Open Thread - Wednesday September 16, 2015
Attributed to Benjamin Franklin:
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
At the rate we are going, we could add in US hegemony
It's hard to fight against taxes, and no one ever gets out of life alive. All my life I have been very fortunate. My health has been good. I am not rich, but I am secure. I live most of the year in a beautiful place. Compared to most people, my life is good and it is stable.
What is looming in the near distance is something that reminds me both of my good fortune and my own mortality. That is my high school reunion. In early November, I will be attending my 50th high school reunion. I have never missed one, but I have threatened on the last three occasions that I would not go back again. Something always happens that makes me come back. Well, not something, but someone. Usually it is a phone call from an old friend or classmate that brings me back.
High school was not a happy time for me. I was the geeky friend of several of the popular girls. They were chosen as cheerleaders, pom pom girls who marched with the band, or homecoming court. And I was none of those. My claim to fame was being the first ever female chemistry lab assistant in my high school. Seriously. And it was something I fought very hard to convince the teacher to allow me to do even though I was an A student in chemistry. To add to that, my date to the senior prom broke it one week before which humiliated me. It took him 40 years to apologize (last reunion) and even then, it was a painful reminder of being the convenient friend or the disposable date. But time marches on and so does aging.
So why do I continue to go back? I am never quite sure why I do, but I do. After the first two, I had decided that I did not wish to attend any more of these reunions. But I do remember that the reason I went back to the 30th was my buddy from down the street called me. I had not heard or seen him since we graduated, but we all knew of him. He was our grad who made good. But he was like my little evil brother when we were growing up. He was a short guy with a big ego who never let his statue get in the way of his brashness. He used to come over to my house after school to talk argue politics with my mother. My mother once said of him that he would either become something great or end up in prison. He never forgot that and on that phone call over twenty years ago, he asked about my Mom. And then he said to tell her that he was not in prison.
And so he called me again this year to make sure I was coming. My friend has rubbed elbows with world leaders and has an extensive art collection plus houses on both sides of the Atlantic. But when we get back to the reunions, he is still my evil little brother. And he will still be bigger than life even though small in stature.
I keep telling myself that this reunion will be the last one I attend. I am not big on reminiscing. I prefer to live in the present and look toward the future. But there are still people who relive their glory days and love these things. The last one was ten years ago and I got caught up in the reminiscing while I was there. But afterwards, I felt a little empty and I am not sure why. One thing I have noticed is that further on we go in life, the less that those old superficial things mean. I mean, we are all glad just to still be alive.
I recently got an email from another old friend who now lives in California. Often he is the one who travels the furthest each time, but he always makes it back to the reunions. In his most recent email, he said how excited he was to be coming back. But then I had to laugh at this part.
I can't wait! Should be terrific ...except for all the old people who will be there! Oh, that's right! I'll be one of 'em!
He has a good sense of humor.
Yeah. I guess part of apprehension is that my high school reunion reminds me that I am one of those old people too! At least I am still one of the living and most of my closest friends are still alive too. Time marches on and I hope to keep marching along with it for a lot longer. And maybe if they have another reunion in the future, I might change my mind and go to it too.
Just a note: I may miss responding to comments shortly after this posts. I spent yesterday working at the local arts council on a cleanup day. I promised to come back today to finish up and hopefully that will not take long.
In the meantime, please post your thoughts for the day.
To get you started, here are just a few news and views for this morning.
First, from Common Dreams, here is an article with some great graphics showing just how global consumption has skyrocketed.
This year's Vital Signs report, released Tuesday, tracks key trends in the environment, agriculture, energy, society, and the economy. It shows that "from coal to cars to coffee, consumption levels are breaking records."
Yet "consumers often do not know the full footprint of the products they are buying, such as the embedded water in a t-shirt or steak, the pesticide exposure of cotton farmers, or the local devastation caused by timber companies cutting down forests to produce paper," said Michael Renner, Vital Signs project director.
Saudi Arabia has the third (or fourth) largest military budget in the world. The effect of the Saudi military upon Yemen has been devastating.
In Yemen, where the monumental vanity of the Saudi regime caused it to interfere and invade, conditions are far less opulent. UNICEF said in August that 10 million children need urgent humanitarian assistance. “Ten million children” is an abstraction, hard to understand. Instead think about one child crying all night in pain or hunger and multiply the sound 10 million times.
What a collection of heroes the Saudis have gathered to make war on Yemenis! It includes Persian Gulf monarchs whose construction and domestic work is done under conditions of near slavery, the Egyptian dictator who holds the one-day record for slaughter at a sit-in and the Sudanese president whose travel options are limited because he’s under indictment for genocide and crimes against humanity (think Darfur). Let’s not leave out the U.S president, who has kill notches on his Nobel Peace Prize for missions ranging from Libya to Pakistan.
Finally a video from the Real News Network about the new British leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Producer, Sharmini Peries interviews the always interesting and insightful, Leo Panitch.
In the UK the newly elected Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has received much acclaim, as we reported yesterday. But also under a great deal of criticism from the media, the political left, and the right. Some of the criticism launched at him is coming from his own party members, from the Blairites for dividing the party, and for questioning him on whether he can keep the party together. This is in spite of the fact that former party leader Ed Milliband has endorsed his victory and is urging the party to unite. And from the right, even the British Prime Minister David Cameron took to Twitter saying that the Labour Party is now a threat to our national security, economic security, and our families' security.

Well, if I had a canon I'd stick the sucker in my backyard.
24 hours and the deer are eating my plants.... Should have eliminated the beds and planted grass, boxwoods and trees. What a total waste of time and money. Should have known better. Like the great lakes, you don't argue with mother nature. It does what it wants when it wants. This is not a good day.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I am so sorry to hear this, dk
Is there anything you can do to try to repel the deer?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yes, a shotgun.
I should have known better.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
how about
a fence, dk? Or planting things deer don't eat?
Here, the goodies that deer won't eat—which includes most herbs—I grow in the open, while vittles the deer can't resist go inside a six-foot fence. The fence wasn't a major undertaking or anything: some thin metal stakes with flexible netting wrapped around them. A "gate" in the netting that is held fast with three large binder clips.
Keeps out the raccoons, too. Though they are of Satan, and could get in if they wanted to.
All of the plants are deer "resistant"
Thank you for all of the suggestions. Unless it is a cactus or a juniper, a hungry deer will eat anything. We did spray the plants today with something that is supposed to keep the deer away. There are three kinds of sprays: urine based, blood-based, and egg based. The claim is the smell keeps deer away by making them think a predator is around. Egg-based smells like rotting meat and is suppose to be the best. It is what we bought. We can smell it when we put it on, but when it dries we can't. They ate the leaves off my three lilac bushes and the tops off of two daisies. It is a very large area to fence. I think a canon is the answer.
Before Breakfast
Back Deck:
After Breakfast
We have a strategy and plan to wage war against the deer. If we lose, I am resolve to more grass and fewer beds.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
very nice, dk. And no, you would not want to fence that. The deer who ate the lilacs and daisies apparently do not understand the deer rules. Sometimes young deer will eat stuff that deer don't normally eat—like lilacs and daisies—and thereby learn that it's yucky. Kind of like human kids.
The predator urine (commonly coyote) can work pretty well, and doesn't stink as bad as the egg stuff. If you want to save money, you and yours can utilize your own urine. Deer will snuffle up that and understand predators are about; they get Scared and go look for goodies not redolent of creatures that might eat them.
Your beds are very beautiful, dk
Take a look at the links I provided below. It appears that according to one site, the putrid eggs and the blood based sprays were the most effective of the spray type deterrents. One thing you can hope is that once they find your beds are putrid, they will head to the neighbors' yards instead.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
They (beds) are very beautiful--good luck with the new
landscaping, DK.
Hope you find a non-lethal solution for your deer problem. Sounds like there are some good suggestions, here.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Back in the day...
I grew large herbal gardens in the thickest of thickets in the most dense part of the woods, which I no longer do by the way, many times right on deer runs, I had many run-ins with deer and other critters. Dog hair, lots of dog hair, spread everywhere, and dog poop, lots of dog poop spread everywhere. I'd take a six pack of brewskis with me and urinate everywhere. Human hair, cat hair, spread everywhere. Sprinkle a line of bloodmeal around the perimeter. When plants are small and most vulnerable, buy some chicken wire and make little domed chicken wire enclosures for each plant. Last but not least, canons. Good luck!
PS: The chicken wire enclosures work very well.
Hey JtC
Glad you are joining us. Tried chicken wire around our last surviving hosta. They pulled it out. I think I just made a stupid mistake and will have to pay for it. In the meantime, we are using Liquid Fence (rotten eggs), patrolling the gardens, and repelling intruders with a BB gun. They are getting to a point that they scatter and run when they hear the BBs roll in the barrel. My husband has nailed a few in the behind.
Really glad you decided to say hi.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The only thing that works here in BC are deer fences
They are lightweight but high because those deer can jump.
To thine own self be true.
We could put an electric dog fence around the entire yard
and adopt my daughter's rescue dog Riley. She's a barky and energetic pit bull mix. That'll do the trick and bring in a lot of dog poop to boot.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I cannot personally vouch
for these suggestions, but I found two sites that seem to be a good evaluation of ways to deter deer.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
thanks gg
I read the "study". What a hoot. The other one I didn't see. So happens we bought what the article recommends - Liquid Fence.
I think we just need to stay vigilant and keep the plants sprayed. We also have a bb gun (not a pellet gun) my husband is a dead eye with. A pop in the behind doesn't hurt them, but they sure do run away. I tried yelling and shooing. They look at me like I'm nuts.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
yes, I know the feeling, sorry to hear it, I am on my way
to close all my veggie beds and rip out stuff and go back to plain grass. Can't handle the garden anymore by myself and don't have money to hire people to do it. So .... fences don't help either... basically mother nature is the force you have to reckon with.
Exactly Mimi
I think part of this is our fault. We've had horribly cold winters and tons of snow. We felt sorry for the deer and started feeding them during the winter. One turned into two then turned into 10 and then into a mob of sometimes 20. If we quit feeding them, spray, and keep them chased away everytime we see them, maybe just maybe, they'll get made at us and leave.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
ooh, in my home village, we lived
pretty close to a forest. In the winder, there were stands for the deer placed deep in the forest, where the deer would find food. It was filled regularly by forest warden/ranger. That kept them alive and away from our house. And they shoot them, if they get too busy multiplying and eating away to much from the trees.
You have a beautiful garden, dkmich, and a beautiful house. Consolation is that the plants grow back. I buy only perennials. Another year, another try. For me this year is a big flop. There is also something in the water and the top soil I got from the city government for free. Something in there that made the plants sick.
Nobody attempts to lure them away to stands full of food, but
they do hire sharp shooters to "thin the herd". I feel guilty. The deer were here first and deserve a home. As I said, I should have known better. Lately our motto has been, "won't be the first time we wasted a few grand and won't be the last". We'll do our best to modify the deers' behavior, count our blessings for every plant they won't eat, and drop back and punt when we're cornered.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
the deer were there first, but it's out of balance...
because the deer had predators that are not allowed back.
Heading out to help haul off junk
from the arts council. We had several artists and teachers from a pre-school for disadvantaged children come by yesterday to take what they could use. We recycled what we could, but now we are down to large junk items. I hope to be back fairly quickly as I am just helping load the stuff onto another member's truck.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I am back
Hopefully, we won't have to do this again for a long time. Part of the problem is that people donate stuff that never gets used in the children's classes. And so it piles up in the storage room.
What was amazing is that overnight a lot of the junk disappeared. One person's junk is another's treasure.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
many among
the Americans have recently come to understand that their police officers are, in the main, liars and brutes. Now, perhaps, it is time for them to learn that said officers are also, in the main, stupid and illiterate.
Below is a Facebook post inscribed by Mike Halstead, until recently chief of police of the burg of Surf City, North Carolina.
For 35 years this smooth-brained, slack-jawed Deliverance extra was permitted to wander the land with a badge and a gun, authorized to interfere with the liberty—or even end the life—of any person he happened to encounter. In my view, anyone he was ever responsible for incarcerating should be immediately freed, as a man this fucking stupid and illiterate should not even be allowed to cross the street unassisted, much less be trusted to determine whether someone violated the "law."
Some city official said the ex-chief is apologetic over how his screed was "interpreted." What possible "interpretation" is there, other than that he possesses less brains than a slime mould, and that the reason why Surf City is 97.77% white is because this geek has, over the years, killed or run off all the non-white people?
But he doesn't sound repentant to me. Here is another of his hooting, grunting heaves, written after he was "retired."
He should buck up. No doubt he can put on his white sheet and stride in his jackboots to some other jurisdiction, where some other department will no doubt be pleased to enroll him among those who would "protect and serve."
jeepers! That's pretty bad and sad
my favorite part is "I was forced to retire or be terminated". I wonder what the story is on that?
the town council convened an "emergency meeting" in which the guy was told he had to either quit or he'd be fired. He pitched a fit, and said he needed 60 days of severance pay, if he were to quit—coin needed "to feed my family," as he put it. The council agreed. I'm sure he could now go to one of those crowdfunding thingies on the intertubes and therein gather lots of gold, like others of his ilk have done.
My son and I were talking about the arrests we have
witnessed in Victoria where we live. It has a high crime rate per capita, sometimes topping the national average. But we have never seen anyone have their hands cuffed behind their backs, never seen anyone thrown to the ground. The whole US culture around that has to change from the first contact with police. Suspects are human beings and they are SUSPECTS initially unless the police caught them in the act.
To thine own self be true.
During my stint as an attorney, I had the dubious pleasure
of interacting with cops. Most were pretty professional, but the ones who seemed to rise the highest and go the farthest were the racist assholes like this guy.
Not surprising, really. Policing in America has pretty much always meant the oppression, repression, subjugation, and reinforcement of the divisions among the working masses. To keep them docile.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Morning gg, all,
Missouri Republicans begin their veto session today so we're all waiting to see how much further back into the dark ages they'll drag us this time. Can't wait. Maybe the fact that they're all in a rush to get back to their normal jobs (fundraising) they won't have time to do too much damage.
Feeling like fall this morning, I must have blinked when summer passed through.
Stumbled on this interview where John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hitman author) talks about his role in destabilizing the economies of third world countries around the planet. I don't recall seeing it here before, my apologies if it's a repeat, but thought others might enjoy it, although most here are probably already aware of most of what he says. I think his personal feelings about his own role in it to be pretty interesting as well.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Good Day burnt out!
Thanks for the video. It was a great watch. I wish out leaders would see the same light that he did.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
First they'd have to acquire a conscience, no money in that, so
not likely to see that happening. Too much booty yet to be plundered.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Hungary unleashes riot police on refugees
It had to happen eventually.
Liberals will get all excited about how the refugees are treated by Hungary, while continuing to ignore the root cause of the crisis - the war.
I find it disgusting how people can care about the refugees, but not enough to care about why they are refugees.
It's perfectly understandable for some countries to choke on the refugee crisis.
France to start bombing Syria
That'll fix the refugee problem
A good example of a concern troll
U.S. Media headline
Now let's turn it around and ask if America is having another Vietnam experience?
I think it is worse
For one thing, we are still mired in Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires plus we are fighting wars all over the Middle East. Unlike Viet Nam, we have no draft so most Americans have no personal interest in the fighting that is going on. Which means the MIC will continue to drive this insanity until it fails. The collapse of the empire cannot be far off.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Only '4 or 5' US-Trained Syrian Rebels Fighting ISIS
You can't make this shit up
$42 million for "four or five" comes out to about $10 million per fighter. Unless they are all Rambo's, this isn't a good investment.
Pentagon changes plans
How is this different from the CIA plan?
This is how we ended up arming the jihadists in the first place.
Four or five trained fighters for a mere $$42,000,000.
Now there's a bargain if I ever saw one. And I'm wondering how many of the other fifty graduates which are no longer "in the fight" aren't counted because they've already switched sides.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Good Morning, gulfgal98,
I have nothing much to say as I am so torn already how to react to everything considering Sanders' campaign. I am already tired and have to take care of earthly matters of cleaning up garden and pack my stuff.
Have a good day and thanks for the kind and friendly OT.
Good Day mimi!
I cannot let everything I read get me down. It gets to a point where I will not have a choice at all. Yes, Sanders foreign policy pronouncements are very troubling. I can see it two ways. First and probably foremost, I do not believe that any one person can have the power to stop the MIC. In other words, only Congress has the power to do so by cutting the funding severely and I do not see that happening. Second, while his avoidance of foreign policy issues is something that he definitely needs to spell out clearly in his issues statement, I do not see Sanders as the lesser of the evils. His stance in the past (he was against the war in Iraq) have been better than those of any other candidate which means I do not see him pushing for expansion of wars.
I personally do not want to put myself into a box in which I am going to not vote at all, at least in the primaries. After the primaries sort out, then I will make my choice as to whether or not I vote for Sanders or vote third party. But I will not vote for Hillary.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
To add, I understand if others here
view this differently than me. Peace to all.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The math of drone war
It doesn't add up
Who are the bad guys here?
where is that spaghetti chart that shows who is fighting whom and who is allied with whom?
Off the top of my head, the bad guys are the United States and our good friends Saudi Arabia. Evil empire 1 and evil empire 2.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm having trouble finding any good guys anywhere in this mess.
Far as I can tell there aren't any. Certainly not us. And if there ever were any I think we turned them into bad guys long ago.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
EU to use military against migrants
bomb them!
Hmmm. Blacks coming from Libya: bomb them. Olive-skinned people coming from Syria: mixed reaction.
I like that most of your reunion friends are still sailing on. But what about the wrongo who broke the date a week before the prom, and needed 40 years to apologize? Did he Suffer at all for his outrageousness?
And I don't know about your interest in chemistry. These days that might be regarded as evincing a propensity for terrorism, like the boy who built a clock and brought it to school, there to be seized and arrested as a Mooslim bombmaker.
At least
he apologized and I took it as such. I heard he got religion. Whatever it was, I was happy for him that his life was going well. Several years ago, A girl that I had a run in with in junior high apologized to me too. I apologized to her as well because I felt we were both to blame. I meant it too. It's good for the soul. Carrying old grudges around is unhealthy. So I always wish everyone well.
I always liked science so I did not major in science in college. LOL I just enjoyed chemistry and it turned out that I had a talent for balancing oxidation/reduction equations back then. I did take one chemistry class in college and did well in it too. Now it would be all Greek to me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Just curiosity here
what did you major in. Shahryar started out a music major in college but he went to Antioch and the music dept. was headed by Cecil Taylor? some avante garde musician who destroyed pianos or other acts of room clearing. His interest was in learning more traditional, structural skills like harmony etc. Also as he kept musician hours and all the music classes he was interested in we're too early in the morning. lol. He switched his major to philosophy and strangely enough ended up making a living off abstract spacey mathematics. Music and math seem to use some of the same parts of the brain. I was an art major in college but I never showed up to any classes other then art related so the college recommended going to an art school. Funny how we end up on paths that may use the skills, ability, and talent that are innate but were unforeseen when we started out.
My parents were not happy but
I majored in advertising design (commercial art) and art history as a double major. As an art major, I spent the bulk of my time "in the dark" as most of the studio professors hated morning classes and the art history classes were often done slide presentations which were in the dark too.
For a number of years I headed up the graphics section of our department in the city. I was better at identifying talent and making them look good than I was as a graphic artist. Eventually, I moved into planning and spent the majority of my working career as a land use planner. I was a better planner than I was an artist even though I did not have a planning degree.
Back in those days, many of the planners came from varying collegiate backgrounds. Have a mix of theoretical planners and those of us who came up through the ranks made our department stronger than just having all planning graduates. If anyone had ever told me back in college that would be where I ended up, I would have laughed, but it worked out well for me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for this OT, Nancy--sounds like you
and my Brother might have graduated the same year--1965.
Al attended his 50th Class Reunion less than a month before his totally unexpected heart attack. He walked (not ran) a minimum of 8 miles a day. Sometimes, if time permitted, as many as 12-16 miles. He was thought to have been in excellent health. His class sent a gorgeous wreath (or stand, they're called now) in their class colors. I was totally blown away by how many of his old classmate (H.S. and college) showed up, including a large number of out-of-staters.
Anyway, hope your Class Reunion is enjoyable. I'd have more to say, but still wrestling with one of my wi-fi providers.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Yes. same age, same year
Back when I was an avid runner, I used to think running protected us from disease, especially heart disease, but sometimes it happens. I am so sorry about your brother. It sounds as though he had a lot of friends who really loved and admired him.
My reunion is in early November in St. Pete. Florida. I hope the temperatures will be bearable as I have lost my heat acclimation. I am sure I will have a good time. I just want to avoid reminiscing about the "good old days." That is the part I am not crazy about.
At least three of our teachers will be there too. Several teachers were not much older than us. Our class adviser came to our last reunion and he looked like one of us. Also my psychology teacher and an English teacher are coming. All three were just out of college when they taught at our school. I think their coming is really awesome.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Two things: Smart planning on behalf of your reunion
committee--waiting until November to hold it, that is. (I have a very low tolerance for heat, mind you.)
And regarding seeing teachers--I saw almost a dozen of my old teachers/coaches last week, and wow, some of them looked just like they did when I knew them as a preteen/teenager. It was amazing how little some of them had changed.
Also, I remember having a couple of teachers who were just out of college, though none were in attendance last week. It brings to mind an incident involving one of them, and how embarrassed he was when he borrowed a textbook from me, and handing me back a photo that he found in the text, said: "Here's a picture of your Grandparents."
The entire class broke out in laughter, knowing that my parents were well in their fifties, and that the photo was most likely of them. That poor dude turned red as a beet, when I explained. Of course, his error didn't bother me, at all, and was a natural one to make, considering my age.
Anyway, glad you'll have an opportunity to see old friends and classmates. It's probably wise not to pass up an opportunity like this, since one never knows what the future holds.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you Mollie
for putting a positive spin on this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Very late arriving, busy morning & day.
I'll just say thanks for posting & mosey on.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --