Jill Stein rises 5% in the polls in 6 weeks
She's at 7% and rising. Doesn't that sound familiar? About the same time people started to realize the game was rigged and they were going to have to either vote for Clinton or find a third party to vote for, Stein's numbers started to rise.
Let's help her out! Help Jill Stein get elected.. And remember, because of federal matching funds, every dollar you give is doubled!!
It's time to move on from a party that doesn't want us. It's time to support the party that supports our ideals:
A Green New Deal:
Create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, and conservation.
Jobs as a Right:
Create living-wage jobs for every American who needs work, replacing unemployment offices with employment offices. Advance workers rights to form unions, achieve workplace democracy, and keep a fair share of the wealth they create.
End Poverty:
Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities, with effective anti-poverty programs to ensure every American a life of dignity.
Health Care as a Right:
Establish an improved “Medicare For All” single-payer public health insurance program to provide everyone with quality health care, at huge savings.
Education as a Right:
Abolish student debt to free a generation of Americans from debt servitude. Guarantee tuition-free, world-class public education from pre-school through university. End high stakes testing and public school privatization.
A Just Economy:
Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage. Break up “too-big-to-fail” banks and democratize the Federal Reserve. Reject gentrification as a model of economic development. Support development of worker and community cooperatives and small businesses. Make Wall Street, big corporations, and the rich pay their fair share of taxes. Create democratically run public banks and utilities. Replace corporate trade agreements with fair trade agreements.
Protect Mother Earth:
Lead on a global treaty to halt climate change. End destructive energy extraction: fracking, tar sands, offshore drilling, oil trains, mountaintop removal, and uranium mines. Protect our public lands, water supplies, biological diversity, parks, and pollinators. Label GMOs, and put a moratorium on GMOs and pesticides until they are proven safe. Protect the rights of future generations.
Freedom and Equality:
End police brutality, mass incarceration and institutional racism within our justice system. Expand women’s rights, protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination, defend indigenous rights and lands, and create a welcoming path to citizenship for immigrants. Protect the free Internet, replace drug prohibition with harm reduction, and legalize marijuana/hemp.
Justice for All:
Restore our Constitutional rights, terminate unconstitutional surveillance and unwarranted spying, end persecution of government and media whistleblowers, close Guantanamo, abolish secret kill lists, and repeal indefinite detention without charge or trial.
Peace and Human Rights:
Establish a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights. End the wars and drone attacks, cut military spending by at least 50% and close the 700+ foreign military bases that are turning our republic into a bankrupt empire. Stop U.S. support and arms sales to human rights abusers, and lead on global nuclear disarmament.
Empower the People:
Abolish corporate personhood. Protect voters’ rights by establishing a constitutional right to vote. Enact electoral reforms that break the big money stranglehold and create truly representative democracy: public campaign financing, ranked-choice voting, proportional representation, and open debates.
EDIT: Was just informed by Jody Grage that Jill is now officially on the Washington State ballot! Great news. Sign up and help get her on the ballot in ALL FIFTY STATES!!!
ANOTHER EDIT: Jill's camp just informed me that they are only 8000 signatures shy of getting on the very important Illinois ballot. Less than 48 hours to go. If you're down at the Gay Pride Parade in Chicago, help them get signatures. If you can't help, they can use money to pay for petitioners. Help TODAY folks.

Wait a second, Jill wants all good policies with no selling out.
If her policies were enacted the healthy future of the planet would become a probability instead of an improbability. We can't have that. That would shake up the status quo too much and people would have to take their heads out of the sand.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I know, right?
Its so un-oragmatic and fanciful! I don't see even one provision to allow the rich to harvest the poor as a food source. I mean, how unrealistic!
Thanks Scott
this is good news. I voted for Jill Stein in 2012 and was shocked that she got less then 1% of the vote. I'm broke right now but book marked the page and will send her campaign some money when able. I follow her page at fb. My granddaughter a millennial is voting for her. She likes Bernie okay but went for Jill Stein right from the start.
your shock puzzles me.
my guess is that only about 10% of american adults on the street could even tell you who she is, right now.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thanks Scott. I have donated to Jill's campaign before
and will do so again. I sure wish Bernie would at least schedule a meeting with her and make sure that said meeting is widely publicized. That would certainly strengthen his leverage going into the convention. That being said, the Dems are beyond repair and they need to be destroyed along with the Clinton's.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Bernie can't do that
he's a Demorat. He's going to 'revitalize' the Democratic party. We have to stop bigoted hateful fascist The Hair Ball and the only way to do that is get behind The Mad Bomber. He's going to use the Dem. platform and get some bike paths built because Climate Change.
Unfortunately I'm in California
so I can't vote for her in the GE.
Is she not going to be on the ballot in CA?
Says right here she's on the ballot in CA
I'm in California and I'll be voting for Stein
Unless Hillary is indicted.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Jill Stein
...is to me an inspiring figure. The Wikipedia entry on Jill makes for interesting reading. A graduate of both Harvard University and Harvard Medical School, she practiced and taught medicine for 25 years before making political activism a full-time avocation. She is smart, articulate and telegenic - if she was the type who wanted to "play the game", she could have easily set her sights on some high profile government position like surgeon general, and being part of the smart Georgetown set that regularly rubs shoulders with the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis and Reids. But Jill is that rare uncompromising idealist who'd much rather be standing in the cold snow protesting toxic pollution outside a coal plant than clinking champagne glasses with Hillary Clinton.
Jill Stein has understood for years that the Democratic Party is the political equivalent of a crooked roulette wheel, a perpetual dead end for progressivism, or in fact any political faction that does not fully embrace the neoliberal status quo. And no, Jill is not going to be elected president in 2016. But a strong Green Party showing, which I would peg at 5 percent or more of the total vote, would at the very least represent a big step forward in laying the groundwork for a long overdue repudiation of the "two wings of the same predatory bird" duopoly. Certainly it is in no way inevitable that the American political system has to boil down to an exclusionary, A or B, binary choice. But that will continue to be the de facto reality until and unless a critical mass of voters decides it's more important to vote their conscience than it is to cast a tactical vote for whatever D scumbag they judge to be marginally less offensive than the R alternative - or vice-versa.
inactive account
at first I was dubious about this +5%
but it's true. She'd been at 2% and is now at 7%.
That's sort of encouraging. Because the minute Bernie "endorses" Hillary (i.e. suggests we vote for her "to stop Trump") is the minute we say "thanks Bernie but we'll get off now" and Stein is sure to rise further. And even though she won't win in 2016, we'll be in a better position for 2020.
Glad to know I didn't screw up the math
They said she'd increased 350% so by my math that put her at 2%. Boy if she'd been at 1% or 3% and I'd have had people doubting my veracity, what a frustrating day this would have been!
I am torn
between voting for Jill Stein or writing in Bernie Sanders in the GE. My understanding is that a party has to garner 15% of total vote before "qualifying" for ballot placement in future elections without undergoing arduous processes to get on the ballot. On the other hand, although I agree 100% with the Green Party ticket (though see no mention of gun violence) if the post-nominating major party political parties are riven by schism (hope, hope!) I will write in Bernie.
Make sure your state allows write ins
In many states, writing in a candidate for POTUS disqualifies your entire ballot.
Ohio, for example, only allows a write in if its for a candidate who has registered to be a write in. Bernie won't do it,soim voting for Stein and so is everyone in my family.
It's 1, 3, or 5 percent depending on the state.
To qualify to be on the ballot in future elections, the threshold is 1, 3, or 5 percent depending on the state. Perhaps you are thinking about qualifying for the debate which is polling 15%.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
I suspect that Jill Stein would be perfectly happy for
all her voters to go for Bernie instead if there was a schism. She's a team player when it comes enacting progressive goals, and if there was a chance that Bernie could take the Presidency, I think she would be 100% in.
Green Party of VA has gone COMATOSE
No updates to the website since early spring. No news on any petitions to get Jill Stein/Green party on the November ballot.
Deadline is August 26. I don't think they're going to make it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Then be the one who makes the difference
Aug. 26th is plenty of time. Trust me, I get petitions signed. I don't know how many signatures you need in VA, but in WA we only need 1000. So it will be done in this state. I alone will make sure of it. As a petitioner, I can get 50-80 signatures a day standing outside a grocery store for 3 hours. Give me three weeks and it'll be done.
Be the one in your state. Go here to get started: http://www.jill2016.com/ballotaccess
yep, the Greens need a revitalization
There's not much at the Oregon site. There's a Facebook page, last post in March. The Pacific Green (that's what it's called here) candidate for US Senate does not have a website.
The local chapter has a site....last updated in November, or perhaps earlier. There's a mention of a meeting in November, at a brewery, kind of like that Portland meetup we had not that long ago! When you click the "upcoming" calendar you get "The page you were looking for was not found."
However, I do like the national FAQ
She's on the ballot in Oregon
So that's a positive.
Let's be honest here, nobody was thinking Green up until about 6 weeks ago. Just like nobody was thinking Bernie a year ago. Now her numbers are rising. We can take this as far as we took Bernie. We did it already, we can do it again.
And maybe this time the U.N. will be here to make sure it's a legal election.
The Green Party of Virginia appears to be active...
Try this webpage, there is a link to an active facebook page for Virginia Green Party.
And an email address to contact about "state coordinator Sid Smith at"
facebook page
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
Did you check the list of "upcoming" (ha ha ha) events?
Every single one of them is PAST.
There are NO new events.
There is NO new news.
They listed Apple Blossom, but I neither saw nor heard a squeak during it - and that's THE Big Event for the Top of Virginia, drawing crowds from at least four states plus DC.
What are they playing, pisha paisha?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Virginia Green Party appears to have an active ballot push.
I cannot say anything regarding the Virginia Party organization itself. But, there does seem to be activity regarding getting signatures in Virginia.
The facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/GreenPartyOfVirginia/) has several recent posts.
including this post on June 15th, "Green Party of Virginia June 15 at 5:14am ·
We're in the midst of our drive to get ballot access here in Virginia, and we need your help. Our Facebook group Green Party of Virginia: Grassroots Organizing & Discussion is being used to help organize our petitioning efforts. We encourage our supporters to join the group!"
And then this post on June 22nd, "Green Party of Virginia
June 22 at 8:47am ·
We also have a new volunteer in Newport News. Anyone petitioning there this weekend? That's in addition to our new recruit in Falls Church. Please chime in if you can petition this weekend in either of those two areas."
Looks to me like they could make the deadline.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
The immediate goal is 15%.
That way she can participate in the debates and at least offer the American people an alternative to the choice between the conservative warmonger and the fascist that we currently have.
At the very least, it would greatly enhance her media exposure, letting more people know about her and spreading her message even further. If she catches fire in the polls, it would be difficult for Bernie and others on the left not to support her, since she would likely cause Hillary to fall in the polls, and the Clinton camp can't use the "bro" or sexism attack against another woman.
Yes, given the choice between two women
Most women could be persuaded to vote for the lady who did NOT send children back to Honduras to die.
If I recall back to when I was in combat, people at TOP were convinced some of the most extremely misogynistic Berniebros were women. I think they have special reservations in hell.
Elise Andrew was bitching about Brexit on Facebook
Then she started bitching about Jill Stein being anti-science.
I just don't see any way around being anti-GMO or anti-Nuke if most of your party is made up of Hippies...
The only part of the platform that make me roll my eyes is the support of Homeopathy. GMO labeling I can live with, it's just marketing anyway...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Hmm a Harvard educated doctor
who is a leader in the fight against climate change is anti-science? ok.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Illinois deadline is June 27.
They need help and they need money in Illinois. It would be a VERY good thing to get on the ballot on that state.
Pennsylvania deadline is August 1. PA requires a total of 21,755. It would require a bit of work for that.
Virginia deadline is August 26 and they only need 5,000 signatures. So that is quite possible.
There is a donate button to click.
Day before yesterday, they needed 13,000 more signatures.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
If you're in Illinois HELP NOW!!!!
Just got this email from Jill's camp and here's a snippet:
Head down to the Gay Pride Parade and help get her on the ballot! If you can't be there, they could use funds to pay for petition gatherers. See the link in my original post.
And New Jersey only requires 1500 signatures
with a deadline of August 1. That should be quite doable.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
There is a note on Jill's fb page for Massachusetts
that states they have ballot access in that state.
In Missouri, they have until July 25 to get 10,000 signatures.
Minnesota requires 2,000 signatures by August 23.
If they can get Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, and Minnesota ballot access, along with what they now have:
They will have access on all states with double digit electoral votes, except for NC which is very problematic I gather.
Edited for grammar.
ETA: Ooops, I forgot Tennessee but that is being handled in a court case.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I'm stoked
I would much rather 'revitalize' the Greens then the Democrat's who will only chew up and spit out any progressive candidate or movement away from neoliberal disaster capitalism and neocon bloody endless war. Good luck to Bernie working inside the beast but it seems to me it's impossible to achieve his goals in reality. Symbolism is weak tea in a time like this. Incrementalism is a joke.
like I've been saying
If you think Trump is the greater evil and you live in a "safe" state you should vote Green. Not to influence Hillary, that's impossible, but to put the fear of god into the lower ranking Dems.
If you believe Hillary is the greater evil then obviously you should vote Green, especially if you are in a "battlefield" state.
And in either case always remember to vote progressive downballot - which normally means Green.
On to Biden since 1973
I agree that the Dems are beyond redemption.
I think Bernie has pulled off a miracle but now perhaps it's time for us to take on the burden of deciding what to do next.
I'm not in favor of abandoning Bernie, but I am in favor of supporting the Greens in the meantime.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
The Green Party concerns me
They seem to have trouble staying together. Here in VT, I am not even sure they have existed since the Nader campaign. The Vermont Progressive Party is active and enjoying much success. The Greens?
Why aren't they further along in developing state organizations ? There are a great many progressive communities in the country that would likely elect Green candidates for local positions...are there any Green mayors or state reps ? I just went to the Jill 2016 website to check on events...nothing until July 25 in Philly ? Really ???
I will probably vote for Jill Stein here in VT, if she makes the ballot (doubtful). In 2012 she was a write in candidate that got .2% - only half the total of the Justice Party.
There is a Green Party petitioning group in Vermont
This page has email addresses for petition state coordinators and links for facebook pages:
Here is one of the facebook groups: Jill Stein Vermont Ballot Access Group
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
Made a donation. BKed her site.
I'll stick with Bernie until he capitulates to the D-beast. (Or a miracle happens. You reading this, FBI?)
Then I'll vote for Jill and let the chips fal where they may. Who knows? If enough of us had voted Green all this time instead of repeatedly hoping the D-candidate would do our bidding, we wouldn't be in this fix now. Still, better late than never.
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