OT 9/10/15 - The End of Politics
At the end of 2014 I met Don Midwest here in Portland. I had to cut our discussion short because I was coming down with a two week flu. I wondered if I'd survive it. Apparently I did. In any case, Don talked about Naomi Klein, about being involved, and working for change. I felt then that there was little hope that anything would ever get better unless the whole structure fell apart.
Now, 8+ months later, I feel that even more.
A little while back I posted some depressing stuff from Change.gov, The Office of the President-Elect. To refresh your memories, here are some of these 2008 bits.
Sunlight Before Signing: Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.
Conduct Regulatory Agency Business in Public: Obama will require his appointees who lead the executive branch departments and rulemaking agencies to conduct the significant business of the agency in public, so that any citizen can see these debates in person or watch them on the internet.
Close the Revolving Door on Former and Future Employers: No political appointees in the Obama-Biden administration will be permitted to work on regulations or contracts directly and substantially related to their prior employer for two years. And no political appointee will be able to lobby the executive branch after leaving government service during the remainder of the administration.
Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government. Obama will ensure that federal agencies expedite the process for reviewing whistleblower claims and whistleblowers have full access to courts and due process.
Once-in-a-lifetime-candidate #1: Disqualified. And oh by the way, the huge majorities his party had in 2009? Gone.
Then there was Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat in the U.K., who ran as a lefty and agreed to be part of Cameron's coalition. Instead of pushing the Tories into moderating their Thatcher Jr-ism, Clegg went along for the ride, His sellout is described here.
1. Tuition Fees
Nick Clegg campaigned on a promise to scrap tuition fees if they got into power, and every Liberal Democrat MP pledged to vote against future tuition fee increases. But once in government, Nick Clegg and his MPs voted to treble tuition fees to £9,000,
8. Sure Start
In May 2010, Nick Clegg promised to protect Sure Start and told voters that "Difficult decisions are going to have to be made in public spending, but Sure Start is one of the best things the last government has done and I want all these centres to stay open". But in Government, the Liberal Democrats have backed cuts to Sure Start - and 558 centres have shut so far.
and so on. Reformer #2: No, not really.
Then we have the "leftist" Francois Hollande. No more Sarkozy! A lefty! Or maybe not.
With two billion-dollar warships paid for but not delivered, Hollande reversed course on sanctioning Russia saying, “I think sanctions must stop now”, but later said they are tied to progress in Ukrainian peace talks.
The first half of Hollande’s term is full of broken promises: He did not refuse austerity, fund job growth, rebalance income inequality or even restore dignity to the presidency, as his first lady tried to commit suicide after discovering Hollande was having an affair with an actress. The former first lady penned a tell-all memoir that will soon be made into a movie.
And he likes bombing. Great.
Next up, Alexis Tsipras. He was going to show that European Union what's what! Instead he did their dirty work for them.
(We) have seen the continuation of many of the same policies enforced by the previous pro-austerity regimes in Greece, policies which Syriza, up until prior to the elections, denounced in many instances as being illegitimate and unconstitutional.
But now there's Bernie. We're saved! Forget about Obama being that once-in-a-lifetime candidate. It's Bernie. For real! Except, uh-oh..
Here's one of my problems with Bernie.
Sanders has yet to lay out a detailed foreign policy agenda. In fact, his campaign website does not address a single foreign policy issue (unless you count climate change). But his admission that he would not end the drone program signifies that military force in countries like Yemen, Somalia, and parts of Pakistan will be continued under a potential Sanders administration.
They're all somewhere on the scale from deeply flawed to criminal. And these are people we thought would save us! I can't see things improving in this system. Money runs everything. When did it start? With radio advertising? TV? It's always been bad but now it's impossible. Nobody can win without a ton of money, for ads, for bribes, and the promise of future bribes. If you were a shady mover and shaker who would you support? The guy who slips you millions and says that'll be it? Or the guy who slips you millions and tells you there'll be more where that came from?
Hopeless, I tell you! Shaharazade and I brought home the movie "If". Perhaps that'll give me some inspiriation when we watch it.

Morning. Kept this as my sig line for some time at DK
It does look hopeless primarily because of that. The people are divided, confused, ignorant, and left to rely on the same people who are trying to screw us to pretend to help us.
I remember clearly when Hollande was running for the French presidency. I had done a little research and found that he was anything but what he was pretending to be, in fact he was/is a Zionist imperialist. Some on DK were praising him and I would kick back and tell them the truth, which of course they didn't want to hear. "Lalalalalalalalalalalala I can't hear you!"
The Podemas in Spain are having the same problem. Once the so called left revolution meets the ruling class system it's game over. The same thing will happen if Bernie Sanders becomes President. Which is fine for people like TomP, Gogogogo, and JoefromLowell who are backing Sanders, but not me and not my children and grand children. We've had quite enough of this bullshit thank you very much.
But there is hope. Those who have been betrayed by the Syrizas in Greece and the Podemas in Spain are fighting back and trying again. That's all we can do, keep trying.
Hello to both Shahrayr and Big Al
Hi guys,
Both of you posted today. Shahrayr posted first and then Big Al wrote a comment.
When I was in Portland had the wonderful experience of meeting with both of you. And even though both are close, not sure if you have gotten together in person yet. You would enjoy the visit.
Here is my take on Shahrayr's post at the start.
You are describing aspects of what has happened in the US, namely there has been a coup d'etat. And you are discouraged that nothing can be done to get back to our democratic republic.
Chris Hedges has been writing about this for some time. His analysis is correct in my view, but his solution could lead to violence. He is basing his hope on a mythical left that existed in the past but no longer exists and his notion of revolution could lead to violence which the state with its superior force could stamp out.
A book that I have heard great things about and am going to purchase now describes how the traditional left has been taken out of politics, e.g., unions that go along to get along, and everything has become economics. And in the realm of economics, the crap that Shahryar describes, that crap flourishes, but worse, there does not seem to be an alternative, a past to return to, an alternative way of life.
In my view, the only hope that we have is Bernie.
But he is not perfect and in the article Shahryar links, Bernie has not taken a stand against the military. That is a big deal. That cabal took out John Kennedy. Bernie is a bigger threat to the system than OWS, so we can expect that we are already being watched by the surveillance state.
At the same time, Bernie is riding several waves that are sweeping the globe. The two gigantic ones are the climate, which changes everything, and capitalism which has taken over the mind of governments and people. People are fighting back.
The consequences of dumb decisions, like wars to solve problems, and climate change denial, are making it clear to more and more people that governments are illegitimate.
When I was in Portland talking with both Shahryar and Big Al, I mentioned the book by my friend, "The American Revolution of 1800." I have been lax but now have to get back to a diary on the book with a title something like "Revolution, Thomas Jefferson, Bernie Sanders" to relate the non violent, constitutional based revolution that happened in the US. There is a historical precedent to Bernie Sander's revolution. Unlike Chris Hedges, this is a revolution based on our tradition.
Empires come and go. Historical forces, primarily driven by the environment, will bring about change. Bernie is one path that we have to nudge things in the right direction.
Hi Don, good to see you.
I think it would be great to have a critical discussion on this blog regarding Sanders, the Democratic party, the left,
and where we can go with this. Perhaps that can be had at some point. Right now it appears the emotions are still too
high relative to criticism against Sanders to pursue that.
But 2016 is going to be a monumental year one way or another.
i think that we are having that discussion...
it's just happening slowly and moving forward more with more concrete information, like sanders' comments to martha raddatz when she pushed him on foreign policy. if sanders' positions on those issues harden over the campaign, rather than adjust as his position on police militarization and the prison-industrial complex have, i think it will have a sincere effect on how sanders is viewed by folks here.
Let's say you had the chance to ask Sanders questions
about foreign policies and military engagements overseas etc.
Can you make a list of a couple of "hard questions" to ask. Bernie will be in Manassas, VA on Monday Sept 14th, that's in four days and if he takes questions, I want to ask some. Heh, in my best German accent...
I don't want to ask too stupid things and I am full in my head with other stuff over the weekend. Great Evening Blues, though I haven't read much yet, I never can catch up.
"Do you support U.S. imperialism
or not. There Bernie."?
It should be that simple.
well, AL, I will ask him that straight forward, what
do you think he will answer?
Please provide me with a follow-up question, because it's clear what he would answer, no?
I guess it depends on who asked him. If it was someone
who he felt he had to answer, he'd answer. What he'd say is the question. I'd certainly be interested in hearing
it. He would either have to admit the U.S. is an Imperialist country or he'd have to deny it. If he admitted it he'd
have a problem because he wouldn't be able to support the largest military on earth while admitting it's for
imperialism. If he denied it, he be a liar.
They all should be asked the question.
ok, then I think one should formulate the question right away in
a way to point out that if he denies that the US is an imperialist country, he would be liar in many people's eyes, and if he does agree that it is an imperialist country and he would still insist that the US has to be the largest military power, he probably would argue he needs that military power to control the evils of his own country's imperialist activities. I think he wouldn't even get into a problem. He simply would answer that his intentions are to fight imperialism with his own military power, even when it is from within the US empire. He is commander in chief and could order the military to not engage in imperialistic goals and intentions.
Oh, I see your sig line. I guess that comes close to what was vaguely in my mind. Or I am just too confused.
Shahryar - article today on military fits your point
Hi again
At the end you linked an article that noted that Bernie has not spoken out about foreign policy.
Here is an article just posted on Tom Dispatch.com. The first part describes the totally insane military policy and results of more and more screw ups, and more and more money spent on them. Just the intro by Tom is enough to show the insanity. Then it follows up with Nick Turse's view of our "new" strategy of training all the bad guys and some how that will bring about favorable results. It sounds like the military is part of a criminal gang itself ......
Terrific comment Don!
I am so happy to see you comment here in detail. Much of what you have written is what I tend to agree with.
The way I look at Bernie is not that he is our salvation, but he is the only vehicle by which we can make our voices heard in this time. I personally see much of what he is campaigning on as a continuation of the issues brought forth by the Occupy Movement. And while I am distressed at his avoidance of specifics on foreign policy, his past votes show him to be less warlike than the other candidates. The only way I see to destroy the MIC is to cut it off at its source...funding. That will take a real revolution since nearly every member of Congress is tainted in some way or another.
Climate change is the 800 lb gorilla that must be dealt with immediately. If not, everything else becomes irrelevant.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hi Shahrayr and Don, I want to know
where there was a historical precedent to Bernie Sander's revolution.
And so far I haven't quite understood the meaning of a "political revolution". Neither do I understand the concept of a "non-violent" revolution.
How can you have a constitutional based revolution, if the constitution itself is the one that allows the empire to grow into something that nobody seems to be able to get under control, including its own re-writing or amending.
your questions require more than a comment to respond to...
they are excellent questions, indeed.
i think that "non-violent revolution" is more appropriately understood as sweeping reform, change from more-or-less within the system with perhaps the replacement of some government figures and a shift in power among the elites.
a constitutional based revolution, might be one to reinterpret a constitution in particular ways or to ban certain interpretations that have arisen. it might be a revolution to force a government that has strayed from its constitutional moorings (say by creating alternate institutions that wield power like a deep state) back to the straight and narrow. alternately a constitutional revolution might be one where a constitution is rewritten in part or a new constitution entirely is imposed.
How? General strike. (If the cops and military buy in)
We got the New Deal because they were running scared, and that was what they feared. They were afraid of the IWW and the other unions.
In short:
---Mario Savio
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
if the military buys in, that would lead to a military coup
or not? Who guarantees that the military then does the noble work of rewriting the constitution to make it impossible for the representative democratically elected government to be bought out by the MIC or corporations and actually the military itself? If they would rewrite the constitution in such a way that the corporate oligarchs and the MIC would be controllable and not be able to bribe the representative and the elections, I doubt they would let this happen. They very well would oppress the whole process and good intentions.
I think once a country has fallen into the abyss and be dependent of uncontrollable corporate and military corporate powers, you are in a big pile of poop for a long time. Easy to fall into it, very, very hard to get out of it.
Arggh, I really should get an education.
damnably frustrating that we can't get reformers that can do more than shoot off at the mouth while they're on the campaign trail.
that song has incredible good lyrics, represents
very well what probably many of us are feeling. thx.
now you made me listen to this guy a lot
How come all the good songs are so old and came out in the seventies? Really nice to got introduced to this singer.
Kind of strange that I discover those with a thirty to forty year delay....
How did that turn into a "civil war".
Answer - it didn't, it was never a civil war, "they" (you know who they are) turned it into a proxy war against Assad by unleashing
their proxy terrorist army.
And again, there is proof. The Wikileaks cables
contain some of it.
"WikiLeaks: US secretly backed Syrian opposition"
Then there's the DIA 2012 memo that came out
"2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime"
Then there's the Brookings Institute publication, "Which Path to Persia".
Then there's the billion a year CIA budget for overthrowing the Syrian government, destabilizing the country and causing a
massive refuge crisis.
The list goes on and on.
"The Refugee Crisis is a Crisis of Imperialism"
Genocide. We're witnesses. We're accessories.
I looked at my old diaries
And I ran across this one
I'm glad that people have finally woken up to the disaster. Now what are we going to do about it?
We gotta stop the war. They're going to keep on going.
David Swanson and others are out there making an effort. They need help.
Good Morning, Shahryar and 99%'ers
I think what we have seen here, based upon your examples is the complete coup of the governments of the western world. The Tispras situation was described as extensive mental waterboarding when he met with the EU leaders. Under the leadership of the German finance minister, Schauble, Greece was given a choice of no choice according to Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister
While I think Tsipras should have walked away instead of pushing for more austerity, we have no idea why he capitulated except through the third party accounts which showed that the troika had no intention of negotiating. In other words, it appears that the world's bankers are operating like a crime syndicate.
If my comment here is way off base, I certainly would appreciate someone correcting it for all of us.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Looks like the republicans are going to be down to
Ted Nugent and Charlie Daniels.
Good Morning Shahryar, good OT, but hard to swallow ...
...and a little depressing. Makes me thinking of a cold winter and going into hibernation stage, rolling up in embryonic position and sleep all the way through all the revolutionary talk. May be when I come out of my cave again, we'll have a glorious democracy with equality, human rights, civil rights, liberty and just a bunch of very happy people. Wouldn't that be something?
Have to go and do something necessary for survival. Have a good day all.
Last night while researching Louisiana
and how it is disappearing at the rate of 1 football field per hour, I came across this:
Bobby Jindal (one of the most dangerous men alive when it comes to Louisana) wrote to President Obama before he came to the Katrina memorial in New Orleans warning him not to talk about climate change. And guess what, the President obliged him.
The memorial "celebration" was sponsored by corporations with vested interest in the continued environmental destruction of Louisiana's coastline. Here's a partial list:

I have been interested in the Gulf of Mexico and the destruction of the Louisiana coastline from way before Katrina and BP. A tv documentary on the precarious environmental state of Louisiana got me interested. My thoughts then were how can we allow this manmade erosion to happen? The US sends troops all over the world to protect its "national interests" and look here, the landscape of the USA is disappearing into the sea and it's business as usual. The control of the Mississippi is partially to blame because the river no longer builds up the land by depositing silt along its banks but that is minor compared with what the Oil & Gas industries have done. There is the argument that they provide jobs but the government could provide jobs for the restoration of the coastline. Now, some experts are saying that it can never be restored.
I'll write more on this in Tues. Morning Greens OT. This OT editorial inspired my rant - man oh man, do we have good reason to be cynical.
To thine own self be true.
Have you researched any on MRGO?
MRGO is the shipping channel that was cut from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico in order to cut down the amount of time it took for ships to reach the port of New Orleans which is the fifth largest in volume of cargo in the US. I have not had time to do much research on MRGO before posting this comment, but I do remember that MRGO was thought to have contributed significantly to the damage caused by hurricane Katrina.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
no but thanks! I thought 10,000 miles of
channels in the protective coastal marshes dredged by Oil & Gas was bad enough. OMG what have they done??!!
To thine own self be true.
Dropping by to say hi
been a little down, but I'm getting back up.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Keep looking up Triv
and hope for the best.
To thine own self be true.
Joe made me listen to this guy, this is a song he
wrote to sheer himself up.
Made me smile ...
Father of Rufus Wainwright
whose mother was Kate McGarrigle
To thine own self be true.
Me too
'Been down so long it looks like up to me' Richard Farina. Hope thing's start looking up for all of us. I could sure use a pocket full of hope. The last pocketful I had turned out to be counterfeit, toxic and self delusional.
HI Triv, good to see you, it's been a long time.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The republicans are so screwed up and in disarray,
that they're a odds on favorite to win the House, again, in 2016.
But it's not the democrats fault, it's redistricting man. Can't be the democrats fault because everyone
would vote for democrats if they could.
running as a lefty, governing as a righty kills your party
I was going to point that out even further...got off track a little! But the Dems went from way up to way down. Clegg's party went from 56 Members of Parliament to 8. Consider that! Why would anyone vote for a lying sellout party? Hollande's party is getting whomped
Tsipras will likely see something similar. The point being that we, on the left, are really (despite our doom and gloom predictions) the most optimistic believers...and we don't like being double-crossed!
Could it be
that the left, including moderates, globally is more reality based? I have a hard time with ever changing and manipulative conventional political divisions like left-center- right. Then there is the common usage by the tea leaf readers of mass deception of moderate. The Vandals broke the handles and their measurements seemed cooked up to suit the current game afloat. Even direction seems to be up to whoever is spewing the powers that be double speak. Forward to feudalism yet we cannot slip back to socialistic democracy as it's not the way forward. Modern is now in the way back. Kinda makes your head spin and certainly does a flip on the timey whimey line of history. Directionless arguments about 'the way forward' are heard over and over from all the global players and yet we seem to be slipping into a new dark age where nobody does anything but react to each new onslaught on progress and humanism not to mention the assault on Mother Earth. For what? Oh yeah, it's a dangerous world and the way forward is more war, more greed, more tyranny, and less extremist lefties mucking up the psycho's nasty agenda. We are living in a time with no measurements to gauge or quantify the insane 'way forward' of unmitigated power. FDR had a good point about fear.
9/11 was such a catalyzing event for fear and the new dark age.
What's the use of challenging this or that development, this or that particular set of lies — if at the same time people are still afraid to be seen or heard questioning this political era's founding myth, the official story of 9/11?
It all comes down to that in a way.
9/11. Or maybe it's a symbol of the situation like the JFK assassination. We're afraid to confront what it
really means, that we're ruled by psychopathic criminals.
Breaking: Murdoch buys The National Geographic
and all its maps etc. Fox will have 75% control of the magazine.
To thine own self be true.
oh, what a shame ... /nt
Not surprised somehow
The National Geographic always seemed to lean towards Western Empire and held global cultures that were not modern as freaks that needed intervention. Never mind my lefty bias but I'm not a big fan of Western anthology. People globally and culturally are not specimens to be studied with an eye to our own freaking sick ideology about progress. On the other hand it's most likely not even going to be good for pictures or information about far way wonderful places. Noblesse oblige and the white mans burden via modern geopolitics will no doubt make it worse. Hope they keep the nature photography and articles without a political slant intact but I doubt it. As an artist I have used this magazine as a great visual source. I also for years used a Britannia Encyclopedia set my parents bought in the 50's for photo scrap and natural science references. Just my opinion but it seems to me to be a logical buy for the purveyors of Western hegemony and treating any culture not modern or white as some kind of bug to study, dissect and bring up to their date. It is sad but not really a shock.
I think, you know, any publication that makes that great photos
of indigenous peoples and landscapes and their cultural ceremonies and such, are in a way exploitative. You don't have to be a lefty to realize it and admit it. But you can most of the times just enjoy great photos and forget a bit what they indirectly say about us, who take them. I guess that will become much harder to do when a Fox-style cameraman shoots the images, and the video editors can't help themselves anymore and overdo everything.
I agree with your last sentence very much. Another aspect is that those cameras corrupt and bribe those who stand in front of them, which is a sad thing to witness. And the video editors are corrupted by the technological tools they have to dramatize any visual movements. It's rare to see a "humble, patient, modest" video cut these days that doesn't embellish, magnify, dramatize the most simple occurrences in nature. I don't like that.