Olympics 2016

Junkyard Cesspool Wars 2016: Opening Ceremony

(In British- Scrapheap Poo Pit Challenge)

To start on a positive note, Michael Phelps is the leading Medal Winner participating in this Olympics. He's a swimmer (I swim) and has demonstrated remarkable longevity in his sport. He's anti-Steroid (well, never tested positive) and claims he's never been in a race without dopers. So U-S-A U-S-A to you.

On the other hand it could have been Ibtihaj Muhammad who fences in a hijab which is an unfair advantage in that it's a visible distraction and may cause you to misdirect your strike out of the scoring area (hey, I fence too).

Downhill from this minor distraction? Well, it's a mite grassy and rocky this time of year but I have some boards I can trash. Sure. Why not?