What is the Lesser Evil?
While I have been researching my weekly series on neo-liberalism, one thing that constantly hits me over and over is how much the neo-liberal ideology has been little by little stripping us of our humanity. It is the single biggest thing that I have come to realize. Instinctively I knew it, but I did not realize why it was happening.
Back in 2009, I distinctly remember when President Obama appointed the debt commission, I asked why was he not looking into ways to combat the rising levels of poverty in this country. Well the answer was simple. Neo-liberals do not care about the poor. They do not care about anything other than those things that add monetary value to the bottom line of the meritocracy.
We were spending tons of money on wars of choice overseas and yet we were systematically cutting social programs at home. We were bombing and killing millions of people in foreign countries using the excuse that we must rid the world of terrorism. As a result, we were creating more terrorists. And I believe that was on purpose. This was the reason I became involved with a local Peace vigil. The fact that millions of civilians were being killed, maimed, and rendered homeless was simply treated as collateral damage necessary to protect us from terrorism. They were living breathing human beings and yet they were simply collateral damage.
Back here in the United States, I realized that most people had swallowed the corporate media version of these wars and had come to view all Muslims over there as "the enemy." Having lived through the Viet Nam era, it was an all too familiar excuse. We no longer even attempt to use diplomacy. War is our first option and it is our greatest export. And yet most Americans have no idea the amount of devastation we have wreaked upon other countries and an entire region. Now we are challenging Russia at their back door.
What is wrong with us as a country and what is wrong with us as a people? We have lost our humanity. And it truly pains me to see just how horrible a people we have become.
Debbie, the Sane Progressive captures it very well in a video she released two days ago.

It seems to be pandemic
Around the world people are revolting against the powers that be. Mayhap they are all the same powers?... As in trans national corporations ? I can't predict what will happen...but Trump smells them out and is catering to their unrest and fears. Hillary seems quite clueless in her oligarchic castle. I don't know if Jill has grasped the larger picture yet..but people are thirsting for truth, and hope. That is what Bernie was offering....but the DNC snuffed him out.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
the powers that be
are those who support neo-liberalism and its close companion, neo-conservatism. Neo-conservatives believe that we must spread our influence throughout the world and use our military might to do so. Hillary Clinton is far from clueless. She is both a neo-liberal and a neo-conservative.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Lesser evilism is major bullshitism
To quote Jeffrey St. Clair of Counterpunch:
from a reasonably stable genius.
No shit.. I love Counterpunch...no punches pulled.
Like the sane liberal, I am sick of all of it. Greedy politicians and corporations in a sea of know nothing and do nothing people. Bernie exposed it all to those who would look.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
This neoliberal crap has been around since Rayguns
and Tricky Dick Nixon. The Bernster exposed it to a wide audience by using 21st century technology.
gg98: Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
divide and conquer phase 2
Already divided the people, now it is time to divide the workers from their capital, and phase 3 is indentured servitude forever
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
Is there a link to the
Is there a link to the article?
This........ hopefully
from a reasonably stable genius.
Voting for the lesser of two evils
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. If someone thinks that voting for evil is a good thing, I have to wonder where their head is, and what it smells like there.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Queen of Chaos?
Eris Discordia does not deserve to be lumped in with the likes of Hillary Clinton.
Eris is the Queen of Chaos. Hillary is lawful evil. It's an important distinction!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
A realization is emerging. This is the second time in
Our culture has become anti-human. The starting point is to re-acquaint people with what it means to be part of human society, i.e. cooperation, mutual aid. This can never be accomplished by some grand pronouncement from above whether by a President, a
two days that this message has come up.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Goin South's essay really touched me and then when I saw Debbie's latest video, I felt I needed to say it again.
Thank you for re-posting this from Goin South.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well I'm not sure this country collectively ever had any
humanity. Founded on slavery and genocide. A manufactured civil war between ruling classes, Chinese railroads, Japanese American internment, Jim Crow, etc. Hell when we were growing up we watched on TV as the racist cops trained firehoses and dogs on black people marching in the streets for civil rights. Rednecks and racists spitting on the hippies. Vietnam war (millions killed, an illegal war), Korean war (millions killed, a despicable and illegal war), kill the yellow people. Half a million children killed in Iraq. Now it's kill the brown people, again.
But you know, war is a racket, all of it. The serfs are the dupes fighting them for the rich, sacrificing themselves for power hungry greedy bastards. The only way to find our humanity is to seek justice. There must be justice against those at the top who are illegally and unconstitutionally waging wars and other actions related to U.S. imperialism, the banksters who are instrumental in triggering wars, the media that is lying to the public and the corporations that are profiting from them.
We can blame ourselves all we want, and we should, but until we cut the head off the snake, its going to continuing slithering across the planet killing and destroying.
Of course,
War is a racket and this country was founded by slave owners, but we the people seem to be living in a state of denial about just how evil we have all become as individuals. It is more than just about wars. Wars are a symptom. We justify to ourselves that killing is okay because we want safety and to continue to be comfortable.
It pains me to see how that every one of us knows can dismiss the kind of killing that is going on simply to spread the oligarchy. We rationalize it to ourselves. We are in denial as to how evil we all have become because we have allowed ourselves to be duped.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Ya, collectively.
Scared little sheeple. Just saw a headline that Trump is using that as his theme, keeping us (or his flock more accurately) safe. Course the first thing I thought of is those poor little scared republicans, having to get out from under their beds to wander to the convention so their daddy can tell them they'll be safe. Must be terrible having to live life scared shitless and unable to protect yourself, having to depend on their daddy to keep them safe. While complaining about the poor depending on food stamps to eat.
It's sick. It's not just on the republican side either. I remember saying that to a lot of Obamabots during the first couple years. And of course now the war criminal supporters of Hillary Clinton. Just brainless bullshit.
I disagree with you use of the WE, gg
You certainly don't fit in this category, nor do many of us on this site.
I have been speaking out about this since before the Iraq war started but spoke out more after.
I especially called out the discrepancy on DK after Obama was elected and first started using drones in countries that hadn't threatened us.
And when he invaded Libya and the people on DK bought his propaganda about how bad a person Gaddafi was when the members over there were supporting him.
The Obama and Hillary supporters do fit in that category. Especially the Hillary supporters who keep claiming that she isn't a warmonger when they only need to look at her actions during her time as SOS. Those people are allowing themselves to be willfully duped.
As are the Trump supporters that cheer when he says that he's going to bomb the terrorist's families.
I do know how evil the United States is and how long it has been that way.
I agree that many people have lost their humanity, if they ever had any to begin with.
Every time there is a terrorist attack in a country that isn't in the Middle East, people won't put the pieces together for the reason why those attacks happened. Their response is for more bombing and more killing.
And the people who join the military aren't blameless either. There is enough information available to them to show that the US isn't fighting to protect our country or our freedoms. That's just what they tell us so that people are okay when innocent civilians are killed. Or their countrys destroyed.
Damned fine essay, thanks for writing it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I understand your point
When I used the word "we," it was relative to the American public as a whole. I saw this during the years I participated in the Peace vigil. People were against the wars for practical reasons, but for the most part, very few had any empathy with those people we were killing in the Middle East.
Thank you for the nice compliment as well as your great comment.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good point snoopydawg
I also agree with gg's rejoinder that her use of the collective "we" is a reference to the American people as a "whole".
I got in to my first dust up with Armando at the very beginning of Shrub's invasion of Iraq. I suggested that "we" should avoid the use of the term "Global War on Terror" because the label itself was dishonest and an immoral justification for an "unjust war".
Being the warmonger dickhead that he is, Armando claimed "we" would look like naive idiots if "we" attempted to challenge the phrase "GWOT". After a brief exchange Armando falsely accused me of making an ad hominem attack against him. Very shortly after the dickhead's false accusation I was attacked by the Dkos Heathers.
I have never taken The Pie Fight Place seriously since then and was primarily a lurker from then on.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
re the military:
I can't say "Thank you for your service" as so many do. That's because I remember the words from the Viet Nam protest days - "what if they threw a war and nobody came?"
On the other hand, I realize the military is the only available route to many many people, poor people, and how the system has jacked them up for fodder. These people are blameless, really. Higher up the chain is where blame can begin.
Sometimes I think that a real
Truth And Reconciliation Commission like RSA had after apartheid fell might be the answer for America. But mostly I think that we've gone too far down the road.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I am afraid you are right, but then maybe a fall is what we need to save us in the long run.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I think we might want to try before they
start a nuclear war and steal ALL of the wealth. That's why I hate seeing all this time, effort and money going into these fake elections when we should be spending the time, effort and money on ending U.S. imperialism and rule by the rich. We are far down the road but there's plenty to go and we need to put on the brakes.
How to put the brakes on though?
What can we do to stop US imperialism? There are many groups and organizations that are protesting the wars like Code a Pink, the people who protested outside the bases that control the drones and at the School of the Americas along with a few other sites.
But as GG points out, people in this country have lost their humanity.
I live by an Air Force base and used to work with people who had family members in the military.
I tried talking to them about the numbers of innocent civilians that were being killed during the Iraq war and especially asked how they felt about the children that were being killed.
Most of them rationalized the killings by bringing up 9/11 and the innocent civilians that were killed then.
I would then ask them why they thought we were attacked that day and they blamed it on the Muslims and their religion.
I'm in Utah and my local news site is full of comments that echo Trumps. They can't or won't understand the idea of blowback.
And look at how many people protested against the Iraq war worldwide. Millions and it didn't make any difference.
I'm all for putting the brakes on ending it, I don't understand how we can do it.
As I pointed out earlier, people say that Hillary isn't a warmonger when her record proves that she is.
Same with Obama. Especially on DK they think that he is the best president since FDR while he's more like Hoover.
More wars, income inequality has gotten worse under his administration and he hasn't done a damned thing about the cops murdering blacks.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Over half of maybe-eligible voters have already conceded.
Unfortunately, anger at government (lack thereof) dragged many to Trump and not to Bernie or now Jill.
MSM has been complicit with fear-mongering. Until recently[Earth timelines be too confusing], I think, now we have been led to look at less than a generation cohort view. In USA, some have prided themselves {wrong of me to make a noun into a verb}. Hard to look at beyond one's 90th birthday for the elders among us.
Other than historic royal lines and then welathy other climbers, there has probably not been long view promise of creating a new generation. Gettin' back there.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I agree
but Imo the avg. American became less humane starting with the Reagan years, by allowing themselves to be brainwashed into what I call the (Me,Me,Me It's all about Me) bullshit. Well in any case there is no excuse for this behavior.Now that we have the Internet and Social Media most anything you could want to know is at your fingertips.
The lesser evil laughs just like Vincent Price:
only with the volume turned down a little bit. Remember, though, that those who vote third party are totally in league with that party that wants the volume turned up slightly higher.
And now for the history lesson:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Trump laughs like Vincent Price?
I'm voting for Jill. I cannot, with clean conscience, vote for Killary or Idiot.
There is no such thing
as a lesser evil when the evil hits the degree we have globally these days. Cheney once said we need to go the dark side and we sure did. I missed your excellent OT yesterday so I'm glad you posted this essay today. I had bookmarked a comment is free article I found at The Guardian by Thomas Frank to post on your Wednesday series but it actually fits better here.
The world is taking its revenge against elites. When will America's wake up?
Franks takes on our home grown complacency with neoliberalism and meritocracy. What is the matter with people who think that screw you I've got mine and global bloody endless war for profit is the inevitable way the world works.
It's a good read not to long and right to the point. I understand what the ruling global elite is about. What I don't understand is why Americans acquiesce to this world order that is anti-democratic, brutal, violent and cruel. Human and planetary life and human misery means nothing to the global ruling class. They deserve to win they are 'doing god's work' as the man from Goldman Sachs said.
Axelrod described this horrible new order as 'The World As We Find It' as though this worst of all worlds was some kind natural phenomenon or the inevitable way forward of human society. Why do we the people think this is an acceptable reality and just the way it works? It blows my mind how quickly the public has acquiesced and given their consent to the formerly unthinkable.
Sorry to rant on but lately with all of our politics no one, even those aware of what's going down, has the guts to take them on. This includes Bernie with his foreign policy from hell and his incremental reforming of the irredeemable partisan system. They by-partisanly broke any checks on power and took away the rule of law. Those pesky inalienable rights humans had developed over centuries to protect themselves from the hoards of power hungry psycho who always say they are inevitable. There not they need to be taken on and we the people globally need to stop them.
Hell yes I care about what's in the Mad Bomber's e-mails. Never in my long life have I seen such a disconnect between the politics were engaging in and the world we are all being forced to live in. Wake up people! None of this is worth supporting.
Evil is evil. There is not justification for supporting a lesser evil.
This is exactly what this is all about. As per usual, you hit that nail straight on the head, Shaz.
Thank you for this additional link. Thomas Frank has extremely well articulated the neo-liberal evil that has taken over our society.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I get the feeling sometimes
that all that is wrong with the world we have made, not the least of which is the problem of overpopulation, that this planet earth has driven people to madness in order to rid itself of us.
Yeah -- I know. Hippie -- Gaia stuff. Look what happens when you have too many rats in a cage.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
The too many human rats
as you call people need to use the fact that we out number them and get real about doing the sane things needed. Too easy to blame this state of affairs on too many people reproducing.. Furthermore people are not rat's contrary to the thinking of science man and any creature living in a cage goes insane.
Perhaps my paragraph structure was
too grammatically sloppy for you to interpret it otherwise. I was not calling people rats (except for almost all lawyers). A literal cage is not required. That was merely a base simile.
Are you suggesting that the current over population of the world is not a major contributing factor to the problems we are facing? I do not have a problem attaching, at least loosely, "this state of affairs" as symptomatic behaviors of a stressed system.
I think you took my comment personally. I'm certain that you are not a rat. However, if you are, let's get you on youtube doing some typing!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
"Muslim is a country by Afghanistan!"
That reminded me of the ding bat local who actually said, "Muslim is a country by Afghanistan!" Half an hour, or so, prior she asked, "You don't think ALL Muslims want to kill ALL Americans?"
I've forgotten her name, but chosen a new one: Muslim is a Country by Afghanistan. Her new name comes up in conversations with my brother on occasion, when we discuss the koolaid drinkers. Those drinkers now include Hillbots.
P.S. I love Debbie!
Good one.
Reminds me of the picture of a guy at a republican rally carrying a sign saying "Follow the U.S.S. Constitution!"
USS Constitution never leaves Boston Harbor
She's currently in drydock for massive restoration...again.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The USS Constitution
should be permanently in drydock.
Much like HMS Victory.
Old ships and water don't mix.
from a reasonably stable genius.
This comment
reflects a lot of the same type of comments I heard at our Peace vigil. Like I said up thread. many people were opposed to these wars, but they had no empathy for those people whom they falsely saw as our enemies.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What did you say to them, Gulfgal?
When the idget asked if I thought all Muslims wanted to kill all Americans i replied, "No, not any more than I think all Christians want to blow up all abortion clinics."
Later, after her Muslim is country by Afghanistan statement, I knew I was wasting my breath. This ding bat votes and has reproduced.
Sigh . . .
What we used to say
is to try to turn it around by asking them, how would you feel if someone invaded your country and killed your family and friends? We would try to humanize those that have been perceived as our enemies. Most of the time, it was a hard sell.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Why The Surprise?
Isn't it clear by now that WE. DON'T. MATTER???
Unless we are wealthy, we have no value in the neo-corporatist world. Being stripped of our humanity makes it easier for us to be declared surplus. Surplus inventory gets scrapped or discarded. But if for some reason we haven't seen fit to eliminate ourselves for the greater good of the greater profit (perhaps like in Soylent Green?), it will become the duty of law enforcement to do the job. The outrageous shooting of Charles Kinsey of Florida for absolutely no reason is but the beginning.
I was told today (but haven't checked into it yet) that somewhere police are to be granted even more rights to shoot with impunity. If anyone knows anything about this, please provide the link in the comments. Better to know who the current-day fascists have declared to be untermenschen.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
No surprise
I have been writing about neo-liberalism here for the last eleven weeks. My series is part of the Wed. morning Open threads.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
ATM's and Self Checkouts. Yes, they're convenient. Quick and easy. No cranky busy body bank teller noseying into your business to deal with, and no waiting in line to check out. Sweeet! But, they pobably do more than any other gizmo to isolate us, keep us in our cocoons.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
It's not us. It's them.
GG, excellent read. We don't live in a functional democracy. Actually, neither do we live in a dysfunctional one. In the final analysis, once one removes the rose colored glasses of the massive corporate propaganda effect, one could see that our system is more akin to an oligarchy, a totalitarian police state, a kleptocracy.
Speaking of research, there is an actual ruling elite that can be identified once the corporate veil is removed (stripping away the hiding places behind anonymous LLCs, interlocking corporate boards, etc.). And these people are ruthless; their greed and avarice, sadism, megalomania, knows no boundaries. They are as hideous and despotic as any other ruling class in history. They have no regard for human life; they place the lives and well-being of average citizens on par with vermin, rats, cattle. I'm using those characterizations to make a point about how truly evil these people are.
And the killings, the stealing, the lying, the propaganda, the buying off of politicians, the wars, the purposely undermining of the public sector in favor of privatization, the financialization of all sectors, all those things are being done by them, not us (average citizens). We are their victims; us and the natural environment.
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
Long ago
Ray, you inspired me to learn more about the corporatocracy. I used to remember a person who posted under the name of War on Error who posted great charts of those interlocking directorates of various groups such as ALEC. I found them very enlightening. Since then I have bee reading and writing about neo-liberalism.
The American people are waking up, but the oligarch are so deeply entrenched that it is frightening.
Thank you for your comment. I hope to read more from you in the future.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
GG, that's very kind of you.
To me, there isn't really any higher praise than to hear that I inspired someone to embark on a search about the true nature of the system. It is the only reason I write. And of course, likewise I've learned a great deal from people who are similarly motivated. War on Error was one of those people. Yes, he put out great research on interlocking corporate boards and related issues. I used to read his stuff a lot.
Either way, one thing I'm really working hard at is trying to spread the message about the importance for people of goodwill (and aware about the true nature of the system) to come find each other (in community by community) with the goal of forming strong bonds, camaraderie, a common purpose, and work (even if slowly) to form parallel social structures free (as much as possible) from corporatist influences.
In my own neighborhood I've been meeting with people, sharing that message. Tomorrow I have another meeting with local activist...
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
GG such an excellent series and a very good conversation to have
I'm with those who like Ray are stating we have had our humanity slowly stripped, year by year. When it takes two people working long hours to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, it's really hard to have time and energy to be engaged at home let alone the community, state or country.
We work at two levels when we are awake: keeping our body and souls together while trying to make conversation, action and change where possible.
All of this makes many of us like too many people for the life boats, and yes inhuman.
War On Error: so glad you mentioned her. I too thought she was an excellent poster. She was a 70+ year old lady who was a very smart person. She became hounded by miserable people at TOP.
I wish we could find her, if possible, and invite her here. She actually wrote me an email thanking me for commenting and reccing her writing, which I found sad.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
War on Error
If anyone knows how to contact her, please do and ask her to join us. She did such in depth research that was extremely valuable to enlighten us as to how the oligarchs work.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
bobswern and Don midwest are two other diarists we need
from T (wretched) OP. I learned all about NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP and the other economic plagues by reading bobswern. I can't say enough about Don midwest and his worker rights, etc. diaries and links.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Both are members here
Occasionally Don midwest posts a comment. I hope he will post more often. It would be great if bobswern would post here too.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
GG such an excellent series and a very good conversation to have
Edit to delete duplicate
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
GG, I remember WarOnError
She disappeared after a while and I asked around and sent her TOP emails and she finally answered me. Shes a grandmother, was having financial problems, was discouraged. I too admired her work greatly and plead with her to come back, but I've not seen nor heard from her since.
They are evil. There really is a fight on the planet of
good vs evil. You're absolutely right they have no qualms whatsoever of killing millions, perhaps billions, for their goal of world control, one world government. And I've been saying for years, they're not going to stop. Long before the Cold War rev'd up again and the Asia pivot, we knew they'd go after them. It's happening. They just aren't going to stop and messing around with elections, hoping to elect more of the very people who helped get us into this mess, is just giving them more time to do their thing.
I agree that the characterizations have to be blunt to get across what we're dealing with.
I've always thought
the point wasn't to win wars but to extend them so profits could be maximized.
We haven't won a war in forever.
Our goal
has not to win wars, but to spread wars. It is a big part of PNAC and Robert Kagan, one of its founders, has endorsed Hillary Clinton. The neo-cons love Clinton. Neo-cons are war hawks.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Capitalism taken to its end point...
leads to slavery - where profits are maximized. War also produces profit and so must be good.
How do we break the cycle?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is my concern
Occupy gave me a lot of hope as did the mobilization of the people, particularly the young people, behind the Sanders campaign. Yet both have been crushed but I keep hoping.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Sticking your head in the sand
and rolling over seems to be what most Americans do. A neighbor a Democrat and an environmental biologist the other day was all pissed off at our Democratic corrupt in the bag city government because they allow the homeless to shit in the woods on his bike trail/corridor. Never mind that the investors and developers are demolishing Portland and turning this city into a Shanghai investors wet dream that has no place for poor or even 'low income' people to exist. I was flabbergasted I said but, but but. Where are these people supposed to live and shit? He said most of are moocher degenerates who need to get a job and stop wrecking the view of my yuppie hip successful life style. Their filthy scum. (paraphraze) I want them gone.
No Draft means only
And haven't for some 25the riff raff enlist for war. Most Americans do not know one soldier serving in the military, let alone serving in a war zone. Not. A. One. And haven't for some 25 years - a whole generation - at least. So, why do I care - or anyone care - what wars we're fighting? I have no blood invested. Not a drop.
We can blame Uncle Walter. That bastid, with the help of that other bastid, Dan Rather, brought the Vietnam War into America's living rooms every fucking night! And had the balls to tell Americans we were losing! Then, to add insult to injury, televised those dirty hippies protesting the war! The bastids!
Well, the MIC would have no more of that. No Draft - an All Volunteer Army - would end the horse$hIt of hippies protesting any future wars. And keeping The Media off the battlefield would end ant Dan Rather wannabees - and end nonstop coverage every night. Americans would only know what the MIC tells them, and the MIC ain't saying jack.
With a buttoned up military the MIC could - and can - do anything it wants and Americans wouldn't know d!ck. Chances are, unless they're from The South or the Mkidwest they don't know a single soldier, becuz kids from those regions the only ones enlisting. Well, kids from those regions easily represent 77% of all enlisted. The rst of the country - the northeast in particular - likely knows zero people in the military. None. I would be one of those. And, with zero blood in the game - thanks to that all volunteer army - well... not many of us give a damn if we're fighting a war, or ten wars. We don't have a drop of blood invested. Hell, most Americans think we won the Iraq War when G. Dubya declared "Mission Accomplished."
Elimination of the Draft - and keeping The Media out of the War Zone(s) - was Mission Accomplished for the MIC. They now could execute any amount of wars they wanted to execute without pesky Americans whining about their mission. And, they would get tons of conservative patriots from The South and the Midwest to fight them for them.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Not only all volunteer army
but also paid mercenaries who out number the numbers of troops 4-1. And all of the duties that the military used to do has been privatized which has increased how much the wars cost.
And look at how many companies have been found guilty of fraudulent over billing for their services but instead of being forbidden to have any more contracts with the military, they pay a small fine and then get new contracts. Any bets that the fines are much less than the profits they made
It was the same thing with the banks who had to pay a few millions or billions in fines. The fines didn't come close to the profits they made.
Again, the same with the for profit college that fraudulently over billed the government.
In each case, the companies paid a fine, kept the profits and in almost every case not one person was charged with a crime.
At least both of the Bush presidents put people in prison.
Enron executives and the people responsible for the savings and loans scandals.
Obama hasn't charged one executive with a crime, but boy he has been tough on anyone who tells about the fraud or war crimes.
Best president evah!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Banksters have not been personally nailed by jail
unless they steal from the 1%, who will not tolerate being duped out of $100K or more with the insiders gaining. The charges against particular HSBC execs this week indicate that personal gain from lessers will not be tolerated, at least now that Comey's term at HSBC ended (we think) a few months ago. And then it was DoJ who did airport arrests.
It's all a scam. For us, the underlings there will be no relief. For example, a county N of me has a budget shortfall. In NY, where there is (slight but advertised) cap on increase in county taxes, paid separately from state taxes OR school taxes. Creative ways to skim funds: add a fee onto a fee. Registering a new-to-you car is their grand idea. NY charges a tax? fee? for that already plus county sales tax rates which vary.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Ignorance is the neocons' friend
Muslims make up about one fourth of the world population. If they wanted us dead, we would be dead. Let's help them instead of attacking them. Incredibly expensive unwinnable wars halfway around the world don't make us safer, but they are very profitable for the MIC.
Most Americans don't know someone in the military, but they don't know any Muslims either!
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Our actions re: the Middle East made us much LESS safe.
Even Sanders somehow justified to himself bombing Afghani farmers because no one turned Osama Bin Laden over to George Bush. To me, that's just insane. We've killed Arab families at checkpoints because they didn't answer questions put to them by our 20 year old English troops. Look at some photos from Abu Ghraib. Think about CIA torture in the US, "extraordinary" rendition, etc.
Aside from people killed, maimed or crazed as a result of our actions, millions have been displaced. Each and every victim has family members, friends, neighbors, etc. They will have children and grandchildren.
In which universe has our violence and cruelty to Arabs and Iranians made us more safe?
I don't know any Koreans
either. Or many blacks for that matter. I live in a very white christian world. Subsets tend to stay among their own. Even the majority white christian subset.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I know someone in the military.
My firstborn son.
He is one of the 90% of soldiers in a support position.
He has a BA, an MA, and is ABD. He can be sent down range at the command of the CiC.
I know many Muslims, too. I live in a diverse neighborhood and teach at a diverse public school.
Consider me, please, the exception to your rule.
I keep coming back to the Trojan Horse.
When Greece's army is arrayed on the battlefield, Troy at least has a fair shot at survival, whether that shot is by defeating the Greek army in combat or building better walls around Troy and preparing well for seige. When the Greek army rides into Troy in a gifted wooden horse, Troy has no fair shot and falls. In this story, Troy represents the 99%, the members of the Greek army arrayed on the battlefield are Republican politicians and the members of the Greek army hiding in the wooden horse are Democratic politicians.
Both Democrats and Republicans are evil. The greatest evil in my mind has to be the most dishonest evil. Republicans are up front about their admiration or and devotion to big business. Democrats are still selling themselves as the champion of working people and people in need, who are sometimes referred to euphemistically as "the most vulnerable." This is false and fake.
Democrats pretend to be and a counter to Republicans, the antidote to Republicans. However, both Democratic politicians and Republican politicians are working toward very similar goals. So, Democrats mislead us into believing we already have an antidote to Republican poison, when the reality is that we need an antidote to both Republicans and Democrats. Rather than assuming our survival depends on getting Democrats elected, we must realize that our survival depends on finding or developing an antidote to most politicians in office today, regardless of whether they chose to run as Democrats or they chose to run as Republicans.
As a separate issue, I firmly believe words matter. Many of our thoughts are in the form of words; and it's circular, in that our words influence our thinking while our thinking influences our words. So, let's not get our thinking twisted by using words that deceive us.
It's not "lesser" or "greater." Those are words for comparing only two things. Using those words helps perpetuates the lie that the USA has only two political parties. So does the term "third party," which implies that only two matter, and there is only one other party, which doesn't matter.
The reality is that the USA has more than two political parties. The first step to making smaller political parties viable is to stop repeating lies embodied in words that help brainwash us.
Excellent comment!
This in particular, hence my question mark at the end of the title.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you.
Thank you.
One of the worse words in American English is
exceptional. What the amoral nutcases of greed and power have done in brainwashing our people with that word is sadistically beyond brilliant! Great comment, HW!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
The idea of voting for the lesser evil is a privileged one
espoused principally by neoliberals that allows for excuses about why we are not doing the things that need to be done (or increasingly often why we are doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing). Anyone that can afford to elect someone that they don't want just to preserve the status quo, i.e. what little they have in life, is far better off than the vast majority of people at this point. It's like kicking the can down the road for another four years with the justification that we can try again later, except things always get worse and power only becomes more entrenched because we gave our consent to it.