Senator Warren's rousing speech
Submitted by bunsk on Mon, 07/25/2016 - 9:54pm
Horseshit. Propaganda. Hogwash. I just wonder if she actually wrote that stuff, of if some staffer gleaned catchphrases from her speeches and mixed it with some progressive slogans and said "here, read this"... I heard some occasional yelling or chanting in the background, but I wouldn't expect them to mention it if it was any kind of protest. (that's aside from the cheering section chanting) I'm not going to hang out and watch Bernie do it; Johnny Carson is coming on in a few. I'm watching in on PBS - I suspect the corporate media coverage is worse. There's no point in watching. This is just for consumption by the masses, and is essentially a big anti trump rally. Kumbaya everybody.

Warren Gave Two Speeches
When talking about the situation the nation is in, her words were "Berning" down the house. I loved that speech. It was when she went to supporting Hillary's candidacy that I was lost. It would be nice if someone could put together a video of the good speech, eliminating the poorly thought-out partisan stuff which doesn't work.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I'm not sure which party and candidates
she was referring to after talking about the rigged game and all that... it's like, "who's going to fix all this? These two republicans!" When she was asking what kind of man did those things, I was telling her "Hillary"
I've been on Warren's email list for years
And just a few moments ago, I unsubscribed from her list and left a comment as to why I was unsubscribing.
Any person or any party that would endorse or nominate Hillary Clinton is not a person or party that represents my interests or concerns. I will never vote for Hillary Clinton! Good bye!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
she's paying her dues
She was the essential "progressive" voice required to demonstrate "party unity". Same with Bernie. We knew that was part of the deal. The whole convention charade is just a media event where the big names play their obligatory roles. It's irrelevant, and should be ignored like any other corporate media. It has nothing to do with reality.
Has Warren gotten any bills passed
since she has been in congress? She gives fiery speeches about the banks, student loan debts, ect, but has anything come from them?
She is on board with Obama's wars that waste a lot of our money, so if she was serious about the increasing income inequality she should start addressing this.
Plus she voted to give Israel more bombs after they ran out of them when they were killing the Palestinians that had no where to go to be safe.
Warren showed her true colors when she didn't back Bernie who was running on the platform that Warren states that she is for.
And how can she rail against the banks and other financial institutions and then turn around and endorse Hillary who is for everything Warren says she is against?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I've felt Warren
was just another sell-out for quite some time for exactly the reasons you enumerate, snoopy. A lot of talk, but not much in the accomplishing stuff department. But she's got her cushy Senate job plus a teaching gig at Harvard Law. Good for her, for us not so much.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
"I'm With Her"
It has to be one of the most vapid, cringeworthy, shallow political slogans in history. I mean, what the hell does it even mean? Warren kept saying it, and I kept thinking to myself, "shut up already!"
Her Royal Heinous ?
no it is not misspelled !
It's probably an ego thing
It's probably an ego thing for a cult of personality worship - all these little people ought to get a rush from being allowed to support Her Royal Coronation.
But does anyone else think of those 'I'm with stupid' R-shirts, and then substitute 'I'm with corruption' instead?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.