Major Media Blackout of White Male NY Clinton Delegate's Assault on Woman of Color, Moumita Ahmed
Imagine,that a woman of color was beaten with a cane by a white male Republican at a statewide meeting of Republicans? Imagine the insane amount of media coverage from CNN, MsNBC, the Washington Post, The New York Times, etc. Yet, Moumita Ahmed was assaulted by a white male Clinton supporter at a meeting of New York Democratic Party delegates on Tuesday, June 21st, and - crickets from the MSM.
At that meeting of New York Democratic Party delegates, Nicholas Silitch, a well known Democratic fundraiser and Clinton delegate, struck Moumita Ahmed with his cane - twice - and only the New York Post ran a story that reported briefly on Stilitch's assault of Ms Ahmed.
Sanders delegate Moumit Ahmed of Jamaica, Queens, even filed a police complaint after a Hillary Clinton delegate, an elderly, bearded man with a cane, hit her from behind, she said. When she confronted him, he allegedly hit her with his cane again.
“He assaulted me!” Ahmed said. [...]
Politico ran a story about the Tuesday meeting of New York Democrats to, among other things, choose the chairman of the NY delegation to the convention, but they didn't bother to mention the assault on Ms. Ahmed, "an at-large delegate for Bernie Sanders and co-founder of Millennials For Bernie," choosing instead to merely report that Cuomo was selected as Chairman while Sanders delegates booed.
Only independent media covered the story in detail, including the revelation that the man who assaulted Ms. Ahmed was Mr. Silitch. Here is a more detailed report on his assault on her:
The Democratic Party’s past and its future collided Tuesday morning when Moumita Ahmed and Nicholas Silitch crossed paths during a contentious meeting of the New York delegation to next month’s national convention in Philadelphia.
In an ugly scene ... Ahmed, 25, a Sanders delegate and a co-founder of the Millennials for Bernie Facebook page, [moved] down an aisle trying to rally Sanders delegates to mount a challenge to Clinton supporters who have just nominated Gov. Andrew Cuomo to lead the state delegation. She [turned] to confront Silitch who she says had already slapped her from behind with his hand and hit her once with his cane.
“Don’t ever fucking touch me,” Ahmed warns the older Hillary Bro.
As Ahmed turns away to continue walking toward the front of the room, a loud “thwack!” can be heard as Silitch hits her on the back of the leg with his cane. [...]
Ahmed filed a police complaint afterwards and emailed Basil Smikle, executive director of the New York State Democratic Party, explaining to him what had happened. She asked Smikle for his help in identifying her assailant whose identity she did not know at the time. Smikle failed to respond to her request, Ahmed said.
Here is a video that shows part of Ms. Ahmed's confrontation with Mr. Silitch, including the point in time where she tells him not to ever touch her again:
Ms. Ahmed's personal account of the assault can be found at U.S. Uncut. The official statement by New York for Bernie regarding the New York Democratic Party meeting on Tuesday can be found on their Facebook page.
Here's a picture of Silitch pulled from his wife's Facebook page:
According to this story, Silitch and his wife are also NY Democratic state committee members from the 114th Assembly District. When confronted on Tuesday at the meeting about why he hit Ms. Ahmed with his cane he had this to say:
“Go to hell!” He also reacted to accusations of assault by saying, “Why do you beat your wife?”
This is pretty egregious. Yet, I could find nothing in all my Google searches about this Democratic Party meeting on Tuesday, Ms. Ahmed and/or Mr. Silitch, in which a major media outlet filed a story about this assault by a white man against a woman of color, other than that brief mention in the NY Post. Nothing from CNN, MsNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, AP, and so on.
So, does violence against people of color only make the news when Trump supporters do it? It sure seems that way.

But, did he throw any chairs?
Was Boxer frieghtened by it? See, nothing here.
Another dot to connect to the bigger picture. If Bernie's run did anything, it really made the lying, cheating and collusion between the parties and their Johns transparent.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It really brought the butt-ugly out
in the over-privileged white affluent Democrat demographic, didn't it?
It's a certain, unique kind of viciousness. This story and the quotes of this man completely embody it. I've seen it recently here in Florida, with some of the state delegates. Disagreeing with them over the state of the party seems to trigger it more than anything.
They are channeling their inner Hillary
Something about this season has sure made people mean and aggressive. To my mind, we have David Brock to thank.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
The KFS subreddit has an article from Shadowproof claiming that the guy is a party insider in NY known for throwing fundraisers at his home, despite the fact that officials were denying that they knew who he was.
I linked that article
as well.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
You mean Jon Ralston isn't all over it?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Reposted to FB and Twitter...
I try to do as much of this as I can.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Read your quote
So the N gave the KM his talking points? You silly Marxist!
Back to the history books. There is a timeline. No one to my knowledge has ever said that Marx got his oomph from Napoleon ... Could be wrong.
Tell me.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
And your point is?
Really? Thugs? Nope, not Dems...Anarchists? Well you might have something there.
Some unknown species no doubt.
So much for the Kos coalition.
Burn it. Bern it?
Sigh. Too many sheeple...
Who are those people, and why are they stupid?
Must have been Progressives.
Long live the Stupid... Wait What?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Steve great reporting and sharing
I really love you digging up information and sharing it with the community. However, it makes me sad on the other hand because it does not fit the media narrative. Remember, anyone that does not support Hillary is a sexist, racists, anarchist, thugs, backward thinking terrible individual while all of her supporters are wonderful and do no wrong. So of course media is basis and does not report on this news event.
Please note all the fact checking the media did on Trump's speech while they performed none for Hillary's- double standard of course, they want her to win.
Their bosses do want HRC to win, certainly
and like all good soldiers, they just follow orders.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
They're not in the military
they need to stop acting like they are. This blind fealty to these crooks is so obnoxious.
Awhile back, I was in a street protest, when an older fella rode up to me on his ten-speed bike. He yelled something at me, right in my face, and then sped away before I could answer. Total cowardly hit-and-run (he was basically telling me to sit down and shut up, because what I was doing didn't matter). He didn't hit me or anything, it was a simple verbal assault by an older white man, and it sprung to mind as I read this story. I haven't thought about that in years....
Or maybe IOKIYH. I dunno. Whatever works.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
It's OK If You're With Her
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
"...I tell ya Park Avenue leads to Skid Row"
[video: width:500 height:400]
One of my guiltiest pleasures
cheesy hair-metal bands! Skid Row was one of my favorites of that genre
And they got their power ballad in too
[video: width:500 height:400]
I still consider them a three hit wonder.
The other hit being:
[video: width:500 height:400]
A few other decent songs, but those were the ones that really got play.
Some of the guitar screams in this song remind me of Dokken.
She said she filed a police report
and we now know his name.
If the police don't do anything about it, she should file a civil suit. Or contact the FBI because he was violating her civil rights.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Not hard to identify
This comment has been edited by the administrator at the request of this essay's author for exposing personal identifiable information.
you go, girl!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Naw, don't do that. Leave him alone at home. Let the legal
system handle it. Ms. Ahmed looks like she can take him.
Or sure enough, we'll come off looking like the bad guys.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The process of normalizing
It's a process we've all seen before. When you buy a new car you imagine it to be perfect. Then you find out it doesn't get the mileage you wanted, but it's sporty. Well, maybe not so sporty. But you bought the car, you're stuck with it. And you can change your expectations, but you can't change the car you bought. So if your car is Hillary Clinton, well, maybe her supporters are a little corrupt, maybe they are a little violent, but, hey, that's the way it is!
I suspect early next year we'll have many of our liberal brothers and sisters, who believed that H. Clinton would usher in a new age because of her gender, will have to justify. You know: Well Putin is a bad man. Well, Assad is a bad man. Well, bin Laden is a bad man. (Wait, the last one is dead.)
The media is fully onboard with Hillary 2016, and they know that being the most disliked candidate in Democratic history is out there, so negative things about her will not be reported, while everything is fair game for Trump.
Bernie will continue to be ignored except to say he's not playing fair.
It's all part of the process. Dubya (with the help of "24") helped to normalize torture, kidnapping et al. Obama has normalized assassinations. Hillary will push the agenda along. All war, all the time.
There is nothing more obnoxious
than the canard that "This is just how it is", like knowing that they have a different set of rules than everyone else means we shouldn't try to do anything about it.
That is complete and utter bullshit. Thanks for the reminder.
Silitch, DP Town Chair from Granville, NY
Can be contacted here....let's share our thoughts with him directly then.
Silitch should be barred from the Philly convention
Any of us telling him directly what we think won't change him...he's so full of contempt for people like us. And so are all the others who sat nearby, witnessed this, & did nothing.
Pressuring DNC/NY Democrats to bar him from attending Philly is the perfect consequence to his actions. He's shown he can't control his hands & his cane in this setting. He's just an old man?? Well, he does not belong at the convention.
DNC & NY Democratic officials need to be put on the spot: are they decent people who do not condone such behavior at their events? Or are they bullies just like Silitch?
Honest Public Dialogue. Truth.
Exactly right
Well, it's to be expected.
After all, Clinton was the founding member of BVM(UIW) and similar groups. Black Votes Matter, Until I Win.
Excuse me. Ahem, excuse me.
White people can do whatever they want. Why is this even news?

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
never has a country needed a progressive news outlet that
was centralized, and lacked anything of the sort.
i do not mean necessarily that an existing platform like MSNBC become a representative of "the left' as it did under oblermann a while back. I just mean anything at all. I'm all for decentralized media and social media etc....but it still feels like having a flagship is quite helpful. Each time the MSM gets more left, along comes more corporate consolidation to kill it. It's the long story of corporate television.
and the now-weakened liberal blogosphere has been co-opted in much the same way. there seems to be nothing more than a temporary flagship outlet in the history of progressive media.
The sheer volume and passion of the many facebook pages for bernie is truly impressive. but there are drawbacks to such decentralization. i think the philly protest being one. Yes, facebook is censoring the philly protest votes, as was discussed here. But also there is the fact that FB alone worked in some Arab Spring protests, but for Americans...the old hippies are more likely to protest than kids these days.
george carlin told olbermann his thoughts on why that is:
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
Maybe a non-profit news company?
Since Kochs have take over NPR. Could be funded by progressive groups and green/progressive advertising.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
Apparently you didn't get the memo
This woman is a "super-predator" who "needs to be brought to heel"
As a hill-bot he was only taking direction from HRC (Her Royal Clinton)
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!