Open Sesame 06/11/16

Only the man who says no is free.
So servants of The Kenyan, they are asking the Congress to give them some laws that would explicitly permit the FBI to access people's intertubes browser history, and various other electronic data, and without a warrant.
FBI Director James Comey, he says the FBI actually already possesses such authority. Except said authority has been obscured by a "typo," introduced into the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. One that has encouraged certain Bad and Wrong companies to decline to provide tubular underpants-sniffing info that Congress clearly wished them to share with the FBI. This "scrivener's error," intones Comey, it is "needlessly hamstringing our counterintelligence and counterterrorism efforts."
Oh. Poor babies.
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. It provides:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The Fourth Amendment, it is a "typo." A "scrivener's error."
And has been, since the United States Supreme Court, it excreted Terry v. Ohio, back in 1968. Wherein the berobed ones invented the notion of "reasonable suspicion." From whence all the subsequent Fourth Amendment badness, it has flowed.
There was one dissenter to Terry. That was William O. Douglas. He wrote, in part:
[P]olice officers up to today have been permitted to effect arrests or searches without warrants only when the facts within their personal
knowledge would satisfy the constitutional standard of probable cause.
The term "probable cause" rings a bell of certainty that is not sounded by phrases such as "reasonable suspicion." Moreover, the meaning of "probable cause" is deeply imbedded in our constitutional history. As we stated in Henry v. US: "The requirement of probable cause has roots that are deep in our history. The general warrant, in which the name of the person to be arrested was left blank, and the writs of assistance, against which James Otis inveighed, both perpetuated the oppressive practice of allowing the police to arrest and search on suspicion. Police control took the place of judicial control, since no showing of 'probable cause' before a magistrate was required."
The infringement on personal liberty of any "seizure" of a person can only be "reasonable" under the Fourth Amendment if we require the police to possess "probable cause" before they seize him. Only that line draws a meaningful distinction between an officer's mere inkling and the presence of facts within the officer's personal knowledge which would convince a reasonable man that the person seized has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a particular crime.
To give the police greater power than a magistrate is to take a long step down the totalitarian path. Perhaps such a step is desirable to cope with modern forms of lawlessness. But if it is taken, it should be the deliberate choice of the people through a constitutional amendment. Until the Fourth Amendment, which is closely allied with the Fifth, is rewritten, the person and the effects of the individual are beyond the reach of all government agencies until there are reasonable grounds to believe (probable cause) that a criminal venture has been launched or is about to be launched.
There have been powerful hydraulic pressures throughout our history that bear heavily on the Court to water down constitutional guarantees and give the police the upper hand. That hydraulic pressure has probably never been greater than it is today.
Yet if the individual is no longer to be sovereign, if the police can pick him up whenever they do not like the cut of his jib, if they can "seize" and "search" him in their discretion, we enter a new regime. The decision to enter it should be made only after a full debate by the people of this country.
The other justices, they paid no attention to Douglas. By that time, 1968, most had concluded he was simply crazy: Douglas wanted, for example, to confer "standing"—that is, the right and ability to sue—on trees.
So they laughed off his warning that the "reasonable suspicion" standard they had crafted in Terry—and therein cabined solely to the seizure and search of a person suspected of being "armed and presently dangerous"—it would inevitably bleed out to coat the whole of Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.
Except that's exactly what happened. Especially upon the arrival on the high bench of the Four Horsemen of Richard Nixon's Judicial Apocalypse: Rehnquist, Burger, Powell, and Blackmun. The Terry exception, soon it commenced swallowing the whole. A process that continues to this day.
One can meanwhile leaf through the high court's opinions in the years immediately subsequent to Terry, and read Terry justices—Brennan, Marshall, Black, Stewart, White—one by one, admitting they had been wrong, and Douglas had been right. But by then it was too late.
The government, it is going to be in everyone's underpants, all and everywhere, and at all times. That's just the way it is. That is the North America that black people have lived in since they were first forcibly brought there, some 400 years ago. Now all the other Americans, they get to live that way, too. That's all.
The wingers, they have certainly enjoyed themselves, over the recent years, in smugly chortling, snickering, sneering, snorting, at the notion there might still be such a thing as racism, as anti-semitism, in the United States.
But now. They don't talk so loud. Now. They don't feel so proud. Now that the people of The Hairball. Are spilling their hateful bile. Upon them.
Take this fellow. Writing in National Review.
I was wrong.
The anti-Semitism I'd heard about from my grandparents—the country-club anti-Semitism, the alleged white-supremacist leanings of rednecks from the backwoods—was a figment of the imagination, I figured. I figured wrong.
Donald Trump's nomination has drawn anti-Semites from the woodwork. I've experienced more pure, unadulterated anti-Semitism since coming out against Trump's candidacy than at any other time in my political career. Trump supporters have threatened me and other Jews who hold my viewpoint. They've blown up my e-mail inbox with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. They greeted the birth of my second child by calling for me, my wife, and two children, to be thrown into a gas chamber.
Welcome to the world, dude.
Here's another winger, experiencing a similar come-to-jeebus moment:
The 2016 election has brought a very ugly side of America to the surface. Using the anonymity it affords users, social media—particularly Twitter—has become a haven of hate, harassment and threats. One targeted group has been conservatives, many of us Jewish, who have openly stated that we will not vote for Trump in November. Our reward? Harassment, anti-Semitism and threats of physical violence, including death. The perpetrators? Trump supporters and the alt-right, a white supremacist movement that is ecstatic to see Trump running for president.
These people are shocked—shocked, I tell you—to discover that they are so targeted. Because, after all, and as they always aver, it's not like they are of the dreaded "social justice warriors," out there identifying bigotry in all and everywhere, ululating without surcease in a skin-suit of "identity politics."
They still don't get the whole of it. Yet. Such people. That the original, and still most powerful, and pervasive, form of "identity politics," that would be—yes, Virginia—white identity politics. With white identity politics, that being the core of The Hairball's campaign. White identity politics, in fact, all that there is, to that campaign. There is no more.
[T]he critiques of identity politics from left and right both overlook the most powerful and consistent identity politics of all: white identity politics.
People tend not to see it
as identity-based. That's because white identity politics has been so historically successful. Advocating for white people—and particularly for white men—is seen as normal, natural, and unremarkable. Of course, it was an unfortunate blot on his character that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, but you couldn't really expect him to see "inalienable rights" as applying to black people, because whites naturally focus their politics on the interests of whites. Of course, the Republican party wins white people—and especially white men— while every other demographic group, including African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and women, votes for the Democrats. But that's a sign that the Democrats are mired in identity politics! White men have no identity, they’re the blueprint. Therefore, the party that rests solely on white male identity is the party that forswears identity politics.
The truth is, white identity politics in the United States isn’t just one of many identity politics. It is the identity politics: the one which has been most effective as a political force, and has created the groundwork for, and the necessity of, other identity-based politics. When Columbus sailed into the Caribbean, the native peoples greeted him with curiosity and enthusiasm; they were willing to treat him as a fellow human being. It was Columbus who decided that white identity excluded indigenous people, and that he was therefore justified in launching a genocidal campaign of murder and child rape. It wasn't black people who decided that humanity should be divided into different identities of white and black. Rather, it was slaveholders that built their own white identities on stripping other people of humanity. And it wasn't women who said that people's genitals determine whether they get to vote.
White men pioneered a politics designed to provide them with political, social, and cultural power. Oppressed people had little choice but to respond by working, as a group, against their own oppression. Black people—robbed, beaten, segregated, murdered—have responded by asserting that their interests are not adequately represented by white identity politics. Similarly, women have pointed out that their interests are not represented by male identity politics. Is that parochial? Or does it instead, reflect a wider, more inclusive vision—one in which rights, sympathy, and attention are afforded to everyone, rather than just to one, particularly vocal, particularly ingrown group?
As in the time of Columbus, and Thomas Jefferson, white identity politics continue to thrive today. Donald Trump demands a wall across the Mexican border, to protect white people from Hispanics. He demands a ban on Muslim immigration, to protect white people from Muslims. He sneers at Black Lives Matter protestors, and encourages people at his rallies to attack them, because, in his view, white lives are the ones that matter. If people on the left or the right want to critique identity politics, they might start with this: the one identity politics that consistently traffics in hate, divisiveness, and violence. The one identity politics that insists there’s only one valid identity, and that those who speak from other positions, or from other perspectives, are illegitimate, and must be silenced.
One of the reasons why children on other worlds, they are not permitted to view images from this planet, that is because they might be exposed to impressions of the annual Victory Day Parade in Moscow.
This is a shiveringly embarrassing spectacle, one in which mass quantitites of war toys and tots are lumbered past various platformed Russian potentates, both alive and dead.
This year, for the first time, the RS-24 Yars thermonuclear intercontinental ballistic missile, it rolled along in the parade.
Which is literally insane. Passing a nuclear weapon by, for review.
Obviously, the next step, that would be to set up a shrine. And actually worship the thing.
Maybe that will happen next year. In the manner pioneered by the subterranean mutants of New York City. As shown in the true-life documentary film Beneath The Planet Of The Apes.
Extraterrestrials, they also Block and Filter, radio waves, that travel from this planet, out and into space. And little wonder. For I am thinking that probably someone should start putting warning labels on the radios. Cautioning people that, if they turn on the radio, brain damage may result.
Recently I tuned into hate radio, for the first time in several weeks. (Like all people in occupied territory, I find it useful to occasionally monitor enemy communications.) And immediately I heard, from some scrub sub for Runt Limprod:
Muhammad Ali is Trump! They're almost the same person!
I turned it right off. And then I took Medicine.
The radio dial, both AM and FM, it is also heavily mined with get-yerself-to-jeebus transmissions. It is hard to avoid these. Sometimes, in fact, it is impossible.
My friend S., he once had to abandon as junk an automobile that was so filled with the Lord that the radio refused to broadcast anything but a Yahweh station. First the Jehovah-possessed instrument disabled its tape-deck function—any cassette thrust in there would immediately begin vomiting snarls of polymer. Then, no matter what radio button S. might push, the same come-to-Jesus station would sound howlingly from the speakers.
S. put me in his car once, to drive me around, so that I might experience this possession for myself. Once I verified it as Real, I commanded him to pull to the curb, and then I exited the vehicle.
Shortly thereafter, S. gave the car to a wino.
"Why didn't you just replace the radio?" I asked him.
"It was too late," he replied. "The whole car was infected. I could feel it through the steering wheel."
Among several other bad habits that have drifted here from the burning wreckage of elsewheres on the tubes, that would be the penchant for defaulting to Donald Sutherland-style "troll!" pod-screaming, whenever is encountered someone who is Different.
George Orwell. Known and practiced troll. Did you know that? Tis true.
Here he is, in a June 1936 letter to Anthony Powell.
I must apologise for not writing earlier to thank you for your letter & Caledonia. I liked the latter very much. It is so rare nowadays to find anyone hitting back at the Scotch cult. I am glad to see you make a point of calling them "Scotchmen," not "Scotsmen" as they like to be called. I find this a good easy way of annoying them.
Bad Orwell. Mean Orwell. Trolling the Scots.
Christiane Harlan was a young German actress; Stanley Kubrick saw her on German television, and cast her in the key role of the final scene of his Paths Of Glory. She played a German barmaid, in bondage, who is brought out, in tears, by a foul French innkeeper, to sing for a group of French soldiers, rendered callous and cruel by war. She sings, and, in time, the men are transformed. They understand that she is a human being. And so are they. And that all the war, is wrong.
Harlan's uncle, he was Veit Harlan.
"For me, my uncle was great fun. He and my father planned to join the circus. They were acrobats. They threw me around. It was a complete clown's world. Nobody can imagine that you can know someone who was so guilty so intimately—and yet not know."
It turned out that when Harlan wasn't clowning around with Christiane, he was writing and directing propaganda films for Goebbels. The most notorious was a film called Jud Süss, in which
venal, immoral Jews take over and ruin a German city, stealing riches, defiling Aryan women, etc. The film was shown to SS units before they were sent out to attack Jews. Harlan was tried twice for war crimes, and exonerated, proving that Goebbels had interfered with Jud Süss, forcing him to re-edit and inject more antisemitism.
"Where my uncle was an enormous fool, as many talented people are, was that he mistook his gift for intelligence," says Christiane. "He was a great big famous film person. He looked better and talked better and had enormous charm. So he thought he was also far more intelligent than Mr Goebbels. Goebbels was 10,000 times smarter than my uncle." She pauses. "Film people, actors, are puppets. We are silly. We are silly folk."
Harlan and Kubrick married, and remained together until the latter's death.
Christiane says her uncle's story reinforced for Stanley and her their great principle in life: always be suspicious of people who have, or crave, power. "All Stanley's life he said, 'Never, ever go near power. Don't become friends with anyone who has real power. It's dangerous.' We both were very nervous on journeys when you have to show your passport. He did not like that moment. We always had to go through separate entrances, he with [our] two American daughters upstairs, and me with my German daughter downstairs. The foreigners downstairs! He'd be looking for us nervously. Would he ever get us back?"
That's what people of power do. Separate humans. No.

Buenos dias
Wow, hecate. This post is an embarrassment of riches. Nicely done.
I was once again thinking how Obama reminds me of JFK.
“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country”.
Indeed. For half a century a statement which blatantly commands the working class to obediently serve the cause of empire has been shamefully spun as a call to altruism. But then, this was Kennedy, the president who authored a National Security Doctrine that transformed Latin American military institutions into counterinsurgency death squads tasked with butchering their own people for opposing US “interests”; the Kennedy who by ’62 had ordered the US Air Force to attack South Vietnam and bomb major civilian population centers, forcing hundreds of thousands of people into prison camps (euphemistically called “strategic hamlets”).
What Kennedy really said was: “And so, my peons: ask not what the privileged aristocracy can do for you–ask what you can do for them”.
Obama has proven to be no different.
pretty sad,
that JFK has somehow been transformed into this supposed great crusader against the serial killers of the US military and the CIA. It's a lie. It's like believing Pat Boone invented rocknroll.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Most if not all people who get assassinated
end up with shiny halos to someone. And this country likes to polish over the dirt to promote happy stories.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good Morning, thx. hecate, if all those outstanding OTs
would to be hightlighted with a separate link on the right hand side, it would be so nice. They are extraordinary writing and it would be practical to have them listed to be all accessable with one click.
As I understood from the early days of this site, we should dump our news stories we like to share into this Open Thread each day or into the Evening Blues. I think that's a useful rule, as it would reflect well of what went through the minds of the readers at any specific day and the many items wouldn't be so spread out in so many smaller diaries. Just my own personal reflections, nothing to get upset about.
So, here just a video to get some feeling for rescue missions of refugee in boats near the Lybian shorelines, with no hype. That's somewhat official mainstream stuff of reporting. I just post it because the kids on the ship are from my childhood neighborhood in Northern Germany. I can handle to look at it with dispassionate eyes. How idiotic it all is. Some twenty year old kids in the German Navy getting to do "cool" work on a German Navy ship.
Reporter - German Naval Vessels Rescue Refugees
Somehow it strikes me as an unintended consequence kind of development. How "nice that "some people" who have caused this refugee crisis don't have to deal with it. Well, I think my wording shows my mental state of mind too clearly. I better stop.
at present are compelled to post manifold stand-alone pieces exploring the Beezelbubness of The Mad Bomber. "Give the people what they want, and they'll come," it was said. About a funeral. ; )

i know, gottcha, and I understand ...
I like the way you make a point...
About Comey
This fascist is the one everyone hopes takes Hillary down over her emails? Is the price of this desired action the loss of what remains of our liberties?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Patrick Fitzgerald, an earlier version of Comey, another "tough, independent, incorruptible" lawman? He was going to clap almost the entirety of the George II administration into the federal prison. Except somehow that didn't work out.
Comey's status as Sir Lancelot II, the sequel, this seems to be based on the fabled midnight ride to Ashcroft's hospital bedside. What is forgotten is that Comey was thereafter perfectly fine with the little "tweaks" George II willingly made to that particular portion of the underpants-sniffing program.
The next year Comey left the George II criminal enterprise to rake in for five years great gobs of money working for Lockheed Martin, the nation's largest serial-killer contractor.
When he passed through the revolving door to come back to government, Comey hallucinated during his confirmation hearings that the secret FISA court is "anything but a rubber stamp." Another hallucination was his claim that there exist "very effective" means by which FBI abuses may be discovered and/or prevented. He confessed that back in the George II days he signed off on a memo blessing waterboarding as legal, because he just wasn't bright enough to come up with compelling counter-arguments. He asserted that whistleblowers in "national security cases," they should all be thrown in the pokey. And he said, "I don't think the Fourth Amendment has, like yogurt, an expiration date." And, there in his grave, William O. Douglas, he laughed and laughed.
IIRC, Justice Douglas had a revival (maybe around tree time)
and married a much younger woman, which was tut-tutted. And then had offspring with her.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
married four times. The wingers hated him for that, too. Bob Dole once compared his court opinions to his "bad judgment from a matrimonial standpoint." When they weren't trying to impeach him over his Rosenberg stay, or as part of Nixon's court-draining plan, wingers introduced in Congress resolutions seeking to investigate his "moral character." In death, his "morals" have been smeared by the sloppy and despicable fabulist B. Murphy.
Identity politics is the great bug bear of our time,
widely decried and bemoaned, yet unavoidable. It is inherent in the current reality that different folks will have different principle problems and hence issues and concerns, but that is no bar to joint effort. A racing shell has 8 rowers, each with their own oar, but they are not required to each also have their own cadence. People can cooperate and work together for their mutual benefit and the common good. Some may choose to be narrowly focused on one specific set of goals and problems, but we are all free to choose to work on multiple causes and goals if we wish. A black woman is not forced to work only on either women's issues or black issues. Neither is an Irish male prohibited from offering and providing assistance with respect to both sets of issues.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Warren: Hillary a puppet of Wall Street
remained a Republican throughout the entirety of the Reagan and George II administrations. Thereby manifesting a complete lack of higher brain functioning.
Warren: once a winger. The Mad Bomber: once a winger. Markos Mousetits: once a winger. Cenk Uygur: once a winger. Is it possible to have in the politics somebody who was not once a drooler?
There be us. Or some of us.
But we are sensibly NOT in politics. Have to recruit some starry-eyed greenhorns.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
What did Orwell have
against the Scotsmen? Did he not like their manly tribal skirts or feel they were not true Scotsmen? I just looked up justice William O Douglas. My parents used to argue about him and his love life so I was curious yellow about his life. I did not learn much as the Wikipedia article was peppered with Republican idiots like Gerald Ford who tried to impeach him for writing articles for Avante Garde which praised the life style of filthy lefty folk singers. Ford did not provide the articles of the lefty pornographic mags Douglass had written so they called it off. The pols then and now really are disgusting, the whole lot of them are causing me to revert to being an anarchist and reinforcing my contempt of court.
I liked his tree's should be able to sue argument. We could use him here in Portland where they are murdering redwoods and other proud beauties so that Shanghai investors can build Soviet style toxic monstrosities for the 100,000 hipster yuppies who are 'environmental refugees' about to invade from SF. They will live in studio apts. that rent for upwards of 1,000 a month and look like jail cells. I watched them chop down three magnificent old redwoods down the block. It took them a week and their ragged stumps were left as a warning to all other trees for another two months. Some tree hugger's left a sign on the stumps and debris that said Stop Killing Us. They looked like they were srceaming.
I'm sick of all this carrying on about privilege by these pol's who value nothing but naked power's privilege regardless of their gender, race or ideological identity. They mean all people harm and love the culture war wherein we end up arguing over who's going to get screwed the worst. I mean how insane can you get with candidates like The Hairball vs.The Mad Bomber? They both encourage the worst in the American psyche and deflect the fear and loathing away from the real frightner's, themselves.
if you don't mind, honey child, honey lamb...a minor correction
The least expensive studio (510 sq ft) is $1,340. Hey, let's compare that to our own mortgage, our 4 bedroom craftsman's bungalow. With property taxes and insurance it's about the same, right? A one bedroom at that monstrosity costs more than our house.
An article in today's NYT (that I refuse to link to, boycott)
said that a tinyhouse apartment in Manhattan was going for something like $2650/month. 500 sq feet. Hope the AC works.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
another reason I hate Portlandia
#$^$#%&* New Yorker's making fun of my town!
Just looked up Fred Armisen....says he now lives in Silver Lake in LA. That's ironic, ain't it? And when he lived in Portland he lived in "The Pearl". Of course. "The Pearl" is the first place that got torn down and rebuilt by the developers, the first place in town to charge absurd rents, displacing the previous residents.
Here you go
White Glove sings it for you.
now i have
a sickness in my stomach. I think I need to listen to some Crane Wife. Also from Portland.
the latest b.f. skinner
boxes over in San Francisco offer 210 square feet . . . for $1890 a month.
Do they have any
Schroedinger boxes? How much? Or is it impossible to tell?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
in the
"trees have standing" business, as in a number of other areas, Douglas was several hundred years ahead of most of the rest of the humans.
He was a northwesterner, like you and Shah. He lived for a time as a boy in Portland, and then settled up in Washington, in Yakima, and, later, out on Goose Prairie.
I don't know if it's possible to surmount the insanity of The Hairball vs. The Mad Bomber. Though we may, soon enough, find out. Since both Kanye West and Lindsay Lohan, they have declared for the presidency in 2020. I have been resisting this notion that we all live in a computer simulation. But with this sort of thing, I am rethinking that rejection. It may be that we are all being rudely fucked with by some really nasty cruel ass of a teenager, fingers stained with Cheetos, cackling at our pain and torment, down in his filthy, smelly basement.
I can't remember why Orwell felt it was necessary to troll the Scots. I'll leaf through these books and see if I can find out. Maybe it was just a whim of that Cheetos boy in the basement. : /
Intro and questions
Hi. I'm new around here.
As a newbie, I want to know the "unwritten rules". If I post that I might vote for HRC, do I immediately get banned? Or do I have to do it several times, which is the procedure on Kos if someone "persistently and annoyingly" advocates voting for Jill Stein?
So what is your censorship policy? Do moderators intervene, or do they just wait for people to get commented to death by the community?
Me: I'm a blogger for several years now, as mamajama55 on, and mj55 on daily Kos.
I write about a variety of topics: Islamophobia, education, the environment, voter rights and election issues, mostly.
I found that folks on those other sites love my stuff, use it, share long as it supports Democrats and bashes Republicans. When I started criticizing HRC, suddenly I was an evil goonybird, and a black-helicopter conspiracy theorist.
So.....I'm just wondering if the same dynamic exists here in mirror image.
What does this site censor?
Not much of that happens here.
You may get a gentle then stern talking to from a mod. Just don't diss anyone here. If your posts are not uprated, then the message was not well-received. And we all do a few of those bloopers. Just don't diss.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
And welcome! ; )
No, you won't get banned if you mention you might vote for HRC. People might come in and grouse or even yell at you, though. Mods roam around and will occasionally drop in cautionary statements, when things get a bit heated. Mostly they disfavor personal attacks. Which, to be fair, should cover people who might personally attack you. If you were to mention that you might vote for HRC.
What I saw censored here was somebody who foamed at the mouth that another user was an actual Nazi. But that person stated she wanted to be banned. And so she was.
I am saddened that you even have to ask that.
Yet, I see you are sincere. Your question indicates that a site-wide failure has occurred. At the very least, every user here should be acting as an ambassador for the site, first and foremost. Only then, should they disagree. No one here has any power to ban someone. Every ban (should someone be privately asked to leave) is a failure, especially if that person was not welcomed and guided into this culture and its civilization on this space station. In the end, this site will be diminished each time tolerance and understanding fails and a visitor is alienated. It will experience abundance if the opposite becomes the default experience.
In answer to your question about Hillary votes — I can pretty much promise you that, come November, lots of folks here will be voting for Hillary. The majority those votes will come from the success of the "official" Democratic Party terror campaign featuring "the biggest threat to civilization in the history of the world" — Donald Trump. A smaller number will vote for Hillary because they still believe that they can reform the party from within, so they want that door to remain open. A few simply prefer the Devil that they DO know over the devil they don't. A couple hope to run for office and win the Lotto to DC, where they will become instant millionaires. There are lots of individual reasons to vote for Hillary.
Most people are here for the lively discussion. For them, the sun doesn't rise or set based on who you plan to vote for. They are idea people. Others are here for the humor sparked by human interaction, or for the entertainment of engaged companionship in cyberspace.
Believe it or not, this is not a political site. These elections, too, shall pass, and the site shall move on like the Starship Enterprise, seeking out new discoveries to explore. It's what bright people do.
Relax and enjoy yourself. Speak freely of your opinions or ruminations. We don't do "Lord of the Flies" here .
welcome. Say whatever you like
we're not much into party politics. A lot of people here like Bernie. Some of us don't like his foreign policy. Few of us like Hillary Clinton. Some will vote for her. I'm for Eugene Debs, myself.
Debs: there's an idea. The Constitution does not actually prohibit a dead person from serving as president. Else Reagan could never have served two full terms.
Once again, I call for brain scans of elected officials.
(And periodic urine testing of all sitting judges, including the Supreme Court — as long as the war on drugs continues.)
This is the 21st century, after all.
brain scan
of The Mad Bomber:
Brain scan of The Hairball:
know that brain! It's Rick Perry's!

Pigasus has my vote...
he can really bring home the bacon, can roll in the mud with the best of them, and has no qualms about being a ham.
and cute, too
We are non partisan and don'T much care what you
say and support as long as you do so in a civil manner. Outright racism and such doesn't fly
, but we are here for free and open discussion and exchange of ideas, even stupid ones. Sorry about the bizarreness, my tablet has a mind of its own.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Read the dreaded mata dairies
listed on the left side bar up top. This is not a partisan site. It's not censored per say. If you get really rude or hostile to others about whatever your flogging you will get a reminder to knock it off. I as a hot head mouthy person have been told I was out of hand and to tell the truth I was whenever I heard anything from the mods. Not cool shaz from the community at large. We may do politics but were not Democratic, many of us are fed up with the Dems. We all are fed up with dkos style blogging so please don't bring that mentality here. Welcome and hope you like the lifeboat from TOP.
Chris Christie: Time to get on board and help the nominee
Fox News video:
Chris Christie wants to help Donald Trump win.
All aboard!
OK, that was lookist and size-ist. There were at least two tour ships that had wrecks today. One "allided' a dock in Alaska. Side thrusters too hard drove it into a concrete pier dock for cruise ships. Wrecked the dock, hole above waterline. Another amusing afternoon.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
love the mirror/mirror.
Captain Lapband, he says there: "If you're a Republican and you're not helping Trump, then you're helping Hillary."
Just as the people over in the land of The Mousetits, they say: "If you're a Democrat and you're not helping Hillary, then you're helping Trump."
If you're a human and support neither, then you are supporting
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Go humans! Go humans!
Let's forget borders and squabbles and come up with some ideas. The 1%ers are now planning on leaving the sinking ship to a colony in space, that we get to pay for!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
well, let's hire
the lowest bidder.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I just wanted to add this
Because I'm drunk and well there's that.
Cheers everyone!