Act now to stop latest push of the coup in the USA

I think there has already been a coup

In this session, the word coup is used about what the TPP will do to override the laws of the country

I didn't realize that it could be stopped if a few legislators flipped and then it would not even be brought up for a vote.

It has been secret for years and now it is out in the open and it is horrible

Food Safety, Environment, Jobs, Corporations suing the country

This is a panel from Netroots Nation 2016 held yesterday, Sat, 7/16/5016

And see what strong legislators can do

I am still in mourning that Bernie did not get the nomination, actually that it was stolen from him and us

But the establishment has been moved to the left and millions will keep whoever is election -- will keep them honest.

TPP: Trade “Trump-ing” the Election

In summary, enacting TPP will ensure corporations run the place - even more than before.

Totally agree with recent article by JoeShikspack about a protest at the polls. But this is something that takes action right now and up until the end of the year.

An excellent article on TPP was posted at TheProgressiveWing

TPP: Trade “Trump-ing” the Election

Gotta run - be out for a week

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This is actual treason: an attempt to hand over the people's right of domestic law in the public interest and their inherent and entailed right of democratic governance - in other words, absolute control of the country, resources and people - to hostile outside forces, for their use and abuse.

This being why 'trade agreements' such as the TPP were to be kept top-secret in an attempt to fool everyone that this could somehow be a 'legalized' and binding-upon-unwitting-parties unconstitutional hostile corporate takeover of all countries and people betrayed into such privately made 'trade agreements' and something that - like election fraud in the US - would simply have to stand as a done deal, with no justice or escape for the victims, ever. Crime is crime, and in democracy, nobody is above the law or somehow entitled to the fruits of that crime, having stolen them from others.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Pluto's Republic's picture

They are strategically and geographically selected to sabotage the rise of China. That's all this is about.

All of these countries already have numerous trade agreements with the US, each other, and China. But after they are stripped of sovereignty, internally and geopolitically, they can be used by Our Neocon Overlords to block trade with China and disrupt its maritime routes.

The same is true for the TTIP in the Atlantic, but the purpose there is to sabotage the rise of Russia. The TTIP serves no other purpose.

But together, in the guise of trade agreements, they conveniently give certain global corporations the strategic power to turn these member nations into (blockade and sanctions) weapons that can be coordinated against the rest. At that point, the Neocons will rule the world.

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Lily O Lady's picture

won't matter because corporations will be able to overrule anything the government might choose to do. They won't really need to buy influence when they can exercise their own. Clinton must know this, so promising to end Citizens United is just a charade.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

How can giving away our national sovereignty over to corporations, some of them foreign not be? The TPP was created to erase boarders between nations, give the corporations, the insurance, pharmaceutical companies, the banks and other industries to be able to erase country's laws.
The people in countries that enjoy decent health care coverage will see their costs go up because the drug companies will be able to tell them that they won't be able to use generic drugs and it will extend a drug companies patents on many new drugs.
It also will give the US and other countries the right to interfere with their elections.
And remember that Malaysia was on the no trade list for years because of their slavery and human trafficking violations. So what did the people who wrote the TPP do? They made some adjustments so that Malaysia can now be included in the TPP.
If this article was posted by Toby Ziegler, he crossed posted it at DK yesterday too.
Many people were in agreement with him that the ISDS portion of the TPP is much different from the one that is in the NAFTA trade agreement.
IIRC, in the other trade agreements that have this clause in them, then any dispute in the US is held in a regular type court. (correct me if I'm wrong).
But the ISDS in the TPP is different because only 3 corporate insider judges will hear the case and can't be appealed. The decision is final.
Period. And who ever was sued also has to pay the corporation's court fees on top of any judgment.
There was one person who was being an ass and trolling the diary saying things I felt he was making up. It was obvious that he didn't even bother to read the diary about the difference of the ISDS part so I called him out on it.
And as usual, I got dog piled by the people over there that will defend this and NAFTA as well as the banks.
More than one person wrote that they trust Obama to have our best interests in mind and he wouldn't do anything that will hurt the people in this country.
Sure, let's ask the people who saw their homes foreclosed on because Obama's DOJ wouldn't crack down on their fraudulent behavior. Or did Obama tell them "to cut it out "?
Isn't it the job of congress to write trade agreements?
If so, then that should be where the treason comes into play.
Any members of congress that wanted to read what was in the bill had to go to a room in the basement of the capital to read under supervision and they couldn't write any notes or talk about it with other members of congress.
Obama has done what he was seElected to do when he was bankrolled by the banks and the PTB.
First was to shutdown the anti war movement while he continued PNAC's goals in the Middle East.
Let the banks and other financial institutions that crashed the global economy get away with it.
Let the people who authorized torture and other war crimes off and shut down any other countries that were trying to hold Bush/Cheney accountable like the person in Spain.
Pass the heinous ACA that has put possibly trillions in the insurance and pharmaceutical company's pockets.
I think he was also supposed to privatize social security, but met with too much resistance from his party.
And finally to pass the TPP.
Hillary's job is to put the final nail in the coffin of what used to be the middle class of the United States.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Pluto's Republic's picture

Hillary's job is to put the final nail in the coffin of what used to be the middle class of the United States.

Any vote that is cast that does not directly defeat Hillary and the Neocons is also abetting treason. The Neocon establishment in both Parties hate Trump because he won't support their wars. So, they have sworn allegiance to Hillary.

There is no more time. This is the last election. The final nail.

Will the people pound that final nail into place themselves?

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Alligator Ed's picture

Hate to say it, but it's true--the vast majority of We the People have no goddam idea of what's going on. They consistently vote against their own interests--the reasons for which may be varied--but this is true. There aren't enough displaced industrial workers, though there are many, who will unite for an ameliorating change. There aren't enough foreclosed homeowners who will unite for an ameliorating change. A large reason for this is that, if people watch the main stream media channels, they are fed corporatist propaganda and beguiled by T&A presented as "news". Ask people you know about Kim Kardashian and they can tell volumes of useless prattle. As those same people about TPP, let alone ISDS, and they'll think you're talking about a gasoline additive or the latest cure for skin wrinkles. You are correct, Pluto, this may be the last election--if TPP passes.

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Ajaradom's picture

I suspect Trump is part of the whole coup --- he is playing his part on the political stage --- having fun playing the loud-mouthed fool. He's incredibly talented --- heh, was it Shakespeare that said something to the effect that "life's a stage...."?

This is a tragedy of epic proportion and it's breaking my heart and I don't know what to do --- I am a spectator, among a throng of spectators, who is caught in the web of the drama --- an innocent bystander helpless, but desperately wanting to help --- wanting to do something to prevent the horrific ending --- knowing it's not going to end well or any time soon ---

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snoopydawg's picture

Look what the media did before he became the republican nominee. They gave him free coverage and they didn't try very hard to tear him down. Now that Hillary is the democratic nominee, every coverage of Trump is now negative.
And by picking Pence for VP with the baggage he comes with, he has become another boogeyman along with Trump they are going to try to scare us with in order for people to say that they have to vote for Hillary because those two are so bad for this country.

The banks have been financing the Clintons their whole careers starting when Bill was running for governor in Arkansas, his run for president and her run for the senate.
The Clintons paid them back with reforming welfare, the crime bill and especially destroying Glass Steagall.
Bill was almost done privatizing social security, but thankfully Monica saved us from that happening.
Paulson endorsed Hillary because Donald wouldn't promise to privatize social security. I'm guessing that Hillary has.

I read this comment on another site and agree with it.

imho This whole election is being staged to get the Clinton's back in the White House.
We cannot fathom the level of money and power the Global Elite have and are wielding against the People of Earth.
The Clinton's owe favors to the world-wide %.001.
The Global Elite were hoping this election would be their final coup against us. [TPP, etc.]
Unfortunately for them, instead of the quiet coronation they were planning, Bernie woke us up and we will be watching and resisting from now on.
Wow, the fact I believe this shows how much this primary has changed my world view.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Ajaradom's picture

but I believe that Bernie played his part, as well --- a part that was beautiful and brilliantly written, staged and choreographed --- oh, and the cinematography was out of this world Sad

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snoopydawg's picture

The one thing he did accomplish though is that he exposed the corruption of the democrats. Many people had already seen it and they have tried to tell us this for years, but tptb have played the game well for decades in order for us to vote for the lesser evil which was a lie.
But after spending over a year saying that Hillary is too corrupted to be president, he's now telling us the opposite and that she is the most qualified person to be president.
Look at the first Obama campaign where he promised us basically the same things that Bernie did.
Health care which most people can't use because of the high costs but has put billions in the insurance company's pocket books.
Ending the Iraq war but trying to stay in Iraq past the deadline and now troops back in there.
Extending the wars in the Middle East, his use of drones in countries we aren't at war with and killing thousands of innocent civilians.
Expanded the illegal spying after he promised to filibuster the FISA vote.
The list of his betrayals is endless, but still so many people think that he's been the best president since FDR.
Obama's job was to shut down the anti war movement and he has. Look at how many people believe the lies about Gaddafi killing his people and Assad using sarin gas on his when both have been proven untrue.
It was the US backed Syrian rebels that used the gas. I wonder how they got access to it.
The people that blame Putin for invading Crimea when he was actually defending the base Russia has had there for decades.
And that Putin was responsible for what happened in Ukraine when it was the US again that removed the elected president and installed their puppet who had lived in Virginia for years. And the US has backed the neo Nazis that it fought against during ww2.
And look at how many people don't know that the US and its allies are arming, training and funding Al Queda in Syria to help overthrow Assad. The same guys that we fought against during the Iraq war! Insane.
And now people are going to vote for the Dick Cheney in a pantsuit when they used to be against everything Cheney stood for.
I believed that Bernie was actually running to win, but looking back at how he first let Hillary off on her damned emails when they are the smoking gun to the corrupt Clinton foundation and the many other areas he could have and should have brought up is telling.
He didn't have to go negative on her, he just had to tell us the truth about her.
And if she is elected president she has said that she will continue with the Clinton foundation during her presidency.
Another comment I read,

Absent controls, and a US president is difficult to stop, an enriched Hillary Clinton and her extended family are likely to run roughshod over political enemies and competitors in ways that are terrifying to contemplate.

God help the United States and the world if she and Bill get back in the WH!

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

The Clinton Foundation is the whole point of the Hill $ Bill co-presidency. They will carve out eight years. Then it will be Chelsea's turn.

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Haikukitty's picture

I can accept people saying Bernie quit or gave in. But to imply that Bernie Sanders, of ALL people, ran at the Clinton's bidding is ridiculous. It just shows you don't really know anything about him or his history. Ask a Vermonter - there's a few here at C99 - who have known him well for years, what they think about this absurd idea.

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Jay Elliott's picture

I'm worn down from this awful week, and I'm not an active member of this community, so I'll be brief.

It pains me when people suggest Bernie is a sell-out or a sheepdog. He tried. They stole primary, the FBI and Justice refused to indict her for her obvious crimes, and then it turned out too many of his delegates didn't bother to find out that it's expensive to go to the convention. He had no more cards to play. Clinton threatened to go back on everything in the platform, including $15/hr. I'm sure he's hoping to at least hold her to that with the massive groundswell in its favor, thus keeping millions of people out of dire poverty. She forced that awful endorsement and attendant interviews and posts that day. The next day, he barely mentioned her name. They pulled his Secret Service protection (even though he hadn't conceded) to keep the pressure on him and to crush the spirit of his supporters further. MSNBC (basically an arm of the Clinton campaign now) actually had EVERY anchor that day announce his SS protection was ending and exactly when and where he would be when it did. You don't think he remembers what happened to Bobby Kennedy? The Clintons play hardball. Ugly, criminal hardball.

He's clearly hoping to keep the progressive movement going and get past the Clintonian blockade of progressive candidates, either inside or outside the party. Do I wish he had just said "Screw you!" accepted that he was blocked from the convention, and rally outside? Yeah, I do. But I'm not sure that would be better. That would give her her unimpeded coronation, media might not even cover him protesting, and it would alienate the progressive movement from millions of people it would benefit from keeping on its side. If he campaigns for her personally after the convention in a full-throated way, I'll be disappointed in him. But if he mostly campaigns for Canova, Teachout, etc. and campaigns AGAINST the TPP, putting the screws on her as best he can, he'd be playing the inside roll, and maybe that would be best for him.

It doesn't mean we have to "follow" him. He said that the entire campaign.

I have been banned and unfollowed various places for saying this, but the optimal way to punish the Clintons and help the progressive movement is to vote for Trump, ESPECIALLY if he continues to campaign against the TPP. If he runs on an anti-"free" trade platform. It doesn't really matter if he's conniving with the Clintons or not. If he campaigns against the TPP and gets elected, a lot of Republicans might have second thoughts about sticking their necks out for it. Obama and Clinton are counting on the Republicans doing their dirty work in the lame duck.

And the reality is that if you ignore corporate media propaganda, he's the lesser evil. Yes, he's a racist blowhard. But Clinton is also racist. His speech is more inflammatory, but her track record shows she is quite happy to starve, imprison and kill millions for her own and her patrons' benefit. Neocons and warmongers are openly backing her because they trust her to launch more wars than Trump. Social Security cutters litter her campaign executive ranks and donors. If Trump is elected, even if he's an utter fraud and turns into a bog standard Republican President, well, Clinton would govern like a Republican, too. The difference is that his election would weaken his party, he'd be a weak President for numerous other reasons, and the Democrats would have to pretend to be Democrats at least some of the time, and push back. Elect Clinton, and their hold and the banks and corporations' hold on the Democratic Party and the government will be stronger. Democrats will gladly pass all her Republican policies, either in a "spirit of bipartisanship" or hiding behind Republicans' skirts. Her surrogates have already said they'll punish and purge leftists; they have already started. Flipping the Congress will be much, much harder with Clinton as president.

I get people wanting to cast an affirmative vote for a party that reflects their positions and values. Since the Libertarians are already on more ballots and are closer to making the debates, even as a matter of calculated strategy, it would be better to get Jill Stein's poll numbers up. The worst case scenario is Johnson playing the Perot role and getting another Clinton who can't get to 50% into the White House. I wish people weren't bailing on Bernie before the convention for the Greens, but I'm happy to cheer them on afterwards. I only worry that as the media propaganda builds and it becomes clear Stein can't actually win, people will allow themselves to be herded back to Clinton. She doesn't care if you hate her, she only wants the power. A very low turnout election is easier to steal, so staying home or leaving the Presidential line blank helps her a bit, too.

Please vote against Hillary Clinton. She really is the greater evil. The TPP is really bad, and she wants it. War with Russia would be really bad, and she's been maneuvering for it for years. They're moving a bill through Congress now to draft women. That's not an accident. Obama is putting "tactical" nukes along the Russian border. It's really bad, and despite Trump's rhetoric, he's less warlike than Clinton. He says so, the foreign policy guys he has picked show it, and the fact that Republican neocons are crossing party lines to back her instead also show it. If we elect Clinton, she'll smother the progressive movement in its crib. So consider voting Trump in a swing state, and don't back away from the third party of your choosing out of fear. This is literally the perfect election to not be afraid of going third party. Hillary Clinton wants us to be afraid, but her presidency is what we should be afraid of.

This is likely to be a hideously unpleasant election, with no good outcome at the end in terms of who "wins". But stopping Clinton would be an actual good, both short term and long term.

Sorry. I guess I wasn't brief after all.

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It has been discussed here before, so you won't get banned for bringing it up. I am not afraid of Trump. I am afraid of down-ticket Republicans. Without them Trump can do nothing, and MI and 37 others can tell you how awful they are for a state.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

elenacarlena's picture

don't know what we're going to do. I'd suggest, though, voting third party, probably Jill Stein. Meanwhile, help collect signatures to get her on the ballot in all states, so that she is truly a viable option.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

snoopydawg's picture

He seems to still be fighting for us to get the best deals he can on issues from what's in the platform and her VP picks.
Just the idea that she is considering military personnel for VP is insane. That further removes the issue of having a civilian government that represents us as written in the constitution.
The military is way too involved with our leadership already .
Here is what Bernie is fighting for now

In a news release, the Bernie Delegates Network explained the first series of questions:

Delegates were asked to respond with “Acceptable” or “Not Acceptable” or “Unsure” regarding six individuals who have been widely mentioned in recent news reports as potential Clinton running-mates. A paragraph on each individual summarized some of their positions on topics important to Sanders delegates, such as TPP, Keystone XL and Wall Street.

The six potential Clinton running mates listed were: Tim Kaine, junior Virginia senator; Julian Castro, Housing and Urban Development secretary; Mark Warner, senior Virginia senator; Cory Booker, New Jersey senator; retired Adm. James Stavridis; and Adm. Mike Mullen, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman. All of them received “Not Acceptable” survey scores of 72 percent or higher. Sen. Mark Warner garnered the highest, with 91.6 percent of the delegates stating he would be an unacceptable vice presidential pick.

The final question asked, “If Clinton is to be the nominee and she selects as her vice presidential running mate one of the individuals whom you’ve marked as unacceptable or someone politically similar, would you seriously consider participating in these actions at the convention?” The actions listed were “Denouncing the VP pick” and “Nonviolently and emphatically protesting in the convention hall during Clinton’s acceptance speech.”

So I'm going to keep an open mind until after the conversation

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Jay Elliott's picture

I thought I was up on things, but I hadn't seen this.

I think she'll pick who she wants, and probably either bank-owned Castro or Stavridis (NATO AND plugs her into another fundraising network). But along with the other reasons I'm praying most of the Bernie delegates end up going (like pushing for all open primaries in the future), protesting these awful VP picks needs to happen. Notice that not one is progressive.

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She will come out fighting some country somewhere, and the military will feel far more comfy with Stavridis having her ear, and presumably their backs.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

riverlover's picture

What is she angling for? Treasury? Federal Reserve? Anything?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alligator Ed's picture

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