About My Silence
I've long wrestled with myself ever since the inception of this blog as to whether I should voice my opinions about certain subjects. I've mostly stayed silent about many things not wanting to taint the discussions and believe me I have written several acerbic screeds only to delete them after second thoughts. I feel it's best that I as the founder and admin stay as neutral as possible. We've all witnessed how polarizing and divisive a founder's/admin's opinion can be at other blogs and I don't want to fall into that trap. I think recent developments have bolstered my assumptions in that regard. That is what I meant by silencing myself, I should have explained that further.
That is and will be my position going forward, right or wrong that's how I feel. If my opinions lead to anyone wanting to leave this site then I prefer to stay silent from most political discussions. This site is not about me, it is about you folks. I am not a dictator or an overlord nor do I want to be. My silence is not about being pissed at anyone or my fee fees being hurt, it is about keeping this an open, viable blog and not losing any valuable members, and if it takes me shutting my trap, then so be it. Now, like a duck, I'll let it flow off of my back like water.
Thought you all deserved an explanation.

Thanks JtC
I appreciate your neutrality and willingness to let us rip or not as the case may be. I respect and understand why you have made this decision. On the other hand I would like reading what you have to say on any given subject as you have never seemed to me to be the polarizing type quite the opposite. Hope this all blows over whatever it is, glad I'm not in your cat bird seat. Still I sure don't want a silent blog or a silent JtC and polarization is sometimes just a difference of opinion. Yours are a valid and interesting as anyone else on this site. The times themselves are polarizing and going to get worse.
Thanks shaz...
I've discussed this very thing with the other admin and moderators in the past and am now convinced it's the best way to roll. I don't know why my opinion would carry any water but if it leads to divisiveness I'd rather keep it to myself.
I don't think anyone thinks of this as dailyJtC
Your opinion is one of many. Sometimes we agree, other times not.
It's not like anyone here is going to try to suck up to you. I suppose, theoretically, there could be a place where that sort of thing happens but it ain't here.
My opinion...
apparently lead to an unsightly blow up here today and people wanting to leave, so there's that. If it's going to lead to that then I'd rather stay out of it.
BTW my favorite coin is a gold Double Eagle, so if anyone wants to suck up, send me a PM.
well, somehow I understand you, but still it makes me sad,
I have always wanted to know what some people think on the dailygos. And I realized that those people, I wanted to hear their opinion the most, are those, who consciously have decided to not voice their opinion in certain areas and are therefore very "silent". I always regretted that, because I can hear their silence loud and clear. Most often those are the people, who have read the most and their words have a weight that readers like not to miss.
JtC I wished you would talk. The one question/sentence you asked AL, the one which sent AL into a "pissed" mode was a very important question you asked. AL got all "fuck it people, I leave". So, what? Meanwhile I think we have the "pissed off mode" successfully chased away and have now a "one man, one word" kind of response from AL.
Some things can get me in a "pissed off mode" at dailykos. I try hard to not get to the point that I give up on reading and talking even to those, I don't agree with or those I find unfair. I have to say that the decision to not run away from dailykos has its own silliness, because I accept to be bothered by people's opinions, people I don't even know. I mean that's pretty dumb on the long run. That's why I tried out to see what is happening here, the same way as I try out to see what CUA is all about. I am pretty close to a point where I would say: "See you soon, but for now I shut down my ears and close my eyes". But then, that's no acceptable alternative to me as well.
Ok, It's clear that you and Joe keep your thoughts mainly for yourself. Considering the great quotes you both have put into the EB news, I regret that a lot, because by the choice of your quotes, I know you would have a lot to say I would like to hear.
So, may be sometimes, when nobody is listening and reading, you drop in here through the backdoor, late at night, and post a clandestine sentence or too, so that people like me find some "Nachthupferl" (A piece of sweets on your nightstand to enjoy it before you go to bed) from you guys ?
I mean just imagine all the silent lurkers from the other site here, who just get a kick out of the fact that we may have "troubles in the making".
That should get you all stand up and shout out "No way".
Let's take a vote.
All in favor of JtC continuing to add his voice to the discussions here say Yea.
All opposed say Nay...........
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
YEA - with Nachthupferl please. :-)/nt
I do not want to see anyone self censor, especially not JtC who has put more of himself into making this place a viable space for the rest of us to post. If anyone deserves the right to express his or her opinion, it is the person who has invested himself so much in this site. I am sorry JtC, but I am against your decision to censor yourself. Your opinion should carry no less weight than that of the rest of us. Please rethink this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
YEA, and with no hesitation, equivocation or mental evasion.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Looks like it's unanimous. Welcome back.
Seriously JtC, your blog, your rules, but self censoring is pointless, worse than pointless in fact, since it tends to create an atmosphere that discourages all disagreements. It's the diversity of opinions that make this site interesting and there's absolutely no reason your's shouldn't be part of that mix. Your silence diminishes this site.
It just feels wrong.
Now I'll shut up.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Another Yay.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I understand...
what you are saying, burnt out, and mostly agree. But in my opinion the biggest sin a founder/admin can commit is running off members, I'm trying to avoid that pitfall. In the grand scheme of things I don't think my opinions carry much water, I mostly make inane comments anyway, but to some, if I come out with a strong opinion one way or another, it can be construed as the "official" policy or direction that this site is intended to follow and I don't want that, I don't want a site agenda posed by myself. I want the place to be free thinking and the direction it takes determined by the membership. I prefer a flow of free thought as compared to a compartmentalized, bottled up mission statement that can't be deviated from. Hope that makes sense.
Why are you arguing with one of your own site members?
I thought that was against the rules!
Just kidding, and I said I'd shut up about it so I guess I should hold myself to that, but I still don't like it..........
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
This is from the Tao de Jing
It is commentary from Passage 17:
The Chinese text this is based on is about 2,500 years old and reads a little terse when translated directly into modern English:
Superior Leaders are those whose existence is merely known.
The next best are those who are loved and honored.
The next best are respected.
The least best are ridiculed.
Those who do not trust will not, in turn, be trusted.
But when the command comes from afar,
And when the work is done and the goal achieved,
The people say, "We did it ourselves!"
BTW, my comment is impartial because
…I have no idea what inspired this topic. I missed the exchange you all are referring to.
I was merely empathizing with the difficulties of being a Community Manager, which I was for many years. (I made all the usual mistakes.) If I had it to do over, I would remain silent, too, and use merely the tools of positive reinforcement.
I happen to have Lao Tzu handy because I use it to analyze China's cultural nature. Indeed, this particular passage very aptly describes the party leadership in China and how the Chinese people tend to regard themselves these days.
Thank you Pluto...
for reinforcing my point of view, that means a lot to me.
You know, many of the words we use
…to describe types of governments can be used to describe online community leadership structures.
There are "intensional communities", "dictatorships", "socialists", "police states", "capitalists". "proxies or puppets", "theocracies or ideologies", "anarchists or revolutionists", "monarchies". I could go on…. I'm not aware of any democracies, however, except for intensional communities where everyone shares the cost.
Me and my mate
both think this is the best quote/part of the Tao. I love that book and have a copy of it at hand and I keep the I Ching sitting on my desk to chill my fevered brain and to wander around in the imagery and abstract sticks of another culture another time. I like your posts here a lot Pluto. I liked your writing and spirit on dkos but find Pluto's Republic here to be much less restrained and more interesting and informative. No self censorship or politesse beating around the bush from either you or Big Al.
I cannot imagine moderating any kind of group where freedom of expression was the mode and the participants are smart and opinionated. If JtC feels this is that best way to keep this place rolling along it's his decision. I think one of the reasons this site works for me is that if I do disagree with some posts,opinions or pov. I feel I'm able to get pissed and rant and rave a bit and still respect the posters as none of us are exactly sheeple authoritarian types. Politics does make for strange bedfellows but it also provides common ground and a foundation for movement both individually and in coalition/solidarity with others Sometimes I am not pissed at the posts themselves but just pissed at the situation we are dealing with. 'Don't follow leaders and watch the parking meters' is another philosophical/ political observation try to remember when dealing with the powers that want to rule the world.
Really? Out of 81 passages? That one?
I am amazed. (This must be an affect of the Tao in this time and space.)
This is not a "me too" but I know you so much better, how you think. And now I have regrets about all the time I interacted with you and didn't realize….
Running a community from a Yin (receptive) position is extremely challenging. It requires many more visual cues, subtle shepherding, and reassuring user experiences. Jtc is not using all the tools in the Yin toolbox yet. There are many powerful ones involving recognition and humble service. Fortunately, it's a scalable approach.
For users, it is quite rewarding. And, it neutralizes the formation of degenerate cliques and flying hate monkeys.
Flying hate monkeys
are the worst. I like the water part of the Tao also it does run through us all and out into the universe. My Chinese doctor a hebalist/ acupuncturist an former Republic of China cardiologist used this flow and called it a healing needle less acupuncture. It was forbidden during the Cultural Revolution and she was branded a devil woman. I guess it's the most applicable passage for dealing with human societal structure, 'leadership' and hierarchy's of power.
why I like it the best
it's that end bit. The people say "we did this!" That's beautiful.
I've got a little music band and I suppose I'm the leader. I write the tunes and sing most of the lead vocals. The songs are pretty good, the vocals passable. But I don't want it to be my trip. I certainly don't want the other people in the group to think it's my trip and not theirs. So it's important to me that I make them feel they're important. Which they are!
I don't agree with your decision but I do respect it.
I will make this one point:
If anyone chooses to leave because they don't like you expressing your point of view, then that is on them, not on you.
I have no idea what this is all about, but wanted to add my 2 cents anyway. Now I'll drop it and respect your choice.
And thanks again for all your hard work in building this web site. This will never be The Daily JtC, I just can't ever see you acting like the blog master at that other place who calls people crazy assholes when they disagree with him.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Thank you JR...
the respect is mutual.
Well I can see I'm getting thrown under the bus here.
JtC seemed to develop a thing against me and it came out in his last comment. It's his blog, I'll leave.
I can't stay now.
Hey Al...
don't know what you're talking about, my "last comment", non the less no one wants you to leave.
really, nonsense, AL. That's not "Ein Mann, ein Wort"
now all my comments are really silly, not only silly, silly, but darn right out really super silly.
What's up with all that last comment that throws you under the bus? Who knows what that last comment was?
Ok, I am going to bed. Time to sleep. Where is my "Nachthupferl"? I need one.
That's my "Nachthupferl" to you, AL.

Good Night, all.
why? because we like you...and JtC too?
and want both of you to keep commenting?
Sure you can
there is no bus to get thrown under. I think I read the comment exchange that brought this on. JtC last comment was not directed at you unless you need to make it be about to be so you can leave and not have to deal with your being angry and pissed off. Seriously Big Al asking you for clarification of what you feel is the solution or even stating ones reasons for disagreeing with your opinion is not throwing people off the bus. Seems to be a needless reactionary reason to leave. This site is isn't monolithic, top down owner managed and JtC is no kos dear leader type. If you want to leave then don't put it on JtC or any of us as you have been a integral appreciated part of this blog, a valued contributor and a welcome reality check regarding partisan politics. Hope you stay but if you can't you can't.
Are you saying this town ain't big enough for the both of you? It is you know your both respected and valued people here.
sheesh, Al, you expressed an opinion
that someone disagreed with, that is hardly the same as being thrown under the bus
A difference of opinion is hardly the same as JtC or anyone else having something against you as a person.
Are you demanding that you get to express your opinion here on a daily basis yet no one is allowed to disagree with your opinion?
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
You are making a huge something out of nothing
JtC has been your friend here and nothing but your friend. If you're having a bad day, that's fine; but don't turn on your friend over something that is as unimportant as this.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I missed the dust-up that I'm becoming aware of, but
Disagreement, even strong disagreement is no reason to split. It also isn't reason for anybody to shut up. We're here to exchange iddeas and opinions and there can be no exchange if we all see exactly eye-to-eye. I haven't hung ut here much but when I do I enjoy reading your writing and hearing what you have to say.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --