The elephant in the room
The Dallas shooting was both tragic and counter-productive, but also inevitable.
It's ridiculous to think that cops can continue to kill hundreds of people every year, year after year, without there eventually being a violent reaction.
Unless real reforms are put into place, and there is no evidence of this happening, this shooting will only be the first of many.
However, that isn't the element of this story that bothers me the most.
It's this part.
The Dallas shooter wasn't representative of BlackLivesMatter, but he was inspired by some of the extreme rhetoric surrounding it.
According to a large percentage of people in the movement, this is about race first and foremost. Specifically, it's about white people killing black people.
If you don't believe me, visit the GOS almost any time of the week and see the daily "I'm sorry for being white" diaries.
It's like being white is to liberals like Original Sin is to Catholics.
The thing is, when you look at the numbers, the reality is that the problem is cops killing people.
That's it. The problem doesn't extend any further than that.
This essay is going to be about numbers.
The disturbing and growing problem that I've seen on the GOS and elsewhere is how hostile liberals have become to these numbers when it doesn't fit into their world view. It's almost like talking to conservatives about global warming.
White People Killing Black People
When you go to the FBI web site and look at the stats for murder, it becomes clear that violent crime is segregated.
Blacks kill black people and whites kill white people. Murder between races isn't common.
Less than 8% of blacks being murdered are done by whites.
Less than 15% of whites being murdered are done by blacks.
This is, of course, outside of police shootings which are almost never called murder. I'll address that shortly.
My point is that outside of people in police uniforms, there is no reasonable evidence of blacks being in danger of being killed by whites. Or visa versa.
White Cops Shooting Black People
There are many different sources and many different numbers, but the patterns remain the same year after year.
Half or more of the people killed by cops are white.
Yes, blacks are killed by a ratio of two to three times more often, and that's important. I'm not saying otherwise.
But I am saying that any examination of an issue that starts by dismissing a majority of the instances as irrelevant is not a serious examination. It's someone looking for a predetermined conclusion.
I got to thinking about this.
There are just short of a million sworn police officers in America.
Roughly 75% of them are white.
There are 223,553,000 white people in America.
Let's say for the sake of argument that every single black killed by a cop was killed by a white cop.
It's ridiculous, but follow my thought for a moment.
If you add together the FBI murder number, and blacks killed by (white) cops, then over 62% of all blacks killed by whites were killed just by cops.
To put it in another way, 62% of blacks killed by whites was done by an organization that only makes up just 0.335% of the white population.
And liberals want to tell us that ALL whites are the problem?!?
That's ridiculous.
It's like saying all whites are responsible for KKK cross-burnings.
The problem is obviously a trigger-happy cops problem.
Now we could go back to my assumption above about all cop shootings being done by white cops and adjust the numbers to be more proportional and realistic. Maybe by saying that 25% of cop shootings were done by minority race cops, but by doing so the entire premise of this being a white people killing black people problem breaks down from a logical contradiction.
Once again we return to the problem being obviously a trigger-happy cops problem.
So why are white liberals so determined to make this into a race problem?
I don't know, but it doesn't appear to be being pushed from the media. It appears that white liberals really want to blame themselves.
My concern is that all their talk of this being about race, instead of cops, is that it's going to cause innocent people to be killed.
Lessons Of Low Expectations
"White Privilege!" liberals will be quick to respond with. Because whites have it soooo good in America.
It's the all-inclusive shaming device for winning arguments with other liberals.
Yeh. Ah no.
Whites don't have it soooo good in America, and all it takes is a quick look overseas to know it.
Let's say that suddenly that problem is "fixed" and that blacks are "only" being killed at the same rate as whites are.
Does BLM no longer have a reason to exist? Mission accomplished? Wrong.
Let’s look at our immediate neighbors to the north, Canada. The total number of citizens killed by law enforcement officers in the year 2014, was 14; that is 78 times less people than the US.If we look at the United Kingdom, 1 person was killed by police in 2014 and 0 in 2013. English police reportedly fired guns a total of three times in all of 2013, with zero reported fatalities.
From 2010 through 2014, there were four fatal police shootings in England, which has a population of about 52 million. By contrast, Albuquerque, N.M., with a population 1 percent the size of England’s, had 26 fatal police shootings in that same time period.
China, whose population is 4 and 1/2 times the size of the United States, recorded 12 killings by law enforcement officers in 2014.
Let that sink in. Law enforcement in the US killed 92 times more people than a country with nearly 1.4 billion people.It doesn’t stop there.
From 2013-2014, German police killed absolutely no one.
In the entire history of Iceland police, they have only killed 1 person ever.
All that would happen if blacks were "only" being killed by cops in this country at the same rate as whites is that blacks would still be getting killed at around 50 times the rate as anyone else in a first world country.
Talk about lowered expectations!
On the other hand, it seems perfect for today's liberal politics, where real world defeats are sold to us as symbolic victories.
Thinking Outside The Box
Every once in a while someone says something so incisive that it causes you to look at an issue in an entirely different way.
Rev. Jesse Jackson managed to do that in 2015.
Police kill more whites than blacks. Of the 700 killings it has recorded, the Guardian reports that 340 were white, 179 black and 101 Hispanic. The Post reports that African-American men were 40 percent of the unarmed deaths, but whites and Hispanics made up the majority. The system has a class bias as well as a race bias. An investigation by Alternet’s Zaid Jilani revealed that in the first five months of this year, 95 percent of police killings occurred in neighborhoods with median family incomes under $100,000. There were no killings in neighborhoods with median family incomes of $200,000 or above.
Not surprisingly, lower-income whites are more likely to say police abuse of authority is on the rise than middle- or upper-income whites.
Excessive force puts white lives at risk, as well as those of blacks and Hispanics. But the silence of the white community and of the white church is deafening. The victims of police abuse are left to seek justice on their own.
So I went looking for the Zaid Jilani article Reverand Jackson was referring to and I found it.
For the 441 police killings I researched, the average neighborhood family income where a killing occurred was $57,764. The median family income was $52,907.
Just over five percent of the killings were in neighborhoods with over $100,000 median family income. The richest neighborhood that saw a killing was the 700 block on 14th street in northwest Washington, D.C.
This skews against what the actual income variation in America is. A household income of $100,000 or more puts you in the top 21% of American income earners; this means that incomes below this number are overrepresented by four times compared to the income distribution in how often they are killed by police.
Being black makes you three times as likely to be killed by cops, but being middle-class or poor makes you four times as likely to be killed by cops. In fact, according to this article, "95 percent of reported police killings were in neighborhoods with incomes under $100,000."
Looking at this from face value, the greater determining factor of whether you are going to be shot by the cops is the amount of cash in your pocket and where you live, not the color of your skin.
Then I ran across this article in Mother Jones.
When you ask why such "bad" cops are nevertheless armed and allowed to patrol the streets, one begins to see that lurking beneath this violence is a fiscal menace: police departments forced to assist city officials in raising revenue, in many cases funding their own salaries—redirecting the very concept of keeping the peace into underwriting the budget.
Time and time again, these outrageous police killings start from traffic stops for extremely minor offenses.
But consider: In 2010, this collaboration between the Ferguson police and the courts generated $1.4 million in income for the city. This year, they will more than double that amount—$3.1 million—providing nearly a quarter of the city's $13 million budget, almost all of it extracted from its poorest African American citizens.
Then comes the money quote that links police shootings, Reverand Jackson's concerns, and this article,
In 2014, Ferguson's bottom-line-driven police force issued 16,000 arrest warrants to three-fourths of the town's total population of 21,000. Stop and think about that for a moment: In Ferguson, 75 percent of all residents had active outstanding arrest warrants. Most of the entire city was a virtual plantation of indentured revenue producers.
The problem of police killings goes far, far deeper than just blaming white people.
We have a deeply corrupt criminal justice system, and nothing will be accomplished until that is addressed.
Unfortunately, white liberals will flat out not listen to reason.

These are definitely very bad things - inexcusable.
And sexual assault is horribly handled, from start to finish. Even worse is to know that if you are raped, you have some chance of getting a decent cop, but if you go to court (the system again), you are guaranteed to go through hell.
Impunity is corrupting. No one should get away with abusing anyone else.
And our class system has to go.
"Impunity is corrupting."
Thank you for summing up the fundamental problem of our society in three words.
Though "Capitalism destroys planets" is a strong contender too!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
But of course
The excuse is usually "a few bad apples", ignoring what that few bad apples ruin the whole barrel.
The dynamics of "culture" inside law enforcement and society as a whole are contributory factors. "Omerta" for example is an internalized feature that active duty cops obey or have their families threatened with retaliation. Cop culture is amazingly identical to mob/gang culture.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I had a cop as a customer for years
he told me that there really was nothing to protect my disabled son from the police. He was really upset about it too
We finally had that "why don't good cops speak out?" chat and hes said that most cops are bullies. They will bully their own. He said they will retaliate on their own.
The cops are scared of cops, too.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
A long time ago a friend made the observation
"just look at who in your high school became a cop". And by and large it often was the "bully" type of personality.
So I think we should start at who we hire as cops. They should not be bully types, they probably ought to be more like really fit social worker types who specialize in de-escalation and finding alternative solutions to arrest/jail if at all possible. They should have criminal justice degrees either before being hired or shortly thereafter. We need to pay them appropriately for the fact that they put their lives on the line every day and in recognition of the fact that they are a vital link in maintaining order in a civil society. We need to provide them with the best training and equipment we possibly can but without militarizing them as some sort of anti-citizen pseudo-army.
We have to stop making policing a source of municiple revenue/ profit center. We have to end the policy and practice of civil seizures without a criminal conviction - that is insane and promotes the worst possible type of corruption of the police forces and intimidation of the public.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Got pulled over the night after a high school reunion
by a guy who roughed me up in the hallway in high school. He became a cop.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Absolutely agree with you
better training, better employees.
My husband was in the military and part of that was undergoing police academy. He said it was one of the scarier parts of his training - having that opportunity to train alongside police officers. Because of that he knew he would never want to be a cop or work with them ever again.
It chilled him to know what type of people had badges and guns.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Your Customer is telling the truth...
I know it for a fact.
When I started speaking out against some of the actions my department was taking I went from being fast tracked for promotion to pariah in a matter of weeks.
In my entire career I never had a single disciplinary action taken against me, then once I spoke out about some issues I was placed under investigation no less than 15 times in a year and a half.
Every single investigation was completely bullshit, and even the one that I had to fight all the way to the state level resulted in my departments administrators being chided by the hearing officer for their obvious abuse and deliberate misinterpretation and inflation of the situation.
It didn't matter that they and I and everyone else knew the charges were bullshit, nor did it matter that EVERY one of the investigations against me were almost immediately dismissed by the initial reviewing officer at the I.G. for being "Ridiculous" my department head actually was overheard saying post hearing to another official, "I didn't lose, I won, the process IS the punishment, I ruined at least 3 of his weekends and let him stress about it for 6 months lol!" (Yes, he literally laughed out loud at the end of saying it, I had, and still have allies at the upper levels whom respected me and made sure I was aware of what was going on.)
And he was right. It had a huge chilling effect.
The officers that would show up for the meetings and rallies and whatnot went from being a few dozen initially and was growing every day to the point where we would have 50 or more at a single event, that is 1/4 my department, (we had about 200+ line officers at my location) but after about the 6th investigation of myself and the two other officers whom were leading this thing the number of attendee's and people signing up to take part in actions or attend scheduled meetings and round tables we had arranged with State Leaders plummeted.
Long story short, after that incident and the targeting of a few of the others that would go to these meetings we went from having an average attendance of around 30-40 for an event to about 8....
Moral of the story is open criticism of actions, or lack thereof, taken by your department is complete career suicide unless you have some powerful friends, and even then it won't stop you from never promoting again, it will just keep you from being fired.
There are a LOT Of officers out there that are concerned and dismayed by what is going on, but at the end of the day they have families to support, bills to pay and their own personal safety to worry about.
More than one police whistle blower has been killed by his fellow officers either directly (and then blamed on a suspect whom can't refute the story because he was also shot and killed during the
altercationassassination or by failure to provide backup when needed to an officer in distress.That is the threat that we operate under. S
So while yeah, there are a lot of of bad actors in law enforcement, it's really not fair to paint them all with a broad brush because they are in some respects living under fear of the police too... (I know, pretty fucking sad huh?)
(Edited to change Friend in title to Customer to more accurately reply to the proper person.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
As the first woman hired as an officer in my area,
I learned not to count on getting backup when I needed it. Some of the men were seriously trying to get women officers hurt or killed. The worst of it was that it didn't get better over time - men hired after I had been there for a few years and was experienced were apparently even more threatened by equal women. Including men with liberal arts degrees (required in my department). It was sometimes pretty grim, but it actually made me a better cop, because I had to learn how to cope with anything that came up on my own. I do know about all the bad things that can be done. They are very very bad and they are inexcusable.
But I'm not about to say that all men are rotten. They aren't and that wouldn't be fair. Some are, and they should face appropriate consequences. To condemn a whole category is stereotyping and othering and it's behind a lot of this problem. The bad cops are also stereotyping the people they abuse.
And I and my few friends there (mostly men) still tried to protect people and do the right thing.
Prison like behavior in PDs?
My aunt was a jailer at a county jail in Texas. When it was coming close to her retirement, she began finding evidence of sabotage. She said it was other employees doing it in an effort to get her in trouble so she couldn't collect her pension after she retired.
It reminded me of how prisoners get screwed with when their release date approaches so they get in trouble and will have to stay longer.
Sad, but not unknown
It's scarier to me
that even cops seem to be afraid of cops.
Yous and one other speak of horrible treatment being cops by other cops. So is it safe to say that the "good cops" are just as terrorized by the bad cops as of citizens? That doesn't make it any better from where my loved ones are concerned.
Do I just tell my loved ones, "hey kids, don't worry the good cops are just as frightened as you are"?
can we safely say, "this shit is out of control and things have to change now."?
Thanks so much for your insight and consideration. My husband has a particularly keen insight on this as well. While in the military, he had to work and be trained with some police. Let's just say any positive notion about police or the police dept he may have had going into it was quickly ended just after a short while.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I guess the point I was trying to make is rather than blaming
all members of a group, lets focus on the actual flaws in the system and the terrible leadership that allows those that think they are above the law to thrive.
You do indeed have allies in the LEO community, but we can't fix the problem by ourselves any more than a nurse or doctor can fix the problems endemic to our medical system...
All we, and those Doctors and Nurses can do is try to mitigate the harm and lead by example.
Unfortunately that example isn't one that is generally tolerated by TPTB....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
When my (brown) nephew was a plainclothes detective he told me his greatest fear were not the criminals but that other detectives would shoot him dead. He said that in the heat of making arrests, etc the main thing they would notice was his brown face and think "criminal!"
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I can't even imagine the backlash a cop would get if he
took a stand against other cops. It might go beyond losing his job and pension.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Try calling for backup and having your call to dispatch clicked
out. Your call to dispatch for help doesn't go through if others are clicking their mikes at the same time. It happened a lot for a while for women working the night shift alone (Single-officer squads came in soon after women did. They were two-man cars when only men were working).
On two burglary in progress calls, where you go in with your gun in your hand (pointed up), twice the same guy, who was assigned to back me up, stopped to write a traffic ticket and never showed up. Dispatch didn't send anyone else.
Fuck me.
I suppose I shouldn't be shocked, but Christ!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yep, it happened in my Department too.
It wasn't until we got the technology that allowed us to have a record of whom keyed their mics and when coupled with someone getting hurt and a shitload of suspensions and one termination before it stopped.
There are all kinds of other ways they can "Slow play" a response to a call.
Anyone that thinks that shit died out in the days of Serpico is quite misinformed.
They have just gotten better at hiding it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I'm glad you're still alive.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks. Me, too.
Cops kill white Americans too.
The aggregate numbers of whites executed by cops are numerically much higher for whites. The percentages are heavily skewed towards minorities.
I bbelieve Native Americans have the highest percentages, but the actual numbers are much lower.
Why? Racism of course, but opportunity and the demented "Thin Blue Line" culture are also factors.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Both statements are true
Both statements are equally important.
But white liberals are using the latter statement to totally dismiss the former. That is wrong and dishonest, and it leads to incorrect conclusions.
That's exactly right,
but if I may, I'd like to embellish the thought a bit--it seems to me that the white racist or white sort-of-racist or "citizen who can't bear to face reality" uses the latter statement to dismiss the former A LOT lately:
It seems to me that more and more, "party affiliation" has only a small bearing on whether or not one is racist. Now, that might be because I'm in the American South--northern Florida--and I'm willing to wager it might not be quite as bad elsewhere. But I see those statements/ideals proffered across the board to try and sweep all the POC dead bodies by our cops under the damned rug. This includes "indies" and the cynical. I can't tell you how much that pisses me off. Like the fact that there's more white bodies means we're all over-reacting to the dead bodies of POC. What the fuck? Why aren't you upset that your own damn race is being gunned down by the cops, too?
Oh, well, they must have deserved it. Next thing you know, it goes "class-based". Anything to be able to explain away the problem. And if you have "logic" to explain it away, that must mean you don't have to do shit to try and change it, including discuss it.
We have a serious blind spot about a lot of things in this country, but the one regarding our cops is starting to scare me just a little bit. Saying that is not to try and lessen the impact of your statement, I just wanted to kind of point that out that while "race" is a motivating factor, the reaction to it and against it comes from all corners of the population, not just Dems. Sheer propaganda has fueled this divide in the last decade or so, and the propagandists don't care who they lie to, long as they keep the eyeballs blinking in their direction...
You're in North Florida?
I am too! We should so get together!
Most things in North Florida are fairly close to each other--with the exception of Pensacola and the long end of the panhandle.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That should tell you something
The very facts you just stated should tell you that approaching this problem from the race angle is not going to lead to a solution. Police brutality needs to be solved because they're an out-of-control agent of authority. Solve that and the racial inequities will be solved naturally.
Identify the correct problem if you want to find the correct solution, otherwise you're just spinning your wheels.
Bad police administrations too often
A lot of them think accountability means abuse of their staffs. Some of them are just focused on "getting" someone for something, and it can get pretty petty. It also leads to a lot of sniping at each other, because you can get them off your back by throwing them some other victim.
So there's no white privilege?
I'm not convinced that's true.
I drove around with a broken tail light for at least 2 weeks and never even got pulled over, much less killed.
I was pulled over for a broken headlight and received a warning, not an assault or a bullet; and I wasn't arrested for resisting arrest either.
Two elderly women with guns encountered cops in the Houston area in the last few years. One shot dead, the other taken in for mental evaluation. Guess the two different races.
I'm not followed around a store by paranoid management. People don't lock their car doors when I walk by. People don't call the cops when they see me in their neighborhood. Women don't cling to their purses when I walk by, or cross the street to get away from me.
Not convinced there is no white privilege. Not at all.
To quote myself from an old diary
"White privilege" is relative.
There is a disturbing way that the term "white privilege" is defined.
For example, I've seen "white privilege" defined on DKos as "the freedom from being racially profiled while driving" and "the freedom not to be frisked by cops on the street".
I want to say right off that those are huge problems that need to stop. They happen. It exists. It is a crime.
However, the absence of being harassed by cops is not a privilege. That's not the way the word "privilege" is used. Privilege is "a special right", not the "absence of something bad".
Using the term "white privilege" to describe not having your civil rights violated by cops is like one person accusing another person of being "privileged" because he gets beaten with a smaller nightstick.
The absence of a stick does not make a carrot.
It finally occurred to me the other day the best way to describe this, and Republicans provided me with this example because they do a similar thing.
The Republican whipping boy right now are public school teachers, fire fighters, and other public servants. Why? Because they have stable jobs and middle class wages.
Republicans don't use the term "privilege" for their reasons to hate the Volvo-driving public school teacher because they can afford their mortgage.
But they hate them for a similar reason that minorities use the term "white privilege" - because the other group is getting something that they deserve.
And you know what? Republicans are right! They do deserve a middle class wage and some job security. But that doesn't mean that public school teachers don't. Instead Republicans take a crabs in a bucket mentality of "if I can't have it, neither can you."
And minorities are right! They do deserve to be free from police harassment and discrimination. But that doesn't mean whites are "getting something". Whites are only not being denied something.
Both Republicans and liberals are guilty of an extremely limited imagination of what the world should be, and a chronic lack of courage to see the world as it could be.
It's disturbing to see both spectrums of political thought with such low expectations and so little vision that they cannot raise their heads to see the larger picture.
Even more importantly, both groups are also guilty of wrongly identifying the enemy.
Here's a good rule of thumb: if the people live on your block, go to your church, shop in your stores, or work in your workplace, then chances are they aren't the ones oppressing you.
Why is that important? Because it is an accusation.
"Privilege" implies getting something for nothing.
It implies to white people "you don't deserve what you have." That implication is going to alienate people who usually have worked hard for what little they have.
And worst of all, it is inaccurate because it is the wrong use of the word.
Thus the term unnecessarily antagonizes white people. White people that might be your allies.
Yes, I understand that the definition of the word "privilege" has expanded in recent decades to include the "absence of bad", but that is not what most people hear when the word is used. It's not the traditional definition of the word.
To continue to use "white privilege" means you will continue to knowingly be misunderstood and needlessly antagonize and alienate people. That's not smart politics.
What's more, to assume that "you just don't understand the term" is an arrogant attitude that is sure you put yourself into the "elitist" catagory. If you can't communicate an idea without needlessly offending your audience then you are the one that needs to change, not your audience.
So, what do we call it?
I see your point about the proper definition of privilege. What do we call the absence of denial of rights to drive, walk, shop without being suspected of something sinister and/or dangerous?
I mean, you can make a photocopy or a Xerox copy, and now days, the two mean the same thing because the brand name has morphed into the generic term.
What I would do is focus on the problem
The problem for blacks isn't white privilege.
The problem for blacks is racism.
I seriously doubt that blacks spend much time worrying about whites not having their civil rights being violated.
That seems to be the domain of white liberals.
What's more, and this should be obvious, if you want to cure racism in society then you don't spend your time dividing society with useless identity politics.
The rule of thumb of politics is the bigger the coalition you have the better chance of getting things done.
To make a coalition you focus on what groups have in common.
And right now whites and blacks have a common enemy - a corrupt and violent criminal justice system.
It's a naturally rallying point.
But white liberals have taken the opposite tactic - trying to shame other whites into supporting the cause of another group.
It's never going to work. Not in a million years.
Most of the white working class is working overtime just to keep their heads above water. They are desperate. They simply don't have the time, money or energy for causes that are not their own.
Politics responds to self-interest. That's the way it was designed.
White liberals are missing an obvious opportunity to make the world a better place.
you're right
The problem for blacks is racism. Which is why this black millionaire, in the driveway of his own home, was perceived by the white cop to be some shiftless hustler, rather than the homeowner. Not because of his class. Because of his race.
And you're right. White identity politics, it is such a bore. And has been, for more than 500 years.
And those in the working class most "working overtime to keep their heads above water," those are the black and brown people. A race problem, then. Not a class problem.
And you're right: white liberals are indeed missing an obvious opportunity. When they decline to understand or accept how the world is experienced by people with more melanin than they.
It seems strange to me how so many liberals on political blogs don't seem to understand the basic concepts of politics.
Such as the idea that finding common ground and interests outside of the structure of race is politically acceptable.
And that its easier to rally people to a cause when their self-interests are at stake then to shame them into a cause.
It's almost as if liberals aren't all that interested in accomplishing something.
Ashley Wilkes. But he was written to be a goner, like Melanie.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I would put it to you
that a lot of those white liberals may not be acting in good faith.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yes, we shouldn't assume it has to be zero-sum
One person gaining doesn't have to mean that someone else loses an equal amount. It is possible for all sides to gain, for all to "win" by approaching problems cooperatively.
That's what we should be working for. Win-win solutions to our problems.
It makes me happy to read your reply. I'm not a fan of the current use of the word "privilege" which in itself has become a stick to beat people with.
Thanks for pointing this out.
There's a huge essay to be done on this. The redefining of basic human rights as unfair privileges is intentional, IMO. It's a very dangerous formulation, implying that, as long as all demographic groups are treated equally, it's fine to treat them horribly. It's basically a sneaky why to deconstruct the notion of a basic human right.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Very well said. A privilege is something you don't deserve. Basic rights are something everyone deserves. To paint it as an unfair advantage is going the wrong direction. We should ALL expect those things for our fellow human beings.
There's some. The rest of it is class-based.
I'm as white as the snow, and one day, I'll tell you all about my lone small-quantity pot bust. Being a white middle-aged woman didn't do a thing for me. The giveaway was the car I was driving at the time--it had seen better days. There's a lot of cars like that around these days, especially in Florida (which has no vehicle inspection).
And before you say anything--if you've ever read me before, yeah, I have a 'tude here in many ways (as I do in RL, hehe), but believe me when I say, I'm not so stupid that I'd mouth off to a cop.
There's plenty of white privilege--
the problem is that that truth is being used to cover up other truths, in the interest of the establishment.
The co-optation of anti-racist and anti-sexist justice movements, and their languages, in the interests of the 1%, is the hallmark of our era.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
This needs to be both said and understood - Thanks
I never thought I'd see a time when public school teachers - an historically underpaid profession - would be singled out and harassed as being parasites on society. If anything, they need a raise. But, the neoliberals and paleoconservatives want to get their hands on their pension funds and they want to fire the professional teachers - most have MA's - and replace them with inexperienced, under-trained, para-teachers who will be classroom failures. Plus the for-profit charter schools will drain community taxes while underperforming the established teaching standards.
We should never forget that the neolibs and paleocons used the hurricane disaster to eliminate the New Orleans public school system and rid themselves of the professional teaching staff.
Firefighting is a dangerous job that calls for many different skills, teamwork, and working under horrendous conditions at times. To deny these community assets the pay, benefits, and retirement is a crime against the communities themselves.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The justice /criminal system
is broken by design. Besides the fact that cops are allowed by this system to kill people with impunity and face no legal consequences this country also has a punitive prison system that is for profit. My Mom lived in Greece for 16 years and when she would come back to the US she would say 'In this country being poor is a crime.' The federal, state and local law enforcement and the judicial systems been given the power to lock up and kill the most needy and vulnerable in our society. Blaming it solely on systemic racism overlooks the the fact that people really have no laws or rights anymore. The powers that be took them away for our 'safety'.
Is this society racist? Of course, but white privilege isn't what allows the militarized killer cops to operate unimpeded by law. How is it possible for places like Ferguson or Arizona to become lawless fiefdoms where racist killers, thugs and sadists have free rein to enforce their brand of law and order? Why is the police union so powerful that no cops are held accountable? White liberals wringing their hands about white privilege isn't going stop these cops who have such unfettered power.
The authoritarian acquiescent streak in our society is also part of the problem. Might is right and violence is necessary if the state instigates it. The cops are the domestic enforcers of the righteous power's that be. The public's attitude of the thug had it coming or if your not doing anything wrong what's the problem with a surveillance police state. People quibble over the letter of the laws, the interpenetration of the laws, and ignore the crux of the problem. This is a lawless nation that has tossed aside the universal laws and hard won old rights that protect people both here in der homeland and globally. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty. No justice, no peace.
Where's my habeas corpus?
Glad I'm not the only one who sees this
I have held for some time that "fixing" racism in this country is not going to change this problem. While BLM and others are correct that police brutality disproportionately affects minorities, they're wrong about the fix, IMO. The problem isn't that the cops are just racists going around killing black people. The problem, ultimately, is that the cops are given authority but without the corresponding accountability. This particular problem will not be solved by addressing from a racial point of view, but from an accountability point of view.
Exactly . Now what do we do next to solve this?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
No quick fix
Sadly there is no quick fix. Sending cops to "sensitivity training" isn't going to do a thing. The cops aren't even the root problem, merely the visible result of an entire system that is built around treating us as subjects, rather than citizens of a democracy. From the POTUS all the way down to city councils, we exist merely to provide our "leaders" with wealth and power.
I'm pessimistic about our ability to solve it until the death toll and incarceration rate climbs significantly. Until everyone stops fearing the potential loss of the crumbs that the elites throw at us, nothing will change. For now, too many people are too comfortable with the status quo.
And the reason for the focus on it being a white problem
instead of a trigger happy cop problem is because the PTB know full well that it is the cops who enforce their tyranny. They WANT trigger happy cops to keep the sheeple afraid and in line.
Who warred against us at the BAttle of Seattle? Cops.
Who keep us penned up so our protests are easily ignored? Cops.
Who raided OWS? Cops.
Who makes it so that cops aren't held accountable? I think you see it now.
You got that straight
I've been harassed by the "authorities" for most of my life. I don't fear evil half as much as I recognize the danger of cops. A badge with a gun on steroids. Are you questioning my authority? they are trained to say. An excuse to force tension on an otherwise non-threatening situation. And I pay their salaries. It is not to protect and serve. It is to harass and arrest, one megalomaniac at a time (sometimes two).
Thanks for writing shah. Many good points. Our habeas corpus is in detention at present.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
What I don't understand is how after years of this kind of thing becoming common sites in the nightly news, every officer in the country isn't wearing a camera every second while on duty.
It's almost like they KNOW they have to hide their behavior.
Agreed with almost everything except:
You say the racial explanation of this violence isn't getting pushed by the media; I think the racial explanation of this violence is being pushed by the so-called "liberal" portion of the media where what passes for social justice is to look at a Black person with a Sympathetic Look while they talk about what it's like to watch a friend get gunned down for no reason.
Since a Sympathetic Look is all that's apparently required to establish oneself as a Good White Person, it's a wonderful cheap source of moral capital. Each black person whose relative or friend has been gunned down for no reason is a veritable generator of moral standing for any White public figure or pundit that needs it. Just get them on TV and nod in apparent sympathy while they talk. If you're really lucky, maybe they'll be overcome with grief for their dead loved ones and actually cry on TV. Then you can talk about what a great public strategy it is for black women to weep for their slain children on television and "melt our hearts."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Gag. I've seen that ad too many times.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yeah, it's really disgusting.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
"Shoot first ask questions later" ---- the old wild west mindset
Shoot em up, bang, bang. Take, take, hurry, hurry, fast, fast, guns, guns, more guns. Get out of my way. Let's kill all the Buffalo and leave their rotting carcasses behind. Let's butcher our Native American brothers and sisters and steal their beautiful lands and decimate their blissful peaceful lives.
Our American greedy souls and mentality has created this horrible situation. The worship of money, guns, violence, things has us all up-side-down and backwards.
We are lost as a country. We are lost! Finding ourselves and coming back home will be hard work!
Just look at how most if us drive on the interstate. It is unreal! It astounds me that we don't have thousands car pileups every hour! The only word that I can think of is "grace" --- that we are surrounded by huge amounts of grace.
We must change our priorities in this country! We are faced with many, many tough decisions! What's more important in life? Are people more important than money? Is freedom and love more important than guns? Is happiness possible without guns? Can we lean to live lives with nature rather than killing her and bleeding her dry?
War no more! Weapons no more!
Choose love and generosity! Stop being greedy! Share and care and expand the universe with big hearts and big hugs! Stop hating and hurting each other.
The lessons from European countries are clearly present. Many Americans are arrogant, stubborn, selfish, proud and set in their close minded ways. This mentality must be broken.
A new spirit of love and caring must be born in this country. A new spirit of community must be birthed. We must find a new way to be free and happy without guns and violence. We must purge our American soul and become clean! Get rid of the guns! Even police must get rid of the guns! We must clean our American house! We are diseased and sick, andwe will continue to rot and die until we cleanse our souls and the house where we all live!
STUPID black CNN reporter kept demanding of
the rifle-toting black man who turned himself and his gun in BEFORE DAYS AND DAYS OF THE ****POLICE**** AND THE FUCKING PRESS ADVERTISING HIM AS A "PERSON OF INTEREST" -- which he was NOT by ANY ***HONEST*** USE OF THE TERM.
The demand was that he JUSTIFY his carrying a rifle. He stated that it was his constitutional right and his STATE LEGAL RIGHT to openly carry that rifle where he carried it.
The asscrap "data mangler" known as a "reporter" ::snark:: kept asking the same question and the guy refused to get into an argument with the shrieking shit.
This is the wrong way to deal with "paid liars" like that. I wish to hell Godfrey Cambridge (actor, comedian) had lived instead of dying of a coronary in the 70s at age 43. He'd have said,"Shut up, boy and listen for a change. You ask all those jackasses who march around WallMart and malls and hardware stores toting their rifles and semi-automatics. ALL those 'white fools'.... YOU ASK THEM FIRST, fool Why are you feeding fear of your own skin color and demanding all us 'good Neegrow' types go back to buffing shoes at the corner stand, fool! Oh, yeah. Don't forget your shoe-shine box."
Cambridge once said, "I am only concerned with letting people see the truth of our lives, like, for example, the way Negroes are afraid of each other too. We have got to show the common bonds. I have an act about people staring at a Negro in the Safeway. I want people to realize that they really do stare. We must bring things out into the open. There are some people you can't reach. You neutralize this kind. If two men are laughing at each other, nobody gets stabbed."
If ONLY B. Obama had made fun of the racists at the get-go. They'd have been laughed out of existence by all those who suppported Obama and who later got fed up with his throwing us under the busses.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Still marinating after a pup escapade and a conversation
with my 96 y/o, not-Alzeimers dementia, blind-ish (she will not admit even that) , deaf mother. An awful touchstone. No idea of shit raining down. Stuck in 1930's-40's Indiana. Migrant workers come in, and the grocery stores stock canned items for them during tomato harvest season. That is still a sundown town. Her daughter (other one) had a black boyfriend who they liked! being into liberal and jazz. I can't even ascribe cognitive dissonance to that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks gjohnsit. EOM
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
New study: whites as likely to be shot as blacks
If it matters: a black professor
Of course both whites and blacks are being shot too much.
i wouldn't be surprised if whites were more likely
to act as if they actually had some rights, and thus more likely to end up getting themselves shot for being insufficiently docile.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
then again:
Yes, police shoot unarmed white people too