Putting two and two together...

Okay, let's start with the Trump campaign, of which we should be SOOOO afraid.


Electoral Map Gives Donald Trump Few Places to Go

Okay, so here's the money passage:

Even as Mr. Trump has ticked up in national polls in recent weeks, senior Republicans say his path to the 270 Electoral College votes needed for election has remained narrow — and may have grown even more precarious. It now looks exceedingly difficult for him to assemble even the barest Electoral College majority without beating Hillary Clinton in a trifecta of the biggest swing states: Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

President Obama won all three states in 2008 and 2012, and no Republican has won Pennsylvania in nearly three decades.

With a divisive campaign message that has alienated many women and Hispanics, Mr. Trump appears to have pushed several traditional swing states out of his own reach. According to strategists on both sides of the race, polling indicates that Mrs. Clinton has a solid upper hand in Colorado and Virginia, the home state of Senator Tim Kaine, her running mate. Both states voted twice for George W. Bush, who assiduously courted Hispanic voters and suburban moderates.

So what is the Donald doing about this precarious situation? From Texas:


The easiest job in politics belongs to the people who are producing Hillary Clinton’s attack ads against Donald Trump. All they’ve got to do is wait for this bumbling gasbag to open his mouth, and he basically writes their commercials for them.

Every few days brings a new Trump gaffe, and a new gift to the Democrats. Never has a presidential candidate willingly provided so much damaging material for the opposition to use.

Yet we are to be deathly afraid of this situation, in which the Clinton campaign has large quantities of leisure time before its highly probable victory in November, given how vastly it outnumbers the Trump campaign in terms of hiring campaign staff or soliciting funds. How, precisely, is the Clinton campaign using its surplus time? It's attacking the Left, of course.


Democrats Begin Guilt Trip Campaign To Pressure People Into Supporting Historically Awful Candidate

Anyone who's been on Facebook or Twitter promoting Jill Stein can tell you this is real. They all say the same thing: Trump is Hitler and if he's elected it's your fault. Bernie Sanders, who is usually more honest than this, will tell you something closer to the truth (but still cherry-picked): Trump uses bigoted etiquette.

Now, this is true in its own rights, and perhaps it's something to be afraid of -- bigoted words are usually followed-up by bigoted actions. Yet from the words of the scaremongerers, Trump will have an easy time imposing his "racist agenda" (whatever that is -- he's not a consistent guy) upon America, notwithstanding the extent to which Trump has alienated his own party, whereas it will be ostensibly far easier for us on the "Left" (whatever that is these days) under Clinton Two. Here's Jonathan Smucker:


But we cannot afford for Clinton to lose.

With the nomination of Donald Trump and the dangerous politics of hate that he represents, this election is no longer about Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment. It’s about all of us. And it’s about stopping the worst possible scenario. I have spent more than two decades as a grassroots organizer, immersed in left social movements that have opposed the neoliberalism and frequent warmongering of the contemporary Democratic Party establishment: from Latin America solidarity, to the global justice movement, to the antiwar movement, to Occupy Wall Street, and many local community struggles. As a vocal Bernie supporter, it hurts my heart to know that I will cast my vote for Hillary Clinton in November; it pains me even more to be sitting here writing an article aimed at convincing my friends and comrades to do the same. But if there is one immutable maxim that the left should take from the past century, it is that we absolutely have to unite — specifically with liberals — to defeat fascism.

Smucker panics further:

The good news is that a Clinton Administration will not get a ‘grace period’ from progressives (like the one Obama got after eight years of Bush). Progressive movements will start applying pressure on Day One. We have already seen throughout this campaign season that we have a degree of leverage over Clinton — even if we will have the urgent task of growing our movements so that we can have more. With a Trump Administration we would have close to zero leverage.

But this isn't really true, is it. "We," i.e. "the Left," have no leverage over ANY politician, because we are SO FEW in number. As for Clinton, Clinton just makes up nice stuff to make it look like she's a liberal, and then as the truth comes out she resorts to tactics which are in fact already fascist: vote suppression, whispering campaigns, or that nice little fascist national convention she and her supporters held last week. Smucker seems to have no idea of how "pressure" works -- you don't "pressure" politicians when they are entitled to your vote.

Smucker continues in this idiotic vein:

On the other hand, fear and anxiety fuel reactionary movements, and if Trump is President, there will be plenty of fear to go around.

Note to Jonathan Smucker: have you figured out yet that your ENTIRE BLOG POST is a message of fear and anxiety? Perhaps this has to do with the fascism that is going down right now under Obama?

Compared to CURRENT fascism, what is Trump? And how is another Democrat in the White House going to "stop fascism" if it goes on under the nose of the current Democratic President and he continues to sit there in the White House and dream of "trade deals" and of playing golf with Bill and W.?

At any rate, the real Left argument behind "we must support Clinton," the necessary one that makes the others possible, is that a campaign with the whole of the owning class on its funding list can't beat a guy who has one-tenth the campaign staff of that campaign, and so "the Left," which has spent forty years now diminishing its numbers by supporting "lesser of two evils" campaigns until it is practically nothing at this point, must save her.

Once you know that, you can wake up to the breathtaking stupidity of the Clinton fear campaign, and you are free. Free from the fear of Trump and the concomitant loyalty to Clinton, free to organize for Stein or for whomever you want.

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in that it points to the distinct possibility that the "liberals" always support the Democrat as a substitute for doing something real.

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"If genocide is not a deal-breaker for you, there is something wrong with you." - Nick Cruse
