Now what does that mean?
Submitted by The Voice In th... on Fri, 06/17/2016 - 10:39am
From Bernie's speech yesterday "Tonight I had a very kind call from President Obama and I look forward to working with him to ensure that we move this country forward. "
???? What does that mean? Coupled with his previous remarks about ensuring that Trump does not become President, I have a sick feeling in my stomach. How does the losing candidate work with the sitting President except to boost the winning candidate?
Please, what other interpretation can it mean? Many have speculated the Bernie would jump to the Greens or start an independent run, but that could hardly be working with President Obama.
EDIT: Thanks for the thoughtful and civil comments. I appreciate every one of them.

Bernie joined the Democratic Party
to run for POTUS, so none of what he is doing right now surprises me in the least. Bernie is a man of integrity and a man of his word -- he promised to support Hillary Clinton if she got the nomination, and he promised to work against the Republican nominee, who just happens to be media buffoon and national embarrassment Donald J. Trump.
Bernie won't go Green and he won't go indy. Remember, he still has another job in January as a senator from Vermont.
I really don't want Senator Sanders to endorse She Who Shall Not Be Named, but he's gonna eventually and I'll have a full-on sad about it then. But Bernie also promised his supporters he would take his candidacy all the way to the convention, so he'll do that, too.
I miss Colorado.
Sanders has been clear about what he would do if he lost
since before he even entered the race. Many of his supporters put up the "la la la I can't hear you" blinders so they could keep their hope alive but he's always been about defeating the republicans and now Donald Trump. There's only one way to do that, for someone else to win. He's made it clear he won't go third party because that could insure a Trump victory. He's saying he will work with war criminal Obama, who endorsed war criminal Clinton, to defeat Trump and the only way to do that is for Clinton to win. He's also been very clear about trying to "revitalize" the democratic war party which is starting with the platform bullshit.
There is no other way to interpret it.
Trump is one butt cheek....shillary is the other
They're both wads of oligarch fat.
I can't vote for either. BOTH will cut my throat. A congress supporting either will cut my throat.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I'm calling it "lip service"
to buy time until the convention. I also don't believe he'll ever endorse Clinton. I firmly believe he'll do nothing for her, and I also believe he'll work the hell out of "downticket" for guys like Tim Canova. But he will be as hands-off as possible for Her.
And I don't blame him a goddamn bit. She stole this primary. Stole it. He owes her NOTHING. He owes the Democratic Party NOTHING. He can go back to the Senate and be just fine, even if he goes Green. His constituents back home have his back.
It's like Gary Leupp suggested in the piece I posted.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
One thing Bernie has been clear about.
He doesn't have the power to snap his fingers and all those who supported/voted for him will do exactly what he says. So, I don't expect him to do that. He may, because he remains a member of Congress, do what's expected of him----like Sen Merkley and Rep Grijalva----support the Dem candidate. He can give lots of speeches showing all the horrible things about Trump without ever saying anything positive about "that one." Be patient and let's see how this unfolds. Until he shows me otherwise, I'm not going to worry about him selling us out.
Bernie & I are awaiting the FBI report to DOJ. We'll decide
what to do then. Be cool until then.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
Exactly!!! eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Don't forget...
the election fraud suit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bernie is likely to chair the Budget Committee
Bernie Sanders is likely to chair the Budget Committee if he doesn't become our next President and the Dems re-take control of the Senate. There's nothing wrong with that. Bernie's style of political revolution has always been to take advantage of whatever power he can get. Nobody has to tell him that incrementalism isn't enough, but sometimes it's all you've got.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I have become increasingly uncomfortable
with the purity arguments and deception claims made during the past couple of weeks. This brief essay is one more expressing deep concern about a possibility that a previously trusted politician, Bernie no less, might be preparing to betray us. The evidence? A statement from several days ago that he would work with Obama to help defeat Trump and Republicans everywhere. Heaven help us all.
First Liz Warren gets tossed under the bus and now Bernie. Sellouts all. Come on, get a grip folks. The crime they are accused of is engaging in politics. A pig will refuse to wrestle with a politician over fear of getting too dirty to ever again feel clean. We will never be able to trust or support a politician if we demand they don't do politics. We will also never get anywhere if we demand they support every single issue just like us. We will disagree. We have to pick those who most closely fit our positions. And, most important to remember, we will be disappointed from time to time.
I get it. Warren's endorsement of Hillary is troubling. The supposed dissing of her supporters may, yes only may, have other explanations. Her actions in the legislative arena have been stellar in the banking, economic, and financial protection areas. I disagree with her on fracking, militarism, and Israel. There may be other areas but these are the two that come to mind. I'm also puzzled by the timing of the endorsement.
Bernie. This is Bernie we're talking about. Whose record is more consistently in line with the interests of the average American than those of Bernie Sanders? But here we are again, like with Warren, hand wringing about deception and betrayal. A wise person told me some years ago that worry is interest paid on troubles we don't have. Maybe there is a problem with one or the other or both. I don't know. Neither does anyone else. We don't need to decide right this minute.
I get it. The shocking level of deception and betrayal we've seen revealed the past few months is stunning. I can't remember so completely fooled by so many and so well in my 65 years. It would be easy to allow myself to see betrayal in every action of those I thought were allies. I refuse to do that but I will be far more aware of actions rather than words.
Me talking about me but I was complicit in being deceived. I wanted to see Obama be the 21st Century FDR. I wanted TOP to be a progressive site I could feel comfortable at. I wanted Dems to be good husbands to the New Deal and FDR's legacy. There were good signs and solid evidence that they all had other plans but I missed it until Hillary brought them out. I actually think that viewing through the Bernie lens made it all clear.
Bernie and Liz warren, I think, deserve more time for their actions to make their motives and intentions become clear. Howard Dean has made his bed. Al Franken too. He's off my donation list. There are many more. Those who jumped on the Hillary train to hell early will get nothing this election. My decision to support a candidate or organization is based on a record of being a defender of the interests of most Americans and an opponent to neoliberal and neocon scheming. Those who Bernie endorses will get the share that would have gone to those who chose to side with Hillary and the New Republicans.
I'm going to give Bernie, Warren, and the recent Hillary endorsers some slack. For now anyway. I intend to let them build a record from this point before judging whether they stand for us or with the money. Do whatever you want.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
My thoughts, such as they are
I don't have much heartburn over Liz Warren endorsing Hillary, since the only primary that remained when she did was the DC Primary, itself something of a joke considering that the citizens there barely get to vote for anyone. What does generate acid reflux in me is that she isn't talking down any plans to nominate her as Hillary's VP. Taking her out of the Senate will completely neutralize her effectiveness against Wall St.
As for Bernie, the Convention has to complete before anything he says or does have much meaning. He's going to push for planks on the platform. He may push for changes in the process. These are good things, and how he handles them is important. I'm willing to continue to support him until the convention ends. Then we see what he does, and what I do in response.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Agreed on all points
I've said consistently to friends who ask if Warren will accept the VP slot that I did not think that was a remote possibility. I've had to moderate my feelings some as I do think there is a scenario or two where she might accept that dreadful job. I still think it would be a loss to us as well as a step back and down from the Senate and the good fight she takes to Wall Street. I can even conceive it being a good idea under some circumstances but very few. I hope we don't have to find out.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
I Ain't Marching Anymore
The title of Phil Ochs' classic anti-war anthem has become kind of a catch phrase and personal reminder of why #ImNotWithHer - ever. Hillary Clinton's entire career has been dedicated to advancing the agenda of the brutal imperialists and soulless profiteers that Ochs spoke against so eloquently. To give a candidate like her anything other than my utter contempt and unyielding opposition would be a betrayal of all the ideals I've held dear my entire life. So here's to you Phil - I'm not with her, I'm with you.
Call it, Peace, or call it, Treason
Call it, Love, or call it, Reason
But I ain't marching anymore
No, I ain't marching anymore
inactive account
Listen to Bernie.
These are all things Bernie Sanders said in the past year. He has not changed his stance on them and he has not "sold us out".
If anyone didn't listen to what Bernie said, that's on them, not on him.
A primary rigged isn't a primary "won" by the rigger
Claiming "I win" because she cheated doesn't make SHITLARY a "winner" of anything. It makes her a crooked, lying, oligarch.
There's only one thing to do about an oligarch and the phrase or term is not, nor is it synonymous with, "SUPPORT him/her".
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
The situation has changed...
The situation has changed, Hillary has turned out to be much more despicable than imagined.
I expect my leadership to be able to adapt to changing realities.
Progressive, Independent, Gnostic, Vermonter.
I don't think she has.
Hillary has turned out to be very bit as despicable as I knew her to be. From trying to destroy Bill's lovers and sexual victims in the 90s to her egregious behavior in the 2008 race to supporting coups as SoS, she has proved herself evil and irredeemable.
Clearly the President is about to tell the DOJ to go arrest
her rump for the fraud at the Clinton Foundation, and Bern assured him that he would be happy to accept the Dem nom in that case. Heh.
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If only wishing made it so
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
"Some people see things as they are and say, why? I dream
things that never were and say, why not?”
(originally Bobby Kennedy channeling Shaw, in case you wondered)
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Still have my hopes
For an email miracle.
BTW Always love reading your comments & articles.
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
Yep, an email indictment would be interesting, but I still
suspect that the real problems are with the foundation.
Why thank you! Upvoted, of course. I would love to figure out how to make a living writing.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Whatever it takes :)
Your welcome.
When you find out let me know.:-*
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
IMHO you've missed the point of the "email" situation.
HRC set up the email situation in order to hide the illegal, unseemly, activities of the Clinton Foundation & her influence peddling. When she was confronted, she tried to destroy the email evidence.
The FBI is now busily combing through the recovered records looking for criminal behavior. i.e. destruction of evidence, bribery, obstruction of of justice, perjury, etc. They will put that together with the mishandling of classified documents that is already publicly known. Russia may also help out with some leaks of what they hacked.
Comey is going to bring the best possible case to DOJ & dare Obama to try to sit on it.
The "emails" will hang her, it is just a question of timing now.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
You could be right. That makes sense. I sure hope they do it
before the convention! For sure if they wait, she'll still be the nominee, or her VP pick will be, not Bernie.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
My Mushrooms!
I was saving them for a REAL celebration should one ever arise! Now you went and wasted them!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
There is no election
if Bernie caves... I'm done. I couldn't even fucking VOTE!.
Fuck politics and fuck politicians.
USA is nothing but a bunch of violent sheeple.
Winner my ass.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Please vote - just not for her.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
We can't vote due to voter fraud case
see they can fuck you both times. Take away your vote and then you have to wait for the investygashyn....
It's all very neat in how they steal our votes.
We are not even sure we can register, ours are big blanks now, for the General Election.
I would never vote for Rodham. I have protested her as much as I protested Cheney/Bush.
Nowadays, I could not care less if the entire thing just burned down. It's so corrupt.
We just have to look after our own. Take care of our shit. Fuck the Govt. There is only one party and we are not invited.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
There's that "moving forward" shit again...
Bend over folks, here it comes again.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Lord, yes
I hate that phrase. So obviously poll tested, moron approved. Like "moms and dads" instead of "parents." Politicianspeak. Ugh.
Twain Disciple
Hillary cannot defeat Trump.
If the Republicans pull someone else in to run, well maybe. But Trump will cut her to shreds and widely publicize all the stuff Obama is protecting her from.
How badly does Bernie want to defeat Trump? If Hillary wins the nomination, he has to make some decisions and then he has to live with them the rest of his life.
I understand that he's probably tired. He's been working like a mad man for ages and could probably use a rest. But if he lets Hillary get the nomination, Trump will win.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.