I'm suggesting that people who may have missed both
La Feminista's and Can't stop the Signal's brilliant essays will read them.
La Feminista's essay from yesterday morning has received a lot more comments throughout the day and evening and the comments in them are amazing.
Both of these essays are outstanding in my humble opinion and I'm thankful for those that created this website so that we can continue to write about the things that real progressives are interested in.
I especially like Mark from Queens' comment about what Mark Twain wrote about the senator from Montana who even though many people knew about how corrupt he was, he was still elected to congress.
That is exactly how I feel about Hillary Clinton. Many of us know how corrupt she and Bill are and have been for their entire political careers. That the banks have financed them for over 25 years and how they have returned their investment from welfare reform, deregulating the banks and passing NAFTA along with other favors.
The pay to play with their foundation during Hillary's time as SOS and how she used the state department from Haiti, Honduras, Libya, Syria and Saudi Arabia which saw massive amounts of money being donated to their foundation and the way that Bill has used his influence of governments and organizations which has helped their friends get rich along with many other things that they did during his two terms as president. Bill was finalizing the privatization of social security, but fortunately for us the Monica Lewinsky scandal interrupted it.
The damage that they have caused to the people in this country and in other parts of the world is well known to many of us, yet even with this knowledge, they are going to be returning to the White House.
I can't begin to imagine what they will accomplish during her presidency, but if Obama doesn't get the TPP passed, I'm sure that Hillary will.
And I'm afraid of what she will do when she works with the republicans.
Anyway, please read those two essays.
I think this is a great idea. However, it would be helpful to those who have not read one or both of the essays to link them in the body of your essay above.![Smile](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Here they are gg
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I did mean to put the links in
It was past 3 am when I wrote this and I kept falling asleep while writing it.
I had just left the essay and just wanted to bring these 2 essays to people's attention, then went off on a tangent.
My thanks to the person who did provide the links.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"they are going to be returning to the White House." ???
They are not returning unless we all continue to contribute to their "inevitabilty" by stating this as fact.
Please, please stop.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
We cannot afford to let a Republican win the White House!
Yes, Repub or Dem, they are likely to push us into more wars. Yes, they are likely to be the same economically. But if you want women to control their bodies and their medical care, if you want minorities to receive some sort of justice rather than a beating or a shooting, then you have to vote against Republicans.
That means, if you want a third party to win, then figure out how to do that. Here's one way: http://www.politicalcampaigningtips.com/local-political-campaigns-how-to... Work HARD (the link is for local elections, but many of their suggestions would work nationally too).
I've been phone banking from the time Bern announced until DC voted, at least an hour a day every day. I think I missed one day when my cat went into diabetic crisis and I had to rush him to the vet. Are you willing to do that? Commit at least one hour a day, every day, until the November election, barring emergencies?
If you are not willing to commit time and energy and money to a third party, more than you have done for Bernie to date, then perhaps we had better give it up and vote for Democratic incremental change.
This comment is not directed to snoopydawg, but to the community at large.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Please explain how
women currently have the right "to control their own bodies and their medical care"? Next please explain how when Democrats have allowed restraints to these health issues, they will all of a sudden take an interest?
My opinion...I do not think a third party run for the presidency is going to be viable until at least the election in 2020 (if we work really hard, which it sounds like you are doing). Getting as many third party people in as possible in local and state will be extremely important, not just for national elections but for bottom to top changes.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Certainly not perfect, that's why I would love to see some
serious commitment to third party wins. However, Repubs are noticeably worse. 14 states passed stricter laws this year. What do they have in common? Republicans (KY legislature is divided, but we now have a Repub governor to break the tie, oh joy) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/01/14-states-have...
We sure don't need the state-level crap at the national level; Repubs have tried and have been blocked by Dems, http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/254497-dems-block-20-week-abortion-ban
Are the Dems perfect? Heck no, including her Highness their standard bearer. But without Dems, we would have a ban after 20 weeks nationwide.
And there is a difference between Obama's DOJ not vigorously pursuing cases of police brutality and Trump's active anti-minority demagoguery, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwUnznN1fbQ
I agree with everybody here that incremental improvement is not enough. But I say it's better than the downhill slide the Presidency and Congress controlled by Repubs would bring.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks for the information.
I must admit that being 60+ puts me at a bit of a disadvantage for keeping track of all that goes on regarding women's right to choose. However, I do have daughters and a daughter-in-law so stay somewhat informed.
One thing I do know for sure is that HRC is NOT in favor of late-term abortions (the hardest choice of all involving fetus viability). I also (other than campaign rhetoric) do not think she has changed her initial stance of abortions being rare...notice nobody wants to talk about birth control though. Three Democrats voted for the ban. I do not see Democrats or HRC protecting the right to choose. Would Trump be worse? Who the hell knows...he has made statements on both sides of the issue. Maybe, he will let Republicans like Susan Collins who voted against the ban guide him.
If Democrats had been interested in this particular topic, there are many things they could have done to protect it. Obviously, they have not.
Rather than worrying about having a Republican for president, it would be far more effective to replace those R governors and legislatures. Those are the people who are putting additional restrictions. I do not think any president would have any luck limiting the right to choose nationwide. The states rights people would absolutely not allow it.
This has always been an interesting dilemma. Many if not most women who are from the Southern states know how to bring on a miscarriage, so this is more imposing their punishment on women who do not have access to the "old wives tales" that actually work. It also might be why R men have been trying to make having a miscarriage illegal (not the actual wording, but what their proposed laws would do).
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You're right, Hill will not stand up in favor of late-term
abortions and I am incredibly pissed about that. I think she's probably privately in favor, but not willing to expend political capital on the issue. If there were exceptions for the mother's health, she'd sign a 26-week ban if Congress sent her one. Now, really that should be no restriction at all (every pregnancy endangers a mother's health), but she probably doesn't understand that while that protects rich people's abortions, poor people could have trouble finding doctors willing to risk having to defend their decisions in court.
Back in the day, we wanted abortions to be "safe, legal and rare" because we wanted every women to know all about sexuality, have access to birth control, and have control over her body. Thus she would rarely get pregnant unless she wanted to be. It was the mantra of the women's movement. It was not meant to be "rare because there aren't hardly any abortion clinics". That's what the Repubs have made it. As far as birth control, the Dems put it into the ACA, and the Repubs on the Supreme Court took it out for any "religious corporation". If you look at all the stupid Supreme Court decisions since Reagan, those were made by the justices appointed by Repubs.
You're right, Trump was for abortions before he was against them. But I don't think that misogynist will be a champion for women in any way, shape, or form. He's getting tired of running with his money, so he'll cave into the Repub way of doing business in order to attract other people's money, including pandering to the religious by restricting abortion. No matter how many abortions he's paid for himself in the past. That's my prediction, anyway.
The states are restricting abortions because federal law is not strict enough, because somehow Planned Parenthood and their lawyers and whoever else should be fighting these things have been absent while Repub legislatures run roughshod over our rights (many of these laws are probably illegal according to Roe v. Wade, but until they're overturned in court, they're the law). Yes, we need to replace states' Repubs too. We just need to make sure things don't get worse federally. States like NY and CA might protest if there were a nationwide 20-week ban, but what could they do if they're in the minority in Congressional representation? Federal law trumps state law. States' rights people are usually the same as pro-abortion-restrictions people, so they may suddenly be very quiet if they get the abortion restrictions they want - look at how they didn't want states deciding to allow gay marriage.
They actually have made miscarriage illegal, see http://thinkprogress.org/health/2015/03/30/3639736/purvi-patel-sentencing/
Ultimately, if Bernie doesn't get the Dem nom, if an independent run looks unfeasible, then we're going to have to make a decision based on imperfect information. Both Repubs and Hill will say anything to get elected. I think any Repub is more likely to be a disaster than any Dem, by at least a tiny amount, and will urge people to hold their nose one more time. But I'm not going to be angry with anyone who votes third party or votes not at all. It's going to be a tough decision for all of us. We won't know what they'll really do unless and until they're in office.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I disagree with this part.
We don't know what Trump will do. We have some very good ideas of exactly what HRC will do.
With so many issues that she will be on the wrong side on, I do not have the faith in her that you do that she will be liberal on the right to choose issues as a president.
In 1985, then Gov Clinton signed Arkansas' first law restricting abortion. In fact:
It wasn't until the 1992 presidential campaign that Bill Clinton decided to be pro-choice. This sounds more like political expediency not conviction that something is the right thing to do. (It has been documented that Bill's and HRC's policies are pretty well synchronized, so it is most likely that she was also on the side of limiting choice.) While lip service to a stance is better than being outright against it. However, that means that they operate from a position that is less than ideal when others are trying to make changes to those policies.
On the other hand, this could be the social issue bone that they decide to throw us. That has been standard procedure if Democrats for several decades now.
You make a very good point: Why aren't these restrictive laws being challenged in the courts?
Meanwhile, i found a very interesting article: Why voting Democratic hasn't preserved choice
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Thanks for the article! That's interesting - and appalling
They don't seem to have a solution as far as what to do about it. While they show the problems in the Dem party, they acknowledge the huge problems in the Repub party. If a third party is not an option (and I'm still hoping it might be), then I don't see how "demanding no concessions" does much, unless we can make them sign a written pledge to pass the FOCA. The Clintons and other Dems will talk a good game like they always have, then do what they want once in office like they always have.
OTOH, voting for greater evilism isn't an option either. Sigh.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
While a third party is definitely a must
as far as I am concerned, I think what Sanders has been telling us all along that if We the People don't stand up for our rights--all of our rights--then they will be taken away. This is what is happening with the right to chose. The current crop of politicians (at least the vast majority) are not going to do anything unless they are forced. We have taught them they can do whatever they want and we will still vote for them.
I don't like the dualism implied by greater/lesser evil. It just locks us in a box. Look what has happened with thinking that the Democrats are the good guys.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
And that's exactly why nobody should vote for HRC or Trump.
I'm fine with people voting third party, but we have to work our
rumps off to make sure it's viable. There's no point in just a protest vote. Go big.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks for the heads up, Snoopydawg!
Putting these pieces on the reading list right now.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
You're welcome, ms
How the hell are you? And have you settled in to your new home by now?
The dawgs send their love.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.