, invade,embargo and bomb us because you believe the stereotypes. Unless you have spent a long number of years in Brasil (or equivelant), enough to understand Brasil and Brasileros, and speak Portuguese, then you should shut your gob-hole and enjoy the games for what they are, know they are in a relatively poor country, and celebrate the athletes. If you want to help, then get out in the streets of the USA and protest with #BlackLivesMatter, #NoTPP, , #NoFracking, #NoMoreWar and #NeverHillary.

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From the Light House.

If we American gringos did the same for everything that was said about this country, we'd all be in therapy. Nothing is all good or all bad.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Alex Ocana's picture

that I take personally. Its pervasive amongst USAiens and filters down to the level of 75% of voters kissing corporate candidate's assholes on "illegal aliens". In my experience, USA has a mixed, ultimately irreconcilable perception in South America and the Caribbean.

We have our problems, its true, but if the USA and its bankster political culture would leave us alone, we can solve them ourselves. We pretty much know where the problems come from and how to solve them, except every time we try and partially succeed, there is the bloody megalith empire ready to smash us underfoot again and again.

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From the Light House.

I can understand why you are pissed off that our country keeps fucking with, hell, the world. You are talking about the ugly American - a very real stereotype of way too many Americans. ek meant no offense.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

elenacarlena's picture

in this way, but have been reading about the problems that seemed specific to preparation for the games in the face of a new viral infection. I am a fan of the Amazing Race and they have visited there several times and in some beautiful places.

And I do get out in the streets with #BlackLivesMatter.

Nevertheless, I hope you'll tell us more about your home. The more we know, the better.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

How did Dominica get into this discussion of the Olympics in Brazil? My wife and I are saving diligently in the hope of visiting Dominica. I hear wonderful things about it. I understand that ecotourism is growing rapidly.

If you happen to know of good hotels (high quality but less $ than resorts) within walking distance of places where snorkeling from the beach is possible, suggestions are welcome. A list of beaches with coral within a reasonable swim would also help.

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Damnit Janet's picture

they, we, have no foot to stand on at all. We have our own problems with pollution, poverty and police but my country prefers to criticize others. I am so sorry.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

A huge percentage of the World's oxygen is made in the Amazonian rain forest, not to mention a heck of a lot of the World's animal and plant species. If the Amazon goes, so goes the World.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Wait until World Cup Qatar.

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only a touch. I think the housing was a problem in Russia too. Leave it to the Anericans to arrive in a luxury liner. Quite smart actually. There was an article about permanently housing the winter and summer games in VanCouver. Would seem to make a lot of sense to quit moving it around and wasting all that money that could be better spent on the locals.

I am back in northern Michigan on Lake Huron. No floating shit in the water, but there are invasive species thanks to ships not emptying their ballasts before entering our lakes. We also have a really old Enbridge pipeline under the Straight of Mackinac causing a lot of worrying about leaks. Now that would be a lot of shit in Michigan's water.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Damnit Janet's picture

I gave up on even bothering to notice "the games" after Beijing.

It's amazing what people will ignore if you give them a flag and a game to cheer. Well, just look at the USA. Our schools are crumbling and yet Super Bowl and Bud Bowl....

Too bad the money wasn't spent on helping the poor people of Brazil. Such a waste of money.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Alex Ocana's picture

The games were originally planned by Lulu's Worker's Party government to help solve some of the intractable problems in Rio... and were subsequently hijacked by transnationals, vulture funds, corruptos, and a right wing USA sponsored coup.

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From the Light House.

rough on any city. I was living in Montreal in 1976 when the Olympics came to town, and it damn near bankrupted the place. 'Twas a boondoggle to end all boondoggles.

The 40-year hangover: how the 1976 Olympics nearly broke Montreal

"Two weeks later, when the last athlete had gone home, Montreal woke up to what remains the worst hangover in Olympic history: not just a bill that came in at 13 times the original estimate, a string of officials convicted of breach of trust and the greatest white elephant of a stadium ever built, but a creeping sense of economic and social decline. Forty years on, no other Olympics has so thoroughly broken a city."


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Alex Ocana's picture

Both of these are huge events for the people of Latin America, especially the World Cup since we have winning teams. I am no sports fan, although I did coach my daughter's high school "soccer" team. But I tuned into every single game played by Argentina and Brasil and drank gallons of beer and pounded the bar with the best of them. We love the games.

So... the international games need reform. So, instead of whining and moaning and blaming the games for everything from lack of schools to seaweed on the beach and bankruptcy, why don't we use our massive collective intelligence to think of ways to reform them. Like, starting with taking the big corporations out of the picture, as a possible example.


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From the Light House.

have anything to say about anything? Capitalism run amok is destroying everything, and there isn't anything we can do about it. If we can't even hold banks accountable for the crash or the Democrats accountable for a blatantly stolen election in the United States of America, I have zero faith that we or the global village can do shit about shit.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Alex Ocana's picture

In my opinion, the world community and individual nations can do something about it. At present we have a serious problem with USAein militirazation and corporate takeover of the planet. The empire will eventually bankrupt itself...

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From the Light House.

Recced for totally bumming and grossing me out in such a well delivered style ! Bye bye Brazil..

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...i don't think i'm going to be strapped to the television watching the Olympics end to end. i haven't been paying much attention and didn't know the opening ceremony started last night. i did watch some of the U.S. Olympic trials but that probably about as far as i go this year. the dark side to hosting the Olympics is beginning to color my usual enthusiastic view of athletes at the pinnacle of their ambitions and it has become entirely too commercial for my taste. it's probably always been that way but i likely turned a blind eye to it for the sake of observing my favorite Olympics sports and the U.S. athletes. it's even easier now to ignore the commercials and time-filling bios to keep your eyes glued with a DVR. additionally, this election year seems to be putting me off of the rah-rah 'USA, USA' fervor.

i was busy cooking dinner last night when the opening ceremonies began so i wasn't paying close attention to the television in the kitchen. i observed snippets of the commercially planned snippets and then we sat down to eat at the kitchen bar. it seemed to me that every five minutes of the opening ceremony NBC would cut away to a commercial. it was easily 4-5 commercials in the first half hour. i gave up watching the rest of it after we finished eating.

i proceeded to clean up the dishes while my other half moved to the living area to continue watching the show. the television occasionally caught my eye while i was moving about in the kitchen. the visuals weren't making sense to me and i wasn't able to hear much of the commentary. what did make me stop and pause to watch was the visual of ocean water taking over low lying land. obviously, it was about climate change so i thought it was just another commercial. to my surprise it was part of the opening show.

i also saw images of volunteers planting stuff and i thought 'what a great message'. i'll have to play this back tomorrow and really pay attention to the details in that part of the ceremony. unfortunately, i assumed my other half was recording the program as i went to bed. i was wrong. nothing on the DVR today. it may come up on 'On Demand' at some point but then you have to sit through the commercials. you can't fast forward. ugh! maybe it will be worth it just to see what Brazil is saying to the rest of the world. i imagine some conservative heads exploded last night. yay for that!!

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Alex Ocana's picture

I managed to find a low def live feed from Brasil in Portuguese. Considering the extremely low budget (8% of that of the London games), I felt that the show was very Brasilian and enjoyed it. I love light shows. I will hope that I can find a high-def recording on torrentz.

I don't much pay attention to the games, and you can bet I would be rooting against the USA team in futbol.

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From the Light House.