How U.S. Foreign Policy works ..

The depths of depravity and corruption of U.S. Foreign Policy (and the U.S. News Media PR organizations that do the associated myth making, and propaganda) are unknown to the vast majority of American citizens. In fact, the many ways in which U.S. Foreign Policy betrays Americans and the World is so unimaginable to most people that their minds just freeze up in immediate resistance to any exposure of the cold truth: that U.S. Foreign Policy is at fault for most all of the violence, murder, terrorism, and mayhem and chaos in the World today (including the 9/11 event itself).

Consider the events of Syria, just to take one example:

Syria’s northern city of Aleppo – which was the country’s biggest city before the onset of the war in 2011 – is about to be fully retaken by the Syrian army, supported by Russian air power. The Syrian Arab Army and Russian forces are about to close the final chapter in the five-year war – and the Western media don’t seem to want to know about it.

On the other hand, The United States and its NATO allies, Britain and France, have worked with their regional partners Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to use Aleppo as the staging post for their covert, dirty war of regime change against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The death-cult mercenaries for this foreign conspiracy of regime change in Syria have come from all over the world, from some 100 countries, including Western and Arab states.

But now thanks to Russia, Humanitarian corridors have been created to allow civilians and surrendering fighters to escape before the final assault begins on anti-government militias holed up in the east of the city. Western governments and media engage in cynical word games by referring to the fighters as “moderates” and “rebels”. The militants are an amalgam of illegally armed groups, including the proscribed terrorist brigades affiliated to al-Qaeda. U.S. Foreign Policy was directly empowering and enabling these forces because of its obsession with "getting rid of" Assad (regime change).

In many ways, Aleppo represents the last stand for the regime-change forces. When Aleppo finally falls in the coming weeks, it will spell the end of Syria’s torturous conflict which was imposed on the country by the US and its allies for the purpose of regime change under the guise of a “pro-democracy” uprising.

What an indictment that is of Washington’s criminality and that of its rogue state cronies. Some 400,000 people killed over the past five years and nearly half the population of 23 million turned into refugees. The refugee crisis and blowback terrorism that Europe is confronted with are also repercussions from this foreign criminal conspiracy to subvert Syria.

The victory against state-sponsored terrorism on Syria is a tribute to the tenacity and courage of the Syrian people, their government and their army. And in that victory Russia has played a formidable, heroic role.

Story Link:


So, once again, while Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and all the GOP and Democratic politicians talk tough about stopping terrorism and how strong against terrorism they are (for 15+ years) -- the real policy is to sponsor and create terrorism, assist terrorism, and enlarge and motivate terrorism (while simultaneously....bombing and slaughtering millions of innocent people, and turning whole nations into rubble and chaos).

Yet Russia proves that it is possible to have real success against terrorism, while actually defending countries against attempts to overthrow governments (from the U.S.).

Once you realize just how criminally insane U.S. Foreign Policy is, it is no longer surprising why people living in these Bombed out, trampled over, abused countries all over the world refer to us as "the great Satan".

Trillions of dollars are spent -- dedicated to making terrorism worse, robbing us of funds needed to improve the lives (and security) of actual Americans, and all the while blaming Russia (who is actually defeating ISIS, while we throw our support behind the wrong side).

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fakenews's picture

You're correct - especially on two points:

Unknown by the vast majority of Americans


Trillions of dollars down the drain. that money could have put many Americans back to work fixing this dilapidated infrastructure. (as opposed to ruining the infrastructure of other countries because ISIS!!)

Some of us watch these stories carefully and are NOT surprised when weapons "mistakenly" (sic) find their way into ISIS hands. Like Ken O'Keefe has said repeatedly "The U.S.'s war on terror has NOT been a failure, it has succeeded just as designed" (creating and destroying new objectives by using ISIS as an excuse to be where we don't belong...

Again, great piece.


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"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN

snoopydawg's picture

In the bogus war of terror and what their goals are.
It is truly disgusting that the people in this country believe the government's propaganda going back to the Gulf of Tolkin and even further.
The governments of Britain and the United States knew about the camps in Germany and Poland since 1942, yet did nothing while millions of people were tortured, murdered and starved to death.
I don't remember where I got that information, but will try to find the link.
Meanwhile, read this

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

gendjinn's picture

1. What is the official cause of WW2?
2. What happened to Poland at the end of WW2?
3. Why did we need to fight WW2?

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Big Al's picture

"the final chapter in the five year war"? He's saying its over? I seriously doubt that. Its never over as seen in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, etc. The imperialists keep coming.
This is in the NY Times today, from the Neocons.

"The Case for (Finally) Bombing Assad"

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by Dennis Ross (no surprise) influential warmonger extraordinaire, and published by the NYT, no stranger itself to promoting idiotic and bloodthirsty foreign adventures. It is "thinkers" and "planners" like Ross and his cohorts who have gotten the USA into the utter morass of FP confusion it now occupies. Absolutely nothing in this article is grounded in reality, or makes any kind of rational sense, outside the minds of self-important DC dreamers who obviously don't know what the fuck they are doing.

Thanks for the link. It is all too typical of a certain mindset that seems bent on leading us ever onward to further ruin. And these fools will no doubt be whispering loudly in Hillary's ear, the minute she takes office. God help us if she listens to them.

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the guides pointed out pictures and letters in the museums that clearly showed in government correspondence that the US and Gr. Britain knew about the camps. I was shocked to learn that Gr. Britain expelled 20,000 Jews, forcing them back to Germany and Poland just before the war. And since I learned tons of facts and figures throughout tours in 4 Baltic states, I hope anyone here can jump in and correct me. The number of expelled Jews might be 200,000.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

The Polish poet Milosz wrote about a hiking trip he took through Europe and when entering France there were signs that no Jews and Gypsies were allowed in the country. Essentially European Jews were pushed into Eastern European. The majority of those killed in the camps were Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian Jews. After the war, republicans thwarted efforts to bring in WWII refugees because they thought there would be too many Jews.

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snoopydawg's picture

And sent them back to die in the camps.
Just like what Obama and Hillary are doing to the refugees fleeing from their countries that they helped destroy and make more violent.
Hillary wants to send those kids back to send a message to their parents not to send them here.
At least 10 children have been killed after being sent back.
Gawd, their lack of humanity along with everyone in our government that supports the wars.
Including the people who keep voting these cretinous villains in to office.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mostly from Columbus to Civil War and Reconstruction, and some assorted courses on the 100 years war and some isolated stuff on Stalin and Russia. Although I had intense interest in both the World Wars, there were no courses taught at my college of that period.
Anything I know about what came next is from curiosity spurred by my dad and uncles who fought in the war, and from my own choice of reading as a graduate. I was fucking stunned about expelling Jewish citizens. Now, I am fucking stunned we turned them away.
When will we ever learn?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

Smedley Butler? He told us what the wars were about after he left the military in the 1930's.
That he had spent 33 years being muscle for hire for the corporations.
We knew he was talking about the banana company as well as other corporations, and he drafted a plan for what the military should only be used for.
The US has invading countries since the 1800's and working towards global hegemony.
His book can be found online and in it he stresses how only a few people profit from the wars.
What he wrote about the numbers and f supplies ordered that weren't needed is staggering and it has continued to the present wars.
Look at how many corporations have been found guilty of over charging the government, pay a small fine and then get more contracts and as usual, no one is prosecuted for fraud.
Don't blame yourself, blame what you were taught.
Education is another racket.
Remember how we were told that the Native Americans were the bad guys when we were little?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The American public never seems to learn.

We do (support) the same failed thing over and over and over again: trickle-down economics, Cartel deregulation, new Wars to "fix" the many tragedies caused by the failure of Wars, blind trust in Electronic Voting machines with no mass protest, welfare for the Rich and budget cuts for the poor, etc.

Americans seem to be incapable of any learning.

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gendjinn's picture

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dervish's picture

from ISIS, most are of US origin, showing that the US is either directly or indirectly supporting ISIS in Syria.


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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

all of it destined ultimately to "take out" Assad. My sense is that the US isn't too particular about who takes him out, as long as he gets taken out.

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JekyllnHyde's picture

In early 2009, I read a wonderful article in Foreign Policy magazine (can't find the link now) in which the author recounted the foreign policy flaws of the Bush Regime. He focused on political instability created in the Middle East due to the ill-advised and illegal Iraq Invasion. His hope was that there would be a drastic U-turn away from imperialist adventures under the new Democratic Administration.

After talking with a number of political appointees in the Obama Administration, the author concluded that no such change was forthcoming. Of the Democrats, he wrote something that I still recall vividly.

They, too, are enamored of empire.

The above is J.S. Pughe's 1900 cartoon, "Declined With Thanks," featuring a portly Uncle Sam. It reminds people of the imperialist role United States assumed following the 1898 Spanish-American War under President William McKinley. Among many others, author Mark Twain severely criticized this turn towards imperialism, but there's no turning back.
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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Many don't realize what an important roll the cartoonist in Puck Magazine had in elevating political cartoons into the 20th century. Their standard of message and quality is still seen today in modern political cartoons.

Thanks for spending some time digging in the Library of Congress for this one.

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gendjinn's picture

The "No More Wars" - "USA" counter chant is another nail.

The last time a president stood up to the MIC we got LBJ & escalation in Vietnam.

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snoopydawg's picture

Wiping out terrorist groups in Syria is an important goal and, after years of death and destruction, any agreement among the country’s warring parties or their patrons may seem welcome. But the Obama administration’s plan, opposed by many within the C.I.A., the State Department and the Pentagon, is flawed. Not only would it cement the Assad government’s siege of the opposition-held city Aleppo, it would push terrorist groups and refugees into neighboring Turkey. Instead, the United States must use this opportunity to take a harder line against Mr. Assad and his allies.

If the US and its allies hadn't destroyed first Iraq and Libya, then there wouldn't be terrorists groups in Syria.
Plus who actually stared the violence in Syria?
Could it have been Hillary and the city a when they were running guns and weapons out of the Benghazi embassy?
Why yes I think that the blame goes to the US and all the other allies that are supporting various terrorist groups.
The pentagon's and the CIA's terrorists were fighting each other. How is that possible for the agencies not to know which terrorist group is being funded by the US?
This is the biggest clusterfuck in history and it would be funny if the innocent civilians weren't caught in the middle of it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture

The overriding goal of the fight is to ethnic-cleanse all Shiites from the entire Middle East to the border of Iran, and to topple any governments that are secular and tolerate a Shiite presence. While is an old struggle, the 21st century version is energized by Israel and its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All actions in the ME are crystal clear when this is understood. It is, as well, Israel's quest for rule over the Middle East Empire. It unfolds with precision right along with the US quest for Empire over the planet.

Only Russia makes an effort to prevent this genocide, but it seems certain that the Shia will be successfully wiped out of the region soon, with the US fighting all these years on the side of the Sunnis and acting as a golem for Israel.

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Millions of people in former Soviet client states would strongly disagree with this idea of Russian benevolence.

And as far as Russia's "success" against terrorism, Chechnyans, Afghanis and many others would disagree.

The U.S. may not exactly have the world's greatest track record in foreign policy, but the idea that Russia is some force for good in the world, is beyond delusional.

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The point was never that Russia is perfect in all respects throughout all history. But U.S. propaganda has been a one-sided blinding force. The whole Cold War was orchestrated largely by the United States and Britain (respective banking and imperial interests). President Kennedy recognized that and was trying to demilitarize, and wind down the Cold War during 1963 (joint space exploration, nuclear treaty, withdrawal from Vietnam, seeking a new "strategy not of annihilation, but a strategy of peace").

The point here is that yes, in fact, Russia is fighting ISIS and driving them away in Syria -- while the U.S. supports ISIS and sells weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS in order to help pursue their criminal policies of "Regime Change" and subjugation of far away Countries (for profit and control of resources and/or to in debt them with private predatory Central Bank dominance).

So face the facts: Russia is against ISIS and getting them out of Syria. The U.S. created both Al Qaeda and ISIS and sells weapons to them, and backs them up, all with the taxpayers money.

The delusion is U.S. Foreign Policy for the last 70 years

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in order to keep its people in. The Communists were the ones who really restricted freedom of movement.

And as far as terrorism goes, authoritarian states have advantages in "beating" terrorism. The problem is, that the terror is no longer exercised by private actors, but by the state, and when the state has the power to do that it the kind of terror that people face in their daily lives becomes pervasive.

The U.S. has a lot of issues, but even Noam Chomsky calls this the most free society in the world. Russia's problems in terms of corruption and governance, and the lack of independent media, make the U.S. look good by comparison. It isn't a high bar.

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You are sadly uninformed (brainwashed).


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Just how do you think they assassinated President Kennedy in the first place, and got away with it?
Just how do you think Dick Cheney & Rumsfeld perpetrated 9/11, and got away with it?

(and Norm Chomsky is just another status-quo, academic hack, who still thinks that Kennedy was killed by just a "lone nut" -- either Ignorant or a paid off hack).


And finally no State is more authoritarian or more controlled than the United States :

  • Totally Rigged, non-Transparent, non-auditable Elections,
  • a system of Legalized protected Bribery controlling all "elected" officials,
  • Orwellian "Patriot Act",
  • Jailing all the Whistleblowers and the Truth-tellers
  • "False Flag" deceptions perpetrated to create global War Atrocities of Bliblical proportions
  • Acceleration of wealth to the top
  • Austerity for the poor

I could go on all day!! The corruption never ends.

The U.S. proves every day that this clearly is a Totalitarian State of the highest order (just ask Al Gore) -- especially, the U.S. News Media.

"The Greatest purveyor of Violence on the Planet is my own government"
--Dr. Martin L. King

Dr. King knew what he was talking about (and that's why they shot him too!!)

Finally, Russia's Wall came down. But the U.S. Concentration Camp of the mind lives on and on and on and on, with no end in sight (as your existence proves)!!!

So let me know when Dick Cheney, the Bush criminal family, and the Clinton criminal family finally goes to Jail .... and Wall Street is finally dismantled. Let me know when we no longer have over 1000 Military Bases in over 130 Countries engulfing the entire planet, with even outer space itself locked, loaded, and Militaritarized.

The United States is the greatest "Iron Curtin" in the history of all human civilization!

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[video: width:640 height:480]

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We could use a good discussion of this. Over at TOP, they'd flag it immediately. Which is all you need to know about who runs TOP.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Slogging the unpopular geopolitical reality of the US as it appears in the world, back to USians — like hauling a giant mirror — so Americans can really see themselves and see the abuses they suffer… It never really woke anyone from the national coma. So, it was remarkable that Federal Cartel Outsiders like Bernie (and Trump) suddenly set off a firestorm of contrary awareness across the nation in less than a year.

Now is the moment when voices like yours can have influence like never before.

Intellectually, Americans are straddling two realities, neither of which fully exists.

The folks still burdened with Russia/Putin Derangement Syndrome from post WWII brainwashing in the US, are finally aging out, thank god. Except for the final two fruitcakes running for the Presidency.

Sometimes I think of the US as "North Korea with aircraft carriers." Isolated hillbilly nations, victims of their own domestic propaganda.

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fakenews's picture

I had some trouble finding out who the German journalist mentioned in FeeSociety's was. So I'm just passing the info on to those who want to follow up on journalist "Dr. Udo Ulfkotte"...

Dr. ulfkotte's latest book on amazon:


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"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN

But the diary somehow paints Russia as a 'hero' for stamping out 'terrorism' with an iron fist. Let's not forget Assad really is a dictator. Let's not forget 'terrorism' is an emotion and one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I agree, the whole mess shows the impotence of the US in the region and the folly of trying to control 'revolutions' on a map among a dozen or so shady groups that would otherwise turn on you, but the tone of the article is a little bit too pro Russia.

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Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?

edg's picture

But the root of most of the turmoil, death and destruction in the world today can be solidly laid at the feet of the United States. We are the bull in the china shop, not Russia.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…where Russia touched you.

Trying to drag people into your obsolete fever dream will not give your life meaning or make the world a better place.

EDIT: Yikes. That was harsh. I am actually glad to see you, and any explanation of my tone would make this a non-pology. But, when has that ever stopped me?

I wasn't a "duck and cover" child. The current re-activation of these kids a lifetime later is jarring. They present all this spooky darkness about evil Russia. Which happens to be a superpower that is NOT roaming the world destroying nations creating millions of refugees, at will. There is only one of those, the United States. They are NOT building thousands of drone bases so they can kill any human on earth within 15 minutes. That's what the US does, thanks to NSA metadata.

To people like me, the "Russia-fear" embeds who were reactivated (most vividly after Snowden) are really shocking. Their fear-meme screams "World War Porn." It's completely out of sync with the reality of most folks.

When someone who's generally pretty cool goes all "altered state," it's disorientating. That's all.

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Song of the lark's picture

Hi I'm Song of the lark and new here.

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Your first comment posted just as it should.

Now that you've got the swing of it, comment away!

And don't hesitate to ask if you have questions about anything. We're a friendly lot here.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

I remember Democrats mocking Bush for his "axis of evil," Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

It never occurred to me that their derision might have been about including too few nations in the "axis."

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Anti-Russian hysteria has reached extraordinary levels in Official Washington with heated allegations about Russia hacking Democratic Party emails, but this over-the-top “group think” threatens the world’s future, explains John Chuckman.

The fundamental problem in America’s government is an elaborate political structure much resembling democracy but with actual rule by a powerful establishment and a set of special interests – all supported by a monstrous security apparatus and a huge, lumbering military, which wouldn’t even know what to do with itself in peace. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is any apparent solution to this horrible political reality, and, while once it affected primarily Americans themselves, today it affects the planet.

Lurching Toward World War III

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Is another word for never mind the truth...

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