Damning Iraq War/Chilcot Report in U.K.
Speaking of failures to indict...
Common Dreams:
For No Positive End: By Their Own Words
Seven years and 2.6 million words later, the release of the U.K.'s blistering Chilcot Report lays the blame for the bloody debacle of the Iraq War - its trillions of dollars wasted, thousands of soldiers killed and maimed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed with millions displaced, and toxic legacy of turmoil and terror - where it belongs: On the deceitful, cynical, arrogant, inept and morally bankrupt heads of Blair and Bush. In statements, Sir John Chilcot mercilessly portrays Blair as what the NY Times dubs “Washington’s poodle,” who obediently joined a war of choice rather than explore peaceful options. On the lethal failures of judgment behind that decision, he adds, "We do not agree that hindsight is required." Blair in his turn expressed his mealy-mouthed "sorrow, regret and apology" it all turned into such a shitshow - or, as summarized on Twitter, "Sorry not sorry."
Despite the widespread belief that Blair/Bush/Cheney and their cabal should be charged with war crimes, the report fails to address legal culpability for the catastrophes they all engendered. And of course official America has yet to own any of it - to produce a comparable document calling the Bush/Cheney crimes what they were, or hold anyone other than truth-tellers legally or morally accountable for anything, or even allow any occasion, Rwandan reconciliation style, that might require them to proffer their own pathetic "sorry not sorry," even as their obscene shadows hover in every page of the current unfurling of the war's history.
We are left, instead, with the spectacle of a still-leering Cheney on news shows and a still-mindless Bush on his bike, both here, free, unrepentant, hideously untouched. Thus does it fall to the sentient among us and to their victims to name their culpability. To revisit the multitude of lies they told: "Let the warmongers be damned." To listen to the righteous wrath of U.K. families who suffered and continue to suffer because of them, and who quietly but furiously insist the criminals should pay for their crimes. To hear the sister of a dead soldier declare Tony Blair "the world's worst terrorist" and the father of a dead soldier mournfully conclude, "My son died in vain."
At least some folks still dare to speak of unprosecuted war crimes... but not on this side of the Pond, apparently.
You can't fix it until you own it. n/t
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
WE certainly did not fix it...
and now we've got this other ickiness with the State Department mess.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
There will be no consequences, ever --
for any of those mo**fo**s. The "elites" will see to that -- because, after all, the Bush/Cheney/Blair et al. cabal was only doing their bidding.
"May their first day in Hell last ten thousand years --"
"Aye, and may that one be the shortest --"
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Unless Tony B. Liar
Is forced to donate his loadsa money to charity, and do a bit of prison time........... it's all a lot of verbiage.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Well wrought words:
'poodle' is the sanitized version
Bush's Bitch is the real term. It seems eminently unfair to female dogs, who are honest and loyal, and even on their worst days, can't kill, maim, or torture as many humans as Blair.