Open Sesame 09/12/15
So the pope is visiting Cuba. And, as a sort of human welcome mat, some 3522 people are being released from prison by the Cuban government. These human beings are coming out, to taste free air, even as we speak.
So I am thinking: if the cause and effect here is that when the pope visits Cuba, people are freed from Cuban prisons, maybe the pope should cycle through Cuba every couple weeks or so, until all the prisons there are emptied.
Then the pope should take this show on the road. To all the other nations on the planet. Until all their prisons are emptied too. For prison has always been stupid and cruel, and it is long past time for it to be over.
Since the Catholic Church itself filled a dungeon or ninety-eleventy-billion, and over two millennia, and all over the globe, seems to me it is right and meet that the chief primate of the outfit now take the lead, in prison abolition. Like, after all that endless burning and thumbscrewing, the outfit now, to its credit, crusades against the death penalty and torture.
Next up, in penance for all that lunatic downpressing of fucking, perhaps the Vatican should set itself up as libertine central.
The pope is also visiting the United States. Which is causing the wingers to fret that while he is there he will get rid of the money.
"The Pope Is Ready To Trash Capitalism To Money-Loving Americans"! shrieks BloombergBusiness. He is scheduled to deliver 17 speeches and homilies over six days across all the American land, the pope, and the wingers are filled with fear that he will not be able to restrain himself from going on about money being "the dung of the devil," dung that should all be dumped, with long tongs, into those Doggie Dooley subterranean shit systems that people sink into their backyards so maggots can there munch up all the dog turds.
They just know, the wingers, that he is coming roaring up out of of his pope-hole, to utterly stain the nation with Anathemas like these:
Money sickens our minds, poisons our thoughts, even poisons our faith, leading us down the path of jealousy, quarrels, suspicion and conflict. It drives to idle words and pointless discussions.
We can never serve God and money at the same time. It is not possible: either one or the other. This is not Communism. It is the true Gospel! They are the Lord's words.
Money begins by offering a sense of well-being. Then you feel important and vanity comes. This vanity is useless, but still you think you are important. And after vanity comes pride. Those are the three steps: wealth, vanity, and pride.
"But, Father, I read the Ten Commandments and they say nothing about the evils of money. Against which Commandment do you sin when you do something for money?" Against the first one! You worship a false idol. And this is the reason: because money becomes an idol and you worship it. And that’s why Jesus tells us that you cannot serve money and the living God: either one or the other.
The early Fathers of the Church, in the 3rd Century, around the year 200 or 300, put it in a very blunt way, calling money "the dung of the devil". And so it is. Because it turns us idolatrous, fills our thoughts with pride, and leads us away from our faith.
Whenever the guy pronounces blasphemies like that, flying squads of weeping eunuchs come flapping out of the Vatican to "explain" what he "actually meant." But because the pope is not an internet person, he does not concern himself with these trolls seeking to denature his words. He pays them no mind at all. He meant what he said, and he said what he meant. And so he just goes right on, to decreeing the next Heresy.
Like, now this pope likes lesbians.
Francesca Pari, author of Piccolo Uovo, a children's book featuring a pair of gay penguins, and two lesbian rabbits raising a family, sent that book, and several others, to the pope, and received in response a papal blessing, together with a letter reporting that "his holiness is grateful for the thoughtful gesture and for the feelings which it evoked, hoping for an always more fruitful activity in the service of young generations and the spread of genuine human and Christian values."
When this became news, the usual Vatican eunuchs commenced the usual trollish garment-rending about what the pope "really meant."
But they can put a sock in it. He meant what he said, and he said what he meant.
My guess as to the continued existence of this fellow involves the notion that the veteran papal poisoners all died quite suddenly of bad age. And when the new crew went down into the catacombs to retrieve the venerable how-to poisoning tomes, they found that, somehow, the things were Gone.
Hillary Clinton is a person who will not ever be pope. She will not be president, either. Too many people instinctively recognize that she has contracted a mental disorder, and so could go Lucy Jordan at any moment. They can see it in her eyes.
And now, as her clown car careens ever closer to the ditch, she has decided to position herself to the right of even Ronald Reagan, that embarrassing Alzheimer's sufferer who shuffled goofily through the White House for eight long years. For, while this week assuring those assembled at the Brookings Institution that she is fully prepared to go Major Kong on Iran, she said:
You remember President Reagan's line about the Soviets: "Trust, but verify"? My approach will be: "Distrust, and verify."
Heretofore I had not suspected Michael Moore of a brain affliction, but, you know, things change. For here is what Moore said yesterday about Lucy Jordan:
But I have to say this too about Hillary [Clinton]. I’ve started an essay I'll post in a couple of weeks. Don't sell Hillary short about what she may do as president. I believe it's very possible with her as president that we are going to have a Pope Francis moment. That once in, remarkable, incredible things are going to be done.
What does this even mean? That she's somehow going to become an Argentinian, a man, and a priest?
That's not an endorsement. I'm just saying there is a way to go with this. I have my problems with her—she voted for the war, etc., etc. But I think she's a good person. I think she has a sense of humor. I've only met her a couple of times, but she's funny.
Right. She's a complete laff riot.
Just from afar, she seems like a really great mom. And I think you can tell a lot about people about how they treat their kids.
Well, I don't know about that, Mike. What about this kid?
Has she ever appeared in public with this child? No. Ever, in all the millions of words that have flowed from her mouth, uttered one syllable about him or her? No. The thing has been kept forever chained in a series of darkened basements, like some red-headed step-child, and if ever there is somehow a rescue, and the creature is brought into the light, s/he will be as at sea as was Kasper Hauser.
Another person who is not going to be president is Rick Perry. He was one of the 786,458 people to declare himself for 2016 a candidate for the presidency as a Republican. Now he has quit, because he has no money, no one wants to vote for him, and the people who once worked for him deserted him to work for The Hairball.
Perry is best known as the first farm animal to seek the nation's highest office. He is a human/animal hybrid, bred on the island of Dr. Moreau, from a human being and a Holstein. He served many terms as governor of Texas, because voters there, when considering gubernatorial candidates, do not care who or even what you are, so long as you are not a Negro and/or a Muslim, and promise to kill plenty of both.
In 2012, for a time, many people thought they would like the farm animal to be the president. But then it became increasingly clear, through his public appearances, that his brain had been removed from his body. Most famously when, in a debate, he could not recall the names of the three cabinet departments he had vowed to eliminate. Perry eventually confessed that during this period he was totally fucked up on painkillers, which he had been prescribed after suffering a serious back injury in bucking a rider during a campaign-fundraising rodeo.
When Perry returned for the 2016 campaign he claimed he was no longer gobbling pills, and also he wore glasses, so he wud luk smarrt. But it didn't work. The people had moved on from the farm animal.
Perry blamed Jesus for the collapse of his campaign.
When I gave my life to Christ, I said, "Your ways are greater than my ways, your will superior to mine." Today I submit that his will remains a mystery, but some things have become clear. That is why today I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States.
With the farm animal out of the race, the stupidest person remaining in the hunt for the presidency, from either the Democratic or Republican party, is Ayn Rand Paul, who this week said that American Indians would not suffer so in the United States if they would just give it up and become white people.
I think assimilation is an amazing thing. A good example of how even in our country assimilation didn’t happen and it's been a disaster for the people has been the Native American population on the reservations. Um, if they were assimilated within a decade they’d probably be doing as well as the rest of us[.]
A real flake off the old nutbar, that Ayn.
Bitcoin has now been swallowed by Wall Street. So that's that.
Time to look into local currencies. They're anyway prettier.
Amusing exception to the Russian government's current war on Wrong Food: caviar. Yes, while other EU foodstuffs must be bulldozed if they creep across the border, Agroittican Lombardo, an Italian sturgeon farm, is permitted to run fish eggs into Russia.
In doing so, however, the company has to Lie.
Says the company managing director, Lelio Mondella: "We've had to put a Russian brand name on the tin, and we don't put 'Made in Italy' on it."
He understands this, though. "The Russians want to eat Russian caviar. I understand that. Who would buy mozzarella cheese made in Russia?"
In other Slavs, the world has recently been treated to photo ops of Vladimir Putin working out in a gym, grilling meat, and cuddling a kitten. By far my favorite, however, is the stunning photographic evidence that Putin now roams the land, shirtless, aboard a Ritz cracker.
Clearly, this requires from the Americans some sort of Response. Perhaps Obama can be persuaded to ride an Oreo.
I suppose there should be some obligatory reference to September 11. Alright then. That Halloween, of 2001, some six weeks or so after, I attended my brother's annual Halloween party as a member of the Taliban. Clad in sandals, a jesus robe, some sort of appropriate headgear; I had, naturally, and at all times, the beard; a staff I beheld in one hand, while a Koran, which I had dipped into from time to time over the decades, I gripped in the other. I moved through the party reading, sometimes, from it, but mostly I recited, in a low rumbling voice, lyrics that, from self-defense, I had written to the tune of "God Bless America," as that song became inescapable, in the weeks after 9/11, to anyone in the United States not interred in a Doggie Dooley.
allah bless afghanistan
land that i love
stand beside her
and guide her
as the bombs they rain down from above
from the mountains
to the deserts
to our leaders' mouths
white with foam
allah bless afghanistan
my bombed-out home
Somewhere there is a picture of this, but I think my mother has it.
Far, far more interesting, are the photos still coming in from Pluto.
As the Science Men are now admitting, if only obliquely, heretofore they knew nothing at all about Pluto. Because they had never seen it. But now that they have seen it, there are new things about it that they say they Know. But all that will change, when once they touch it. All of which will then change, when once they taste it.
We do not yet know what Pluto sounds like; that is, in the sense of the electromagnetic vibrations of the planet (and it is, a planet). But, as a taste, below is a sound of the rings of Uranus, a Pluto neighbor: of "the rustling of the cosmos."
We do know, now, that Pluto is a very lovely world. As all the worlds are very lovely. In all the universes. We know that Pluto is far more complicated and complex than humans had heretofore imagined. As all things are more complicated and complex than humans imagine. We know that now that Pluto is not so much of a mystery, it is even more of a mystery. As all things, when not so much of a mystery, become even more of a mystery.
The important thing, now, as ever, is: isn't it pretty, mysterious, of wonder?
As Lew Welch wrote, intuiting the workings of the universe(s):
Guard the Mysteries!
Constantly reveal them!
Science is useful, science is interesting, science is exciting, but in the end it's just another form of guessing. Which is why until the 19th Century, at least in the West, it was considered but a branch of philosophy. There were no "scientists"; instead, there were just "natural philosophers."
A common curse of philosophers, of any stripe, is arrogance. But this arroagance became compounded exponentially, in the philosophers who decided to break away and pronounce themselves "scientists." For they decreed they had devised a "scientific method," which virtually guaranteed that all their (philosophical) musings were in truth Right and Meet.
That we currently live in an age of galloping scientific advancement, this actually belies the "scientific" assertion that the Science World, it is a world of Truth.
As we see of Pluto: which was one thing. Until it was actually seen. And now it is another.
As the tree of human ancestors was believed to be one thing . . . until this week . . . and now there must be a re-branching of the tree.
As there is the "first there is a mountain/then there is no mountain/then there is" understanding of Mars: where first it was scientifically Decreed no life had ever existed on Mars; then it was decided life was once there and still could be; but now it has been Decided a "catastrophe" blew all life away, and the planet is as dead as Dick Cheney's pulse.
There is the "sudden" and "unexpected" resolution of the planet's Southern Ocean, to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, which is, as the Science Men say, a "puzzle."
There is the black hole, that, for the Science Men, is "too big" for its galaxy. And they, the Science Men, must therefore rewrite the Rules.
There is the dark matter, where the models "disagree" with the data; it is, it seems, all more complicated, complex (as ever), than the Science Men ever previously thought.
There are also other pressures on science.
There is, for instance, Bought Science, where people, "scientists," for payment, will, as an example, decree, and for decades, that a poison, is not a poison.
There is Suppressed Science, where, say, psychedelic compounds that can really make a difference in the suppression of human suffering, are themselves suppressed, and for decades, because, as a side effect, these compounds also allow people to get "high."
There is Bonehead Science, where it was believed human infants felt no pain, and therefore slicing off, without warning or anesthesia, the foreskins of male babies, was just alright; and animals, too, felt no pain, and so therefore whatever you wanted to do with them, in your little science labs, was a-ok.
There is Being In The Belly Of The Beast Science, where, as best example, Werner Heisenberg postulated, correctly, that an observer, always, changes what it is that s/he observes. Meaning, by the mere act of Looking, s/he who Looks, changes, what is being Looked at. Meaning one can never truly Look, and See, what the Other, truly is.
Theodore Roszak articulates a variant: how the brain-scientist, in a city setting, cannot accurately diagnose another's brain, because the "scientist," s/he occupies the same insane space, as the patient:
I've talked with some fledgling eco-psychologists who have developed very strong reservations about the possibility of treating problems of neurosis within an urban framework. That is, what if the city is itself shot through with a kind of madness? And I'm talking about something that's so apparent in the pace and tempo of our daily life, that I think it’s almost taken for granted, that we are living a kind of crazy life. All we have to do is be caught on the freeway in a traffic jam, to recognize the madness of the way we've constructed the world around us. The amount of waste and the amount of stress and the amount of tension that we inflict upon ourselves. There’s something crazy about that.
Now my problem is, and this is what I observe in my book, The Voice of the Earth, that when we say we are crazy, with what we’re doing in this urban environment, this quite simply has no professional meaning. Because psychiatrists who are themselves products of an urban culture, and practice within an urban context, are often not prepared to call into question a context that they themselves are tied to. But the madness of cities is an important consideration in eco-psychology. And cities are becoming the only way of life left in the modern world. There’s very little that's outside of the city. And if the city is a crazy context in which people live, then that would also be a crazy context in which to carry on psychotherapy.
And then even the, these-days, bedrock anchors of Science are, in "truth," fungible, nugatory, transitory.
For instance, gravity on this planet is allegedly a given, but I cohabited for more than 15 years with somebody who, in the Hawaiian right of it, could just take off and fly. I myself have journeyed to various times and spaces that are supposedly non-attainable. It used to amuse me that the Science Men would observe the "edge" of the universe and then puzzle that all of a sudden there's nothing there: now, they're starting to get it: that a mass object can flip over into an energy object. In fact: happens all the time. For instance, when any creature on this planet "dies."
I had originally intended in this piece to pull up, at this point, out of oo-ee-oo land, to address the "migrant crisis."
However, by the "time" I got all the way down here, there seemed to have developed, for me, a "time" problem.
Like, I was out of it. ; (
And in attempting the Ornstein exercises to stop clocks—which do work—I discovered I could not summon the necessary relaxed state; which is not surprising, as "relaxed" and "deadline" (JtC says open-sesames should be published by 6 a.m., 20 minutes from now) do not really cohabit comfortably and easily in any reognized way.
So, instead, I'll conclude with an even deeper dive into oo-ee-oo: that is, the Potemkin Sun Reality.
Which might actually be useful for folks around here, who seem so often to dive into the blues, and not in the good-music sense, but in the world-is-dying-dying-dying-dying sense.
So. The Potemkin Sun Reality goes like this:
Some years ago I received a communique from a person said to be conversant with the ways and means of alien beings. This person, while completing post-graduate work in psychic school, was one night orally apprised of the fact that, some time early on in the Clinton I administration, the sun went nova, and the earth was burnt to a cinder. However, no one here noticed this, because of the efforts of the "good aliens" (the thinnish creatures best known for their attempts to protect us from the "bad aliens," those no-good-'uns prone to picking us up off lonely interstates, playing with our gonads, implanting chips in our brains, and then setting us loose).
In this instance, the good aliens allowed our brains to believe that the earth was still here—and so were we. They kindly threw up into the sky a Potemkin Sun, so that we could go on believing that everything was Normal. They did this, it is said, because during the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987 human beings apparently proved to be "worthy," and almost ready for "the next step," which involves not needing bodies. The good aliens figured it a shame to allow us all to burn off like bugs on a grill, and just a few short years before we would no longer be bothered by such things as roaring jets of molten flame. They will take down the Potemkin Sun, so goes the theory, when we no longer need it, when, I guess, we will all sort of join together and swirl away as energy beings, a la the close of Childhood’s End.
So, the lesson of this Reality is this: it's all okay, people. Everybody, they, we, already made it.
So, in that, please, and all and every, have yourself, a real good day.

Good Morning, hecate and 99%'ers
Wow! This is really a nice read this morning. Lots of ponderings of things I never really take time to think about. Instead, I am sitting at the kitchen table watching two white squirrels in my back yard. I had cut the dried pods off the rudebekias in my yard and put them in the pole feeder. Apparently the squirrels really love them.
BTW, I loved the sound of Uranus' rings.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
gulfgal. Voyager also recorded sounds of Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn.
The squirrels will be by here in a few hours, for the peanuts.
They tend to sleep late. I think 'cause they're young'uns.
Morning. Speaking of mental disorders,
I was reading an article last night about those that rule over us and the fact that many of them are flat out psychos. I think it's hard for people to come to grips with something like that, that the people we see on TV talking so assuredly about such important things could actually be sick individuals, but it's not at all far fetched. History is littered with so called "leaders" who were simply off their rockers.
Take a guy like Francois Hollande for example. This man stood in front of the people and shed a tear over the tragic death of Aylan Kurdi and yet he was and is one of those who are utterly responsible. And take Obama as another example. He does the same damn thing.
It is just FLAT OUT NOT NORMAL. It's like my sig line, we're trained to believe some things are just the way they are, that if we were in the same places we would have to do the same things because that's just the way the world works.
No, we can't accept that and we do have to accept the fact that many of our leaders are sick. Take another example, Madeleine Albright. Tell me that woman is not a mentally disturbed individual. You can't.
Then there's Hillary Clinton. The cackle said it all.
This is true in coporate executives
so there is no reason to believe that it is not true of many politicians and world leaders. Here is an excerpt from an article in Forbes a while back.
This article from Think Progress deals with sociopathy in politics.
Another clip from the same article which is very interesting.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good info gg.
When you consider that in the equation, it becomes a different ballgame.
it's really hard to recognize "mental disorders" especially
if you try to understand them in people of other cultures you don't know nothing about. I think you also should consider that the state of arriving at a mental disorder is fluent and can oscillate back and forth between being in there and then leaving it again.
What is a state of "mental disorder" and being "sick" to one person, is the most smartest way to survive and handle life for the next person.
Just saying... who is mentally sick and who is not, is decided by some people, who claim to be knowledgeable in that arena. They themselves are products of what a "sick" society can produce as psychiatrists, healers, preachers, professional counselors etc. They are part of the "sickoness".
If your conscience tells you that some behavior in politicians and people in power is "NOT NORMAL", that tells you that something in our guts tells us what "IS NORMAL". And then you meet the people who say, what is "NOT NORMAL" is actually "VERY NORMAL". So, you know, it's hard, if you try make up your mind about people's mental health.
I guess in the end you just take every kind of behavior as "more or less normal", because if you don't, you end up killing your own humanity in yourself. And one could trust if persons step over the invisible line from being "NORMAL" to being "SICK", that other people will try to make sure that the "SICK" person does not do too much harm. I admit that doesn't work very often in the political realm of things.
Heh, Al, my garden is a mess, it's raining and I am totally not going to do anything about it. Is that NORMAL or pretty darn NOT NORMAL. I am sure your garden is orderly, right? Sigh, I am so disappointed, my potatoes are tiny. Why didn't they grow? Could it have been too hot?
I want to be a vegetable gardener one day, who can produce real nice potatoes, tomatoes and all things veggie.
Good day.
Good morning~
I had beverage when I came across this little gem, damn near lost a keyboard.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Morning Triv.
And what was I saying above?
It doesn't surprise me. Hell, they are smooth motherfuckers, aren't they?
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Good Morning - Socialist wins Opposition in Britian
To thine own self be true.
Henry Giroux
There's no doubt that the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign has impacted this situation with the left. It has further fragmented the left, causing not only a division between those supporting Clinton vs Sanders but also a division with those that do not support the Democratic party. As Henry says, "hopefully", that's what we're reduced to, hoping. Not only hoping, but hoping it gets worse so it can get better.
Then there's the issue of who really is the left. Chris Hedges:
Sounds like the left is FUBAR. We're gonna need new categories.
I am having trouble with the Giroux quote
for this reason. What is defined as "left" in our society is mostly what was middle of the road a couple of decades ago. Giroux may be looking at the left/right in today's terms where we have a mass of people and (for the sake of argument) that mass is conveniently divided into 25% left, 50% middle, and 25% right. But is what is now being defined as "left" really "left" any more? The damn Overton Window has moved so far to the right that it appears that anyone who is somewhat rational about social issues is considered "left." I beg to differ.
Al, you simply cannot consider Hillary Clinton as part of the "left" when her economic and foreign policies are clearly neoliberal. Neoliberal does not mean left. Supporting a few social policies does not make one "left." So Sanders and Clinton are NOT dividing the left policy wise. Yes, they are left compared to the whackos in the Republican party, but Clinton is not a liberal by any means. Heck, even on social policies, she just recently "evolved" over same sex marriage. Her policies are dictated by money and polling, not by time tested core beliefs.
The reality is that the "left" was neutered a long time ago. But true liberal policies are still popular with the people so the left is not being divided, it has been ignored. by the politicians, aided and abetted by the mainstream media who continues to chase the Donal Trump circus and try to create a fake horse race between Clinton and Biden.
I believed I have addressed the Hedges quote previously but here goes again. The MIC is the shadow government. It cannot be dismantled by one person, regardless of good intentions. The only way to take down the MIC is to cut it off in the jugular which is its funding stream. With our corrupt, bought and paid for Congress, that will be difficult to do. I have yet to see one person post how we can take down the MIC. Remember, it has been 55 years since Eisenhower warned us about the MIC and all that has happened since is that it has grown exponentially. I am open to ideas about how we dismantle it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Oh man...
that would make a great essay, gg, spot on!
Thank you JtC!
I have not felt much about thinking or writing in the last couple of months, but maybe it will come back. I have always felt more comfortable commenting, but maybe I should push myself to research and write something occasionally.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
like your writing, and I like what you write about.
I certainly wouldn't classify Clinton in the left,
not sure where that comes from. But I do think the left is divided and you can see it in the Bernie race. Some on the left support Bernie Sanders and the Democratic party, some don't. That's a division. Not talking about the Clinton supporters, they don't count because you're correct, they're not really of the left that we recognize. Divisions don't necessarily have to be contentious, but they do serve to keep the larger group from coming together in solidarity. There will be no solidarity on the left for the Dem party or for Bernie Sanders.
Last election only 37% of the public voted. The election in 2016 might get half. That leaves a lot of the left that are refusing to vote any longer, refusing to participate in the fraudulent election process. That means they won't vote for Bernie either. So that is a division, a big one that I personally feel. There is no solidarity on the left regarding a specific agenda and actions/demands to take/make.
As far as the MIC, personally I don't focus much on the MIC anymore. The MIC is dependent on the foreign policy agenda of the U.S. which is imperialism, so I focus more on imperialism. We can't take down the MIC without having the national discussion about imperialism and a complete reset of the foreign policy agenda of the U.S
That's another division within the left, the issue of imperialism. Some want it challenged and ended, others want it reformed, others are OK with it because they still believe it's to spread democracy and save babies.
Al, we agree on so many things, but
we also disagree upon tactics and I am cool with that. What I was referring to in my comment above was this that you posted.
As always, even when we might slightly butt heads, I am cool with your passion on these issues.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm not sure what you disagree with.
Are you saying there aren't divisions caused by the Presidential campaign process?
No, what I am saying is
that Clinton is definitely not on the left so that Bernie's candidacy is not splitting the left. The two party process we are stuck with in this country forces us to choose between evil and the lesser thereof. Even if you do not agree, that Bernie may not be the perfect left candidate, he is by far the most left we have seen in decades.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
But like I said, even discounting Clinton and her
supporters, there is a division on the left among those that support Sanders and those the support neither Clinton or
Sanders, like me. I'm not voting for Sanders and I know a lot of the far left is not voting for Sanders and won't touch Clinton or the Dem party. If that's not
a division on the left, it's something. And that's not about tactics, that's just the way it is. I frequent a good many other
far left and left blogs where the majority of the commenters have had it with the Dem party and will not support Sanders's
run as a Democrat.
I don't think there's anything to disagree about there other than whether those are really divisions or not.
I mean to put it bluntly, there's a division between you and the other Sanders supporters on here and me. And we're
all of the left, right?
so there's a division. So what do we do to stop imperialism and build a real democracy, who do we get behind to attain those goals that has a viable chance to win? Specifics please.
Heh. All righty then.
Ya, that's what it comes down to. These are the same discussions had on DK where when the status quo is challenged the comeback is what are your ideas then. It's like you can't challenge the status quo unless you have an alternative plan. I saw that in the comments of Hedges recent article, many were saying the same thing that Hedges always rails on the ruling class but never proposes any solutions other than broad statements about revolution.
Unfortunately I'm not Gandhi or Che. But I have put a lot of thought and research into it and believe there are things we can do to end rule by the rich and the accompanying imperialism and financial and economic crimes. It comes down to what Gandhi and MLK Jr advocated in part, civil disobedience and giving a real voice to the people . Street protests can be part of it but they only give voice to a very small percentage of the people. We have to find a way, obviously other than elections, to give a voice to the people of this country and the world. I think we need to organize a global people's revolution against rule by the rich and their imperialist and financial systems. I think we also need to make this country and government face up to the fact that we're not a democracy, but a oligarchic plutocracy (plutarchy). That can be done through organized boycotts of the representative system monopolized by the ruling class political parties.
I think long term and big because that's what's needed now. They went global, we have to go global back at them. And the crimes they're committing on a continuous basis are accelerating. They're going to take us all down. I'm sorry, but we have to get these fuckers.
These elections only serve to distract and keep us in our boxes. You take the money spent on this Presidential election alone and use that to organize a real people's revolution, organizing a petition of 1 billion people to be presented to the United Nations demanding that the governments of the world come together and end rule by the rich and their other fucking games. You give me a billion dollars, or even half that, and I could get it done. We'd go to every fucking corner of the earth.
Most people seem to want to wait for everything to get worse until the pitchforks come out. I think we have to think big now because of what we're up against and the absolutely evil fucking crimes they're committing in our faces.
Thanks Al...
So you're not interested in doing anything that may help a little in the short term.
So let me get this straight, your plan is to wrest control from the NSA, CIA, the pentagon and the oligarchs with civil disobedience and petitions? Just trying to understand where you're coming from.
Ok then.
Nothing helps if it doesn't "raise people's consciousness"
Nothing helps if it doesn't "raise people's consciousness," to use 1960s and 70s terminology.
What look like little short-term actions can have big long-term effects — if such actions help large numbers of people become aware.
Aware of what? Of the monstrosity of the status quo. Aware of all the reasons basic conditions must be changed and the people in charge driven from power.
On the other hand, a supposedly significant positive action like getting this or that candidate elected or winning this or that vote in Congress will have zero or negative long-term effect if it leads large numbers of fired-up, ready-to-fight people to think, "Things are fixed now — the system works after all."
I believe that everyone's talking past each other,
because of the definition of "left." Or, maybe I should say the lack thereof.
It is a fact that some 'leftists' would never associate with the neoliberal/corporatist Dem Party that we have in the US. I read and blog at a couple of 'left' blogs, and many of those folks wouldn't consider casting a vote for the Democrat Party nominee/candidate--period.
BTW, so far, on the Sunday talk shows, I've seen Senator Sanders self-identify as a Democratic Socialist, and as a 'progressive.' (But not as a liberal, or a leftist.) But I'll keep my ears open.
This discussion illustrates the need for a really good discussion of the common terms that we're all forced to use in the so-called liberal, progressive, leftist blogosphere!
I would agree that Bernie is the most left of the two major legacy party candidates, as far back as I can remember.
But, again, some 'leftists' would normally include third party candidates in that equation, which can also create a bit of confusion.
Anyhoo, maybe all this will be sorted out by time the Primaries are over.
Oh, one more thing--I saw that you dropped by a diary that claimed that FSC 'was cleared,' regarding the email brouhaha. Don't know what that diarist was talking about. His 'proof' was taking a line out of the Justice Dept briefing (that was filed Wednesday in the D.C. District Court), and claiming that their argument, as presented to the Judge, was fact.
I just had this WaPo piece come down on my cell phone this evening. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.
Tech company: No indication that Clinton’s e-mail server was ‘wiped’
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
If this is his theory, Giroux is definitely "my kind of guy,"
so to speak.
From Wikipedia:
Where do I sign up?
Seriously, if one goes by strict definitions, none of the Dem Party candidates would likely be considered "left."
One reason that the Democratic Party was such easy pickings for the New Dem (or DLC) insurgency--Al From's words, BTW--was because there was no left in this country, and certainly not in the Dem Party, when the DLC (corporatist/centrist/neoliberal Dems) infiltrated the Party, and took it over in the mid-1980's.
Heck, from what I can tell, the majority of folks in the progressive blogosphere (especially at Democratic Party Blogs like DKos) have no concept of liberalism, aside from the DLC/Clintonian brand, which was coined "progressivism."
And it clearly doesn't even resemble traditional liberalism.
(As Nancy mentioned down thread) Regarding Hedges, I truly believe that he grasps that 'a person'--meaning any one Presidential candidate, or even a President, for that matter--cannot single-handedly bring down the MIC. It will require the collective will of our Congress to cut off the funding. And, I could be wrong, but I don't imagine that Hedges discounts this fact.
However, I tend to think that in order for any successful political movement to succeed in dismantling the MIC, it will almost be necessary to have a leader who is ready and wiling to declare, much like FDR did, that
"They [the MIC] are unanimous in their hate for me —and I welcome their hatred."
(or something to that effect)
IIRC, Hedges was a NYT war reporter for a couple of decades. He has seen more than one government fall. I would completely trust his instincts and judgment in any number of matters related to American imperialism/militarism.
Heck, I wish that he would run for President.
Maybe one day we can have a real good discussion about 'neoliberalism.' It would probably be helpful if we had some commonly understood definitions of a few other terms, as well--such as liberal and progressive.
As it is, I have no clue of what these terms/words mean, anymore. And, IMO, the lack of reliable and well-defined terms such as these, definitely impedes the process of having an informed discussion about the Dem Party, or 'left' politics.
Gotta run 'the B' out, but I'll stick up (the DLC's) Al From's definition of "progressive" in the next couple of days. No wonder most of us aren't on the same page when using various terms, lately.
(I jotted it down while watching one of From's C-Span interviews earlier today.)
Now, he's a piece-of-work!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Good Morning, hecate, I made it through your Open Sesame and
actually really read every word (which I am kind of proud of). It's so brilliant and even excellent in one way and in another way, while reading I thought to myself, oh my gosh, when will it end? When I came to the end, I had the feeling that I should be grateful to die one day, because that's the only consolation and reason to take things not that seriously and say, fuck it, what else can we do? Heh. I am glad when I am gone, and I feel pity for my son, who probably will survive me and has to go through the shit of life for much longer.
And as long as I am here, I will try to use every tool and means to not get down under this pile of horrible things that stare at me out of the abyss through your Open Sesame. And then there is a lot of stuff in there, I don't understand either. Not that well "read" to get all of what you said. You will not succeed to kill some faith in something among the members of the human race. And I am happy to say that I am glad to say that it is so.
But you managed to end with
You bet I will have a good day. And I hope you all have too.

Ok, I need some music now...
Thanks mimi.
I'm having a good day. Get to take my granddaughter to her junior bowling league right now.
And it's a beautiful day here in the great Northwest.
I'll be back later to rabble rouse. Have a good day.
certainly not trying to kill anyone's faith in anything, mimi. Actually quite the opposite. And I'm sorry that your reaction at reaching the piece's end—"when will it end?"—is that you will "be grateful to die one day." Ye gods. The thing was surely not intended to be such an ordeal. ; (
I did not read it as being negative. You write on a much deeper level than I think, so your writing challenges me to think deeper. And at times that can be a challenge!
Quite honestly, I had never thought of science and philosophy as being related, but it makes sense now. It seems as though the main difference is that science tries to quantify their theories but even the scientific method can be flawed by the amounts of unknowns that can skew the results.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I love your writing and your mind. Do not change a thing.
My job involves deciphering and restructuring law, regulation, TEGLs, TENs, and policy issuances into a realistic and comprehensive operational plan for the county's state and federal job training grants. By the time I'm done with work, my brain is tired. I barely have the attention span for reruns of Big Bang and Agatha Christie murder mysteries let alone creative writing. Add in the problems I have with seeing and proofing my words, and the last thing I want to do is write anything else. Thank god the plan narratives I write are not the final edit. My boss is an English major and once upon a time English teacher, and he does the final pass.
If I had anywhere near your ability, I wouldn't have bailed on JtC and the Monday OT.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
dk, you and I come from similar work backgrounds
I used to be able to churn out reports for our elected officials in my sleep. Creative writing it is not or at least it better not be.
But what it did teach me is how to look at the laws, our regulations and the data we had available to make a report cohesive with the ends all closed so we could defend it. It also made me learn to write in a way that there was no question about the purpose of the report. But it was definitely not even slightly creative.
Creative writing pushes you to think beyond that and to find words and constructions that make it interesting. When I read hecate's writing, I am fascinated and in awe of how he is able to construct something that is always interesting, challenging, and with a lot of literary value.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
And you could do a law OT. There are some fun cases out there. A couple that spring instantly to mind: the California appellate opinion that "public oral copulation" does not qualify as "free speech," within the meaning of the First Amendment; and the decision, I think out of Kentucky, that the "free exercise of religion" clause does not permit crazed Jesus-foamers to require their children to ululate 'round the church while handling poisonous snakes.
I didn't mean that, I just realized while reading your
Open Sesame that it was a burden on my mind. I am fully aware that this is not because you wanted to have that effect with your writing, but because I am just a tad bit too tired of life's challenges and difficulties right now. It's all within me and not within your writing. Please don't get me wrong. I see myself and unfortunately see through my eyes. It's certainly a very personal kind of skewed view. Your writing is just on a level a step too high up for me sometimes. I apologize to have been honest about my feelings and having hurt yours with it. I didn't mean to cause you posting a "sad smiley".
I have three choices, 1. I write what I honestly think, no matter how dumb, 2.I remain silent, or a 3. I try to say what I believe people would like to hear, ie being probably not too honest, but polite. Which one should I choose? I am pretty lonely and feel isolated right now, so remaining silent here would be kind of a killer. I was happy to have been accepted here despite my view points and ways I express myself. I need a home to talk freely online. The GOS (at which I wasted the whole day today and posted things that relate to this, may be) is just always upsetting me in some way emotionally. I look for a place where I can say what I feel, freely, and feel still be "loved". OMG what a bs but still it's what it is.
you didn't hurt my feelings, and yes, you should write what you honestly think. ; )
thx. hecate, I am really bad at lying ...
people even complained about that and told me I am too dumb to lie. I think I got that from my father. He considered a lie as something very bad. Sometimes he couldn't help it and did not lie and then hurt himself or his interests. I took that over from him without being aware of it. Usually I run away from situations where I am forced or expected to lie. I haven't figured out if I should stay here and read and talk, as I am aware that I can't follow things sometimes and don't get all your US culture related jokes. I may just not be in the right place here and get on people's nerves. On the long run that wouldn't be good.
at the local discount store is some coffee made by a company called Marley. Is anyone familiar with this brand? What I want to know is, when I brew it, will it rattle its chains and moan, like in A Christmas Carol?
you'll grow dreadlocks and the air will waft with a particular pungent aroma.
ah yes, right
And then I will rush onto this site to gush about Haile Selassie as the returned messiah, ushering in for I and I an era of eternal peace, total righteousness, and towering fountains of prosperity.
Wow, hecate...
another great one, how the hell do you do it? Amazing!
When I was in my 30's I used to love reading books about physics, in layman's terms of course. Carl Sagan and Cosmos set me off devouring all I could get my hands on, until I came to Heisenberg and his damn Principle. You could have finished your OT, despite JtC and his deadline, and blamed it on Heisenberg, nothing is for certain anyway.
Thanks man, good stuff!
is for me one of the funnest parts. These animals really like it too. For they claim that if ever I think they've done something "wrong," it really isn't so, it's just that my observing of them, makes it seem that way.
And it's okay that I ran out of time to get to the different-one parts. I can just be late with them, next week.
Thanks for your thanks. ; )
alpaca or whatever it is, is giving me the stink eye. It definitely did something wrong, according to my observations anyway, Heisenberg be damned.
i think maybe
when Jesus heaved those demons into the pigs, he missed one, and it set up shop in that creature, seen stink-eyeing above.
Thanks for the excellent and entertaining OT, hecate! Am I
seeing things, or does that little fella's ear tag read "Libby?"
Too cute for words!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
hecate is a man? I visualized differently.
How do I not like the intertubes where nothing seems to be what it seems to be.
My apologies, I have this uncomfortable feeling that if I had envisioned hecate as a man, I would have been a bit more careful not to say what I said in the other comment that caused hecate to post a sad smiley. I kind of feel ashamed for it, because it would mean that I am a bit more cowardly towards men than towards women. Yack, I hate my navel-gazing.
Hi Hecate, another barn burner, thanks!
as an ex-Catholic and atheist I can't read anything to do with "the Pope." It's all such a fraud.
I love this:
Because of having had SCIENCE thrown in my face so many times. I remember writing about neonics causing the decline in bees 3 years ao. Scientists on DK criticized me and posted a counter diary by a real scientist who was praised for knowing how to write in a scientific way. It was all about "we are not sure" "it has not been proven yet" and "all the facts are not in" in other words, we are still guessing. BUT Rachel Carson warned us in the 60's that continued use of toxins would lead to a Silent Spring. Scientists on DK said her work was out of date.
To thine own self be true.
do you remember
that NNadir Science Man on Daily Kos, who would roll on the ground and foam at the mouth if you did not instantly agree to erect a nuclear power plant in your underpants?
No but he sounds repulsive No more Nukes please.
There are some scientists now studying the effects of Fukushima on the West Coast. Industries with an economic stake give grants to Universities for their studies and we are supposed to accept their findings because they are SCIENTISTS.
To thine own self be true.
Oh, yeah, him. Pebble beds! Thorium! n/t
he was
a very angry person.
If you would not embrace his plutonium, you were a "murderer."
Obama says Russia is "doomed to failure" in Syria
Alarming words
Like everything we have done
in the Middle East over the several decades has been a raging success?
Seriously, Obama said that with a straight face? 
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Raging success for the cabal whose goal is death and destruction
It was even worse than that
Doubling down on a failed strategy is our thing! So back off Russia!
thank goodness for the harmonica virgins!
great piece.
harmonica virgins, know Jane.
UN: 1 million more Syrian refugees
This is just starting
Over 1/2 of all Syrians
are now refugees. Tragic.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This is especially for Big Al,
but also for mimi and everyone else:
Ah, to be able to rant in German . . .
This brief, emphatic rant-to-power
deserves and needs to go viral.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
lol, well, at least he knew that ranting, cursing and
driving isn't the ideal and was parking his car...
I am not sure I understood what he said ... he was so subtle, wasn't he?

I am sure he was part of the tiniest minority in Germany...
ok, you made me laugh, I needed that.
Prost! To German style ranting! At least for this one time tonight.
correx: he actually was driving or the video editor
made it seem that way. The translation was mild in comparison how he expressed himself.
As for the English translation,
I gathered from comments at OffGuardian
and also those at YouTube that there
just aren't good English words to properly
translate his full-gusto German vulgarity.
Care to give it a shot?
Nonetheless, am glad to have helped you
find your smile today.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I could give it a shot, but ...
... is it kind, is it necessary, is it fun?
An example: English subtitle starts with: "Are you holding us for fools"
What the German version literally says is "Do you want to make assholes of us" (there is not an English verb for "making out of you an asshole", see how embarrassing it is to tell you that there is a German verb for it?)
Or ...everyone knows the German word "Scheisse" for "shit". In the video he uses the word "Kacke" or "Kackpresse" or "Kackmedien" which is much more vulgar than the "shit press" or "shit media" translations.
There is also the word "Lűgenpresse" used in German media, which is just the same as "Lying Press or Lying Media". When this word started to make rounds, I remember one of the former correspondent of German TV's Washington office, who then became bureau chief in Moscow, mocking on twitter people who attacked the German TV coverage as "Lűgenpresse". This lady correspondent and bureau chief is deeply familiar with Russian and US propaganda. She, btw was also the only correspondent back in the 2007 campaign of Obama, who sensed him out correctly. I was a "fan of Obama" at that time. I couldn't find out back then why she wasn't as enthusiastic as I was and why she was more skeptical. But you know, they thought I am biased and it was kind of tabu to talk about Obama in either too positive or too critical ways. It's German public TV. So, you behave ... /s
Anyway, this guy in the video, is using the word "Kacke" for "Scheisse" ie "shit". And basically if I hear the word "Kacke" I feel that I faint or throw up that intense is the visual image about what "Kacke" looks like. So, yes, the language used today has become more brutal in Germany too, like in the US, people use more trash language on the left and on the right, I guess.
Thank you dr
That is awesome. I needed that. As another said in the comments, from Australia:
I'll help spread it. It's not just his rant, it goes with my mention earlier of a global people's revolution. People all over the world are angry as hell about the killing, the lies, the complete bullshit we have to put up with from our governments, especially ours.
righteous rant, I don't think he was driving
And he seemed good-humoured underneath the rage. I share his utter frustration with the stupid lies we are being constantly fed.
To thine own self be true.