$19.99 Money Bomb - Let's do it for Jill Stein!
There was some talk of the Progressives and the Political Revolution doing a money bomb for Jill Stein on 7/19 in amount of $19.99. (The 99 cents symbolizing the 99%).
I am writing this post to support and promote this idea, and am hoping it goes viral!
As Bernie always says himself, it's us, not him. It's our movement that propelled Bernie's campaign to the forefront of national politics and made him a force for positive transformation of politics now and into the future of our country. We did it. Us, and Bernie, together. That struggle still continues and is not over. Bernie is still fighting for us. And we will keep supporting him as he needs us to. His new organizations, the Sanders Institute and Our Revolution, sound really intriguing to me and I cannot wait for more details to be revealed about those.
But in the meanwhile, Jill Stein, of the Green Party, is also fighting for us. She also has a strong track record of standing up to powerful forces and of being one of us. She is much worthy of our support. Especially in light of Bernie's being forced to go along with Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee, this has created a valuable opportunity to give Jill Stein's campaign a boost. Not only that, but her message is compelling and needs to be heard and repeatedly, just like Bernie kept repeating his same consistent message over and over again. If the media and the establishment will conspire to silence Bernie, now that the Democratic nomination is almost coming to a close, we need another candidate who speaks with our voice and who the media cannot ignore.
The universal language that the media and the establishment understands is money, so let's make it rain for Jill, too.
In the end, I will leave you with these two lovely videos of Jill, the musician!!
People Got The Power - Jill Stein and Kenny Selcer with Dave Scandurra
Jill Stein serenades the crowd at the Green Party Annual Meeting Talent Show in St. Louis
More Jill Stein music:
Jill Stein and Ken Selcer
Who's with me?
Love is my religion.
And until August 6th...
contributions to Jill Stein will be matched dollar for dollar by the government in federal matching funds for the first $250 you donate. Now is a great time to donate what you can!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
That's good to know
Love is my religion.
I sent mine yesterday
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I thought I had maxed out this month.
But I juggled some stuff around and came up with 20.00. So 19.99 went to the Greens. After the 1st but before the 6th I can do a little more.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Done, also.