Monday Morning Open Thread
I might not be here when this posts, but I'll get here eventually
Last week's instalment reminded me of a long deferred project to write a series at the GOS about "Power to the People". Not just a slogan, that was a real goal, and while a goal, also a means to an end, or to many ends, which, taken together, would attain power for the people, adhering in the people, and serving the people. Circular, but in a meaningful way.
Naturally, I planned on starting with the franchise. Hell, people died for it. That instalment would've focused on securing, restoring, guaranteeing and expanding the right to vote, both as a matter of law and as a matter of actual ability to go vote. It would also have to note that voting is a bit pointless if you simply choose between two oligarchs serving our masters. To make the vote meaningful, we have to seize control of the local party apparatus and the non-partisan positions, and then the state organizations, etc. There are obstacles, like entrenched party apparatuses (apparati?), meaning that organizing should start in the neighborhood, maybe groups of 5 to 10, and grow outward. (I know, we could call them cells.)
Of course, the problem with pointing out that we can and should work together to achieve our many various and sundry goals, whether using electoral politics or not, is enumerating them. So, while idly musing on this, I started doing what a good activist should, preparing a list of goals, or an agenda. Every good activist knows that this process involves an unsorted list. You can't prioritize it until its done. In addition, you have to go through the layering process, is X an independent item, or part of the process of achieving item A. Better yet, X might turn out to be critical to achieving multiple goals, giving it independent priority status on those grounds. So, there I was creating my list, to be added to by all and sundry participants movement members and the like, and it had reached this point:
Overall - Power to the people
End Racism ( and other bigotry) (make use of SPLC teaching tolerance materials)
Restore & Increase Civil Liberties (voting rights, speech, press, assembly, etc)
Police Reform (De-militarize police, stop over policing and police abuse)(XRF Racism)
Prison Reform
End Wars
End Imperialism, regime change, assassinations, meddling in internal affairs of others
Women's Equality (address dominionism,)(XRF Civil Liberties)
End "free trade" agreements & agenda
Economic fairness
Ending poverty
Revamp economy
Climate action (This has a natural priority as a crises)
Ungame the Market - transaction tax, etc.
Election Reform (Citizens United, etc.)
Separation of Church & State (& End blue laws)
End the war on drugs
End the war on terror
Abolish the death penalty
Start with non-prioritized list. Prioritize until it is complete but always remember that priority can take a back seat to opportunity as occasion arises.
Humans can multitask and we can break into separate cadres to attack different goals
This was the first page/entry in a journalling program named Penzu. Each item could then be promoted (or not) to its own separate page with the various actions and pre-requesites to bringing it about becoming line items in that page and so forth recursively.
Then the damn 'phone rang. "Hi, may I speak to Mr. enhydra lutris?" (This was accompanied by all the background ruckus of the typical boiler room.) Speaking, said I. "Good, I hope you're having a Nice day". What?, said I. Do I know you, Are you a friend? I must confess I proceeded to lose it at this point. The cheery hi how are ya familiarity schtick sosme of these asswipes pull infuriates me. They abuse my 'phone and then talk to me like an old friend?
Though on the "do not call list" we get called incessantly. Charities and political orgs get marginally polite abrupt language to the effect that we accept no calls from political or charitable organizations. Everybody else gets either short shrift or a harangue or a rant or I jerk them around. In mid rant it hit me. Fuck that list I had been writing up. My priority, right now, is to get my damned phone back. I want these useless leaches and scam artists and their war dialers gone from my life and everybody else's. I want the do not call list to be meaningful and to work, or I just want these damn calls outlawed, period. That is probably the best option.
So how trivial can I get, after all my agenda scribbling, but something else came to me. Something I know but had forgotten. Shit like telephone abuse, inadequate parking spaces, dangerous intersections and traffic jams are bread and butter issues. Those are quality of life issues that effect everybody and drive many people crazy. Imagine:
"Hey neighbor, what is more important, ending war, ending poverty, or fixing all the potholes on the main drag? Don't answer, just tell me which you will join up to accomplish, spending your time and money lobbying and such?"
You can win adherents and supporters for other issues, and for the overall process, by including some of those less idealistic quality of life issues. I want my damn 'phone back, damnit.
So, Monday Morning, it isn't a Stormy one, so I guess it's time for

Perfect Monday Morning rant.
I do not even waste my time letting them launch into their spiels. I say, "I am not interested, Thank you" and hangup before they have a chance to respond. It is almost guaranteed that if the call comes in between 5:30 and 6 pm, it is a solicitation.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That's how we ususally do it to. This was early in the day
and we were sort of anticipating a call. We get just enugh legit calls that we need to see who they are first. It's a habit that started when we were on call for a local wildlife rescue, rehab and education center.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Chris Hedges on socialism and much more
column published today at
it probably will be printed on today
here is link to my comment
i use the BNR diary to post important things every day
Thanks for the link.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Logged in to rec your comments
I notice a diary making fun of "He kept us safe."
And yet Obama is doing the same thing, he is "keeping us safe."
To thine own self be true.
Guardian watchdog site: "The Guardian's faux progressiveness"
Article on a site dedicated to keeping an eye on bias and blind spots in the Guardian:
Note: the abbreviation "CIF" in that article refers to the Guardian's "Comment Is Free" section, under whose heading many opinion pieces, some extremely reactionary, appear.
Great article & how corporations rule colleges (Purdue example)
Here is a comment posted to the article you linked on the Guardian posted on Guardian web site
Here is a recent article from NYT about the corporate take over of the university, with the focus on Perdue
Why We Should Fear University, Inc. Against the corporate taming of the American college.
This issue makes me very sad
It's happening in Canada too, or it has happened. Industries and corporations have bought our universities.
To thine own self be true.
Yale Law School's price for selling soul to Saudis: $10 million
Trump doesn't scare me. The morals of people who head institutions like Yale Law School and take blood-drenched hereditary dictators' money are quite scary enough.
Good Morning! and hope you are all having a good Monday
I love that list.
About the phone calls. With my iPhone there is a little i beside each call on my "recent calls" list.
After an annoying unwanted call, I go to "recent calls" and click on the little i for the menu "Block this Caller"
After a few weeks of blocking I stopped getting calls. Some unwanted callers change their phone numbers and have
to be re-blocked.
Besides that, lovely morning here. So much to do. My new alarm clock is the construction two doors away. They are digging for
the eventual construction of a 17 story tower. Once they hit rock, there will be blasting and they always hit rock.
To thine own self be true.
Thanks. The call was on the landline. We
don't disseminate our cell numbers very widely. I'll have to see if android has blocking, because we get a few - probably from rogue war dialers.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
"Corbyn victory unmasks [neoliberalism of] Britain's Guardian"
On either side of the Atlantic, a familiar pattern of behavior every time a genuinely (small-d) democratic alternative emerges.
Has this been posted here?
Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight
America, fuck yeah.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
That is unintentionally hilarious. Note the following:
Icahn, of course, is a notorious corporate raider who doled out a portion of the ill gotten gains from precisely this type of business practice as charity, such as whatever grant resulted in that naming.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The entire piece is riddled
with disgusting little factoids, and I am equally sickened by what it reveals as by what they manage to not mention.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Yes, that this is a "feature, not a bug" of the ACA,
which seems to be conveniently left out of this piece.
Going by CBO's figures/projections for 2015, the ACA insured 19 million more individuals. Per Wikipedia, the number of US residents is 321,628,000. If my math if correct, that would mean that most of the positive changes (obtaining some kind of health insurance) have gone to approximately 0.05/0.06% of the population.
This same positive benefit could have been obtained by opening up the current well-subsidized Medicare Program (and without establishing an untested Medicare-type/like program), without slashing the benefits of many Americans health care plans--especially those who are members of Employer-Based Group Health Plans, and who've have/or will see the most dramatic (negative) changes.
Even if 'means testing' were to be widely incorporated into Medicare--and it will be, it's just a matter of time--Americans would have come out MUCH better, than they have/will in the ACA.
(By no means am I advocating that anyone who's gained insurance under the ACA be thrown off their plans--only that they be enrolled in our current Medicare system, where there is very low administrative costs.)
Hey, thanks for the post, Triv.
IMO, the ACA is simply another giveaway to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. It, in some instances, also benefits Government public health programs/plans, and Employers, by "cost shifting" to the plan beneficiaries.
IOW, the astronomical pricing of what were (are) generic, or average costing drugs, allows health insurance plan administrators to assign a higher portion of the cost of these drugs to the plan beneficiaries by 'reclassifying a drug,' which in turn increases the plan beneficiaries' cost sharing.
IOW, what was a Tier 1 or Tier 2 drug, requiring a reasonable beneficiary co-pay, becomes a Tier 3 drug--usually requiring the beneficiary to bear a much larger percentage of the cost (with no cap in some RX plans).
How convenient!
So, now, when a drug costing $30 for a 90-day supply, shoots up to $5,000 for a 90-day supply, the insurer can simply reclassify it as a "Tier 3" drug, and demand that the beneficiary fork over a cool $1650 of the drug price, at least until the beneficiary reaches the plan OOP limit--often as much as $25,000 or more, in Health Exchange and other health care plans. (This is true of our Employer-Based insurance plan.)
Check out the screenshot below from a Medicare HMO Brochure.
[Leon Medical Centers Health Plan Brochure, "Leon Cares" HMO]
Clearly, these skyrocketing RX prices allow Plan Administrators to reclassify all types of very common drugs. Obviously, in many instances, the lowest income individuals/seniors, will simply be forced to bypass taking many drugs, even if they are considered life-saving.
Gotta walk Mister B, but I'll be back to add my personal experience with a old generic drug that skyrocketed in 2013, about this time of the year.
Talk about sticker shock--we paid $30 for a 90-day supply in early July 2013, and when I called for a refill in September, I was informed (by Walgreens', who held the prescription, CVS, and Wal-Mart that a 90-day supply ran from $2400-2600 for the same 90-day supply.
That's an per pill increase from $0.333, to $28.888.
BTW, this RX was for my avatar--"Mr B."
My apologies--looks like I got a bit redundant!
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
and Americans can't get a cheaper version
from Canada, because Obama continued to block that.
To thine own self be true.
That's the biggie that makes this all possible.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Shia militias laid waste to Tirkit after Daesh left
This war will never end
Meanwhile in a separate report...
The Emmy for best Bombing Iraq Award
George Bush Sr.
nothing can compare with the Highway of Death and the US bombing and strafing of mostly unarmed retreating Iraqis and their families.
To thine own self be true.
I don't think you give Bush Jr. enough credit
In this one area I think he exceeded his father.
Thinking about the horror of Shock & Awe
and the sinister name of the attack, yes Bush jr. could win after all.
To thine own self be true.
He'll have to get a groove. Not an easy think when you do not have soul.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
NYT forgets CIA's involvement in Syria
They didn't forget
They neglected to mention since it didn't fit their story.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Subsidizing fossil fuels
More than the Walmart subsidies
Known as food stamps and Medicaid. Why do we have to subsidize billionaire's businesses?
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Rent crisis will only get worse
and in addition to this article, we have this
More of the renters at the bottom of the
rental market will be pushed into the streets, to join the growing ranks of the homeless.
To thine own self be true.