email from Ramona Africa (Philadelphia Move Victim)
I signed up for email notices at a Black Lives Matter Meeting a few months ago. Since Philadelphia is in the news I thought I would share an early announcement for a Move Conference next year. Ramona Africa was on the roof when the Philadelphia pooice firebombed them, and she has hideous burnmarks all over her arms that testify to Philadelphia police brutality.
ONA MOVE, Everybody! I'm happy to inform you that, thanks to Brother Lukman (Kenny Gamble) we now have the venue for our 3 day conference. The conference will be on May 5,6, and 7th of 2017 at The universal Audenried Charter High School located at 3301 Tasker St. in Phila. The conference will open on Friday evening from 6-9 pm. Saturday and Sunday's sessions will convene from 11-5 pm with a lunch break around 2 pm. We are inviting food vendors to be part of the conference so that people won't have to go out looking for food and you have the opportunity to raise some funds. The kitchen will not be open so bring metal pans and sternos. Merchandise vendors are also welcome. The fee for vending is $50.00 for 1 day and $100.00 for all 3 days. This will be a wonderful opportunity to find out all you ever wanted to know about MOVE, from MOVE. Finally, we are trying to raise $1500.00 for the rental of this venue so please go to our website ( to donate toward the rental. We may be setting up a gofundme or other account to raise funds for this conference but for now, our website is set up to handle donations. You can also mail checks or money orders made out to "MOVE" to 4506 Kingsessing Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19143-3713. You can address the envelope to me. I hope that you are as excited as I am about this conference and will make every effort to be here with us.
In the meantime, be well---Ramona

Move Firebombing
I neglected to add a background link for those too young to remember:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I remember this too well.
They killed many people and burned down a block of row houses. They blamed the black mayor for giving the order. He was a tool, like many of our current black politicians. Think his last name was Good - good for nothing.