The Game Bernie's Really Playing & What Sanders Delegates Should Do at The DNC
Submitted by Steven D on Sat, 07/16/2016 - 1:58pm
My latest Vlog (I just learned that's the term for what I'm doing at my YouTube Channel) wherein I discuss what game Bernie Sanders is really playing (hint: it ain't chess) and my recommendations for direct actions Sanders' delegates should take at the Democratic National Convention in Philly besides (1) cheer for Bernie when he gives his speech on Monday, and (2) vote for him on Wednesday.

Your green blanket looks like you're hiding
a grand piano from dust, tipped on its side. lol.
I agree it's a 5-card poker hand he's playing. And he has not shown the cards.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm supposed to create a "set" - some blank neutral screen behind me - so as not to distract people while I talk. Makes sense, but too busy right now to do more that that poor excuse.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
And you can go all green screen
giving yourself a Paris or Alpine backdrop.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Just Keep Speaking
When a background is distracting, the listener isn't paying attention.
Another fine talk, Stephen.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Naw ...
Bet it's just an old theater teacher who sees big talent.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The background has never distracted me, and now this is cool:
Now when I click on YouTube, you show up in my Recommended list!! Usually in first or second position. Is that nifty or what?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Anyone know if he still wants
Anyone know if he still wants to have a rally outside the convention? Last I heard about it was when he applied, but never found out if it was approved or if he gave up after making nice with Hillary.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
i think i read on K4S that...
...his application was denied, probably missing a comma or something, but Sanders was allowed to reapply.
He can reapply but must choose another location.
I'm beginning to really dislike Philadelphia politicians
No offense to those of you who live there, but they're terrible. All taking marching orders from Hillary and DWS. There must be a big payday promised.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
I'm sure that Hillary's
very own BFF, Ed Rendell, still has a lot of sway in that town, too.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
You're not wrong. Count Bob Brady in there too.
Not sure
Permit was denied.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
What do you you mean exactly
What do you you mean exactly that he is playing poker?
In poker
you use what you can - knowledge of the psychology of your opponent, your ability to bluff, even showing some of your cards (but never all - to wrong foot your opponent. That imo is what Sanders is trying to do. The analogy is not perfect, but far closer than this 11th dimensional chess meme that first popped up to explain Obama's position on lot of things such as his proposed "grand bargain" with the Republicans that would have cut Soc.Sec. benefits.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Dang. Here I thought Bernie was a 12th-dimensional chess
kind of guy. You mean it's simpler than that?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Bernie had 4 aces and folded.
For Bernie to say they threatened him his speaker spot and platform planks is absurd. He could have raised them with a convention walk-out --4 aces-- and negotiated whatever he wanted. He was the king maker who could determine the president but he folded.
It is the bleeding heart progressives who won't fight that millions die in war and other inhumanity. Now is another test. Will people vote for Jill Stein or be controlled by the Trump scare. Again we have 4 aces. If we play our hand, Hillary loses and the revolution has an opening.
I agree.
I don't know if he had 4 aces, but he had a better than decent hand. If he played it he played it badly. He let her off the hook.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Bernie was threatened with
Bernie was threatened with the loss of his delegate power and leverage - he would have been shut out of the convention and been unable to spread the notion of actual democracy to a wider audience. Bernie did what he did to stay in the game at all and to continue the good fight for the people.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
He had 43% of the
vote, 40% of delegates. It had to be something besides "leverage." Bernie had and has a ton.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Will there be violence?
Chicago 1968? Perhaps even worse police violence?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
If it comes
it will come from the police, not the people in the streets and the organizers of these events who have committed themselves to non-violence.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I think they've committed
I think they've committed themselves to pacifism. I'm not sure they're committed to nonviolence.
Bernie's not playing any games.
I think he's left the table, cashed in his chips, showed Jill the slot machines, and is going home to the Senate.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Nope! eom
I agree, Bernie has cashed in his chips
We do all of us a disservice when we read into the actions of our politicians. Just like with the BS mental olympics many performed when thinking Obama was playing 11th dimensional chess, so is this notion of Bernie playing games.
The Brutally Honest truth is simple:
The establishment found Bernie's price. Price does't necessarily mean Bernie was bribed, he could have also been threatened. Regardless Bernie is done.
Luckily though, as Bernie has said, this movement is not about him, and many people are not finished fighting.
Now is the time to fight back fast and hard. Here are my ways I believe we can, at the very least, make Hillary Clinton have a hard time winning in November:
Co opt what little message Hillary Clinton has
There is a huge segment of the population who don't want to vote for either Trump or Clinton. Stein embodies the strengths of Bernie and what little Hillary had going for her ( She is a woman).
The beauty is that since Hillary was running on so little we can easily co opt her message for Dr. Stein, because she is a strong and smart candidate who is trust worthy and also a woman.
#JillNotHill #ImWithHer #ShesWithUs can become a rallying cry.
Short ads can be made using clips of Obama, Bernie, and Comely saying how she "can't be trusted" and then an announcer can say but we have a Woman candidate who can be trusted. Boom introduce Dr Stein!
Conflate Hillary and Trump
Trump and Hillary truly are the same person. Both are Sociopaths. The only difference is that Trump will be loud,obnoxious and up front when he screws you over, and Hillary will lie to your face as she screws you over. Lets conflate these two sociopaths all while providing the public a smart, empathetic, and trust worthy alternative, Dr. Stein.
Photo of the clintons and Trumps at his wedding is enough said.
You play a lot of hands in poker
I think as for as his run for President, yes he folded that hand.
As far as the next round, no, he's still playing. He still has a lot of chips, more than he had before he started running for President, and right now that has value if he "plays the next hands right."
In my view he's realized he's now playing for the future of this revolution he openly called for, and losing to HRC, which was inevitable, was only the first go round.
Whether I follow his lead personally and work to assist his organizations, or work with other groups, is yet to be determined, but at the moment I like the people I've met and have worked with. And I will register as a Green for this year. After that, I'll see,
One thing we all need to recognize is that all of us i this "movement' must pull in the same direction and not get into internecine battles with one another that do nothing to accomplish what the real goal is - a better world. Because we don't have the time for that kind of crap.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I have yet to see any battles other than Hillary supporters.
Maybe there's more going on on social media than I'm aware of.
I'm sick of the DNC and the RNC
and all their manipulative BS on behalf of some really rich, amoral and immoral narcissists. Let's forget about that tired, old, 2 party paradigm they try to impose on us, and make a whole, new, outside of the box, paradigm for ourselves that includes everybody.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I actually feel sorry for him now. He's been able to speak
honestly for decades.
Like they showed him the Queen of Diamonds...
and made him say:
"Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."
I'm really not looking forward to watching him put through his paces the next couple of weeks.
Breaks my heart to watch the guy.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Remember Occupy?
Prepare for pepper spray. Bring goggles or at least sun glasses.
Bernie is not folding. Bernie
Bernie is not folding. Bernie always keeps fighting to do the best he can for the people, even where a goal may be considered hopeless, and he has in the past achieved things thought impossible by many, in part because if he can't do exactly as hoped in one manner, he'll try to get that benefit, or as much of it as possible, for whichever vulnerable/suffering group of citizens desperately needs it, in another.
My faith still Berns - and none of us knows what options/plans Bernie may have in mind or what unicorns may be waiting for a strategic moment or development up one of his sleeves. Even if it's only keeping the vision of democracy before the people's eyes and bugging the heck out of Hillary, who has bigger fish to feed the small fry to and does not want to be forced into even pretending to do anything for the small fry government is supposed to be working for.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Me, too
My faith still berns too
IMO All of this "trash Bernie troll talk" is counterproductive. It attempts to steal our focus. It wants us to give up.
Like Steven encouraged in the video, the best thing for the delegates to do is go to the convention and keep fighting for us! I hope they don't give up!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo