Every Wall Will Be Torn Down
The revolution wasn't televised, but the sabotage of it sure as hell was.
They aren't even hiding the voter suppression anymore. I saw it, you saw it, we all saw the Idiot Wind hacks of the corporate media howling hallelujah for The Inevitable Hillary across this country the day before the June 7 primaries. Every "journalist" on every "news network" was complicit in that propaganda spectacle, every scribbler for the "newspapers" of the national security state was complicit in it, every degenerate "Democrat" in the DNC was complicit in it.
Why all know why.
Bernie is an existential threat to the war machine of corporate America, an existential threat to the greed machine of Wall Street, an existential threat to that false government of fraud and fearmongering and fascism that keeps flag-waving us into one fiasco after another . . .
I have news for the paid and unpaid trolls of Brock and Kos and the DNC, I have news for the ministers of misinformation at MSNBC, I have news for Maddow and Matthews and Mika and Morning Joe, I have news for every ring-kissing clown in the Royal Court of the Queen--Bernie has only begun to fight back, we've only begun to fight back, we will fight the Oligarchy forever, we will fight those fucks until the world stops turning and the stars turn to stone if that's what it takes.
Because we've seen the human targets of American power burned to ashes from the hamlets of Southeast Asia to the villages of the Middle East, burned to ashes on the flaming roads of Vietnam, burned to ashes on the flaming roads of Iraq, burned to ashes on the flaming roads of Gaza and Libya and Syria.
It. Has. To. Stop.
Humanity has seen enough mindless hatred, it's seen enough killing, it's seen enough exploitation and oppression, it's seen fifty centuries of it, it’s seen five-thousand years of it, it’s seen ten-thousand fucking Freidman Units of it, and will tolerate no more of it. There’s been too much war and not enough peace, too many prisons and not enough justice, too many fearmongers and not enough courage, too many corporations and not enough jobs, too much darkness and not enough light, too many lies and not enough truth.
Bernie's vision of a progressive future has inspired and energized the young people of America. Under the winter sky of February and March, they voted for him across the Northeast; under the spring sky of April, they voted for him across the Midwest; under the summer sky of May and June, they voted for him across the Rocky Mountain states and the West Coast; and under the autumn skies of September, October, and November, Bernie needs to take this fight for social and racial and economic and environmental justice all the way to Election Day.
I think that's exactly what he's going to do.
The future is in the air, you can feel it everywhere . . .
[video:https://youtu.be/YFh2vpGeoIk width:500 height:333]
The walls will be torn down.
All of them.
By We the People.
All of them.
By We the People.

I'm with you.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
And I'm with you, CantStoptheSignal, and we're with Bernie,
and Bernie is with us, and we're going to tear all the damn walls down.
And I am the walrus...
Coo Coo Kachoo...
(Hey we gotta keep our sense of humor up as well as our chins.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Heh. I thought the walrus was Paul . . .
But I was wrong.
The walrus is dead
The walrus is Paul.
viva la revolucion
Beware the bullshit factories.
Is that why I feel so crappy today?
Well, if I am dead I guess I am a Zombie Blogger...
Naaa, that can't be the case or I would be posting pro Clinton claptrap...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
You don't look even remotely dead.
I look extremely dead in my driver's license photo, but I'm not.
Well, to be honest my pic is about 2 years old.
Some days I feel like I was dead, some I just wish but most are generally ok.
I just worry about if I feel like this now what is it gonna be in 20 years. (Crosses fingers in hope for robot body...)
I just gotta hope Ray Kerzwiel is right and the singularity is indeed near....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I was referring to the large body of evidence
suggesting Paul was seriously injured or killed in a car accident ("I heard the news today, "oh boy") and might have been replaced by the winner of a Paul look-a-like contest who disappeared. For instance, on the cover of Sgt Pepper, Paul is the only Beatle not standing and he has an OPD ("Officially pronounced dead"?) patch on his arm and is looking a little pale. Also all the famous people on the cover of Sgt Pepper's were deceased at the time of recording. If you listen to a vinyl version of the White Album and manually rotate the nonsensical song, Number Nine, backwards, you will hear the phrase "turn me on dead man" repeated over and over. So without a doubt, the Paul we currently see is an imposter.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I remember all of that. And this too:
The guy who had won the look alike contest was a Canadian, who was at the time dating Linda Louise, the woman who became Linda McCartney. And this Canadian, William Shears Campbell, was left handed. (or maybe I have that the other way around) Paul was right handed. Now Paul is left handed. Guitarists don't change their handedness.
“I don't really want to stop the show,
But I thought that you might like to know,
That the singer's going to sing a song,
And he wants you all to sing along.
So let me introduce to you
The one and only Billy Shears”
“When Paul died, we all panicked!” claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. “We didn’t know what to do, and Brian Epstein, our manager, suggested that we hire Billy Shears as a temporary solution. It was supposed to last only a week or two, but time went by and nobody seemed to notice, so we kept playing along. Billy turned out to be a pretty good musician and he was able to perform almost better than Paul. The only problem was that he couldn’t get along with John, at all.”
Is any of it true? Damned if I know. but it's fun to think about.
Cheeky they were
Paul's not dead but John is. I used to get stoned,trip and listening to that album backwards and forwards but got a completely different message. Paul was not the Walrus. He was and is alive and kicking. What he's kicking and always has is a whole other matter. Now Ringo he may not be a walrus but wears it well.
Then where is Billy Shears?
Beware the bullshit factories.
I don't know, but Hey Jude was actually written by OPOL.
I don't know who the hell is really singing it here in Red Square, but it's a great song and always will be.
[video:https://youtu.be/0pD37NcUxmw width:500 height:333]
Looks like Paul to me
Beware the bullshit factories.
Corporation tee-shirt,
stupid bloody Tuesday
Man, you've been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Definitely not Barry Manilow lyrics.
ha! true.
I was just surprised John used it, as corporate logos on Tees were just becoming a thing in the very late '60s.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Thank you!
Yes you are!
And so is everyone who's speaking truth to power in this political revolution.
Thank you, angel d.
It will only stop when WE stop it
and we had better make DAMN sure that we don't feed the toxic flames ourselves - something that, frankly, we are not yet very good at avoiding.
A says something offensive. B takes offense. C, D and E argue that A wasn't putting it that way and that it's something that "should" be said. G, H and J argue that it is offensive and give reasons. K, L, and M nitpick that argument to death. P, Q and R complain about "thread-jacking", and well they might.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Very true.
I don't get involved in heated comment thread arguments anymore, we need to rise above that here.
Almost as if its a deliberate attempt to derail us.
Beware the bullshit factories.
well done, thank u and you're damn straight. eom
Don't believe everything you think.
Take this all the way to the White House, Bernie.
We're with you.
Thank you, hester.
Perpetual War
That is the greatest threat to our republic after the oligarchs. The bankers profit from it and it only makes them stronger and the rest of us more beholden to a handful of institutions. The war profiteers make tremendous profits because the unnecessary wars that do nothing to protect the American people sow chaos and that chaos creates more enemies as those we kill now become our enemies. When the energized new enemies fight back, those in the west that are affected now have to buy more weapons. It's the self-licking ice cream cone and the bonus comes with fear. Fear makes the people unable to think rationally so now they're pliable. No need for fair elections and no need for adequate government services -- only defense. It has to stop. It destroyed the Roman republic 2100 years ago and it will destroy the American Empire quicker than we can imagine.
All true.
But will it be quick enough?
That's my only fear.
My thought exactly Pluto
thank God something takes these Empires down. I hope this one goes down faster then the Romans did as we have technology that will kill us all. Not to mention that humanistic or planetary progress lags far behind our ability to progress as far as killing each other and the world we live on.
The double post gremlin strikes again
You nailed it, EarthResident.
Perpetual campaigning
We are not standing down.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
I enjoyed your well written and heart felt essay. I hope you are right. I think Bernie has a plan. I'm with him, unless the plan is to vote for Hellery.
The movement has been endless. Everyday we can see what and how folks were fighting 100 years ago in JayeRays Hellraiser series. I guess my point is the Bernie has crystallized the issues. They were here before Bernie, and they will be here after Bernie... because greed is endless.
Let's keep working the help people and the planet, and we can hope Bernie will help lead the way.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Very well said.
Thank you, Lookout.
Hear,Hear Rusty1776
I like this as it states the obvious with out getting into the muddy weeds of statistics who's sole intention is showing that even if they counted the votes The Mad Bomber would still win. There's more then one way to rig an election and it seems to me that the Democratic party, DNC, establishment media on and off line, Hillary's campaign, and even the google used every trick in the book. Is this a case of sore losers? Hardly as my lying eyes do do not lie. Booo! to all of the cheaters this is not what democracy looks like. Thing is they do not care as long as they get their inevitable results and can claim they have the consent of the people to govern. Wake up and quit living in the fear and loathing the owners of the place catapult at you from every direction.
Thank you, shaharazade.
Offensive to whom?
Your comment starts with "A says something offensive." Since C, D and E defend the comment, it's not universally offensive. It would be more accurate to say "A made a comment. B took offense." Then it's possible to have a discussion about the extent to which A's comment was offensive relative to the extent to which B may have overreacted.
I try not to be offensive except sometimes to the target of my post. But I have no inclination to censor myself to avoid the wrath of some thought police. It seems to me that the critical spot in your chain is B. B should think long and hard about taking offense where none was intended. There are blatant cases worthy of comment. But it's a slippery slope to the kind of identity politics reactions that keep people apart.
Here we go again....
As I said, we are not very good at avoiding feeding toxic flames.
It isn't "thought police" to stop and realize that what you're about to say may unfairly target and tar a whole lot of people who have nothing to do with your "example".
It also isn't very smart to post three consecutive videos, each more inflammatory than the last, and when called out on it, to double down in the name of "free speech".
That particular exchange almost drove a couple of people away from here, or doesn't that matter?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You didn't provide a link so I have no idea whether I would find the diary or comment offensive.
I don't know how a comment can unfairly target and tar people who have nothing to do with the author's example. In the abstract it sounds as though the argument to the author is that your comment could be used in a manner that you never intended. Most comments can be used in such a manner.
If a single exchange in a forum as diverse as this where people have every right to respond can drive someone away, it doesn't matter much to me, personally. At TOP I regularly read comments about working class white males, usually preceded by racist or bigoted and misogynist, that I found to be offensive. I never flagged anyone. I didn't leave because of the comments. I left because my ability to respond was being limited.
Just look for the headline in ALL CAPS
JtC had to disable the comments on it because they were going places they shouldn't and getting acrimonious on top of it. I'm not even sure, now, that the diary was even written in good faith, as the diarist immediately posted a string of comments with increasingly obnoxious videos. The point was made with the body text and the embedded video, but diarist felt it necessary to hammer, hammer, hammer - and the hammer slipped.
There are some places you really shouldn't go, no matter what, no matter who.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I understand.
The circumstances you describe meet my definition of offensive.
Bernie to hold a press conference at 5:00 edst today.
About a dozen or so of his assistants and such are meeting at his home now.
I would guess that something is happening. We'll see, especially since his team announced that there will be a presser at 5:00 in front of his house.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Isn't that unexpected?
I can't forget his expression on his face when sitting with Reid. He seemed under shock and on purpose didn't give any answer to the question if he would give up or something. Can't find the clip.
I saw that too, he appeared
shaken, somehow.
Is this the video?
[video:https://youtu.be/LIRckk-fTpw width:500 height:333]
Shaken that immediately after Obama's meeting
with Sanders, that Obama ran out to endorse Hillary? Followed closely by EW? What was the big rush for those two? My guess is they know how weak a candidate HRC is, and they wanted to get out in front of that. To me it was disrespectful and another one of those thumbs on the scale.
That's exactly what it was.
right on
we. keep. fighting.
no matter what.
you got that? good.
PS Bernie to speak in a little bit livestream link here
Good news from Bernie today.
He's in this all the way.
Thank you for the link, Lady Libertine.
A "hmmmmm makes you wonder" statement...
The last question that Sanders took at the press conference was about him taking his presidential campaign to the convention (as in is he still a candidate). His response was very interesting in that the campaign will be going "with the knowledge of who has received the most votes up to now." I have my own translation and will leave it up to others to see if they come up with the same conclusion.
Thanks for the link.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Right on, Rusty!
Heads up to everyone: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/politics/2016/06/12/live-v...
Bernie has a live press conference after his Vermont meeting with supporters in 20 minutes (4:00 ET).
wait now? okay
hate it when I mix up my timezones i thot it was an hour off still thanks
Looks like they bumped it to 5:30 Eastern N/T
Thank you for the link, Phoeline.
I hope Bernie points out that Hillary is a liar and a warmonger and a greedy speech fee collecting hypocrite.
He probably won't say that today, it would be just fine with me if he's waiting to say it in a prime time speech at the Convention.
I've been wondering if anyone has heard from OPOL.
He hasn't posted anything at the other place since late May, his last activity there was reccing a diary on May 30.
He hadn't been feeling well, I hope he's okay.
he's active on fb
and from the looks of his fb posts, he's pissed! lol
I'm glad to hear that.
Maybe he just needed to get away from TOP, at least for awhile.
He's pissed at what?
Any idea how to find him on Facebook? Does he go by OPOL there?
I'm glad that he's ok. Have been worried about him
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here's the link to OPOL's Facebook page . . .
And if Bernie Sanders doesn't do that, for whatever
reasons, he will still have done more than enough. He pointed out the path to us and reminded us every day we should take it--must take it--that nothing short of a political revolution will make a damned bit of difference to the entrenched corruption we have. The corruption that has been on full smug display during this primary season, rubbing our noses in the message that they control the MSM and who votes and which votes are counted. We can't let that situation stand.
And if 74-year-old Bernie Sanders still has the fire in his belly but chooses to relinquish the helm, all honor remains due to him for working harder than any candidate in my lifetime, crisscrossing the country, speaking himself hoarse about justice and why we don't have it, rallying the people to rise up and demand their rights. Together. Because we are all in this together, no matter what "they" think, those who see us as other, outside the club entered only through wealth and power and influence.
Another noteworthy essay. Thank you.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Bernie has had an amazing run, but the best is yet to come.
We all have to help him take this to the next level, then to the next level above and beyond that.
Thank you, 2andfro.
Thanks for this! We all need to keep our eyes on the path
and keep trudging along.
Sure there will be times when we stumble along the way but as long as we are shoulder to shoulder supporting each other we will not fall...
We can't afford to, it really is that important now more than ever.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Everything is at stake in this election.
The election of 2016 will be as crucial as the elections of 1860 and 1932.
America made the right choice in both of those elections.
We chose Lincoln, who saved the union and FDR who did it again. But the 1860 and 1932 ballots provided a choice. If the election of 2016 is as crucial, we would appear to be doomed if Trump and Hillary are our choices.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Lincoln won a four-way race with 39% of the vote.
If the GOP gets Romney or another establishment RePug to run as an independent conservative, that candidate would get more GOP votes than Trump, it would open the door for Bernie to run as an independent or Green Party.
In a four-way race between Trump, Romney, Bernie, and Hillary, Bernie would win.
You're a hell of a writer. Thank you. n/t
Twain Disciple
Mark Twain: “Writing is easy. All you have to do is
cross out the wrong words."
For me, crossing out all the wrong words can take quite awhile.
Thank you, Twain Disciple.
Sanders just announced he's taking his campaign to transform
the Democratic Party to the convention. The Burlington Free Press site says it will post a recording of that statement soon: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/politics/2016/06/12/live-v...
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I'm all for that
Shine a huge spotlight on those corrupt Rats.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Way to go, Bernie!
And then all the way to Election Day.
He has to do it.
Thank you for the update, 2andfro.
I loved it when he said
"Political revolutions are not dependent on election days."
That was great!
Bernie is very good at cutting through the crap and getting his point across.
The wars will continue and be endless
Hillary made a statement on the shootings in Florida today and instead of saying her heart goes out to the friends and family members of those that were hurt or killed, she made it into a fucking foreign policy speech.
The Hillarybots are cheering her speech and said she hit the right notes.
I guess they don't or didn't see her intentions of keeping the bogus war of terror going.
I don't know why she had to talk about 'international terrorists' today of all days, but she can't help herself. It's built into her ventures for more bloodshed, death and misery.
God help us if she is elected, and God help the people in the Middle East.
I can't stand that woman!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Very good observation.
I knew when I woke up to the news that HRC would run with this and use the victims as campaign props. Hideous all the way around.
Hillary was despicable, as usual.
Ugh. n/t
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
NEW: http://www.twitter.com/trueblueinwdc
The ravings of a mad parrot. A concise description of Hillary's
attempts to deny that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of her . . .
Mrs. Clinton said it differently than Mr. Trump
but the content is the same.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Hillary's public policy statements will not match
whatever private dealings she does when speaking before her corporate paymasters. I don't feel reassured even if Bernie is able to muster some concessions. It will be just for the moment
After Nov., the invasions and bombings will begin anew. By someone other than Sanders as POTUS. We'll have our usual hissy-fits and Hillary will just cackle like the Wicked Witch of the West. Martial law could be one of her options.
Apologies to all the good white witches and nature-spirit worshippers out there. No offence intended.
So how are a few concessionary policy statements at a convention supposed to prevent these scenarios from taking place?
Official state secrecy is one of her trump cards.
Hillary has no credibility, which tends to be the consequence
for people who have no integrity and not even a shred of honesty.
Powerful diary
And we are a powerful People. We must be, or they wouldn't be coming out in full force against our message. But, they can't stop it. It's going to get interesting, to say the least, and I agree that we need to be prepared to move beyond the convention. I always enjoy your words, Rusty.
I think there are going to be a lot of dramatic developments
between now and November.
The Powers That Be are scared to death of us, they have 300 million reasons to be.
Thank you, Phoeline.
Video of Bernie's press conference today.
[video:https://youtu.be/HiJJXJpI5vg width:500 height:333]
Super diary, Rusty1776.
Scanning down through some of the responses, I note that some people have simply accepted the MSM narrative that Hillary is the nominee, saying #Bernie lost the Primary. The HC campaign and the DNC, the media have all colluded to get you to think just that way and it's all worked. However, it is NOT the truth. It will be a contested convention, since neither Hillary nor Bernie have the requisite actual delegates (not super-delegates) of 2,383 needed to win the primaries. As everyone should know, continuously throughout these primaries, super-delegates of HC's were included in her total delegate votes, to deliberately mislead people into thinking that it was pretty much a done deal. #Bernie has more than a perfect right to be at the DNC convention.
The DNC, HC's campaign and the MSM have dealt ever rotten evil curve to Bernie's campaign as can be imaginable or, in fact, unimaginable, from the very get-go. The DNC constantly put hurdles in Bernie's way, in order to favor HC, as their beloved candidate, the MSM shunned him like he was a leper and HC attacked Bernie from the very beginning, as well. She really didn't even have a platform, she simply mimicked Bernie's issues, with, a "yes, but you don't go far enough ... ", or an out and out rebuking of an issue of his. I cannot recall one instance of anything that was genuinely her own.
The magnitude of the voter suppression and election fraud throughout these primaries was massive and unbelievable ... right in your face with an index thrust out to us and it all went down, as though normal.... just deal with it. Our own Justice Dept. was aware but did and has done nothing about it. Voters were treated like so much bother ... half of the polls shut down in some areas, creating long, long lines of voters, often out in the hot sun for hours and hours, and then told, the polls were closed, go home, or thousands of voters went to the polls only to discover they had been purged from the system and so, so much more .... THIS, to already stretched out and stressed Americans. The MSM and even progressive radio sights never made mention of all the election fraud and voter suppression. What happened in the almost 2 weeks leading up to the California, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, etc. Primaries happened with lightening like speed (too tired to spell it out right now), resulting in the worst voter suppression and election fraud (comparable to that of New York), creating a total chaos among voters. Fortunately, Californians are NOT taking it, and hundreds are actively helping to count the Non-Party Preference ballots, as well as Provisional ballots (which normally do not get counted at all) and, so far, they've found four counties to have been for Bernie by large margins, and the counting is still going on, and there is a major lawsuit that has also been filed ... so, folks should try to follow some of that.
All of he above to a candidate that worked tirelessly traveling this country and having rallies, sometimes, 2, 3 or 4 in one day, in order to get the issues out and bring the political revolution movement to our citizens. The most honest, committed and caring candidate this country has seen, since I can't remember when. Bernie's campaign, itself, was the most scrupulously honest and clean campaign, the likes of which we haven't seen since I can't remember when.
Suffice it to say, voting was/is the last tinge of anything resembling democracy, in what is already a failing experiment in democracy, and now, we have seen how our votes have essentially meant nothing .... wiped out .... gone ... no see-ums! A complete farce has been had on the tax-paying citizens of our country, who paid for these primaries. The U.S. Constitution has been trashed, basically, since most of those elected officials have no problem ignoring it. Democracy is just a word, because it doesn't exist here and hasn't since 2001 and forward.