I Feel So Free! Thank you, Hillary!
Dear Hillary Clinton,
I can’t begin to tell you how unhappy I was at the beginning of 2015. You were the only one running and, though I knew I would support you and vote for you in 2016, I was not looking forward to what I was going to have to do to get you elected. At that time getting you elected was imperative because I was terrified of the idea of any Republicans getting into the White House again. But it was going to be an absolute nightmare to have to defend you against what I knew to be completely legitimate criticisms and indictments, and I wasn’t sure I could do it again. You wouldn’t believe what a ball of anxiety I was back then!
“Why is this such a problem, when I did this for Obama in both 2008 and 2012?” I asked myself. Well, in 2008 this was easy. Obama was new and fresh and didn’t have a lot of past by which we could judge him. He enthusiastically promised to fight for ordinary citizens and he made it easy to give him the benefit of the doubt that he would keep this promise. But in 2012 this was no longer the case. He did have a past by which to judge him, and it was disappointing at best where it wasn’t inexcusable. I spent hours arguing with non-voters, fence-sitters, and third party voters on social media, trying to convince them to vote for Obama, and invariably I found myself in the position of arguing that atrocities were somehow different or more acceptable when Obama ordered them. I had to seriously pretend that Obama was a lesser evil and that a lesser evil was by definition good. I knew it was complete bullshit, but I still did it to get Obama elected because I was desperately hoping that he was saving it up for that second term. Surely he would come through for us this time! And he did not. It was hard to look at myself in the mirror throughout that 2012 election cycle, and it was all for nothing.
I spent 16 years as a loyal registered member of the Democratic Party because I believed it had the best of intentions, that it wanted to do better and be honest, that it was the “lesser evil” solely because it was playing by the only rules that currently allowed them to get elected, and that if given a path to victory that allowed them to refuse the money of the 1% aristocracy and enact legislation to help the 99% they would take it. I believed the Democratic Party, though corrupt, was able to be fixed in time. But most of all I was terrified of the Republicans. The Democrats are evil, but the Republicans are even more evil, and all that matters is keeping them out of office no matter what. I truly believed these things.
So around the start of 2015, I was looking toward another election cycle of peddling this same obscene nonsense and going through all the same anxiety that it would understandably fail and a Republican would win the White House. And I was unspeakably depressed at the prospect of demeaning myself like this and insulting the intelligence and morality of others just to get a marginally less terrible candidate into office. The lesser evil was becoming a wholly unconvincing argument, not only to other people but to myself. It was like knowingly trying to sell a lemon car to an impoverished family. I wasn’t sure I could do it again.
Then Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy. I cheered. I didn’t think he could be truly competitive much less actually win, but I really believed he would push you to the left, and that you would go there willingly. I thought the Democratic Party would be thrilled at how he broke every historical campaigning rule, and what should have been political suicide instead propelled him up the polls. I thought they would be glad to find they didn’t have to be corporate property to get elected and would start working for the people again. Moreover, I had never felt so proud to be a Democrat. You seemed to be paying attention to what we were saying and moving leftward. I couldn’t believe how lucky we were, that as the Republicans were fronting seventeen different flavors of failure, we were fronting two fantastic candidates, either of whom I would be proud to vote for in the general election and either of whom was guaranteed to win over any of the Republican choices. We had this in the bag!
Then you started rolling it back, likely thinking it a done deal and getting prepared for the general. You abandoned your pretense of progressivism and started moving to the right again. I started cooling on you at that point, even when you decided to inch left again when it became obvious Bernie wasn’t going anywhere. I no longer thrilled when you said progressive things because I no longer believed you meant them, and I know I wasn’t alone as Bernie’s numbers, though still low, continued to climb. If you had kept up your original con from the start, you probably wouldn’t be in the mess you’re in now. But you couldn’t do it. You got greedy, careless, and impatient and decided you were going to call the primary for yourself months before the first vote was cast, and that was probably your first and greatest mistake, because once you started going rightward it became impossible to believe you when you would say anything even remotely progressive.
If only you’d left it there. I was cooling on you, but I still would have voted for you in the general election. I still believed at that time that you were better than any Republican, that any Democrat was better than any Republican. I still believed in “lesser evilism” and considered myself a Democratic Loyalist. But you couldn’t do that either. Instead, you and the Democratic Party showed your true colors at that point. You manufactured scandals against Sanders. You engaged in a smear campaign, not only against Sanders but against his supporters, promoting a demonstrably false narrative that they are invariably young white boys in their early twenties who hate women and attend KKK meetings, or that they are all just silly lazy children who want free stuff and only vote Sanders because they don’t know any better. You got your surrogates to insult and threaten him and his supporters. You tainted the reputations of respected civil rights leaders by having them lie about the actions of Sanders supporters, or about Bernie’s well-documented history with the Civil Rights Movement. You engaged in a media blackout. And when that seemed like it might fail, you committed massive voter suppression and election fraud to disenfranchise anyone who supported Sanders. Let’s not pretend that it’s an “honest mistake” that you can have over 150,000 Sanders supporters have their registrations flipped to Republican without a single one of your own supporters being affected. Even if you were just flipping registrations in districts that were polling heavily for Bernie, there should have been some Clinton voters who got caught up in the net. It couldn’t have been more obvious if you’d just stacked the two candidate’s votes in two piles, lit Bernie’s on fire and declared Hillary the unanimous winner right in front of everyone. And then you spread more slander, claiming we were violently rioting when the only actual violence that has been committed during this primary has been by Hillary supporters against Bernie supporters. Somehow, one of those stories made it onto every news channel and the others were downplayed to non-existence. You can guess which was which, I’m sure.
You and your cronies stole the nomination and you did it openly and proudly, in a spotlight on America’s front lawn. And now you’re trying to paint us as “sore losers” and “crybabies” because we object to losing through fraud or “conspiracy theorists” because we refuse to pretend we didn’t see what you didn’t even try to hide. Believe me, we are not just “sore losers”. Many if not most of us started this primary thinking Hillary would win, and we would vote for her if she did. But that was entirely contingent on the condition that Hillary would win and Bernie would lose fairly, and it is obvious to every honest American with eyes and ears that a fair election was not conducted. And the theft was done in a way that was intended to crush Bernie’s revolution, to beat the uppity peasants into the concrete, to break them and make an example of them, to show us that the Democratic establishment will not allow any change to happen and that they expect us to bow down and obey orders like a common feudal serf and just be glad they haven’t killed us yet, if only because they haven’t achieved full automation. It was done in a way that was intended to show us and make us really feel the awesome contempt you and the DNC truly have for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and the message was received, though the response may not be what you expected.
I have come to terms with the fact that the Republicans will eventually get the White House. They always do at some point. It’s inevitable. The Supreme Court is always an issue, as is abortion, as is every single important social issue you can name. There will never come an election where those are not issues. And I’ve come to realize why it is that when we give you Democrats the ball on all of this, you drop it every time in the name of “bipartisanship”. It’s because you like things the way they are, no less than the Republicans, and pretending to give a damn about social issues will keep us voting for you like robots every time. But you can’t afford to actually fix the problems because then you wouldn’t be able to scare us into voting for you. You don’t even really want to fix those problems. You have just as much contempt and hatred for the peasantry, for civil rights, for democracy, as do the Republicans, and you only pretend to care because it’s a convenient tool to get people to vote for you without thinking.
Thanks to you I no longer fear Republicans, and I no longer believe in the progressive potential of the Democratic Party. I no longer feel that I have to vote for any Democrat just to keep a Republican out, and I sure as hell no longer feel like I have to go on social media, or the phone, or door to door, peddling desperate lies to coerce others into voting for you against their consciences and my own as well. You have cast the scales from my eyes and shown me what you truly are: not a lesser evil at all, but an equal evil wearing a better disguise. For the first time I find myself ashamed to call myself a Democrat, and soon I no longer will be. I’m done throwing my vote away on the Democratic Party. There is a reason that neither Warren’s nor Sanders’s endorsements were able to rehabilitate you, Hillary. And it’s no one’s fault but your own.
What is interesting is that, despite all of the depression and betrayal, I find myself feeling strangely happy thinking about all of this for one reason and one reason only: I am finally free. I will not be forced to try and defend you or the DNC this November. I will not have to pretend with a straight face that crimes and atrocities are different when you commit them. I will not have to argue about how many cat hairs can be fit between Democrats and Republicans while insisting that this negligible difference is actually massive. I will be able to look at myself in the mirror for the first time in years. And you know what? That feels incredible, and I have you to thank for it. If it wasn’t for you, I never would have even seen the shackles and the chains that have held me down for so long. I have been a prisoner and a slave for so long without even realizing it, and for the first time in years, I am free.
So thank you, Hillary Clinton. You have truly changed my life for the better.
A Former Democratic Loyalist

but now it gets tougher. Yeah, I feel free, too, and it's great. The hard part is pushing back on the "they'll never win/you waste your vote/there are only two choices" people. Man, they're everywhere, and they are clinging to that one with all their might.
Or, they're trying to. Slowly, ever-so-slowly, it is starting to sink in--deeply--into the body politic, just exactly how corrupt it really is in DC. Ballot integrity is now a Thing out there, largely due to Sanders. And even as that happens, the denial still creeps in, and it's easy to talk yourselves out of it. You just wanna go along with the easier way, where you just show up and cast your vote, and then it's all over for another year or two. All this other shit is too much work!
That's exactly what it is, too--work. Well, that's what we have to do--work. Work to educate people over and over again, about the choices they have already, that would have a chance if only people would just vote for them. It's insane. We keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome. We have to stop doing that. We must stop settling for liars, damned liars and corrupted institutions. We no longer have to do that. Thank you so much for the excellent reminder!
#DoneWithIt #DemExit #GreenPartyNOW
The only vote that really counts
— I assume — is a vote that directly defeats Hillary Clinton?
What is the point of voting, otherwise?
The people have only one election left to gain the upper hand and show their superior power, before they revert back to what they have been for these past 30+ years.
They have momentum now, and a vision, thanks to Bernie — perhaps for the first time in a century. They have the passion to turn the Democratic Party upside down and reclaim their own political destiny. But, four years from now, without another charismatic leader, no way. The thoughts and ideas that brought progressives to the threshold of a decisive overthrow. right here and now. will be political crimes after four years of Hillary and her Neocon chaos.
So, if you vote to make certain that Hillary and the Party lose this race in November 2016, you will be one of the heroes of this era.
That's the message I'm getting.
Keeping evil out of public
Keeping evil out of public office from here on in is essential, so sanity suggests, failing a Bernie miracle, voting Green, for survival. Not for any corporate candidate/party, which would be a vote for an even more rapid increase in snowballing ecological, economic and social disaster which will, barring sane governance, destroy the remainder of Earth's corporate/military-poisoned/disrupted life-support system within decades.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I get that and agree. But you end up with President Fracking
Ecological time is of the essence, we're told. Hillary is a sure thing: count on exploitative fossil fuel extraction, globally, and a constant push maintaining the need for oil. The Saudis paid her well. Her SOS time resulted in wide scale destruction, human suffering, and embedded corruption. And the birth of the TTP. I wouldn't mind the lack of economic progress that Hillary brings, but I can't abide the guaranteed destruction of her rabid Neocon wars and bank-enriching austerity for the people. They'll be lucky if they can hang on to their Social Security.
I'm not aware of Donald Trump inflicting this kind of deliberate destruction on the planet. He has bigger fish to fry, like pissing off Israel and the GOP. Politically, he cannot change anything. He has no political capital to spend. He'll be blocked, but then, he's not very ambitious. This sounds good to me, if I can turn the Democratic Party on its head, in exchange, and demonstrate the unstoppable political power of the people, once and for all.
By the same token, that green vote feels great. And it feels right. I get that.
Problem is, Pluto's, even if you voted Trump...
I'm pretty sure Hillary's going to "win" this one, like she "won" the primary.
Might as well give the Greens a good showing, I figure. Barring an act of mercy from Ceiling Cat or some other deity, pretty sure we're going to have another President Clinton. Although, I will be thrilled if I'm wrong!
Well, it's a given that I wouldn't waste a vote on a loser.
So, Trump would have to be neck and neck with Hillary, or ahead.
I saw a Hillary win long ago, using Allan Lichtman's "13 Keys to the White House." His system hasn't been wrong in 150 years.
But, this election has changed everything. Even Lichtman is backing away from his system's Hillary prediction.
I worked on a joint project that had me covering Trump and parsing his speeches for a time. Mostly, I was looking at his massive bloc of voters who blew away 16 contenders and the GOP establishment. The core of them are blue and white collar workers. Angry about their diminished lives and determined to elect anyone but a Republican or a Democrat. They found their outsider in Trump.
American workers, left and right, do not have any political representation in the Federal government. They don't have a Party. They're out in the cold. They are large enough to turn the election any way they want to. Also, the US is going to collide with critical global issues over the next four months before the election. There are some game changers in the mix that block all the predictions.
But, I figure when November comes, it will be clear if a strategic vote could clear the board. I'd take that vote.
i sense what you are saying
if i knew voting for Trump would put a final end to the Clinton machine in D.C. it would be tempting. as people are saying, the Democrats would rather lose to Trump than give the nomination to Sanders. the Democrats won't have learned any lesson and they'll just come back four years later with another candidate touting incrementalism.
the other thing is that while Trump is perceived to have little political power in D.C. and Congress may oppose him on some of his measures, having Trump in the White House gives the Republican majority free rein to do what they want, rather like they did with Bush. they had their puppet in office and others pushed the agenda. i don't know yet that i'd willingly vote for Trump to spite Clinton but we did survive Bush and we'll survive Trump. i continue to wait and see how this election plays out.
i think right now my best option is to put my voice to my vote and go third party and let the chips fall where they may. i am inclined not to take any responsibility for a Clinton or Trump presidency by deliberately voting for either of them. i'd like to see a third party have more influence on this election so that they will become an alternative voice to the current political duopoly.
I hope you mail this to her
in one of her self paid envelopes.
Here's a great approach (less than 5 min):
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Loved the ideas in the video
Loved the ideas in the video - thanks for posting it!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Another of many ingenious ideas Occupy sprouted...
Add it to the list of Move Your Money day, Strike Debt/Rolling Jubilee, Occupy the Courts, etc.
Fantastic essay. Pretty much said it all for me. Will share with folks who don't get the whole thing that lesser of two evil voting will not force us to the polls.
Fuck the traitorous Loyalists. I seem to remember in history we've done away with these kinds of feeble-minded, selfish scaremongers before. Time to do it again.
(Edited after rush writing on the subway, after only a few hours of sleep)
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Excellent video!
And I actually have one of her envelopes right now! It was sent to my dad, but he's given the go ahead to use it. He wanted to send something that tells her off,and I think this letter did it!
"Being immoral doesn't mean that you're infertile"
Would that it did!
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Dang - now I hope Hillary sends me something!
I haven't heard a peep from her, maybe she knows I'm a lost cause.
I do regularly hear from the DNC, DCCC, D-this or D-that - I can now do something useful with all their garbage.
I do this every time
Since I had to register as a Dem in order to vote for Bernie in the AZ presidential preference election, I was put on the mailing list for the DNC and the Hillary Victory Fund. Every time I get a fundraising mailer, I mark up every piece of paper with the political positions I prefer (which are not hers). For example, I cross out $12/hour minimum wage and write in $15; I cross out her pledge to "strengthen the Affordable Care Act" and write in Medicare 4 All; etc.
Then, I stuff every piece of paper back into the postage-paid envelope and return it. I know that it's only going to be seen by some poor clerk making minimum wage, but I hope that if enough of us do it, someone might notice.
As soon as I vote in the AZ primary in August (don't even ask about why we have so many elections this year), I'm re-registering as an independent, and I hope that stops the begging letters from the Democrats. Meanwhile, I'm costing them a little bit of money.
In solidarity,
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Thank you! This is so
Thank you! This is so wonderfully expressed and written, I stand in awe!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
What Hillary Might Do After Reading This Essay
She had to ask the "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." question knowing fully well what the answer would be.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Why don't they like me? Why?" cried Hillary. The magic mirror only coughed uncomfortably in response.
The anti-Sally Field
"You hate me! You really really hate me!"
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Couldn't be more apt - Bernie
Couldn't be more apt - Bernie is so very obviously and provably the fairest of them all!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
--Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster (Me and Bobby McGee)
Once you realize that what you feared was no different from what protected you you can free yourself.
Free yourself from fear and the way will open before you.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Where to post that aside from here?
Gotta web page/site?
Great Letter!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Only one blog right now.
But it's focused on an issue that spans the surveillance state, drug war, and security theater yet never gets as much attention as any of those three things: drug testing. enddrugtesting.blogspot.com. Its mainly a place where I collected all the links I found that tolkd the other, untold story about drug testing, plus some personal thoughts on the subject.
I was thinking of making a second one though, for more general political writing.
Thank you!
your ... "evolution"? ... is exactly what I've been saying is one of the best things about Bernie's run this past year.
[video:https://youtu.be/2VKIo6EmORM?t=22s width:250]
Great theme song!
Twain Disciple
Equal Evil
I've never seen it expressed better!
That phrase struck me too -
That phrase struck me too - loved the writing itself, as well as the substance of the post. Really outstanding and speaks to the spirit and heart as well as the mind.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Same here
I truly didn't realize it until you pointed it out, but that is just a perfect turn of phrase. And really, really original in this context, I don't think I've ever read it put quite that way.
In fact, I hope to be able to borrow it and maybe help it catch on somewhat--that's exactly what it is.
Almost lyrical, even
Use it! With blessings!
That's what its there for! Every word of it! Ammunition! --
Thanks, much powerful
Thanks, much powerful ammunition is needed for firing the appalling numbers of corporate proxies filling the US public service!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thank you
Thank you for this wonderfully well written essay. It sums up the frustration, disbelief, and hurt I've felt over the last several months as I woke up to the realization that we no longer live in a country where all the people matter and where when the people speak our representatives listen. I only wish that more people would wake up and vote their conscience and not let others convince them to vote based on their fears.
3rd Hillary Victory Fund letter to me in today's mail
I keep requesting to be removed from the list, but no. Maybe when I switch registration to Green next week Hillary's boosters will leave me alone? Probably not. Not for a while. Not until I return a few more of these messages in the convenient postage-paid envelope:
Large #StillSandersOrStein and #NeverHillary hashtags printed clearly on the page inquiring how much I would like to donate. I also noted that Clinton's likely nomination has driven me from the party after more than 40 years, and congratulations to her and the DNC on that.
I stuffed the envelope only with what came in the original; missed my chance for a wood shim but will remember that for next time. We have plenty of scrap wood lying around.
Spouse has RNC convention on tube downstairs, commenting that even he finds it hard to believe what he's seeing and hearing. Both major party arms of the rotten system need to be removed for the health of the body politic; that's still how advanced gangrene is treated.
Demonhype, you're so right: Voting lesser evil is a large part of what's gotten us a parade of more and more evil with less and less "lesser" about them.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Deserves a wider audience.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Excellent! Thank you.
I agree with Steven D - your essay needs to be broadcast from every rooftop.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
As far as I'm concerned
Its a weapon in the arsenal and anyone can share it, print it, hand it out, put it in those prepaid envelopes and borrow whatever turn of phrase from it that they feel states their thoughts on this issue! --. Thank you!
i plan to do just that...
...together with some sheet lead if they should ever dare send me a postage paid solicitation.
Thanks for allowing us to share your letter.
Just thought I'd let you know it was the top rated post at
today. Credit due to you.
It struck a chord with a lot of us, as to how we are all feeling.
Thank you once again!
I just went there and bookmarked it! I'm glad I was able to put the feelings of so many people into words! Thanks for reposting it there!
Beautiful political memoir -- thank you
I was an election cycle or two ahead of you, but was willing to give Democrats some benefit of the doubt in the awful Bush years. But the party that came out of those years was no different than the party of the Clinton years. And we can no longer pretend that the Democratic party will reform itself. Bernie showed doubters that the people who own and the people who run the party will never permit it.
Just as the bait-and-switch Obama pulled makes it suicidally stupid to believe one "progressive" word that comes out of Hillary's mouth, the lack of evolution of the Democratic party since the DLC crowd took it over makes plain the foolishness of trusting them any further than we can buy them. We have to find other avenues for political expression and influence. Once the Democratic party veal pen starts to empty out, those avenues should be easier to find, and more apt to attract crowds.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Obama was a waste
Of a majority and a mandate. He was a Trojan horse filled with neoliberals and more of the same. He was indeed the Democrat that broke the donkey's back for me. I never trusted him but got talked into giving him the benefit of a doubt. At least he wasn't Hillary.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
And he was not Tea Party
and that right there was a yuge part of my motivation, but not anymore. I still think that whole thing was a brilliant distraction from Mr Obama's own sell out. It sure as hell worked with me. And the racism used against Obama, while very, very real, was also a really good distraction, one I've thought since about 2012 was part of their whole plan - what better way to make sure he cannot get one progressive thing passed then to unleash the native bigotry so rampant in the US? What better cover for him to get away with all the drones, Wall Street funding of him (which I did NOT want to believe), not prosecuting the banks, keeping the wars going? And I bought that one hook, line and sinker, thinking that all that blatant obstruction was merely racism. It was at the end of the day, but not in the way I thought it was. They can use that too now, not only to get the Baggers to vote for who they vote for, but to get us on the Liberal side to vote for who they want us to vote for.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Despite everything, I still
Despite everything, I still find find myself trying - not to excuse the inexcusable but - to find excuses for President Obama. He was a good corporate pick, because I'm not the only one who, in the midst of all of this disaster, still actually feels a fondness for the guy who's pushing to sell out not just America but essentially the world to those who would drain its final life-blood to pick over its corpse. Scary to find yourself that manipulable...
Hillary may run a lot of cons, but she's neither likeable nor convincing and her hard voice reflects her outlook, so she's not as deceptive as she seems to imagine she is. Or that people terrified by the power of her donors or the ability of the Clinton's money to purchase vindictive actions against the more vulnerable they bear grudges against might lead her to believe.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
That's just it
He is and was a sellout, but dammit he was a likeable sellout who could make you believe oin his good intentions! Its hard not to kind of like him as a guy even when you're aghast at thing like drone expansion and the TPP.
Hillary...is not likeable. And the more she tries to be likeable, the worse it backfires.
This is fantastic! Thank you for saying it so well. N/T
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website: www.masterpieceglass.net
Righteous Rant!
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
That is hilarious!
And so accurate, except its missing how racist Bernie supposedly is. Like a "Bernie has an AA problem!"
The fuck this cat has never been as appropriate as it is now!
And don't forget the old standby...
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
a Democrat that can't spell?
it strongly suggests that note was left by a Republican wingnut though i admit i might have had a bit of trouble myself with m-i-s-o-g-y-n-i-s-t on the fly.
Why would a wingnut defend Hillary?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
an old "moran" joke. you had to be there.
Ah yes...
I remember it well.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Because they are making a bad faith argument.
The goal isn't really to defend Clinton. The goal is to alienate Sanders supporters from Clinton as a way of aiding Trump.
It's a variation of the kind of "Ratfucking" that Nixon's people and political people throughout time have done. Trump's supporters have even said as much via sites like 4Chan. e.g. sow discord between Clinton and Sanders supporters, as a way of dividing and conquering for Trump's benefit.
e.g. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/busted-trump-loving-comment-trolls-pose-...
If people want to hate Clinton, do it because of things that she has done, or because of actions by surrogates who are actually affiliated with the campaign. If it's an anonymous note, it could just be a Trump supporter, or a prankster. I wouldn't necessarily take it at face value.
Regardless of who wrote that particular note:
Are you really trying to argue that Hillary supporters don't use the M word?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Oh, and speaking of Ratfucking...
This guy, Casey Champagne, bragged about it:
You were saying?
Republicans don't need to use trolls to alienate Bernie voters from Hillary.
She's done fine all by herself.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
You mean DKos has been taken over by Trump trolls?
You coulda fooled me. The people making hateful, disgusting comments about Bernie, liberal Democrats, and liberal policies in general (rainbows! unicorns!) look just like Hillbots to me. That includes Markos.
Twain Disciple
It is not on the third grade spelling list.
He's "so mean to Hillary"? Really? Did he pull her pigtails?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
he lifted her dress in public
i did that once to a girl when i was a kid. i had to apologize. Bernie had to endorse Hillary.
And she's worn a pantsuit ever since - thanks Bernie!
Because of his egregious sexism, we are stuck with seeing a parade of pantsuits for the next 4-8 years.
There really is no daylight between them and this
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
If I could add one more square
It'd be: "Even Bernie doesn't care about the emails!"
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
that very well sums it up for me. good job!!
i was never going to give Clinton my support in 2016 even if they primary race had been fair. it wasn't, so she definitely is not going to get my vote. the world could go to hell between now and November and it still wouldn't convince me to vote for her.
if just one thing good came out of the Sanders' campaign it was opening people's eyes to the reality of the Democratic party. they're just not into you.
I love this
Perfectly expresses how I feel.
Love is my religion.
I still think Clinton would have won . . .
the primary even without the full weight of the Democratic establishment being put on the scale in order to help her win. I think it was like Nixon 1972 and Watergate. Ultimately, counterproductive and probably unnecessary. Of course that's the counter-factual now. The party leadership made a huge mistake by intervening and failing to let the process simply play out. Clinton might have lost, but if the goal was to select the strongest candidate, that's the process. Instead the party's actions have done more damage.
I agree with most of the fact pattern, but end up with a slightly different calculation. I think there are still individual Democrats who are doing good work against long odds, and who deserve support. This election cycle has made me look at party committees with a completely different outlook. It's obvious that my money will have no impact on their choices, and it's quite likely that they will spend money backing candidates that I do not support (e.g. as happened with the intervention by Chuck Schumer into the PA Senate race, where he spent more money trying to beat Joe Sestak, than he did trying to win Democratic seats in 2014). Clinton, obviously doesn't need my money.
I can see the value of a protest vote for Jill Stein, but for me it would be a protest vote. I haven't ruled out a vote for Clinton. A lot depends on the VP candidate, how things play out in the convention and where things stand in November. I don't buy the argument that Clinton and Trump are equivalent evils. I think they are both bad choices for different reasons. Bernie's endorsement doesn't care much weight, but I understand how he views the political landscape and why he made his half-hearted Clinton endorsement. I tend to see the political score in a similar way. There isn't any kind of joy for me either way. I think we have monumental challenges that aren't going to be solved anytime soon. The problems that we are facing are systemic -- e.g. the revolving door, money in politics, are primary obstacles that need to be fixed.
It's the damn 3-tier justice system that has me riled.
One for the richies, one for the rest of us, and the unfortunate trial by cop victims.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"I think there are still individual Democrats
who are doing good work against long odds, and who deserve support." I agree, NGW.
The relationship between Hillary Clinton and the democratic machine that she and her operatives have marshalled to get her the nomination (as it looks now) has to be a complex one. The machine is not the candidate., and people really don't just fall into line like dominoes. There are surely lots of dems who are being bent over a barrel AND DON'T LIKE IT.
Those people can be very useful down the line, so it's important not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Bernie's going to be hammering away right there. The odious Hillary and her crew are not unaware of this.
Bernie has made some questionable decisions recently IMO, but I think he has the right approach to the party.
"There isn't any joy" for me, either.
Which is why
I will vote for well-vetted "Berniecrats" down ticket, even though I won't touch Hillary. And Green everywhere there is no well-vetted "Berniecrat".
Great essay and well done in such an interesting and directly
personal format.
Thanks for posting and for also allowing us to share, which I will.
Shared. Thank you
The only place I would change to make this perfect is the claim that 100% of the disenfranchised people were Bernie Sanders' supporters. There were at least some disenfranchised people who claimed to be Clinton's supporters in the MSM reports. Some may nitpick on that in order to disregard the rest.
No more of this great Republican vs Democratic war kabuki. The only fight is between the 99% vs the oligarch and, in this respect, the Democratic Party is even more evil than the Republican Party since they block the 99% from having a voice due to this two-party system.
Beautiful Piece, touches on the most difficult
aspect needed to convince the "hold my nose and vote pragmatists" - that is, this entire 2016 cycle has actually EMANCIPATED us to vote for who we want, based upon our TRUE morals/values/beliefs.
NOT based upon 'playing the odds', 'hedging our bets', or 'lesser of 2 evils'.
Jill Stein recently said: "Voting the Lesser of 2 Evils has always given us the exact Evils we were trying to avoid"
Nice piece. Thanks for contributing.
This. Is. Awesome!!!
Pepsi or Coke. Trump or Rodham.
And the "free and the brave" think that's a frikken choice.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thanks. One of the best essays on this subject I have seen. n/t
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Outstanding piece!
You really summed it up beautifully. Thanks!
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
Magnificent! I loved every word!
And you're right. There is a freedom to it. Before, I was just depressed that the party I'd always hoped would accomplish something someday never actually will. It doesn't want to. They love "sitting in" on their own House floor, though. LOL. What a farce.
Twain Disciple