How Hillary turned the Democratic Party into the New Republicans

No snark. Over at Salon:

We are literally watching the Clinton campaign drain any claim to nuance, critical thinking, reasoned logic, and attention to facts from the Democratic party.

There is a real difference in the aggressive, hawkish, illogical tone of the Clinton campaign that differentiates it from those of Democrats in the last decades.

The fact that Clinton is now the favorite of many on the right, with endorsement after endorsement pouring in, should be evidence enough of a real merging of the right and the “left.” What we have more clearly on view is a breakdown between the political elite and the people.

Obligatory reference to the reality based community:

This of course, is why the reasoned tone of Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders is resonating with those of us in this nation who would rather vote to restore sanity than to keep fear alive. Defending a two-party system that has abdicated any connection to reality simply seems insane.

Lots of supportive links at:

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WindDancer13's picture

The HRC horde are doing the usual name calling and ignoring of facts. Do you suppose when the election is over and IF HRC is elected (notice I did not say wins), they will shut up? Or at least until the weeping starts when they begin to realize what they bought.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

I recall how many of my coworkers bragged about having voted for Reagan until his first recession hit. THEN they realized what they had done, and you couldn't get them to admit they'd ever said that. That was about 18 months IIRC.

Maybe Wikileaks will spare us from Hillary and get Comey moving (not counting on that, just saying).

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

WindDancer13's picture

On the bright side, we can always use some water, even if salty.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

It'll always be someone else's fault. It'll be the fault of the Republicans that we get in more wars. It'll be the fault of berniebros that we don't get a minimum wage increase. It'll be the fault of sexists that we get more restrictive abortion laws. It will never ever be their fault, because they are the disciples of the perfect divinity that is HRC.

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snoopydawg's picture

There are quite a lot of important links in it.
And I liked the story about the difference between democrats and republicans.
Quick, which of these things are alike? Panda, banana, monkeys. I picked monkeys and panda as did most democrats. The republicans picked monkey and bananas because monkeys eat bananas.
This stood out to me.

Second of all, there is a real allergic reaction to truth in the Clinton camp. If Hillary had joined with Bernie and called for investigations into the many, many, many reported cases of election fraud, the political environment on the left would be drastically different. But rather than deal with the facts, the Hillary camp chose to ignore the rights of voters and describe the calls for fairness as the ravings of lunatics searching for a conspiracy.

And here's the comment I left for the person who said that she has the best resume of being able to run this country.

I agree that her resume is chock full of experience for Hillary to RUIN this country, but I would also add her experience at ruining the Middle East too.
If Obama doesn't get the TPP passed, then Hillary will even though she has said she is against it. But look at how she phrased that sentence. "As it's written now". What does that even mean? Which parts of it is she against? I don't think that she would give 45 speeches calling it the gold standard of trade agreements if she doesn't believe it.
And there is plenty of evidence of corruption in this election. Before she declared running for president, she bought 33 delegates. Plus there's the corruption between the DNC and the Hillary victory fund. Most of the money donated was to go to down ticket campaigns, but most of it went to her victory fund.
The debate scheduled is another issue. From having 26 the year before, there were only 6 this year and they were on nights when most people would rather be watching something else. Like the football playoffs or the weekend before Xmas when many people were at Xmas parties,
And did you bother to read the link regarding election fraud? You do remember that her husband went to 4 pro Bernie election sites and campaigned for her which is against the law, and because he had the secret service members there, no one could find a place to park and the lines were so long that people couldn't stay to vote.
Or in Nevada where Reid talked the casino owners to let people go vote and still get paid. And also in Nevada, the woman started the procedures before people were even there and when they took a vote that most people were against, she went ahead and did what she wanted.
Now let's talk about her qualifications again. During her time as SOS, she was told to keep her foundation separate from her duties in the state department. Did she do that? No, she didn't..
First a Bill would get paid to give a speech to the government, Hillary's state department would then sell them weapons and then the governments would donate millions to her foundation.
Obama also told her not to hire Sidney Bluementhal at the state department so she hired him to work for her foundation. He then would find deals that would benefit the Clinton foundation, he sent many classified emails even though he didn't have security clearance to do so, as well as many other people in her state department and the foundation. That is why she is under criminal investigation by the FBI.
Finally, you should look up the Clinton foundation scandals in Haiti to see what else she and Bill did there.
If it was anyone but the Clintons, they would be indicted and probably go to prison.
The world is going to regret the day she becomes president. Trust me on this.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Meteor Man's picture

I didn't have time to cover all of the links in this masterful smackdown. Awesome.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

snoopydawg's picture

I appreciate your compliment. Sometimes I think I ramble on too much in my comments, but I read so many other sites that are very informative and know that other people often don't have the time to read them. I guess that's a plus for being disabled Smile
But the information about how corrupt the Clintons are is astounding and I used to post this information over at DK, but those people have their minds so closed to the truth about who the Clintons are.
Their shenanigans in countries like Haiti, Honduras, Libya and other countries borders on criminality. Especially what their foundation has done to the people in Haiti and it got much worse after she became SOS and was able to use her position and the state department to further their agenda.
Her state department decided that raising the minimum wage to $.61 would cut into the corporation's profits.
And of course Bill used his connections with other governments to help his friends make huge profits.
She also used her position to get banks and other companies off of corruption charges.
If she and Bill get back in the WH, this country and the world are really going to suffer for it.
Bill had almost privatized social security, but thankfully the Monica Lewinsky scandal saved it. But I bet within 6 months after the election, she will work with the republicans to get it passed, along with other heinous bills. I am not going to be happy when I tell her supporters that we tried to warn them.
If you read any of the comments on salon, one person believes that she is going to pass universal health care even though she has said that it will never happen.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

polkageist's picture

I very much liked your response to the "low information voter" in the Salon comments. It did the job. You ran up against one of the people who selected "monkey and banana": unfortunately, the right has no monopoly on people who are not good at critical thinking. I have more or less given up trying to give Hillary supporters information on her real agenda. I only disagree with you when you say that the Clinton's shenanigans "border" on criminality. They have crossed the border and are deep within criminal territory. My overriding hope now is that she is indicted or at least compromised so badly by the FBI investigation that she has to drop out so Bernie can be the nominee.

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

Would they consider it hopeless to talk to you?

Is your mind made up? Can anyone convince you that Hillary is the best choice?

My mind is made up about Clinton. She showed me who she was years ago. I believed her. She's done nothing but reinforce my opinions of her since then.

I don't assume I can change anyone's mind on anything, because many of my positions are fixed as well.

Example: I'm not so open minded as to be convinced that the economy is fine, things are great, and that the TPP will be another in a long line of successful trade deals for this nation.

Even if minds are open, it's up to the candidates to reach them. Me making claims and providing examples won't mean a damned thing.

Add to that that the Dems make it harder for those hopeful dupes still trying to change things inside the party structure to convince others (conservatives, Republicans) that the Dems are a better choice - and you have a clusterfuck of identity politics.

Now those with money, they are going to back a trusted status quo and paid off candidate over an wealthy blowhard who is spouting a lot of BS - (re: Koch's for Hilarity Clinton). Apparently mop head gives them a sad.

Hopeless to talk to a Clinton Supporter - most likely - but there are exceptions to every rule - but just because exceptions are found, does not change the rule.

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polkageist's picture

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

snoopydawg's picture

But I'm not going to let their comments stand when they say that she has the best qualifications to run this country. Not when there is evidence to the contrary.
But I know that nothing is going to change their minds at this point.
Remember when Obama was promising us so much during his campaign that there were people telling us to take our blinders off and we didn't listen.
Even after the betrayals started coming, many people said that he was playing chess and that he would deliver on his promises.
I paused after his FISA vote, but knew that he had lied to us about closing the revolving door between industry insiders and cabinet posts when he put the same people in charge who had just crashed the global economy.
I didn't vote for him again.
So, no I don't think I'm changing anyone's mind, but maybe there are still some people who haven't decided yet and I can teach them.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Amanda Matthews's picture

and the Clinton is as unbalanced in her way as the white rose hating Queen of Hearts was in hers. And they're both cruel, mean, vicious creatures. But Shills is real and really does cause people to 'lose their heads'.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

At this point, we're basically fighting moderate Republicans for control of the Democratic Party. These are the exact same people who were pushed out of the Republican Party by the extreme right, who they sought to exploit in order to win elections, only to find themselves in their political crosshairs. In the past, primaries worked because establishment Republicans were caught by surprise and forced out by the conservative movement. Now they have their guard up. We won't have the same advantages that the Right did.

Knowing what happened in the Republican Party, they've set up every single roadblock possible to stop insurgent candidates and secure the position of incumbents. They're rigged the rules, fixed the system, and have all the institutional power in the world to destroy candidates that threaten the status quo. We just saw it happen with Bernie. How are we supposed to elect politicians that reform the system when we're being fought every step of the way? We can't even rely on the process for a modicum of basic fairness because the party controls every aspect of the primaries. If you don't play the game, you don't win in the Democratic Party. It's as simple as that.

Additionally, by fighting the establishment, we're being attacked by other Democrats that agree with us on the issues, but identify so closely with the party that they see any assault on the status quo as a threat to themselves. These are smart people that have been blinded by partisan loyalty, and they're the establishment's front guard that keeps them from being held responsible. Until the liberals in the Democratic Party wake up, grow a backbone, realize that they've been scammed, and stand united with us against the establishment, real change from within is impossible. The more I see, the more I'm convinced that a viable liberal third party is necessary.

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If Clinton is elected she will be the de facto head of the Democratic Party. We can look foreword to her re-election campaign starting almost immediately. The platform and all of Bernie's work is down the tubes. We will be going head to head military against China and Russia. Take a look at the map, Japan is surrounded by Russia, North Korea and China. The world will heat up so fast that you will not recognize it.

Sorry Bernie, but there are only two reasonable voting alternatives if Bernie chooses to stay within the Democratic party, Jill Stein and Donald Trump. I really wish that Bernie would ally with Jill. The goal has to be to stop Clinton and that means to elect Trump. We have to come to terms with this, as we are going to be accused of this anyway. So the question you have to ask yourself is "am I in?". The goal has to be either a totally reformed Democratic Party or a replacement party. I don't see how the Democratic Party can be reformed. They are today power junkies and have left core Democratic principles a long time ago.

I have been giving money to Jill and will vote for her, but i recognize that I may be electing Trump, and I am OK with that as a side effect of stopping Clinton and forcing change on the Democratic Party.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

One thing no one mentions when we discuss denying our votes to Hillary through either Bernie & Jill Stein or Hair Drumpf is that whatever we do, WE ARE GOING TO HURT. I won't say much about Drumpf's effect because so many others already have.

But as for Hillary:

I don't see how the Democratic Party can be reformed. They are today power junkies and have left core Democratic principles a long time ago.

I agree fully. As I see things, this is how that manifests:

Hillary's legendary vindictiveness will spread to the private sector. Her supporters will do as Bush supporters did to employees who showed support for Obama - terminate then with impunity. TPP & TTIP include workforce reductions anyway, so who would notice? Now that women are deemed eligible for the draft, war is inevitable. I can see where Hillary will insist that anyone without a job be inducted immediately. Anyone arrested could wind up there, and so on.

What a great two-fer! Push her political enemies into the military and ship them off to war under UCMJ! Sweep the streets of "predatory criminals" and send them as well! Nothing but sycophantic admirers anywhere she goes.

If either Hillary or Drumpf wins, the pain will commence immediately and grow rapidly. Far better to expect it than to pretend it can't or won't happen. What else can one expect when pulling the Temple down upon one's head to end the corruption?

edited for lack of caffeine spelling

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

are fearmongering the rest of the D's with Trump. They're very experienced at using fear as a weapons since they've been using it for over 30 years.

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Beat Trump with Bernie!

Lookout's picture

some of the Clinton corruption illuminated. Thanks for the articles.

I know the nomination seems like a done deal, but there's still 5 weeks till the convention. Lots can happen yet.
We can look forward to the wikileak emails soon. Assange claims they shout indictment.
Then there's the TruthVote election fraud suit which you will not hear about because the MSM is included as conspirators.
And finally FBI director Comey could come out with an expose'.

We still might pull it out.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Zinman's picture

If the facts discovered by the current intense FBI investigations are conclusive of Hillary's guilt, we may see the FBI Director do his duty by indicting Hillary Clinton.

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Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.

that the recent subpoenas are definitely for a criminal investigation. Is the criminal investigation focusing on Hillary?

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Beat Trump with Bernie!

Republican/Democrat - for the most part, part of the false dichotomy designed to think we have a choice.

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