Evening Blues Preview 2-11-15

This evening's music features Chicago bluesman Little Smokey Smothers.

Here are some of today's stories:
The careless, astonishing cruelty of Barack Obama’s government Let me introduce you to the world’s most powerful terrorist recruiting sergeant: a US federal agency called the office of the comptroller of the currency. Its decision to cause a humanitarian catastrophe in one of the poorest, most troubled places on Earth could resonate around the world for decades.

Last Friday, after the OCC had sent it a cease-and-desist order, the last bank in the United States still processing money transfers to Somalia closed its service. The agency, which reports to the US treasury, reasoned that some of this money might find its way into the hands of the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab. It’s true that some of it might, just as some resources in any nation will find their way into the hands of criminals (ask HSBC). So why don’t we shut down the phone networks to hamper terrorism? Why don’t we ban agriculture in case fertiliser is used to make explosives? Why don’t we stop all the clocks to prevent armed gangs from planning their next atrocity?

Ridiculous? In fact it’s not far off. Remittances from the Somalian diaspora amount to $1.2bn-$1.6bn a year, which is roughly 50% of the country’s gross national income, and on which 40% of the population relies for survival. Over the past 10 years the money known to have been transferred to suspected terrorists in Somalia amounts to a few thousand dollars. Cutting off remittances is likely to kill more people than terrorists will ever manage.

Compare this pointless destruction with the US government’s continued licensing of HSBC. In 2012 the bank was condemned by a Senate committee for circumventing safeguards “designed to block transactions involving terrorists, drug lords, and rogue regimes”. It processed billions of dollars for Mexican drug barons, and provided services to Saudi and Bangladeshi banks linked with the financing of terrorists. But there was no criminal prosecution because, the attorney general’s office argued, too many jobs were at stake. The outrageous practices revealed this week will doubtless be treated with the same leniency.

So in order to protect American jobs, the US government fails to take action over the illegal transfer of billions of dollars, while sentencing people in the Horn of Africa to death because of the illegal transfer of a few thousand. There is a word for these double standards: racism.

Isis war to extend far beyond Iraq and Syria under Obama's proposed plan Sources say White House plan will bless anti-Isis war for three years and ensure that Obama, like George W Bush, will hand over two wars to his successor

Barack Obama’s proposed framework for the US-led war against the Islamic State will not restrict the battlefield to Iraq and Syria, multiple congressional sources said on Tuesday, placing the US into a second simultaneous global war that will outlast his presidency.

Several congressional sources familiar with the outlines of the proposal, all of whom expected the White House to formally unveil it on Wednesday, told the Guardian the so-called Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) would bless the anti-Isis war for three years.

Congressional language to retroactively justify the six-month-old US war against Isis will not, they said, scrap the broad 9/11-era authorities against al-Qaida, as some congressional Democrats had proposed, meaning the two war authorizations will coexist.

Asked if the anti-Isis AUMF opens the US to a second worldwide war against a nebulous adversary, one congressional aide answered: “Absolutely.”

Two legislative aides with knowledge of the outlines of the White House proposal said the new AUMF would clarify that the 2001 authority, which Obama has cited to justify everything from drone strikes in Yemen to detaining Taliban combatants beyond the end of US combat in Afghanistan, will no longer apply to the war against Isis.

John Kerry - replaced by neocon robot, or just an asshat?
When would an anti-war activist back arms sales? When he's secretary of state

Secretary of State John Kerry has to be the worst anti-war activist in recorded history. Is there a military action - save one - that he hasn’t supported since he came to national prominence as an anti-war activist in the early 1970s? In the the past decade and a half alone, he’s voted for the war in Iraq, strongly defended drone strikes, was the chief advocate for the bombing of Syria in 2013, and was by far the most hyperbolic cabinet member calling for a years-long, multi-country war against ISIS.

And now Kerry has been privately telling lawmakers that he supports the US entering into a proxy-war against Russia by sending lethal weaponry to the Ukrainian military, even though the Obama administration supposedly does not yet have an official position.

Wildfires Could Spread Chernobyl's Radioactive Material

Nearly three decades after the explosion at the Soviet Union's Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the area is long devoid of permanent residents. But as much as nine percent of the radioactive cesium released into the air following the explosion remains in the soils and vegetation surrounding the decommissioned plant. Forest fires frequently break out and climate change could mean they become more frequent and more intense.

Those fires could release radioactive material into the atmosphere, which could pose health risks to humans living far beyond the contaminated zone, according to a new study published in the journal Ecological Monographs.

"In places like Chernobyl and now in Fukushima, we need to prepare for the possibility of these catastrophic fires," Tim Mousseau, a biologist at the University of South Carolina, Columbia and co-author on the study, told VICE News. "And we need to invest in proper management of these areas so they don't go up in smoke."

The original disaster released radioactive cesium, which the researchers used because it's easy to measure, along with other radioactive elements including strontium and plutonium. Though much of the material has disappeared due to radioactive decay, what remains is dispersed in the soil and water, which is sucked up by growing trees and distributed throughout their leaf systems. Dead, fallen leaves on the ground are a prime fuel for forest fires. In previous papers, the researchers discovered that leaves contaminated with radiation did not decompose as quickly as uncontaminated leaves, leading to greater buildup of leaf litter on the forest floor. ... A fire consuming the leaves vaporizes the radioactive material, and its heat causes the vapors to rise into the atmosphere. Once there, the vapors travel on the air until they fall or are brought to the ground with rain.
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snoopydawg's picture

It's also population control. Counter punch had an article about that a few months ago. Look at how many people our wars have already killed. Or the sanctions on Iran that's preventing medicine for cancer patients and other diseases.
The Iraqi sanctions killed over 500,000 Iraqi children and Madeline Albright said it was worth it.
Now cutting off funds to that country, how many more people will die?
Add in the drone strikes that kill innocent civilians in every country that Obama is dropping drones on.
Since 1945, the US has killed over 30 million by wars, coups or training militaries for other countries.
MLK was correct. Sure wish he was still around.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

gulfgal98's picture

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture

Those fuckers don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and how much money and power they get.
I got choked up yesterday after seeing a deer on the side of the road.
But for those that have killed and maimed not only people in other countries, but our own soldiers, they don't give a damn.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lady Libertine's picture



The 9/11 trial judge abruptly recessed the first hearing in the case since August on Monday after some of the alleged Sept. 11 plotters said they recognized a war court linguist as a former secret CIA prison worker.

Alleged plot deputy Ramzi bin al Shibh, 42, made the revelation just moments into the hearing by informing the judge he had a problem with his courtroom translator. The interpreter, Bin al Shibh claimed, worked for the CIA during his 2002 through 2006 detention at a so-called “Black Site.”

“The problem is I cannot trust him because he was working at the black site with the CIA, and we know him from there,” he said.

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Big Al's picture

“I strongly support and continue to press for greater congressional oversight of the Fed’s regulatory and supervisory responsibilities, and I believe the Fed’s balance sheet should be regularly audited – which the law already requires.”

“But I oppose the current version of this bill because it promotes congressional meddling in the Fed’s monetary policy decisions, which risks politicizing those decisions and may havedangerous implications for financial stability and the health of the global economy.”

So what that really means is that she opposes the representatives of the people being able to participate in the monetary decisions of this country, instead she favors leaving those monetary decisions in the hands of a small group of private rich people.

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Cordelia Lear's picture

So what that really means is that she opposes the representatives of the people being able to participate in the monetary decisions of this country, instead she favors leaving those monetary decisions in the hands of a small group of private rich people.

I disagree. Most members of Congress understand zero about how the Fed works and monetary policy. I don't want them anywhere near it. Although I don't like the idea of the 1% controlling it, it'll be more screwed up if Congress sticks it's nose in it.

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"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." --Paul Wellstone

Big Al's picture

much of anything they vote on, but the key is oversight and that doesn't have to be directly by Congress, it can be done by government workers who report to Congress. There is no oversight of the Fed and it is controlled by
the rich who cause recessions and depressions purposely with their actions. This country was taken over in 1913 with the
creation of the Fed Reserve System. It's one of the major impediments to any sort of democracy and probably the number one
problem to deal with regarding wealth inequality.
The Bank of North Dakota is a good example of what we could have in this country. A real public banking system, the only
state owned bank in the country. It can be done.

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joe shikspack's picture

the fed could be a wonderful tool if it were run by incorruptible saints. as it is, it is such a powerful tool that people like warren don't trust their fellow politicians to have a voice in supervising it (which, of course opens the door to self-interested actions) and consider the sort of private interests that run it currently to be a better option.

it's pretty sad when you have to choose between the relative levels of corruption of bankers and pols.

we need a vastly different economic system. this one is utterly unsuited to the task.

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Big Al's picture

"Three Federal Reserve officials criticized proposed legislation to expand congressional oversight of the central bank’s interest-rate decisions, pushing back against the bill as it is gaining attention.

Fed governor Jerome Powell on Monday called the bill, known to supporters as “Audit the Fed,” misguided. He said it would threaten the central bank’s independence.

The bill “risks inserting the Congress directly into monetary-policy decision making, reversing decades of deliberate effort by the Congress to insulate the Fed from political pressure in carrying out its day-to-day duties,” Mr. Powell said in a speech in Washington.

Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser, speaking earlier Monday on Fox Business Network, said of the bill, “To sort of second-guess and put political pressure on the Fed to make decisions…for short-term political reasons I think would be very dangerous.”

Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher , speaking later Monday on Fox Business Network, said that the bill is about “interfering with the making of monetary policy,” and that the central bank is already “audited out the wazoo.”

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joe shikspack's picture

the central bank is already “audited out the wazoo.”

baloney! the fed has added items to its balance sheet like a drunken sailor in order to facilitate the demands of bankers to be kept in the appearance of solvency.

the fed has declined to regulate banks even during the worst of their excesses.

the fed has not operated in the interests of the people of the united states and as such should face very public accountability for its failures. frankly given the scale of their corruption, tar and feathers are not out of the question.

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Cordelia Lear's picture

on Wall Street. It is not "audited out the wazoo."

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"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." --Paul Wellstone

joe shikspack's picture

(i think that's as close as i come to typing "lol")

if the fed is "audited out the wazoo," where is the physical manifestation of that in terms of reports or presentations? there are no reports available to the general public that transparently and comprehensively describe the actions of the fed - a narrative with corresponding numerical data. further, the fed goes out of its way to use obfuscatory language in its public statements about its actions. these cryptic periodic emanations are the subject of regular textual deconstructions by "experts" attempting to divine the meaning of the at once vague and impenetrable commentary.

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