Open Thread 08-30-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and some contemporary Bluegrass.
How Close Was Israel to Bombing Iran?
New evidence has now surfaced from former Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak that Israel came close to attacking Iran three times over the past few years – if you believe what “major” news media reported about the story. But you shouldn’t believe it.
The latest story is only a continuation of the clever ploy that has been carried out by Israeli administrations from Ehud Olmert to Benjamin Netanyahu to convince the world that it was seriously contemplating war against Iran in order to pressure them toward crippling sanctions against Iran, if not military confrontation with it
And there is even very strong circumstantial evidence that the Obama administration was consciously playing its part in a “good cop/bad cop routine” with the Israelis over the ostensible Israeli war threat until early 2012 to influence other states’ Iran policies and gain political leverage on Iran.
The latest episode in the seemingly endless story of Israel’s threat of war followed the broadcast in Israel of interviews by Barak for a new biography. The New York Times’ Jodi Rudoren reported that, in those interviews, Barak revealed new details to his biographers about how close Israel came to striking Iran.
Long exposure to tiny amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup may damage liver, kidneys
Long-term intake of the Monsanto’s most popular Roundup herbicide, even in very small amounts lower than permissible in US water, may lead to kidney and liver damage, a new study claims.
The research, conducted by an international group of scientists from the UK, Italy and France, studied the effects of prolonged exposure to small amounts of the Roundup herbicide and one of its main components – glyphosate.
In their study, published in Environmental Health on August 25, the scientists particularly focused on the influence of Monsanto’s Roundup on gene expression in the kidneys and liver.
In the new two-year study, which extended the findings from one conducted in 2012, the team added tiny amounts of Roundup to water that was given to rats in doses much smaller than allowed in US drinking water.
Appeals Court Falls for Government’s Shell Game in NSA Spying Case
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit’s opinion today in Klayman v. Obama is highly disappointing and, worse, based on a mistaken concern about the underlying facts. The court said that since the plaintiffs' phone service was provided by one subsidiary of Verizon—Verizon Wireless—rather than another—Verizon Business—they couldn't prove that they had standing to sue. The court sent the case back to U.S. District Judge Richard Leon to give the Klayman plaintiffs an opportunity to prove that their records were in fact collected. The appeals court did not rule one way or the other of the constitutionality of the mass collection program.
As an initial matter, recent releases by the government make clear that the plaintiffs' records were in fact collected. Earlier this month, in response to a Freedom of Information request from the New York Times, the government released documents confirming that it does indeed collect bulk telephone records from Verizon Wireless under Section 215. Specifically, the formally-released documents reference orders to Verizon Wireless as of September 29, 2010, when they had to report a problem to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
This should mean that the plaintiffs records were collected, at least as of 2010, but likely long before and after. The government should give up its shell game here and admit the time frame that it collected the Klayman plaintiffs records, along with all other Verizon Wireless customers.
U.S. Seeks Greater Focus on Ocean Warming
The U.S. government has urged the international community to focus more on the impact of climate change on the oceans, amid growing concern over changes affecting corals, shellfish and other marine life.
The U.S. will raise the issue at United Nations climate talks in Paris later this year. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be asked to devote more research to the issue.
“We are asking the IPCC in their next series of reports to focus more on ocean and cryosphere [ice ecosystem] issues,” David Balton, deputy assistant secretary for oceans and fisheries at the U.S. State Department, said.
“In my judgment, more attention needs to be paid to the climate change effects upon the ocean areas of the world,” Balton said. “We need to keep pushing up until the Paris conference and beyond.
The Earls of Leicester - Dig a Hole in the Meadow
The High 48s - That Train Has Left The Station
The Steeldrivers - Blue Side Of The Mountain
Dan Tyminski ~ Carry Me Across The Mountain
Peter Rowan - That's All She Wrote
Della Mae - Jamie Dear
The Roys - Coal Minin' Man
Frank Solivan & Dirty Kitchen - The Letter

Morning folks...
what's up?
Shit is up at least at the German-Austrian border
Migrant crisis: Syrian children disappear from Austrian hospital
Why? Why for heaven's sake?
Ok, that's just without words. There are links on that BBC's article who cover more stories about the migrant crisis in Europe....if you want to read them.
Homeless, rightsless, uprooted, displaced, hungry, sick, jobless and hopeless peoples around the world everywhere. And it will not stop and I see major chaos coming to haunt us.
Where is the Lady Statue of Equality? Statue of Liberty failed to provide for the
I want them not only to breathe free, but to breathe at all, clean air, want them to have clean water to drink, want them to work and want them to build their own home on their own piece of land, damnit. And I want them all to be treated equal.
It's not done. Fuck that.
Otherwise, good morning, caucus citizens. Have a blessed Sunday.
How many Syrian refugees have the US
and Canada welcomed into their respective countries? I wonder.
To thine own self be true.
what's up, JtC,
is one of the highest, up, songs, ever:
Morning hecate...
this one's kind of high too.
You made my Sunday morning
with all this great blue grass.
My two favorites of your selections are Blue Side of the Mountain and Jamie Dear. I need to listen to more of Della Mae. I really like their sound.
We entertained dinner guests last night and tonight we are going to dinner over at the home of a couple who walked the pilgrimage trail to Santiago de Compestelo in April. They are much older. She is in her seventies and he is 80, but they hiked as much as 26 miles a day and did the entire thing. I am in awe of them. Then it is off to Florida for most of next week. We're going to leave highs in the 70's for highs in the 90's. I am not looking forward to the heat. I hope to check in periodically if possible.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
bluegrass. yes.
Ah yes...
Seldom Scene, one of my all-time favorites. Mike Auldridge is one of the innovators of modern bluegrass dobro and along with Buck Graves and Rob Ickes my top three favorite resonator players (I played a bit of resonator steel guitar (dobro) until arthritis took me out of the game).
Here's a video I put together a couple of years ago for The Evening Blues featuring Seldom Scene's Blue and Lonesome.
good and right work. Well done. And "blue and lonesome": kinda defines the human condition, no?
Also, and in my professional medical opinion, if you downed tools for that Mean ol' Boss of yours, and returned to the dobro, the arthritis would recede. For anybody can pound on a tube. But not many can play the dobro.
Morning gg...
a few more:
Della Mae - Empire
Blue Highway - Find Me Out on a Mountain Top
Bryan Sutton - Cricket On The Hearth
Town Mountain - Leavin Montana
Have a safe trip and hope you can check in periodically, we'll keep your seat warm for ya'.
Town Mountain played at the White Squirrel Festival a couple of years ago. I had forgotten all about them. They were very good. I think they are out of Asheville or they were back then. Yeah, we have a lot of bluegrass around here.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
So Roundup is worse than we imagined
And interesting that these findings are from international scientific studies. The pro-GMO lobby in North America has almost shut down any kind of anti-Roundup studies. Monstanto pours billion$ into research to protect its product. We are expected to believe that research financed by Monsanto will be fair and balanced.
Thank you for the article.
To thine own self be true.