Democrats : Words vs. Actions (Update - Hillary Clarifies "Right")
(Today's update appears at the bottom of this essay)
In the last couple of days I have heard both Elijah Cummings and President Obama at the Democratic Convention say that as part of the next great pragmatic jump forward, Democrats have evolved to the point where they can aver officially and unequivocally that "healthcare is a right" in their 2016 platform.
In both 2008 and 2012 Democrats limited their vision to the concept of "accessible" and "affordable" healthcare - in 2012 it was part of the American "promise" and in 2008 it was a "moral imperative". Calling it a "right" 8 years later can be seen as a semantic improvement at the very least.
In listing the accomplishments of his administration President Obama said, "We declared that health care in America is not a privilege for a few, it is a right for everybody."
Let's have a round of applause for this breakthrough, shall we? Okay, we're decades behind the other so-called "industrialized nations" but better late than never, right?
But wait a moment, I just looked at the actual 2016 Democratic Party Platform and while it's true, they do "declare" as President Obama stated, that healthcare is a right, it appears they don't plan to do anything that will implement it as a right in reality. How can this be?
Here's a good play-by-play from Kevin Gosztola on how Dems say good words in the platform and then undermine it with their actual action plan: Clinton Democrats Claim To Support Health Care As A Right, But Oppose Universal Healthcare In The Platform
Reader's Digest condensed version is that the Sanders people on the platform committee put forward this amendment:
“It is the policy of the Democratic Party that we will put people before profits by fighting for a Medicare For All single-payer health care system to guarantee health care as a right, not as a privilege, to everyone in this country. Working together, we will end the greed of health insurance companies.”
Sanders representatives voted for it and all the Clinton appointees voted against it, primarily on the grounds that they didn't want to undo the Obama/Dems headline achievement of the ACA and undermine his/their legacy. Because that's what really counts, right? So what did the Clintonites propose?
According to DeMoro, the Clinton campaign has put forward a set of incremental reforms that will tinker with a system that sees sick and dying people as a commodity. Clinton proposes: “a tax credit for ‘ excessive out-of-pocket costs”; “limit family costs to 8.5% of income for premiums”; “allow family members on employer plans more easily”; “delivery system reform that rewards value & quality to reduce costs”; and “demand lower drug costs for working families and seniors.”
“None of these changes alleviate the primary concern of Americans that they cannot get the care they need. These market reforms only serve to strengthen the healthcare industry grip on our health rather than save patients’ lives,” DeMoro argued.
Here's another account of the horse-trading on healthcare:
The Weak and Defeatist Democratic Platform on Healthcare
At its Orlando, Florida meeting two days ago, the DNC platform committee voted down a proposed amendment to include single-payer health care in the Party Platform by a vote of 92 to 62, even though public support for single-payer includes 81 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of U.S. residents. As Michael Lighty of National Nurses United said at the time: “If this is controversial in this room, it is the only room of Democrats in which it is controversial.” Hillary Clinton’s whips in the room were urging on the negative votes. (1)
So what actually made it into the platform?
Securing Universal Health Care
Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits. Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Democrats will never falter in our generations-long fight to guarantee health care as a fundamental right for every American. As part of that guarantee, Americans should be able to access public coverage through a public option, and those over 55 should be able to opt in to Medicare. Democrats will empower the states, which are the true laboratories of democracy, to use innovation waivers under the ACA to develop unique locally tailored approaches to health coverage. This will include removing barriers to states which seek to experiment with plans to ensure universal health care to every person in their state. By contrast, Donald Trump wants to repeal the ACA, leaving tens of millions of Americans without coverage.For too many of us, health care costs are still too high, even for those with insurance. And medical debt is a problem for far too many working families, with one quarter of Americans reporting that they or someone in their household had problems or an inability to pay medical bills in the past year. Democrats will also work to end surprise billing and other practices that lead to out -of-control medical debt that place an unconscionable economic strain on American households. We will repeal the excise tax on high-cost health insurance and find revenue to offset it because we need to contain the long-term growth of health care costs, but should not risk passing on too much of the burden to workers. Democrats will keep costs down by making premiums more affordable, reducing out-of-pocket expenses, and capping prescription drug costs. And we will fight against insurers trying to impose excessive premium increases.
To summarize: A statement about the "right" of healthcare, followed by the self-serving pat on their own back for passing the ACA, congratulations for covering 20 million additional people (note that 33 million people right now still don't have health coverage) the gulp inducing vow that they will never falter in the generations-long fight for healthcare (meaning it will go on for countless more generations?) promises of access to a public option and an over 55 opt-in to Medicare, and then long shopping list of anticipated improvements, cost reductions, etc.
The fight to make even these improvements will be just as hard fought and vociferous as if the Dems had just gone ahead to get the real deal single payer National Health Insurance that Bernie Sanders and so many citizens want. So why not just do that? The short answer is because they (Dems) don't want to. Aside from the blow to their vanity at giving up their only signal legislative achievement, they are too beholden to the for-profit intermediary entities that have successfully maintained America's healthcare and pharmaceuticals as a cash cow. This obvious answer is the correct one.
Americans can look forward to another Clinton led, coma inducing effort to reform the reform. Whatever the public option mutates into, I doubt it will resemble an actual public option at the end of it all. I remember all too well during the last debacle when Chuck Schumer was trying to create the "even-playing field" Public Option which made the public option as expensive as the private options so that it had no profit threatening advantage in the marketplace.
But hey, everybody, healthcare is a right! Just not one everyone can exercise. If I am cynical about Democrats and health care reform, I can truthfully say it's because they made me that way.
In accepting the nomination last night, Hillary shed light on just exactly what is meant by the "right to healthcare" referenced by Rep. Cummings and President Obama and that is part of the Democratic Platform of 2016. She was clear that all three of those sources left out a critical modifier- the word "affordable". Here are her exact words from her speech:
"If you believe every man, woman, and child in America has the right to affordable health care - join us".
Glad that's clear now. In other words, despite making a big deal of substituting the word "right" as a replacement for "privilege", it's strictly a Dem marketing strategy. Hillary and no doubt the "stakeholders" of the various industries will determine for the rest of us what is "affordable".

Obama has a way with words.
It's meaningful action on behalf of wage earners that gives him trouble.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I thought he was pretty much phoning it in
in the speech at the convention. Here it is if you haven't seen it or heard it. To me, it was kind of hackneyed and tired and extremely pro forma.
I don't think Democrats get that when they paint this rosy world of sunlight and optimism and how great the last eight years have been, it makes them seem out of touch with their electorate, many of whom are experiencing hard times and have found little economic relief in the Obama years.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
couple of weird speeches from Bill and Obama
first, Bill's: Since everyone knows that he's one of those cheating philanderers it was a little awkward to hear him go on and on and on about how they got together. When he talked about how he kept asking her to marry him I thought it was because, as a team, they'd get enough power that he could find other women more easily.
Obama's: I thought Rev. Wright should sue him. Every once in awhile during that speech he'd flip into the A-A church mode. I'm pretty sure he joined that church for two reasons, those being street cred and ripping off the speech mannerisms. I guess those might be the same thing, actually. In any case, since he lost me 7 1/2 years ago I figured it was all b---s---
According to a Federal Reserve survey, 47% of Americans
would struggle to come up with $400 in the event of an emergency.
According to the Institute for Policy Studies, 67% don't have enough savings to cover an unexpected $500 expense.
This financial situation experienced by a majority of Americans makes for desperation and a depressing mode of life. It's a life of toil and worry and it didn't have to be this way. It didn't used to be this way.
The USA spends 19% of GDP on health insurance, health care, medicine, and related. It's almost twice as much as other industrialized nations. (Although it's probably more accurate to refer to the USA as a post-industrialized nation).
Thanks for the link but without a tv or the desire to listen to radio, I don't think I've ever heard Obama speak except in a doctor's waiting room or a public place with a tv. Only snippets and I want to keep my record intact.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
One of the accomplishments he touted was 401Ks recovering
Sure that's good news if one has a 401K.
Close to 70% of working Americans do not participate in a 401K because they work for small employers where one is not offered or they are not able to budget contributions if one is offered due to wage stagnation and the rising costs of simply staying fed, housed and clothed.
There are numerous older unemployed or underemployed workers who were forced to tap into their 401Ks to keep the lights on, diminishing even further any hopes for a comfortable retirement.
Also, tying American's financial retirement security to stock market volatility makes no case for a secure retirement. The only reason President Obama was able to tout the rise of the 401Ks is because of their previous decline. He was able to make that observation on the night of his speech, but who knows if he can say the same thing next week, next month or next year.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
What you wrote is very important for people to realize. 401Ks
only exist as an extended privilege: If your company is taken over, your 401K dies. You get the money that's in it but there's no more ongoing retirement savings if the takeover is by a vulture company bent on hollowing out the enterprise and taking it into bankruptcy.
401Ks were a bankers' delight but terrible compared to a defined benefit program. This is the state neoliberalism has left the wage earners in: Work til you die. And, oh yeah, we're incrementally lowering the payout of Social Security(when and if we can get away with it.)
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Agree. A few other thoughts.
1. Defined benefit pension plans are among the few actors with enough assets to press for corporate reform. And they sometimes collaborate. The fund managers will happily vote your 401K shares.
2. Studies have demonstrated regularly that for any amount of money invested by employers and employees, traditional pension plans pay out more than 401Ks. The one advantage of 401Ks is that you keep your contribution, and maybe your employer's contribution if there is one, when you change jobs.
3. With negative real interest rates on credit backed by the US government and correspondingly low returns on corporate debt, people in 401Ks are being forced to buy into an al;ready overpriced stock market in the hope of achieving a respectable return. It's become part of the system the government is constructing to take everybody's money and pump it up to the 1%.
Even Having Insurance Isn't Secure
My copays and fees tend to go up every year, and I'm told I have good insurance. I can't afford to take full advantage of my dental and optical plans because I don't have the money after paying car insurance and homeowners insurance. If I was to take out flood insurance (I live on a recognized flood plain) and earthquake insurance (I live near major faults), I'd nave no money left to pay the taxes on my paid off hovel so I could starve to death out of the weather.
The FIRE sector which owns the Democratic Party has made it impossible for me to properly protect myself against loss much less have a life. I have to make choices as to what gets my money and what I go without. And the list of what I go without grows annually.
Thanks for nothing, Barry. Heck of a job!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
You have a right to it if you can afford it...
If not, we fine you and garnish your wages and assets through the IRS.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Democrats are masters of talking out both sides...
of their ass.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
They won't stand up to the insurance, drug, and MD's
TPTB are not to be disturbed. They donate too much.
No one ever mentions we pay our doctors more than most countries. Which adds to our high costs.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The USA pays GPs so much because political pressure
from the AMA and others working with doctors, keeps the supply of MDs artificially low. Work visas for MDs carry the stipulation that the MD must complete a residency which he/she has already completed in the home country. I have confidence that an MD from Germany or France can step into a practice upon completion of the licencing process rather than spend a couple of years in residency. But, the system is designed to keep doctors over paid, not deliver health services.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
In fairness, it takes an absurd amount in loans to become a
doctor in the United States. Most of those other countries on the list help with the majority of the costs of medical school (to my knowledge). If our education costs weren't so high, doctors wouldn't need to be paid as much.
Voting is a right, too, but look at all the trouble people
had exercising that right during the primaries! The only right that seems guaranteed is the right to arm oneself to the teeth.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
And Voting Rights are a Federal jurisdiction
One of Obama's legacies will be in the massive failure of his Justice Department in that regard as well as letting police violence against minorities, a civil rights matter, get so bad that BLM had to come into existence purely as self defense. Not to mention the failure to prosecute any of the massive financial frauds, again Federal in scope. Speaking of cynicism, here is the President's advice for people seeking more and better Justice from his speech:
Short version - don't look for it from the Feds.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The Feds will, however, coordinate with local PDs to have a
militaristic response to any demonstration that the two corporate parties object to.
It's an American tradition not to have a national police force. What Obama did with Occupy was to get as many local PDs to respond the same way with the same equipment to the peaceful demonstrations. I thought is was contemptible for his administration to do so.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
This person nailed it
I'm not usually one for Twitter, I don't find it a good medium for actual discussion. But this person hit the nail on the head when assessing the Democratic party.
And she continues on from there. The Democrats are nobody's friend, they know that they only need to be slightly to the left of the Republicans to maintain their carefully cultivated "lesser evil" image, and there are enough ignorant Americans that fall for it every election to keep them in business.
I completely agree that Democrats have been more
successful in implementing Republican agendas than Republicans. I only quarrel with her using "liberal" and "Democrat" interchangeably, since in my mind they are two completely different phylum.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
This white 'liberal' totally agrees with this statement n/t
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Minor quibble: the first "advisors" were sent to 'Nam
under, and by, Eisenhower - who, while a moderate's moderate, was not a Democratic President. Really, you can look it up.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I'd consider 8.5% for total annual medical expenses acceptable but for premiums alone that's a joke.
You ingrate! Currently premium costs are capped at 9.5%
of family income. Isn't incrementalism great?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Not currently capped, except for 'individual' group premiums.NT
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
And 'O' raised that cap to 10% for non-seniors. EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Oh boy...
First of all, the ACA sucks. Back when it was passed, I pointed out at GOS that it does not bend the cost curve and it will guarantee that everyone will end up with crappy, high deductible health insurance. I was right. Also, if the ACA is so wonderful and such a great achievement, why have Democrats been running from it since 2010? They refused to even mention it and they got their asses handed to them in the mid-terms.
And, pardon my language, but this whole healthcare as a right is fucking bullshit. A right is something that is legally protected by the government. If I don't get proper healthcare - how can I protect that 'right'? Unless the government can provide me that service - its fucking bullshit.
The truth is, and you mentioned it, the Democratic party is completely bought and paid for by the insurance industry. And Hillary is the fattest pig at that trough.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
The ACA has provided some previously uninsured people with
the ability to join the ranks of the insured, who collectively then still face the threat of bankruptcy and ruin due to unaffordable deductibles, co-pays and out-of-pockets. Like I said, it's great until you need it.
I don't know why the elites don't get that. They can afford the additional costs and so it doesn't occur to them that it could be an issue for anyone else. They have no idea what it is to try to survive in America on the median household income of $52K and to try to pay for food, shelter, clothing, utilities, insurance, transportation, and education and/or childcare on that amount.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Go to the doctors and hospital and tell them to send the bills
to the White House? After all, Obama guaranteed your right!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks, Phoebe! I particularly like that "tax credit for
excessive out of pocket costs" part. /s
How will that work exactly? Do we tell our doctors and hospitals that they'll get paid just as soon as we get our tax refunds? Or do we go ahead and pay them, and then tell the grocery stores and utility companies and everyone else that they have to wait for our tax refunds?
Hey, as long as everyone extends no-interest credit (or that tax refund includes the interest and penalties on our bills), I'm sure it will work out fine.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
How Orwellian of her
She'll keep rewriting the words on the wall to change their meaning, until all that is left is "All [people] are equal, but some are more equal than others".
And we're supposed to vote for that? Fuck that noise!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.