Michael Moore: 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win. A reply:
You're much more afraid of President tRump than they/we are, which leads to my second point. From the close of your piece:
That was it. That was enough for him. To “shake things up.
Did you stop and ask him why he feels that way? Would you like to bet that he's one of the 'losers' in The Greatest Robbery in the History of the World?
Actions have consequences and they (Democratic Party Leadership and their beltway employers) acted so irresponsibly, so absolutely reprehensibly in the face of this vast criminal conspiracy, that they have created an entirely new class in America. These are people that were not born into subservience and beaten into submission from day one. In their astonishing arrogance, these parasites foolishly dumped millions of their followers into the sewer of poverty that feeds their lifestyle and power base. Every crime boss and politicians (used to) understand that you have to keep a solid majority comfortable so that they can easily ignore all the shady deals you do for your friends and employers.
I think you're right and I believe that, in what has to be one of the most delicious ironies in history, we very well might elect this orange parody of what Clinton & Co. have spent their lives selling to us.
I understand your concern, I share it. What you don't seem to really get is that you and the people you know still have so much to loose in what's coming, but your problem is that we don't.
They publish lies and you believe them because you don't see any evidence to the contrary and you're doing fine, but tens of millions of people still have nothing after these parasites stole everything and got a bonus for doing it. There is a critical mass in every society, a point at which the forces of attraction fail against the forces of repulsion, once that point is reached there is no way to stop the reaction and the Democratic Party cheated to eliminate our only chance to direct the explosive energy released into some positive results.
Who cares if the world burns, it's her turn.

It's a Throw the Bums Out year
The bums are from both parties, and they've all contributed to screwing average Americans right into the ground. Trump and Bernie were the only candidates making a credible Outsider pitch to voters. Democratic insiders didn't want to hear it, so they pushed Bernie out of the way. They ran with the Insider. Now Trump can continue his outsider messaging and ride the wave of the mood of the country.
If I were Trump's campaign manager (Dog forbid), I'd tell him to soft-pedal the racist crap and hit economic populist issues hard. Hit Hillary equally hard for corruption and dishonesty. (He wouldn't even have to lie about that.) Promise a fair shake for average folks. He'd wipe the floor with Hillary, even if he didn't mean a word of it. It's not like she's any more honest than he is, or can credibly call him a liar.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I Want You To Be Correct
HOWEVER . . . [You knew that was coming, right?]
Let's Stop Kidding Ourselves:
It Doesn't Happen Often:
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Recced, although I personally
Recced, although I personally
wcould never think of Trump as being credible in any way shape or form...Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You're right of course, and I have a hard time imagining
that either machine wouldn't prefer Clinton in the Oval, but they have gone too far and ignored too much, I think.
The cheap paint they slapped over the mess is already showing through and it's been long enough for people have noticed that this is the third unsustainable, dead-end job they've managed to land, but that after nearly a decade there's still nothing better on the horizon, nor does anyone they normally listen to appear to want to change that.
It is a very strong "Throw the bums out" year, but the bums are telling them to fuck off if they don't like it and I don't think that is going to go over well at all.
Spot on!
But anyone aware of anything
But anyone aware of anything knows that the American people have to dump Trump and get over the Hill in the way, that people need to vote, if Bernie is not possible, for Jill Stein, so that people are not voting for their own disaster and the end of life on Earth within decades due to corporate/military pollution and destruction and the massive drain of everything for the mindless greed of the relative few.
Moore's still thinking only in terms of the two-party trade-off scam, where different groups of billionaires and corporations may be competing for corporate/billionaire control (edit: of the country) in their candidates, and the current Republican nominee offers the option of direct billionaire control of America and Americans, and through them and the wealth and power drained from them, of the world.
But Bernie may still have an opportunity or, failing that, the non-corporate and sane Green Party, where people can vote for a chance to survive and have their children and grandchildren live their full allotted spans in freedom, rather than dying in corporate serfdom under off-shored corporate law, along with the rest of the to-be-freely poisoned and disrupted for profit world of life and the already diminishing oxygen production slated even at current rates of industrial/military abuses to be insufficient (edit:to support life) within decades.
If we don't turn it around now, within the natural potential life-times of people living now, the Earth will likely be unable to support life at all.
Vote against both evils, vote for democracy and survival. The latter is now directly tied to the former.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
We don't disagree, but I'm more concerned with how things are,
and what people will do, rather than what they should or could do. As I so often say, we've been here before. We know how people will react in response to just about any stimulus, and they've spent quite a few years applying a specific selection of brutal stimuli.
There is more than election theater going on here.
The right wing of the Democratic Party
threw Michael Moore under the bus a few years back. I don't recall why just at this moment. Was it that he was disappointed in Obamacare?
In any case, they will drag him out now that he is now all ready to admire the Empress's new clothes, purchased especially for her coronation. And this is when, at long, long last, the left needs to throw him under the bus. And it's long overdue, in my opinion.
For one thing, in the lead up to the 2012 Presidential campaign, the left was seeking a primary challenger to Obama. Moore thought that was a bad idea. For another, he is now all ready to admire the Empress's new clothes, purchased especially for her coronation. For a third, in that article, he called Bernie a socialist, not a Democratic Socialist--and I am almost certain Moore knows the difference. That means he's dishonest and attempts to manipulate.
So, let me be the first. Or the ten thousandth, or whatever I am: Moore, this is not about Sanders, with whom I have my own issues. This is just between you and me. Screw you, Moore, and the Trojan horse you rode in in.
(No subject)
The two parties are a puppet cartel.
They are not ideologically the same. However, ideology plays less and less a role in government in the US or in other countries. It comes down to global capital and the destruction of the individual, unless that individual is already very wealthy.
There will be exceptions, because no human system is watertight.
Peace and love be with you, reader.