Open Sesame 09/05/15
So some Science Men did some Math and determined that there are at present 3.04 trillion trees on the planet.
That might seem like a lot, but I guess it's really not. Because the same Counting Men estimate that there were an additional 3 trillion or so trees here before the people showed up.
Michael Pollan has written intelligently about how grasslands and forests have for eons bickered with one another; humans, when they devolved from hunter-gatherers to agriculturalists, commenced aggressively to weigh in on the side of the grasslands.
They're a little out of control, the humans, with the tree-felling. Because the Math says about 15 billion trees go down every year, with only 5 billion annually growing to replace them.
According to the Study, 42.8% of the world's trees are in tropical and subtropical forests, while another 24.2% are in the boreal and tundra zones of Canada, Russia, and China. Most of the rest are scattered around my yard.
This is not a large piece of property—well under an acre—but present are a fair number of trees. In the front is a pine and a fir, both bigger than God. In the back are a couple large oaks, and some more firs. There are also, here and there, walnuts, plums, pears, and several truly terrifying specimens that heinously produce those body-swallowing flowering pods featured in the 1978 documentary film Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.
The spring after I moved in here, one of these alien trees cunningly stretched a branch right over the front porch, offering to me several strange and unusual flowers, obviously hoping that I would pick them and take them into the house.
But I am not so easily fooled. For I had seen the documentary, and so know that the aliens, once on earth, arrange themselves into cunning little flowers, which humans will pick and take home. Then, while the humans sleep, the plants transform themselves into large human-sized pods, and then into the humans themselves. They then suck the life-force out of the humans, "becoming" the humans, and the original humans crumble into dust, and are swept up by their pod replacements and placed in the garbage.
That so many of the humans in the San Francisco area of the planet around that time became so selfish, self-absorbed, and narcissistic, is explained by the fact that they had become pods. The term for that time was "The Me Generation." But it really should have been "The Pod Generation."
Whether, and/or how far, poddom spread from the Bay Area and into the rest of the world, this has never been definitively determined. I believe that these alleged "flowers," here in these trees, mark an eastward push for the pod people. And I want nothing to do with them.
I mean, why, out of all the many branches, on all the many trees, did the pod flowers just happen to appear first on the branch most accessible to me? Because they are pods. And they were hoping I was ignorant of the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers revelation, and would therefore delightedly, dumbly, pick one, bring it into the house, and there unwittingly succumb to poddom.
That I saw through them, this has pissed them off. For every year, hundreds of these pod flowers appear in these trees.
I outwit them by simply refusing to sleep, until the flowers dry up and fall off.
So far it's working.
At the dawn of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers documentary, a pod teacher is leading a group of still-human children through a park, there encouraging them to pick pod-flowers, to take home to their parents, so that children and parents both may join the ranks of the pods. Coldly observing this Outrage, from a swing, is Robert Duvall, a pod priest.
We know that Robert Duvall became a pod, because, although once Boo Radley and Augustus McRae, he now spends his days down in Argentina, there crudely bellowing about the benefits of "macho," and grousing that Francis Ford Coppola cut from Apocalypse Now scenes that would have shown that his character in that film, the nutbomb Colonel Kilgore, was actually "good."
There is a Scout-swing hanging from fir tree at the front of the house. If I go out on the porch some morning, and see Robert Duvall sitting in that swing, I will know that all is over.
One of the trees that was here when I moved in was a dead tree.
When I arrived, it took a while to determine which trees were with me, and which were not. For non-evergreen trees, when dormant, can look pretty poorly. Sickly sticks, with feet. Are you alive, I would ask them? Or the Other?
Many of them would not answer for some time. Pretty pokey, in putting their leaves out. Finally, though, round about earliest summer, it became clear that everybody was living—except for this one old grizzled dude at the front of the property. I kept hoping he would send out just a leaf or two. But: no such luck.
Finally, I had to face it: that tree had gone over.
Who knows? These things happen.
In keeping with the national pastime, I blame Obama.
Dead things, standing, eventually they fall. And so it was with this person. During one winter's Job storm, I noticed, through the wind and the rain, that this tree had been uprooted, and was leaning into the big fir. The fir didn't care: it is big, and alive, and the dead guy was comparatively small, and didn't weigh much of anything, being dead and all.
I knew the Normal thing to do was to get some Man out here with a Loud Saw to wrest it to the ground and cut it into rounds.
Then I thought: why?
Over there in Italy, they have a Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is a tourist attraction. Humans come to look at it, and even spend there Money. Why, I thought, shouldn't they also come to gaze upon the Leaning Tree Of Here? Maybe they would even give me Money. If they gave me enough, I could retire. Or at least afford to feed all these welfare-recipient "wild" animals who have somehow decided I am the filler of their feedbag.
Also, the Leaning Tree of Here, since it loomed over the walk I traverse to enter and exit the house, encouraged Alertness. I mean, the thing was going to further fall, someday. And it would be best, for me, if it didn't do that while I was under it. So, when I walked under it, I was Aware. Just in case. This is called Living In Present Time. Which is supposed to be good for you.
But then one of the property-manager ladies happened to drive by, and The Leaning Tree Of Here nearly caused her to shriek and poke her eyes out. And so, a Man with a Loud Saw was quickly summoned. I watched. It is depressing, really, how little time it takes to fell and cut into rounds a tree. Especially compared to how long it takes that tree to grow. The smaller rounds I brought into the house and burned in the stove. The larger ones I left round the stump, so they can decompose, and meanwhile, in the cracks and crevices between, provide shelter for various creatures, including some gnomes.
The man who owns the lube-shop down the road wants all the trees on the property to be dead. Because he wants to buy the property and then raze the house and uproot all the trees and put in some sort of septic-service business.
It is my opinion he should be sent to The Hague for even contemplating such a notion. When he blithely informed me of this plan, at first I thought I would try to get the place registered as historic, thereby Protecting it, since this house was originally the house of the first white-people doctor in this town. And the two little houses off to the side and the back were where he saw his patients. But then the property-manager ladies assured me that the the doctor's family, which still owns the place, would never sell. I went to Zillow, and there found out why. I toted up the rent that I and my two neighbors pay, and set it against the assessed value of the house, and realized the owners are sitting on a Midas pile. As long as we tenants do not erect meth labs or establish pit-bull farms, they, the owners, are in the money.
I think the two pear trees here were probably planted by that original doctor. They are very old, and haven't been pruned in decades. The one in the back, at the terminus of the lilac forest, is so tall that it is not possible for a human to access the fruit unless he is Tarzan, or requests the fire department to send out one of those ladder trucks. But that's fine. The squirrels enjoy the pears. There is, about halfway up that tree, a marvelous natural seat: a squirrel will pick a pear, then scrabble down to the seat, scrunch his butt into it, dangle his back feet over the sides, then rest the pear on his chest and with his little front feet rotate it around for a good gnaw. That's a contented creature. When he's done, the pear goes over the side, to the ground, where it is later finished first by the deer, and then by insects.
The fruit in the second tree I can pick without risking a hospital visit. The pears there, however, are sometimes at risk from the jays. The scrub jays perch in that tree to monitor the bird-feed situation on the kitchen-porch railing. Sometimes, if the supply of peanuts there runs low—or, worse yet, disappears entirely—a jay, in Frustration and Outrage, will savagely drive his beak into a pear.
Below is shown some of that railing. There is no bird feed on it, because instead there is snow. This is a place where it snows rarely enough that when it does it seems like Fun and we take Pictures of it.
I have learned many things from observing the squirrels and birds that feed on that railing.
For instance, did you know that at a certain time of year the male gray squirrel features testicles the size of hubcaps? Pretty unnerving, the first time I saw it. I thought the poor thing was suffering from some horrific disease. But then I noticed all the boys were swaggering around with testicles ten times larger than their heads. So I went to the tubes, and there determined this was in fact Normal, something evolution decided was a Good Idea, when it's the time of year for squirrels to get jiggy wid it. At the same time, the vagina of the female squirrel blossoms hugely out like some come-to-life Judy Chicago plate. It's basically pornography.
At the same time of year as the squirrels are about this blatancy, the place is meanwhile crawling with these beetles I call porn bugs, because the things wander ceaselessly around with their genitalia attached to one another. Sometimes there are threesomes, though that generally causes significant locomotion problems.
There are many more stories of trees and animals from around this place, but this piece has already gone on long enough so as to offend human decency—though maybe not to the extent of squirrel testicles the size of frisbees—so I'll save them for another time.

I really enjoyed your observations
both in words and images. I especially liked "The Leaning Tree of Here" and accompanying image.
I miss The Leaning Tree Of Here. ; (
Good Morning! Some Mondrian Trees
To thine own self be true.
Hi Marilyn
The content in your link was unavailable to me. Here is a link with a beautiful image of a Mondrian tree:
those trees
grow here when there are hallucinogens.
I hope you'll have your camera
and your notepad ready when the time comes.
are generally disappointing, when it comes to capturing hallucinogenic images. That's why there are painters.
I did manage once to photograph a transparent hand.
Check out this NZ photographer
Here's one
Don't worry, you're not hallucinating
I have to figure out how to include images
second try
i like that! n/t
I'm glad
I thought you might enjoy the surreal nature of it.
Tks Janis, I grabbed them in two pieces
The total grid would have been better but they would have to be downsized. So I'll send 2 columns.
To thine own self be true.
It's amazing how alive trees can look
even when highly abstracted.
That was a great Mondrian tree
and it shows close-up detail. Thank you!
To thine own self be true.
You've caused me to never to look at squirrels quite the same way. I'll forever be trying to catch a glimpse of their balls.
My grandfather was an old time lumberjack. Sometimes I think about that and his role in the reduction of trees on the planet. Kind of like my GGGG grandparents who traveled on a wagon train over the Oregon Trail in 1854, arriving in Oregon City, Oregon. Sometimes I wonder about their role in the crimes of Native American genocide.
I wonder what my future relatives will wonder about me. Sure is plenty of shit to blame me for. Maybe they'll wonder about my role in WWIII.
it's only
during a certain time of the year, at least with these people, that the testicles are larger than basketballs. At other times, the testicles are sucked up into the body, which "makes sexing them from a distance all but impossible." However, advises this tube, "[i]f handling squirrels, the distance between the genital opening and the anus can be used to determine the sex: in males the distance between the two apertures (ca. 1cm) is noticeably greater than in females (apertures very close together)."
I don't know that I want to handle squirrels, and I certainly don't want to be rummaging around their genitals. Seems kind of rude.
You might also be interested to know that squirrels masturbate to avoid sexually transmitted infections.
What a source of interesting information you are
Couldn't it also be that they are more stimulated after having sex though?
could be
We should run that theory by the science-woman who devotes her life to watching squirrels masturbate in the deserts of Namibia.
The squirrels in my yard are greatly stimulated
by the thought of getting into my bird feeders.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
very funny
I guess your squirrels prefer sunflower seeds then.
one of the reasons why I use the railing, rather than feeders. The birds and squirrels just there Share.
I have to be careful going onto that porch at night, though, because that's when the skunks swing by to clean up what the day-people spill.
My squirrels do not share
I put cheap seed in the pole feeders and they clean it out in a matter of hours. The good stuff is in the hanging feeders which many a squirrel has tried to get and half the time, they miss and hit the deck 15 feet below.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
i'm sorry
your squirrels are Mean and Bad. These squirrels are mostly interested in the peanuts. One of them is even a very neat gentleman who politely piles the chewed-through shells in a little heap. This is contrast to say, the picky scrub jay, who has to test every peanut with his beak, and those he finds unsatisfactory he flings off in disgust.
It's a shame
that the residents of the natural world are reduced to scavengers, as their natural world is reduced.
as for
the logging, there's always the question of the use to which the wood is put. In your grandfather's time, it was more likely the wood was used to make Real things, like homes and quality furniture. Whereas when I used to frequent logging towns on the coast of California and Oregon, even people in the business were disgusted that so many of the trees were being reduced to plywood and fiberboard.
A lot of wood was also used
for heating and cooking back in those days.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
worse are whole forests used for toilet paper
and food packaging. Right across the Juan de Fuca strait we can see the the pulp mills in Port Angeles and Port Townsend WA turning forests into pulp. Another awful use is wood pellets where the industry claims to be using only waste wood but they have been caught using whole trees. Wood pellets are sent to Europe as a source of energy.
To thine own self be true.
Jeez. why do Europeans need US wood pellets?
What kind of stuff gets sold where these days is just insane.
Good morning, hecate, have to come later in the evening,
I know I want to read your OT. I am supposed to do something for Bernie. So, see you all later.
so this
is what it's like around this place this morning:
what is that thingy the cat is trying to get to fight with?/nt
An ancient relic
of another world, with the composure and tenacity the kitten can only dream of.
a bearded dragon. The kitten doesn't want to fight, but rather wants the dragon to play.
so cute ... /nt
Why are U.S. soldiers getting blown up in Egypt?
man, I'm flipped out about that video at GOS
the one in your diary (that Choco8 provided?) with those sick individuals laughing over income inequality. No grasp of the problem, no concern about the pain they've caused. The euphemism "job displacement"....ick.
not only unconcerned, they revel in it. n/t
To thine own self be true.
That's why
we need to kick their asses.
I just finished
reading it and following the thread to the bottom. Thanks gjohnsit. Man o'man partisan people are just insane. Why support the New Democrat's unless your a total sociopath who has a lot of money in the game? Seriously why does the comfortable middle class left even support this 'hilarious' sick version of a global economy? I mean when they we're through yuking it up about income disparity and started bull shitting about the causes they said of course this will cause job/money 'displacement' among the middle class but........................
But wait a bit,' the Oysters cried,
Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!'
No hurry!' said the Carpenter.
They thanked him much for that.
A loaf of bread,' the Walrus said,
Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed —
Now if you're ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed.'
But not on us!' the Oysters cried,
Turning a little blue.
After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!'
The night is fine,' the Walrus said.
Do you admire the view?
It was so kind of you to come!
And you are very nice!'
The Carpenter said nothing but
Cut us another slice:
I wish you were not quite so deaf —
I've had to ask you twice!'
It seems a shame,' the Walrus said,
To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!'
The Carpenter said nothing but
The butter's spread too thick!'
I weep for you,' the Walrus said:
I deeply sympathize.'
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.
O Oysters,' said the Carpenter,
You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none —
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one."
I'm following the UK election of the next Labour leader. This morning I read a Guardian opinion piece about how Labour should Unite! regardless of who wins. The tread was very similar to dkos with the Blairiites (Clintonites) breakdown vs. the (lol) far lefty contender. They we're screaming and ranting about Corbyn's popularity or non popularity (unelectable). He's a disaster, an extremist, a Marxist, on and on it goes. At least in the UK the Tories aren't socially as scary as the theocratic RW in the US but still Labour like the Democrat's here are going through I see a huge rift, a split. I wish Bernie was a liberal as Corbyn about foreign policy but he's not.
Bernie is Empire writ large with some useless tweaks to the regulatory system. Maybe because the UK is smaller in population it's easier for me follow. Still I see the same cracks there as our thoroughly corrupt by-partisan system is experiencing. My loyalty no longer lies with party or even nationality I see this as a needed global turning point where we the people no longer except the war criminal, disaster capitalists as anything anyone should consent to. Manufactured politics are irrelevant and it's time people everywhere stopped believing that if they don't support the viscous global staus quo it will be the the end of the world as we know it.
Disregard the cries the keepers of the status quo they are cowards and have much to lose as they are invested in this global Ponzi scam and the mass killing of humans and the planet. So what, let it fucking end. It's long past due. Get these assholes, these masters of war and misery off the fucking stage. If democracy is gone then lets all get out our pots and pans and tomatoes and drown them out fer god sake. If that fails well ??? change is scary but sometimes the alternative is way worse.
We need a global people's revolution against
the super rich and their systems. We have to end "Rule by the Rich". Globally we wouldn't have to deal with
political parties and elections, it could be an independent movement in the end making demands to the United
The common people in every nation are struggling against the same thing, money power, the rich and their systems
but can't do a thing individually in their own countries; witness the Podemas in Spain and the Syriza in Greece.
But a global movement that could reach into the 100's of millions might have a chance.
That's what I'm talking about man.
We don't have democracy anyway, what do we have to lose? Do we want it or not.
The alternative is these fuckers are going to take us all down with them.
now you made me listen to the whole video -
they are scared ... can you feel that? ... Geithner wasn't hiding it, Paulson tried to weasel out of making a clear statement about "reform" and Rubin was so cool that the arrogance behind it was oozing out. I couldn't believe it. I don't remember him having that kind of arrogant back when he was working for Clinton. But I was living in fog city back then. Sigh. Same kind of representing themselves as former CEO Eric Schmidt of Google. Smartly low key rhetoric, chatting friendly with each other, sprinkled with intelligent remarks, knowing all the way it's BS. They know that all their arguments end up to be the same as they had them before. Still talking of growth being the basis for any changes. Forget about it.
I mean, I demand that those three people stand up and don't sit comfortably in chairs. Then I demand they come on stage naked, because they are emperor without clothes.
It's a waste of time to listen to them. If after three minute in the discussion you don't know what they are really talking about or where they stand, it usually means, you won't know after twenty minutes listen to them either.
Sorry, my mom always told me, if "important people" try to impress their audience with lots of "smart talk" and you feel like a little idiot listening to them, imagine they were naked and then had to try to convince you with the same talk they used with their clothes on. I bet you, you couldn't take it for two minutes.
Sorry, I am just a bit angry at myself to have listened to them. I used to have to do that during my archiving days without having the time to find out which were the "best" soundbites. All the correspondents wanted are "cool soundbites". And poor producers couldn't take anything anymore serious. Hunting for soundbites as a matter to make a living is a sort of "bad" job.
Oh and I have something to say for Sheryl Sandberg. I manned a booth today for Bernie Sanders at a Labor Day Festival. The tiniest effort of activism from local people who paid $25 for the place to have their booth and some printouts from the Bernie website, no stickers, not buttons.(and for them $25 is ok, but still money to count on) A lot of people in the fifty/sixty plus age range passed by and asked some question.
One question we asked was always "Do you use Facebook?" And the answer was amazing me, because most of them admitted they didn't or very rarely. Most of them had already Bernie T-shirts and so demonstrated they are politically interested and up to support him, but they still didn't seem to think to search for Bernie information over Facebook or his website. I had good conversations with the other people "manning the boot" and the variety of opinions reminded me very much of the different kind of voices you hear on dailykos.
It was also a bit pained to see how "desperate" people were about not knowing how to find methods to incite fundamental system changes. All believed that these changes are very necessary and that the current system didn't leave them any options to accomplish those changes. And then they basically said that the usual activism methods is the only thing they can do. Clearly people would like to get an idea, what could be done in addition but were completely convinced - with the two party system as it is today - that leaves them no other alternatives and they won't be able to initiate change.
Then the older guys started to talk about movements in history and gave examples (you needed really to have detailed knowledge about historical incidences) to prove that movements DO help, if you can get them built.
I think people hope that the huge march on Washington planned would make a difference as a movement building tool for a "political revolution".
Unverschaemt n/t
yeah, I misspelled booth for a while, but corrected it now.
Or do you mean my comment was "unverschaemt"? I felt the whole time that something with my word "boot" is not right. I went sleeping and before falling to real sleep I knew what I had spelled wrongly in that word. Embarrassing. Ok, I fixed it.
Good Night.
I'm sorry for my one word comment. It was quite unclear. I was responding to the insensitivity and arrogance of the four in the video. I always enjoy your comments. They are straightforward, passionate and thoughtful. I even find your misspellings endearing.
sorry for questioning your one word comment
I thought you meant what you said, but wanted to be sure. As for my brain, I am losing words... not funny. Thanks janis b, have a wonderful Sunday morning.
Thanks for checking mimi
Speaking two languages, you have twice as many words to remember than the rest of us. Do you find that you also lose German language, living so long in America?