ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Democrats approved a draft of the party platform early Saturday that includes steps to break up large Wall Street banks, advocates for a $15 an hour wage and urges the abolition of the death penalty, reflecting the influence of Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign.

Supporters of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton defeated measures pushed by Sanders' allies that would have promoted a Medicare-for-all single-payer health care system, a carbon tax to address climate change and impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracking.


Deliberating late into the evening, the group considered the document's language on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, an issue that has divided Democrats. The committee defeated an amendment led by Zogby that would have called for providing Palestinians with "an end to occupation and illegal settlements" and urged an international effort to rebuild Gaza.


Sanders, a vociferous opponent of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, was unable to get language into the document opposing the trade deal, a move that allowed the party to avoid an awkward scenario that would have put the platform at odds with President Barack Obama.


In a setback for Sanders, the panel narrowly rejected amendments offered by environmentalist Bill McKibben, a Sanders supporter, that would have imposed a tax on carbon and imposed a national moratorium on fracking.

(I guess we should thank them for the scraps and not whine about the most important things being voted down, the ones that would cut into the Clinton creature's real constituents profits, like climate change, trade agreements, and fracking. And NO mention on election corruption what so ever. Oh well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not voting for these guys anyway.)

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from current party practice. Already we see little embrace of any of Sanders' points that diverge from either Hillary's and Obama's path of stepping in line with the existing power matrix. The voices of change sitting at the platform table will be ignored.

Climate change mitigation?
Medicare for All?
Ending fracking?
Stop TPP?
Prison reform?
Stop global military interventionism?

The thinly veiled illusion of inclusion of Sanders' campaign issues in the discussion is a ploy to recover Sanders supporters. The Democratic Party insiders have no intention of returning to serving the people. They stand with Hillary, serving themselves.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Amanda Matthews's picture

out loud. And the idea that EVERYONE will be making $15 an hour cracks me up. Even if it passed, the price of goods and services will jump as well. And just like the ACA there will be more caveats and carve-outs that it'll start falling apart before it even goes into effect.

Remember the Employer's Mandate? Well that got dropped. Now how about the People's Mandate. That's still there, isn't it? If we don't buy into a crap insurance (that still leave millions uncovered) we get penalized by the government. We are stuck with a program with premiums that are climbing by the day and deductibles that make it too expensive to use. But President Hopey Changey ensured a captive clientele for Big Pharma and United Health Care.

That will be the story of the $15/hour wage increase as well. If it even passes.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Lady Libertine's picture

(wee hours of the morning and trying to catch up a little)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders said on Friday that he was “disappointed and dismayed” that allies of Hillary Clinton beat back Democratic Party platform proposals on trade.

On the other hand, Sanders said he was pleased that the platform drafters adopted language calling for breaking up too-big-to-fail banks and enacting a modern-day Glass-Steagall Act. Sanders also said he appreciated a unanimous vote for a proposal to abolish the death penalty.

Sanders said it was “inexplicable” why Clinton allies on the panel at a meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, voted down proposals on trade that both Sanders and Clinton embraced as candidates. “It is hard for me to understand why Secretary Clinton’s delegates won’t stand behind Secretary Clinton’s positions in the party’s platform,” Sanders said.

funny guy. Blum 3

well its not like we didn't know it would go down this way. I think I said a few weeks ago they'll toss us a couple easy bones (that cost them nothing) like anti death penalty but no way no how will we ever ever ever get affordable health care or anything at all addressing the dire emergency of climate change.

le sigh

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I knew Bernie's humor tended to be dry, but this is downright dessicated.

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Steven D's picture

The title to the article is deceptive at best.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Alex Ocana's picture

Its a reactionary corporate/state/military sheep dog document. The Sanders imprint is confined to bike trails to solve climate change and a beautiful American Native Rights plank that should have been extended to everyone.

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From the Light House.

mhagle's picture

$15 is being passed in many places already . . . however a national law would be better. HRC will never break up the big banks. Death penalty is important, but overall criminal justice reform must be the approach.

This is nothing.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

It means exactly jack and shit, just like all the other platforms the Democratic party has endorsed.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Aardvark's picture

Peace and love be with you, reader.

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This is more distraction and bullshit.

Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything to get elected, so her campaign 'platform' is meaningless, and this Democratic party platform is just as meaningless.

There are no consequences for any of them if they deviate form the platform.

More smoke and mirrors…

Another Dog and Phony Pony Show

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elenacarlena's picture

us much more. If they have no intentions to abide by any of it, why not say, "Oh sure, Bern, whatever you want"?

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

lunachickie's picture

Surely you know better than this...

If they have no intentions to abide by any of it, why not say, "Oh sure, Bern, whatever you want"?

Because they are playing what they think is a long game. 3 weeks from now is a long time to them...

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The Democratic party voted against measures to stem climate change and oppose the fucking TPP.

Not surprising, but awful just the same.

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Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

This year, or in the midterms. The only chance a democrat has now of getting my vote is if they are equivalent to Sanders in a majority of areas. I doubt that will be happening.

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other than that, fuck them and their platform.

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Aardvark's picture

What does it take to realize that the United States is genetically, irrevocably, permanently, a conservative country? It will take occupation by a foreign army to change possibly the DNA of the USA, just as Rome, just as the Byzantine Empire, just as Europe following WWII.

Money changes everything, and allows nothing to change against its will.

The only solution, in my view, barring emigration is to drop out of the economy as much as possible and form local cooperatives, where money flows through small cells of people at high speed, where local organizations are no more than a few dozen people, where verification of intent is reasonably accurate in that group.

Food, energy, and clothing are obvious places to start.

How concretely to do this is best answered by you and your friends in the circumstances in which you find yourselves.

Basic motif: stop consuming. Turn off. Connect.

Peace and love be with you, reader.

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A conservative oligarchy runs the country. That's not the same thing as a conservative country. A majority of Americans support making up any social security shortfall by raising the level of income subject to tax. A majority of Americans support raising social security benefits. A majority of Americans support Medicare for all. An overwhelming majority of Americans oppose the TPP.

Money does more than change everything. Money rules.

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He asked for the most meaningless thing possible: The party platform. Why? Is it because he knew that they wouldn't even give on that, so it would make the establishment look even more unreasonable in advance of Phily? So that he'd have a reason to publicly fight back?

Bernie's not stupid. He knows that the party isn't going to respond to any of his demands that conflict with the interests of the 1%. In the long term, is he trying to shift the terms of the debate by incorporating the silenced voices of the left into the body that defines what the Democratic Party is? Is he planning to hold the party accountable based on its stated principles, as articulated in the platform, thereby changing the terms of the debate? I really don't feel like this struggle to shape it is an act of resigned defeatism, so what's the plan here?

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the platform is just words on paper. it won't convince me to vote for Clinton. however, if she was to implement some of the more progressive changes in her first term IF she becomes president, then maybe i'll have a change of mind about voting for her in 2020. in the immediate future she could fault Republican obstruction for not getting anything done but if we were to elect a more progressive majority in 2018 then she'll have no excuse. she's either with us or against us. actions will tell. i want action, not words. i have seen little evidence of the Democratic Party putting progressive values into action for the last several decades.

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They are just papered over lies to get elected. Time better spent following the money and careers of the party leaders to get an idea of where they are going.

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