Sanders Says He’ll Do Everything Possible to Help Elect Clinton
Bernie Sanders signaled a formal endorsement of Hillary Clinton is imminent, saying in an interview that Republican Donald Trump is “a pathological liar” and that he’ll throw his full support behind electing his rival for the Democratic nomination as president.
“We have got to do everything that we can to defeat Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton,” the Vermont senator said in an interview Thursday with Bloomberg’s Albert R. Hunt for PBS’s “Charlie Rose” program. “I don’t honestly know how we would survive four years of a Donald Trump” as president.
The endorsement, which may come as soon as next week, would provide a long-awaited unity moment for party members frustrated by Sanders’ lingering campaign. Sanders has spent the weeks since Clinton clinched the nomination in early June working to influence the party’s governing agenda.

Oh well....
I didn't follow Bernie because I supported him necessarily, I supported his agenda. There is nothing that will push me to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Isn't HRC a “a pathological liar” also?
Great choice we have here.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Yes, she is . . .
I fear 4 years of Hillary far more than 4years of
Trump. At least I don't have the impression that The Donald wants to start WWIII, which Hillary clearly does.
That will be 1 more vote
that hrc will get but she wont get mine!
Bernie has to play the role - He is a smart politician but...
Never Hillary.
I keep hearing Bernie
has to play the role. I do not understand this reasoning. Why does he have to throw his support to Hillary who is the opposite of what he stands for? How does this equal being true to his touted integrity? The primary was rigged for Hillary by the Democratic establishment. He pulled the curtain back and showed us the extent of the corruption and duplicity and then tells everyone to be afraid and vote for everything he is against. This primary was not legitimate or democratic and yet he calls Trump a pathological lair who the country will not survive under. Right Bernie, good job sheep dogging.
So he ran just to teach everyone about the anti-democratic duopoly and the oligarchical collectivist's and then says us all to vote for what he stood against and then some. This is not what a smart politician looks like it's what another heartbreaking weasel pol looks like. Sorry Bernie no can do. What did they do put a horses head in your bed or say we won't caucus with you anymore?
The last thing this country needed is a fake symbolic political revolution that herds us right back into the neoliberal/neocon protest pen. Hillary is the pathological liar as well as bad ass global endless bloody war criminal and a fundamentalist inevitable neoliberal, 1% rules, true believer. Trump may be evil but he doesn't hold a candle to her as far as lying goes
Guess he's part of the fix. He sure got a lot of people engaged in the process. I hope they all refuse to succumb to the fear and remember it's us not them. Enough is enough including this lame political revolution. Oh and by the way Bernie I care about what's in her damn e-mails. We need a brand new car one that does take us back to where we started from. I can't even wish him good luck on his Democratic venture as I want her to lose. She's not the lesser evil she's pure evil and possibly more dangerous then the odious Hair Ball.
Because he probably wants to have a chance to fight for the people as he's always done. Being completely isolated would make that an impossibility. And what does he really lose with an endorsement? He stated repeatedly that he isn't able to snap his fingers and make his supporters jump behind Clinton. He probably knows that the only people who will be pleased by his endorsement are people who already support Clinton.
And a plus side is they can't use the "endorse Clinton now" to distract from discussion on the issues and changing the party.
I'm inclined to give Bernie the benefit of the doubt
Bernie has always been the consummate outsider on the inside, and has maintained that stance for decades. I think the reason he hesitated so long about deciding whether to run for president as a Democrat was that the decision was his Rubicon. He necessarily moved from playing the outside game to playing the inside game within the party. He's clearly been struggling to maintain some independence while maneuvering in the runup to the convention, but he's on the inside now and is feeling all the pressure the insiders can bring to bear. I don't think he's a sell-out: I think he's caught in the trap he knew he was stepping into, and accepted for the chance to effect change in politics.
The political revolution has to move beyond Bernie now. He's no longer leading it, not if he endorses Clinton. He's given us a vision of a different and better politics, and how powerful it can be. It's up to us to further that vision now. I'll always be grateful to Bernie for what he's done, but I still won't vote for Hillary no matter what he's forced to say.
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As always
You present a very astute observation, Doc. I think you are right. The system is like a whirlpool that once you step into it, you are sucked downward. Bernie knew this, but it was the only ticket to the podium to present his vision to us. He was teaching us, not asking us to follow him, but teaching us to lead. That is why he kept emphasizing that it was not about him, but about us. Now it is up to US to lead.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I don't know gulf gal
Where are we going to go or lead using the Democratic party? He says he has signed up 1000's of 'progressives' to run as Democratic candidates. The only ticket to the podium I understood even though I was dubious. After watching the what the Dems. did to Bernie and more importantly to his insurgent movement in this rigged stolen primary I cannot come to terms with his sheep dogging for the Dems.
Telling a desperately needed timely movement that he gave voice to and empowered, especially the young they need to vote for the biggest 'pathological liar' to save the country from ruin isn't integrity and it isn't right. There is no way to 'revitalize' or reform the Democratic party as he's advocating for now. We all just saw what they are about with the bs. platform and this bogus anti-democratic primary.
I don't feel betrayed or hate Bernie but I sure don't want people to believe that another Democratic pocket full of empty hope is goint to happen. He could at the least tell the truth and not spread the fear or advocate for Clinton. I also do not like the fact that he refuses to fight the establishment after months of railing against them. Why can't he help this movement organize a real political revolution outside the oligarchical duopoly? His career?
If his reason is he can help people from inside the system he should remember what happened to the insurgent Kucinich after he gave in and knuckled under to Obama. The Dem. powers that be gerrymandered him right out of congress. He's going to be neutered, powerless and vilified once her majesty is crowned.
What kind of lesson is he teaching us by telling the movement to get behind the thoroughly rotten nonredeemable Democratic establishment. The Dem. party is the place where any liberal, progressive resistance and movement is brought to heel and the left is vilified and marginalized. They are powerless unless they keep their opposition symbolic and fall in line.
So it's up to us just as it always was but I really resent his touting Hillary the Hun and the Democratic party machine using the same old lesser evil and fear. I know this evil and it's not better or lesser then, regardless of Bernie's capitulation. 'Don't follow leaders and watch the parking meters' is the lesson I once again learned. Most of the people who supported Bernie already knew what is going on, that's why they supported him.
From Chris Hedges: Con vs.Con
"The Clintons and the Democratic Party establishment are banking that the liberal class will surrender once again to corporate power and genuflect before neoliberal ideology. Bernie Sanders will be trotted out, like a chastened sheepdog, to coax his followers back into the holding pen. The moral outrage of his supporters over Wall Street crimes, wholesale state surveillance, the evisceration of civil liberties, the failure to halt the devastation of the ecosystem, endless war, cuts to Social Security and austerity, will, the Democratic Party elites expect, airily evaporate. They may not be wrong. Given the history of the liberal class, they are probably right."
I still have hope that this is a play by Sanders
I really would wait for his words at the convention. He talks now still in evasive ways, but may be you are right and he has already surrendered.
I wouldn't understand why he wouldn't lead at least the movement he helped to rise up and would not understand why he wouldn't try to run with a third party.
I just can't understand why he would to leave so many people behind disappointed. It's already bad that he doesn't talk right now, but could still count that as a tactical move to wait til the convention.
My best guess is that if he doesn't see a way to win as a third
party candidate, then he wants to preserve what power he has in the Senate, and he will have none unless he can caucus with the Dems, so at some point he has to cooperate.
I'm disappointed though, because I don't think this is that point. I want him to wait until the convention in case something else is revealed about her. I still think he should try to flip the supers because she is very damaged. Putting aside all the other stuff we know about her, she has now been called careless and reckless by the director of the FBI, plus Bill undermined her by visiting with Lynch for 30 minutes, which made the announcement of no indictment extremely fishy. So Trump gets to continue with "crooked Hillary" and her chances of winning the Presidency are diminished. And Ryan already wants an investigation of the investigation. If she's elected, it will be 4 or more years of impeachment considerations in Congress, probably by then because of the Clinton Foundation. She will be distracted just like Bill was and she will get nothing done, just like he did not once the impeachment nonsense started. She is a lousy candidate and likely to be an ineffective leader.
So the supers need to realize that things have changed since people voted in the primaries, and they need to support Bernie. I hope even if he endorses her, that does not mean Bernie drops his candidacy altogether, because he needs to be available to take over from her. Especially if things get any worse for her.
Sorry to run on, but I've been thinking a lot about this lately. You really want to stop Trump from becoming President? Then don't give up, Bernie!
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I think my comment was not clear
Over the years, both here and at LOF, I have said multiple times in the past that I do not believe that the Democratic party or any political party is the vehicle for real change. I have posted on numerous occasions that social movements are what create real change and the last people to embrace change are politicians and political parties which are the guardians of the status quo.
Personally, I am past Bernie stage, but I am not past the issues that he brought for us to move forward with. Yes, I am pissed that he is now promoting Hillary whom I believe to be every bit as bad as Trump. I do not know what goes on in the back rooms or what threats have been made toward Bernie, which I am very sure there have been some. That is exactly why we must move forward without him.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I agree gulf gal
It really isn't about Bernie. I guess I'm freaked out that all of the people he gave voice and courage to are going to be lead back to the Democratic party. I should remember what the precinct boss said about Obama's campaign when I quit. It's not Obama it's the movement that's important. I do admit that seeing the people's respond to Bernie's campaign once again gave me the hopies. It gave me hope because after Obama's bait and switch it was amazing to me that any movement of that size was possible. I got caught up in the possibility that people could take it back or move it forward. Thanks for the reply it was grounding.
Let's wait and see exactly what he does
I'm far from convinced that Bernie will be sheepdogging the left into the Democratic party fold. There may be a lot of misinformation being spread about such things, and endorsements that haven't taken place, in the DLC-friendly press. I'll watch what he does. My guess will be that he'll be as tepid and pro forma as he can possibly get away with in "supporting" Hillary, then will go right back out to campaign for the issues he's always really supported. It's the only way he can exert any meaningful influence on the GE campaign, since he won't be the candidate (barring a meteor strike.)
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Frankly, being an independent gives Bernie leverage in Congress.
In the Senate, the Democrats desperately need Bernie's vote. They can't afford to alienate him if they want to oppose anything the Republicans do. He's in the enviable position of having something that they need, especially now that they're in the minority.
The reason I think Bernie is moving forward with this is because he said publicly that he would do so, and because he's dead set on changing the Democratic Party from the inside. If he wanted to, he could walk away, declare his independence, and refuse to endorse Hillary, but that would negate any influence he has on the inner workings of the machine. I may not agree with either of those positions, but at least I can respect them.
Caught in the trap he knew...
This is beginning to remind me of the scene where Obi-Wan sees Luke and the gang heading for the Falcon and lowers his light saber to let Vader take him. Sorry.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Like with Obama,
many people knew the deal with Bernie well before he decided to run. I read numerous articles pre-2015 that pointed out Bernie was not what most of his supporters gave him credit for, from people with first hand experience. Tried pointing that out many times but like with Obama, those caught up in the game wouldn't hear of it. Pointed out he'd voted with the dems 96% of his time in the Senate. Pointed out he was an imperialist and a capitalist. I actually did a lot of research on Bernie and remember being dismayed at things I'd bring up to his supporters they did not know about. Tried pointing out his "political revolution" was nothing more than "more and better democrats.
We've got major problems in this country, first and foremost we don't live in a democracy. We're being ruled. Bernie Sanders was never our last bestest greatest hope to solve that. That can only come if people really want it. Voting for politicians doesn't do that.
yeah, we've got an awful lot of once in a generation politicians
they keep throwing them out there to keep us in line.
Really what Bernie should do, and he really should if he wants to do something historic, is double cross Her Ladyship. He really should go to the convention and give a speech in primetime where he endorses Jill Stein. Now that would be useful!
Agree entirely.
He should not only endorse Stein, but join her. She has already offered him first-billing on the ticket... so his supporters would just jump over. (I already have) Imagine them campaigning together-- him the fire and inspiration, her the fine-tuned articulation of the policies.
I wouldn't see it as a "double-cross," since Hill and the DNC screwed him royally. I see it as the excuse the DNC has given him for running third party. And at their own peril....
I think Jill's offer has a time limit that will expire soon
As Jill becomes more widely known.
Beware the bullshit factories.
actually I would like to have Stein as President, why not?
At least she doesn't cave and talks sense.
That would be one of the most awesome things
In American political history.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Oh yes. That's the ideal outcome. Can you picture the looks on
the faces of the Clinton cabal and he DNC?
I wish that would happen. But I doubt it. I'm pretty disgusted that he said he'd vote for her this soon. He really should have waited. He's sort of shot himself in the foot on that one. And pulled the rug out from under his supporters.
I agree that we have a new 'savior' every week or two. That's why I quit believing in all that crap long ago. But with Sanders I was watching, and waiting, and becoming more and more of a believer. He had/has nothing to lose by going 'rogue' because if he or anyone thinks he's going to be welcomed back to the Senate with open arms and good intent, we need to talk about this bridge over some swampland that I know of. He's going to be Kuciniched.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'm doing everything possible to keep from throwing up right now
Wish me luck . . .
Luckily for me I'm into the Dr's office getting a check on my
High blood pressure and the anxiety attacks I've decided to start having. This new love Sanders has found for Shills is really turning my stomach as well.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Is it a love for clintons
Or is it an act for the establishment? Can we definitively say one way or the other?
I'm going with the latter.
Let's listen closely to Bernie's words, once this "endorsement" actually happens.
While I could be completely wrong, I'm going to guess it's tepid at best, and focused mostly on "working together to beat Trump."
It is what it is. I agree wholeheartedly with what Dallasdoc observed above. I'm disappointed -- very much so. But Bernie never could have accomplished what he already has, had he tried running 3rd-party to start with. If we thought he was marginalized within the establishment, imagine how he would have been treated outside it.
This was never about him; it was always about us. Now it's time for us to continue the political revolution he showed us how to start. Whether we choose to do this within the Democratic party or outside it is up to us.
I, for one, will not be voting for Hillary.
I'm curious
What is he actually able to do to help Clinton get elected? Speeches? I'm betting the establishment wouldn't really like that, as he'd probably keep talking about policies, which would make it oh so difficult for Hillary to do that GE pivot where she turns away from those policies.
Fundraising maybe? If they're hoping to get the vast wealth of small donation money behind Clinton, they're going to be disappointed to find out that Sanders isn't some kind of wizard able to make huge crowds of people fund their own exploitation.
Perhaps just our information so they can send targeted propaganda? I think he'd have more integrity than that, but even if he didn't that wouldn't be that helpful.
Frankly, the only thing I can see him doing to effectively help Clinton get elected is to increase her vote count by 1. Everything else he could do relies entirely on us voting for her.
I forgot all about his supporters list. I'll be really
upset if he gives that to the Shill campaign/DNC
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
But what good would it do them?
Them having a list of his supporters isn't going to get us to vote for the shill. Unless she really is a witch and just needs our true names to take control of our voting will.
There are some who are going to vote for her because
Sanders is. My Grandson is one of them. He wants to discuss politics all the time. He will not listen to reason. He says 'Bernie's support is all she needs.
He's only started this crap the past week or so. It's because of he two errors about voting for Shills in the press talks and now today he was the one that told me about the Charlie Rose show on PBS.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
try printing out the platforms of Jill, Trump, and $hill, and ask which one sounds the most like the one they'd support. Then reveal the name of the person they picked. Might at least get across why policy is more important than the person. I dunno, just a random suggestion.
And an excellent suggestion, at that!
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I finally figured out why I do this! Now I have to figure out
how to control this weird double tap thing I developed in my right hand after my strokes.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
If correct, this is a major disappointment!
A very unfortunate development. If true, I see no upside here.
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
The Benefit is...
that he will maintain his status within the Democratic Party and once the election is over he will be in line for powerhouse committee chairmanships. Remember, Bernie is the ranking member on the Budget Committee, but he is also a member of the Environment and Public Works; Energy and Natural Resources; Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (and rumor is he is vying for the chair of the HELP Committee); Veterans' Affairs; and Joint Economic Committees. Given how petty the Clintons are and how close they are to the next Democratic leader (Schumer), they would work together to minimize his strength.
No committee chair
If dems don't retake the senate.
And Gaius Publius has a post up over at down with tyranny reporting polls that Hillary is an anvil instead of coat tails to down ticket dems.
That is true...
and I guess I should have qualified it as: "should the Democrats ever retake the Senate" as I have been saying over the course of the day.
What a freaking surprise
This will be the Anvil election. It's a competition to see who can do themselves and their party the most harm. Personally, I'm rooting for both of them to win this one, in that respect at least. The best possible outcome of this election would be to leave both parties as smoking ruins.
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I see no benefit to endorsing her.
Bernie will have negated everything he said to us - everything we believed to be true - if he endorses her.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I don't share...
that opinion. What makes Bernie so appealing is that he has had little wins throughout his career working within the system. For years he has pushed his agenda, and it is finally starting to take hold. He has accepted that he is probably not going to win, so he needs to do what has to be done to place himself in a situation where he can continue to push his vision for America. Given his new visibility, he will likely be much better able to bring about real, lasting change to Washington.
Let him keep his day job. In the end at least someone will get
Something out of this mess. He has just made himself irrelevant. The Clinton's and their administration will make sure that he knows it too.
I've seen this crap so many times I should have known it would end up like this. Wait until the next 'revolutionary' candidate asks for money. It ain't gonna happen.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Really? So you think what he did wasn't important?
What if we had never been offered any alternative to Clinton? What if the national conversation never even included the words "income inequality?" What if no one had talked about student loan debt, minimum wage, corporate thievery?
What Bernie did was worth every single penny I gave. He was a megaphone to give voice to all the progressive ideals that were no longer even being mentioned in our politics on either side. He exposed a whole generation to a new vision that had been absent from the conversation.
So he lost. If it had been a fair primary - he probably would have won - but he lost.
I find it disturbing how quickly the rats flee the ship when it isn't sailing exactly their way. Unlike Clinton and other candidates, Bernie has been saying the same things and fighting the same fight for 40-plus years. It's not an act put on for an election.
He is obviously endorsing her, if he does, for some reason he considers legitimate. I might not agree with it, but he's certainly earned the right to make his own decisions. I can say with certainty that he's not doing it to cash in, or get a cushy office or position. He must see some way to continue to effect change by doing so.
Do I think it's the right decision, if he does it? No, I don't.
But I don't abandon all support of a person because they make one decision I don't agree with.
And all of the information he gave us and the vision he shared is still there. Bernie could die tomorrow, it was never about Bernie as a person. It was about the vision he shared and inspired people with. That still exists. And that is money well spent from my perspective.
what good is that if the policy won't change?
it's window dressing.
if he has morphed into one of "dem", who gives a flying in-out?
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
If Bernie endorses before the convention, then he will
have lied to us when he said he's taking his campaign to the convention.
I have no knowledge that Bernie has ever lied about his agenda, policies, issues. I can't believe he would show himself as a liar now.
This is exactly what is troubling me.
Say I invested actual money to go to the convention and he endorses hrc. I would be flipping out right now. I'm flipping out anyway!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Towards the end of the primaries,
The campaign became the platform not his nomination.
Ah yes! That platform where he got rolled. HEY! Shills might do
something to throw him a bone. Let him dust the throne, for instance.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
It is so disappointing if he
It is so disappointing if he does. I think the oligarchy is doing everything possible to stop us from taking to the streets. We don't do that in this country. We are so passive. And we fall for scare tactics so easily. Maybe if we did during the convention, it would teach us what is possible if we come together is massive protest. And they can't allow that. And that Bernie would be the one to pull the plug, well, they don't have to get their hands dirty. This would stink.
I'm not falling in line
Besides I'm ready to be done with the fracking, corrupt, corporate, dems.
No carbon tax.
No fairness to Palestinians.
Not a chance for single payer.
No Glass-Steigal.
and so on.
What is there to support?
Going Green.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Team Clinton is still trying to invent an endorsement
Get headlines about endorsements. Turn anti-Trump statements into endorsements. Same lies, different week.
Well Team Sander's is sure helping team Clinton out. Notice that
They're quoting Sanders himself.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
With repeated breathless headlines
that undermine his leverage and his supporters' morale. Thanks for that!
They are EMBELLISHING what he actually said
with their own spin.
We have to remember that.
Sandino is right about the 'morale' thing, and that's kind of what I was trying to say earlier. While this subject is absolutely fair game for discussion, the presentation and attitude are part and parcel of this story (just as it is any other). But the sheer repetition of Bad can be very counterproductive. An endless parade of posts, where every single solitary utterance about this matter by ANY American media source signifies The End of the guy's work, is demoralizing.
These declarations or "answered questions" or whatever it is in a moment becoming Quelle Horreurs can turn into just another habitual ritual in the right atmosphere. It takes little time for them to multiply, as that shit is quite catchy. So again, I wish that we can please, please dial it back some?
I agree, Luna!
It hasn't even happened yet. He's being heavily pressured, and he says he WILL endorse. But he hasn't yet.
Everyone should stop freaking out about something that ultimately is meaningless anyway.
Agree, luna.
As I observed yesterday, the words may be Bernie's, but when you actually read them, they've been -- SHOCKING! -- twisted by the MSM.
Hayes: "So you don't deny there have been talks about a possible endorsement?"
Sanders: "Correct."
This gets blown into a "clear signal of an impending endorsement."
Let's take all of this with a grain of salt and wait to see what happens before turning our rabid disappointment on Bernie and everything he has worked to achieve on our behalf. At the end of the day, if he does endorse, I expect it to be pretty weak. And let's all remember what Bernie said, MONTHS ago when he was already being pressured to endorse (which still hasn't happened, so give the man some credit): "I can't tell my supporters whom to vote for."
This revolution is ours, not his, and we can either seize the opportunity or take our balls and go home. And that last part is EXACTLY what Team HRC wants. I, for one, am not giving that to her.
Some of us seem to not
be able to move forward unless it's under duress. That is, with every new news cycle, we let ourselves get caught up in the immediate short-term moment because of (something. Anything.) And when that happens, we lose sight of the long game.
We must STOP doing this.
Notice the shift of this morning's news narrative into something completely removed from our government's sheer, ugly, obvious corruption. I happen to be of a mind that a certain amount of that gets manufactured. Whether it is, or it isn't, it's awfully horrible, but look at the big picture.
Good gawd, folks, every report you see? LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE. If you can't do that, at least stop reacting so immediately and viscerally. You are being manipulated into doing that. Stop letting it happen. It takes CONSCIOUS EFFORT.
If someone tells you all this and you get mad at them, you're doing exactly what a corrupt government wants you to do. STOP IT.
Well, Bernie can try to "discourage" all he wants
but I will not vote for that criminal lying Shill. And Bernie? That is HER fault, not mine nor yours, all HERS.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
How can he do this after hearing Comey's testimony?
She lied to Congress, for crying out loud. She treated secret government documents like day old newspaper. Just because some of his ideas are going into the (worthless) platform. I just don't see how he can do this without throwing away everything he stands for.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
The platform is the first thing they will jettison......n/t
Bernie probably figured she'd get off. She IS a Clinton,
after all. They're untouchable. She reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio's character in Catch me if you can.
Coming soon to a theater near you
But of course when it comes to her emails to Clinton Foundation Donors and her transcripts of Goldman Sachs speeches, now those are top secret.
I had to laugh after reading an article in The Hill from March.
Clinton: I’m the ‘most transparent public official in modern times’
Most transparent public official of modern times? Hahahaha!
The Clintons make me sick.
Sorry, I just needed to vent.
Just about everything in that second block quote
is wrong/a lie. And yet she does it, again and again and again................................
I'm with you on having gastro problems when it comes to this awful couple.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Transparent -- heh.
As I recall, Barack Obama once pledged to run the most transparent administration in history too.
Standard Corporadem Bullshit Boilerplate at this point.
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He knows exactly what she is. We know what she is. Who does he
think he's fooling?
I've heard this "I'm gonna have the bestest, fairest, super-duperest administration since, well forever!" garbage since the first lying Clinton hit the campaign trail. He changed things all right. Gave us harsher sentencing for the plebs so they could stock those private prisons who have been so kind to Shills in the donation department. He changed trade all right, NAFTA and its twin CAFTA changed things forever. He signed the repeal of Glass Stegal. He signed the pardon for Marc Rich. Yep, things changed.
Obama, he was gonna have the most TRANSPARENT government in American history. (Typing that made me actually make this noise that I think I can honestly call a 'guffaw'. Not only did I crack myself up, I finally got to use that word. Guffaw, Definition - a loud 'HAHAHA".) But I digress...
Like I said, this ain't our first time at the rodeo. In fact, people my age have been singing this song most of our lives.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
You must be my generation.
Uprated for "Won't Get Fooled Again."
Yep. And that song is part of the sound track of our lives.
And things started looking so good for a while. The passing of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968, Nixon was run out of Dodge, the war in Vietnam finally came to an end. And in 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. (But then in Nov. 1992 Bill Clinton was elected and it all started to unravel,)
Our mantra was 'Never Again'. And we believed our own hype. And got lazy. And didn't teach our children the dangers of not paying attention. Well we're back in the 'Big Muddy' again in Afghanistan and Iraq and the Ukraine and everywhere NATO has troops. We've been thoroughly screwed by Wall Street and the 1%. And new champion may be abandoning us.
It is a full-time job to maintain our liberties and freedom. I hoped we learned that lesson at least.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I think he does believe ...
... that Hillary is better than having Trump for President. He's said that more than once. I don't think he's lying and I don't think he's unaware of who and what Hillary is. After all, he's worked with Tom Delay and Duke Cunningham.
I wish I agreed with him, but I don't. Maybe if I had understood the corruption and rot that has infested our public institutions as long as Bernie has I'd look at it differently. But I only saw it clearly after Bernie's campaign, so I'm still reeling from that new reality.
Did a quick online I-Ching reading about this -- got three changing lines in The Well (hex. 48) which changed to, ha, #49 - Revolution.
I can't see myself voting for Hillary. Bernie's endorsement does mean something to me, but as of now I'm not sure what!
So really I don't have much to say about this, but that's never stopped me from saying a lot just the same.
Beat in the USA.
PS: for those interested in I-Ching ...
... this was what it said to me, via the intertubes (
Changing lines to REVOLUTION:
Beat in the USA.
Thanks for sharing that reading
I love the insights I get using I-Ching.
But your reading is spot on for the present, isn't it? It almost perfectly describes our situation - the cities on the surface (election leaders) may change, but the wells underneath (the real powers) just always stay the same...
But now they have become so muddy that they can no longer sustain.
Or you could look at the water in the wells as all the citizenry, and the broken rope being the cheated primary to stop the political revolution.
that's why I love I-ching - so many layers - always makes you think about a situation from multiple angles, and everyone can get something relevant to themselves from it.
Hell No, I Won't Go
I have no effective way to get a message to Sanders that there is no way I will be voting for Hillary. Does anyone here have anyway to get that message through to him so that he will know that, in no uncertain terms, we are not going to help elect her.
you could
try telepathy. Or call his office and leave a message. Maybe something that will get you in the news. Like getting naked, beneath a sandwich board expressing your displeasure. Naked people with messages for presidential candidates, they seem to be getting into the news of late. He might see that.
Facebook? He's got a election site. I already left a message.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I still love Bernie
If he feels he should endorse her, then that is his business. He has always said that she is far better than Trump, and I've always thought that he would eventually endorse her.
Just because he endorses her, doesn't mean we have to vote for her! I decided to vote for Jill Stein if Bernie lost, and I felt much better after I made that decision. Of course I know that Stein won't win, but I'll be ok with my personal choice.
Hillary is a liar, her moral character is certainly questionable, but I can see why Bernie would endorse her over Trump.
Why don't we find somebody exciting to run with Jill?
Jill is morally correct but she isn't exciting.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
No offense to Bernie, but Jill has way more charisma
have you ever seen her speak? She's good.
I don't know that I'd call her charismatic,
but after listening to several interviews over the last couple of months, I find her incredibly intelligent and articulate.
After about the third interview, I realized that she is much better (more articulate) at explaining the progressive positions than Bernie. But more inspiring than Bernie? No, Bernie gets people fired up. I think they'd make a perfect yin/yang ticket.
Doctors are often accused of such a thing
Most of the ones I know are kind of dullsville. The one I know best swears he can see peoples' eyes glaze over if he's giving a presentation.
Stein is more interesting than most doctors I know, but nobody touches Sanders in the "crowd electrifying" department. He's given some real barn-burner speeches in the last few years and they were not all his standard stump speech.
And Hillary is not a
And Hillary is not a pathological liar? Trump is doing his job as scripted. Some of his most ardent followers may be bat shit crazy, but he isn't. For whatever reason, Bernie is selling out. I hate that he would use the elite's standard fear tactic to rationalize his sellout to his followers.
She is a war criminal. Endorsing Hillary and then doing it before the convention, silencing the street protests and quashing the opposition to the democratic party and process. She stole the primary in so many ways, our heads should be spinning. I suggest that whoever is a registered democrat, change, on the day Bernie endorses.
Squashing the protests, I hadn't thought of that
That makes me wonder exactly what type of pressure, and how much of it, was brought to bear on Bernie?! He has always and continuously stated that he was taking this to the convention, so why not hold fast to that promise? This smells very fishy to me, almost as fishy as Comey practically grinding his teeth while stating he is not recommending indictment.
I know the Clintons are powerful, but damn! To get Bernie to go back on his promise to all of us that supported him, and endorse her Corruptness, just in time to dissipate all of the momentum his movement was/is bringing to Philly, doesn't add up at all, IMHO.
I'm at a loss, and, quite frankly, drained from all of this fucking nonsense known as the primary.
I'd say I'm considering emigrating, but the US has destroyed, or soon will destroy, the rest of the planet. Might as well stay here and have a front row seat. *Eyeore sigh*
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
He's doing it because he
He's doing it because he feels he has to and he'll feel like a heel if he doesn't. I, on the other hand am under no such obligation and will probably end up voting for the Other Woman in the race.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Whoever said
that Bernie has missed an opportunity to actually change the direction of American politics was dead right. He's fallen for the fear of Trump as president. I'm disappointed but I respect his decision even though it is not mine. I will not fall in. I'm interested in how he moves on from here to build the political revolution he's claimed he wants. I'll have to think about how continuing to pursue revolution and helping the queen of the status quo are compatible. I don't see it but maybe he does. What's more how does he convince those who have followed him this far to stick with him. Right now I have nothing.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
"I will not fall in."
So then you don't really believe that he has missed an opportunity to actually change the direction of American politics.
There comes a time when the student- a good student, an enlightened student- may surpass the teacher. Then in time that student becomes teacher. And if that teacher is good, the student(s) will surpass and become teachers, and so on.
Bernie brought us together and gave us visibility and voice-- always reminding us that it wasn't him, but us. It's time we take what he showed us, through us, and move on w/ the revolution.
Here's another thing:
Working together to defeat Trump does not mean voting for Hillary. One can be accomplished without the other.
A missed opportunity
does not end the path to where you want to go. It only changes that path as well as the timeline. I do strongly think (I refuse to use believe because believe is possible with or without supporting evidence) he will continue to change American politics. He already has for millions. I think there is a strong probability his political revolution will continue. The form and the trajectory of it will necessarily be different but until the malignant parts of the system that don't work for the vast majority of us change there will always be energy to drive it.
The missed opportunity I refer to is choosing to run on a third party ticket since the fight to run as a Democrat is almost certainly lost. That Bernie disagrees with me is evident. He has chosen to use his accomplishments this primary season to continue building a movement. The missed opportunity is the go for broke one which is a long shot at best that poses risks to the movement. He chose otherwise although it is still possible he could go for it. I defer to his judgement. His read of the situation is vastly superior to mine. His lifetime of experience easily trumps my opinion with nothing comparable to back it up. That is why I will enthusiastically continue to follow his lead, helping where I can.
The "I will not fall in." could and probably should have included the additional word line. I won't "fall in" as a soldier falls in to a formation. That is I refuse to vote for HRC under any circumstance including Bernie asking us to do so.
I really like your teacher-student metaphor. It is spot on. I do think that is exactly the path he has chosen by not running as a third party candidate. I think it unwise to underestimate Bernie but I doubt he will take another swing at the presidency in 2020. Age will be a factor for the voters if not the candidate. Building the movement is more important than Bernie or any one of us as individuals. He obviously accepts that he will not be the leader for long. Someone will step forward to lead it when he is no longer able. So, yeah, it is up to us as you point out.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
"The missed opportunity is the go for broke one..."
I agree entirely, vtcc73. It's a go for broke, and it's a long shot-- and it's one that the DNC deserve to face.
I emailed him and begged him to join w/ Stein, seeing that the statistics show that Independents are now a majority.
But. He promised, from the get-go, that he'd endorse the Dem candidate. He's in a no-win situation-- and in retrospect, I regret answering his mass email about whether he should run and in what party (Indie or Dem), in that I said, yes, run (no regrets), but in the Dem party (now, regrets).
I understood your "I will not fall in," perfectly. That is why I questioned your questioning of the success of the movement. If you aren't willing to 'fall in,' Bernie has done his job... WE are going to move forward, together.
"The missed opportunity is the go for broke one..."
I agree entirely, vtcc73. It's a go for broke, and it's a long shot-- and it's one that the DNC deserve to face.
I emailed him and begged him to join w/ Stein, seeing that the statistics show that Independents are now a majority.
But. He promised, from the get-go, that he'd endorse the Dem candidate. He's in a no-win situation-- and in retrospect, I regret answering his mass email about whether he should run and in what party (Indie or Dem), in that I said, yes, run (no regrets), but in the Dem party (now, regrets).
I understood your "I will not fall in," perfectly. That is why I questioned your questioning of the success of the movement. If you aren't willing to 'fall in,' Bernie has done his job... WE are going to move forward, together.
"The missed opportunity is the go for broke one..."
I agree entirely, vtcc73. It's a go for broke, and it's a long shot-- and it's one that the DNC deserve to face.
I emailed him and begged him to join w/ Stein, seeing that the statistics show that Independents are now a majority.
But. He promised, from the get-go, that he'd endorse the Dem candidate. He's in a no-win situation-- and in retrospect, I regret answering his mass email about whether he should run and in what party (Indie or Dem), in that I said, yes, run (no regrets), but in the Dem party (now, regrets).
I understood your "I will not fall in," perfectly. That is why I questioned your questioning of the success of the movement. If you aren't willing to 'fall in,' Bernie has done his job... WE are going to move forward, together.