Elizabeth Warren hides from supporters in Northampton, MA
Forty or more peaceable Bernie supporters waited for Senator Warren to appear at the WWII veterans hall in Northampton, where she was slated to talk about "income inequality". That was pretty good turnout on a Sunday, late in the afternoon, with little advanced notice . . .
Warren had evidently been tipped off about the peaceable rally and found an earlier time and a back entrance, where reporters had already interviewed her. Think of the time she spent avoiding even LOOKING at people who voted for her and supported her: several of those present had actively campaigned for the Senator in her bid for the MA Senate seat and committed hours of their time and effort to support her. She hid from them; coming extra early for her press interviews in the back door.
She didn't even have the courage to come in the front door or driveway and at least look at folks who had pounded the pavement and gotten themselves out to elect her when she was campaigning for junior senator. And when she very much needed our votes and efforts to enhance and advance her career. She had been screwed over by the President for leadership and an agency she began, which is opposed by the very head of the DNC.
So she is likely scaring up votes for her candidate at the WWII, preying on fears to win votes for Wall St. and the complete disenfranchisement of voters. Lizzy one note is still pretending, while supporting a Wall St. funded organization, administration and campaign.
Many years ago, a Former first lady got an office by landing in a state with an open seat, and when history called, she took a pass on lies and deception and voted with lies. And here we are again: she doesn't recognize that she too has missed her moment. Oh, I have no doubt that her paper image, likely crafted by the same image consultants hired by other candidates, complete with book tour, will rule the day. But real principles. No. No passionate love of principles, or Democracy: no risking everything for one's country: just seduction, psyops and ultimately betrayal.
She is hiding. She doesn't want to acknowledge Bernie, his principles, or the moment she was offered in history to do something very important. She is the status quo. And based on today, there is no longer any reason to believe a word she says. It's all ambition and we were duped: many more will be, but a good many folks I speak with are really lookiing at this.
Please don't give it a second thought...
It got me off my little butt to look around the site.
I have learned a bit more now about navigating and know it will come in handy.
Glad to get you to laugh!
I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16
Pastor is doubling down. Since the original warning he has added
more insults to the author in each of his comments:
bitch (verb)
steaming (as in excrement) lack of logic
These jabs and this skirting of limits are beginning to look like a conscious choice to defy the c99p moderation system.
Edited to add: Moderation are willing to leave it at this as the final remark on this flareup, if there is no further rancorous raking over of the coals.
so Pastor added insults to his comment after the fact? Good to know, thanks lotlizard.
Peaceful protesters who are also her supporters
and are shocked. And raising concerns about an abrupt shift in someone's policy positions can be described as participating as a citizen.
I am very, very disappointed in EW
But the fact that she has walked away from Bernie and his revolution does not mean she is a worthless Hillary shill. The reality is, it does not appear I will have someone that represents me in the WH for the next four years. Even if HRC gets indicted, the machine will take over - not Bernie. I believe Elizabeth Warren, while not perfect, will do far more good than harm in the Senate.
I am open to hearing more criticism of her. Honestly, this post is the first I read of anything negative about Warren. Every representative has a down side(s) - even Sanders. But at this point, I want her in the Senate until someone better in MA comes along.
It means the Clinton machine has got her arm behind her
back, a gun pointed at the head of the CFPB, and is saying "Make your decisions very carefully, Senator."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I think you make a good point
but sadly, I think she's about protecting her Consumer legacy here and not really real consumers. I'd be willing to bet that HRC has told EW that DWS won't totally gut the Consumer agency, but will water it down. But if EW does NOT support HRC, then they'll gut the whole thing. While consumer protection is a good thing, I highly doubt any really meaningful protections for actual consumers will be part of it.
They'll allow Liz to have her "legacy" and it will be one more in a long line of Dem "legacy" policy - toothless in real terms, looks good on paper until you read the really, really fine print.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Possibly true. Not sure what they told her behind closed doors--
But certainly, they'll try to water down and obstruct the CFPB from doing actual good all they can, just as they have with the SEC, except there, it's gone so far that the agency is basically entirely captured.
In any case, this is one of the reasons why my response would be some variant on "Go fuck yourself," but again, this is why I'm not a politician.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
She lacks courage...
Seems to me since she and $hillary met last fall, she agreed not to support Bernie. She lacked the courage for whatever reason. I'll not ever send her money again, and already wrote her long ago about her requests for funding the DSCC.
In her Moyer's interview in 2004, she suggest there are powerful forces that caused Hillary to vote against what was right. I suggest those powerful forces got to her as well.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It appears some cannot resist those
powerful forces, because, indeed, it takes courage. Well said, Lookout.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Warren was bought.
Now we know. Now we don't have to spend any more time with her.
The one good thing about knowing the Rs and Ds are the one and the same is that we no longer have to settle for lies, left overs and BS.
Move over Warren, the rest of us can't be bought and sold.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Maybe, maybe not
But whether she has been bought, threatened, or is participating in yet more scripted kabuki, it seems clear that we cannot take any of these press releases at face value. It just doesn't make sense-- Draft Warren was a major movement long before Bernie got in the race. If she had been willing to run, I think Bernie would have supported her candidacy and she would have sewed up the progressive vote. But she steadfastly resisted the calls to run... because she was holding out for the plum VP position?
The rumblings are making me really uneasy. I think we are due for an earthquake, and the 99% are the ones who usually end up squashed.
Timing is everything
I agree with that quote 100%. Have you ever seen those action movies where someone is trying to jump onto a train? Whether it's the good guy or gal OR the bad guy or gal, timing is everything--start too late, you miss the train. I have my theories but this may be viewed as perfect timing, if you are as cynical as I.
I believe it is quite simple
Warren was offered a deal. Clinton calls off her attack dog DWS and Warren's consumer commission remains intact.
That leaves Warren with a very difficult choice: Stay with her conscience or back the lying weasel. Backing the weasel lets her still do good.
I just wonder why she thinks Clinton will honor the promise in the future, not to mention the black mark of backing a criminal. That's political mud that will stick even if Clinton somehow dodges indictment.
As for Warren avoiding the protestors: I'm sure her security did tell her to do so. But Warren could have sent a rep to talk with them and find out what was going on. It's called keeping in touch with your constituents. Not to mention that if everyone uses the back entrance, anybody with a grudge will stake that out, not the front. Do we really want our political representatives to hide from the very people who have voted for them? Out of fear? Talk about living in a bubble. The endangerment argument is specious.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Warren remaining silent about Bernie before the MA primary
was a huge wake up call for me. I've been unsubscribing from Democrat beg-mail since that point. One thing for sure, disaffection with the establishment is going to be good for my limited bank account. The disheartening behavior of someone I took for an example of real change in government is just another brick in the wall.
Between a rock and a hard spot
Warren apparently believes that having Trump in the Oval Office would be a catastrophe—hard to disagree with that one. Unfortunately, that pretty much forces her to support Clinton or at least not degrade her candidacy. As many here have pointed out, the lesser of two evils is still evil and that fits Clinton to a tee; having to work to enable the anointed one in order to keep the vulgar talking yam away from the levers of power is got to be dirty work (reminds me of the end of Failsafe—better than Armageddon but ...).
When behavior makes a sudden, sharp turn like hers has
I really wonder if she's received threats on people dear to her. Toe the line or something horrible will happen... I can't make sense of it otherwise.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member