Can you help boost signal?
Submitted by martini on Thu, 07/21/2016 - 1:25am
There are around 100 Bernie delegates that are $2,000+ short on funding.
Could you pick one that is near to you (or that otherwise inspires you) and draw some positive attention to them via your networks?
We (across c99%, TPW, reddit) boosted Egberto a few hundred dollars, and more importantly boosted his *spirits* through the show of support. He's within spitwad distance of his goal, now.
Even $5 helps, because it's one more Berner showing another Berner that we're all trying, as we are able to.

I ask again. Does Kos pay him to FP?
I think too many Bernie delegates who could afford the trip asked for help paying for it. There is a guy on my FB page raising money, and I know he can afford it. It is hard to tell who "needs" the help. I also find it interesting that no one knew what they were getting into by doing this. I only found out about the expense after deciding I should run. I ended up in the hospital and missed filing, but still.
What a way to run an election. Money, money, money
Let me explain. I am not criticizing you, this post, or the ask. It is good to have people like you who care.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yeah, dk, I'm a little frustrated by the delegate fundraising
I see some of my MD delegates asking for as much money as someone coming from CA. $3000? For three days in Philly? Really? It's a two hour drive to Philly. Also, if the hotel is outrageously expensive that you have to stay in, then share rooms. Yeah, I know that's kind of awkward, but so what? (Also, why would you have to stay in a certain hotel - how can that be required?)
I don't know - I've given money to some of them anyway, but like you said, it would be great if there was a way to know exactly what people really needed to get there, and who really needs the help.
i guess they didn't read the fine print
it's the primary reason i didn't apply to become a delegate. i knew i couldn't afford the costs of attending the convention. if one had delved further into the process the costs are stated but not having done that maybe they thought the campaign would kick in to pay their way. maybe they did understand the costs and sought to worry about the money later. unfortunately, too many are lacking funds and you don't know where to fairly put your money.
i'd like to help but i can't even find out who is representing my district in CA. as for some of the other delegates, asking for $7000 seems a bit much when others are only asking $2000.
I don't understand this. Why isn't the Sanders campaign making more of an effort to reach out to its delegates, or are they? How much would one Bernie email devoted to assisting delegates with expenses raise? Is supporting delegate costs an illegal use of campaign funds?
There must be opportunities to help coordinate and to help people within driving distance car pool and maybe to help people share rooms. I confess to having very limited information, but this situation looks like an organizational failure to me.
at the very least...
the Sanders campaign should have organized a community pool of money for all the delegates. i wouldn't know now where to put my money with all the GoFundMe pages being listed. maybe funding is something left to the state Democratic party organizations to get their delegates to the convention. unfortunately, the state parties are favoring Clinton and her delegates are likely to be better funded. as for the Sanders delegates it's, oh well, too bad.
The info we have
Over at kfs is that the campaign can only help with lodging. Travel, meals & incidentals are up to the delegates.
Bernie was raising money to help, but the campaign now wants us to go through the go fund me sites.
We've also heard that the lodging money has gone to each state's people in charge of the delegation, and at least one state is playing games.
We have reports of the campaign contacting individual delegates to see if they are all set.
Oh, the ridiculous lodging cost: it's like 500/day "because security".
The dnc is running a scam as far as I'm concerned, but who cares if your company (lobbyist) or campaign pays for it.