What I learned from this year's primaries


This year's presidential primaries were the most interesting in memory.
Simultaneously they brought much needed discussion to long-avoided issues, while at the same time exposed just how farcical and corrupt our political system is.

The way the Democratic primaries ended perfectly encapsulated all that is wrong with our political system.

This is the perfect symbolic ending to the Democratic Party primary: The nomination is consecrated by a media organization, on a day when nobody voted, based on secret discussions with anonymous establishment insiders and donors whose identities the media organization – incredibly – conceals. The decisive edifice of superdelegates is itself anti-democratic and inherently corrupt: designed to prevent actual voters from making choices that the party establishment dislikes. But for a party run by insiders and funded by corporate interests, it’s only fitting that their nomination process ends with such an ignominious, awkward and undemocratic sputter.
That the Democratic Party nominating process is declared to be over in such an uninspiring, secretive, and elite-driven manner is perfectly symbolic of what the party, and its likely nominee, actually is. The one positive aspect, though significant, is symbolic, while the actual substance – rallying behind a Wall-Street-funded, status-quo-perpetuating, multi-millionaire militarist – is grim in the extreme. The Democratic Party got exactly the ending it deserved.

The journalistic malpractice committed here is staggering.

The establishment needed to make the votes in California meaningless and keep people from even voting. So they declared her the winner. The timing was calculated. The AP headline and story was written days ago.

It wasn't just AP. Other mainstream news organization jumped on the bandwagon, the LA Times in particular.

After running the headline “Hillary Clinton Clinches Nomination in a Historic First,” it then ran an article that asked in the headline: “After AP calls nomination for Clinton, will voters still turn out Tuesday?”

Considering this is coming from a political party that has spent years complaining about how how the GOP suppresses voting, and how the news media cooperates with Trump by giving him free news coverage, this extremely hypocritical ploy is the perfect ending to the primary season.

What we are seeing is the last of the paint peeling away from the edifice of the Democratic Party, revealing the mold and rot underneath.
Except for a few corrupt and dying labor unions back east, the New Deal coalition is dead. In fact, it's been dead so long that it is reaching Peak Stench. It isn't just allergies that are making your eyes water.
This also explains why the democrats have embraced identity politics so hard.
It's not like Hillary can make us believe that she cares about the working class. So it's about a "milestone" for a gender.

In Africa, identity politics would be called tribal politics. "Vote for me because I'm Hutu, or Tutsi, or Zulu, like you are."
The difference being is that tribes actually mean something in Africa, and the election of a tribal leader has benefits for that tribe.
However, voting for someone because they have the same skin color, or gender is about as meaningful as voting for someone because of their hair or eye color. That's why blacks are worse off relative to whites after seven years of Obama.

On the other side is Donald Trump.
The rebellion of the Republican voters against all things establishment is the true milestone of these primaries. It's just unfortunate that it is all for naught.
The big selling point for Trump is how he's too rich to be bought, but that totally contradicts the very system that made Trump rich. A real estate developer has to get into bed with the banks in order to do business.

Remember when "a Trump White House strikes fear at the heart of capitalism"?
Remember when "Wall Street’s wealthiest tycoons are spending millions to thwart Trump"?
Remember when "The real threat to Wall Street is not Bernie Sanders — it’s Donald Trump"?

It all sounded so believable...as long as you didn't think about it too hard.
The Billionaire who is the nightmare for billionaires, because Reasons!
The angry conservative base of the Republican Party sure ate it up.

So how does Wall Street feel now that Trump is the nominee? Pretty good.

I spoke with over 50 financial professionals across the board. And the overwhelming majority said they were planning on voting for Trump at the election.
"He fights very hard to pay as little taxes as he can," a hedge fund manager said referring to recent Trump comment. "I say amen. He's just like us."

He's just like us

Why does this not surprise me?

Donald Trump is so obviously full of sh*t that only those seeking to be deceived would fall for it.
And guess what? His audience desires being deceived. It's all a circus act! All of it!

It's Kayfabe people.
It's exactly what you would expect from a WWE Hall of Fame member.

None of it is real, and that includes all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall. Trump couldn't give a sh*t less about that stuff. Build it, ban them. He doesn't care one way or another.

The circus act extends to the Democrats as well. Their reaction is so over-the-top it's laughable.

This past week we saw Clinton pair the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.

The question is: where do you go after a nuclear-armed Hitler?
The anti-Christ? Cthulhu? Just how far down Scaremongerry Road will you go before you sound ridiculous?

The real joke is on us, because Donald and Hillary are owned by the same people, lock, stock, and barrel.
Their owners will prevent either of them from changing directions too much.
We are being robbed blind on this road to destruction, but our owners will manage this disaster so that it doesn't happen all at once. That way we won't rebel, and more importantly, their asset prices won't tank.

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Steven D's picture

Hollywood would have rejected this script.

No, I take that back. No one could have ever conceived of a script like this one.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

for being hackneyed.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

"Wag the Dog II: Son of a Bitch"

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You keep using that word...

detroitmechworks's picture

If he was able to provide universal single payer, student loan forgiveness, and end at least ONE of the wars.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

gulfgal98's picture

All your essays are excellent, but this goes beyond just excellence.

My guess is that this election signifies the end of any facade of democracy in the United States. The key word is facade. Democracy died long ago.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

That slight majority of Democrats who voted Clinton (after accounting for fraud and disenfranchisement, she might have a slight lead) seem to believe democracy still works. She won, after all, which justifies their point of view and everyone else needs to shut up. Democracy would have been a failure of Clinton lost of course, but that's different. It's her turn.

So I believe the facade is still in place for a sufficient number of people to keep the machine going.

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Sandino's picture

When the SCOTUS suspended the presidential elections and installed their choice of candidate. Obama was a brilliant kayfabe manipulation of progressives' reverse racism, which is being rerun this year with reverse-sexism (by which I mean the idea that a black man or a woman is probably going to be better than another white male).

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reverse racism," what a spot on comment. I've been thinking lately about the Tea Party and how well its invention has played into this election cycle. It helped create Trump, along with the Clinton Democrats' sell out of anything progressive. It instilled blatant fear and loathing in many of us, myself included. I would do almost anything to see a Tea Bag candidate defeated, but to gain what? Identity politics with nothing for economic justice? Yupper. Worked like a charm, did it not?

And all those times when I was so blindly angry at the racism displayed to Obama, and there was real racism there, but I was so damned fooled by that into thinking it was only the Tea Party that stopped him from living up to all that hope and change. What an idiot. But not anymore, fat lot of good that does.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Sandino's picture

refocussing many of the same underlying grievances caused by the slow collapse of the 99% against Obama, using a combination of straight racism, and standard dem-bashing, with the exotic spice of muslim-bashing. All orchestrated to stop Obamacare. But the monster slipped the leash and we have Trump, a completely synthetic apotheosis of the Fox-created Tea Party. On the other side, Occupy made room for Bernie to reach millions with a message he'd already been on for years. The anti-trump, consistent, intelligent, authentic, honest.

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Haikukitty's picture

I think the facade has failed pretty amazingly this election, and more and more people are seeing it.

Sure, there are plenty who, as yet, don't want to admit it, but the word is starting to get out there, even to many of them.

I think you are assuming that those who voted Hillary were enthused and thrilled she won. Sure, there's a die-hard base of paid Hillary cheerleaders and partisan hacks - but don't let DKos distort your view of the electorate at large. Outside of that lone website, there is very little true enthusiasm for Hillary.

And amazingly, I've talked to so many people - professionals in my field - who love Bernie and love his policies, but were voting for Hillary anyway because they thought Bernie couldn't win, either the Primary or in the General, or if he somehow did, there's no way he'd be able to accomplish those things (so let's not try???). Disregarding how wrong this is based on polling results alone, it's also a completely stupid way to vote. With voters like that, of course he can't win!

But to assume all of those who voted Hillary are happy about it or blind is a mistake, I think. Outside of the incredibly vast number of people who are in some way on the DNC or Clinton payroll, or beholden to the Clinton crime family - must be millions of people by now Smile - not that many Hillary voters are seeing this election as some kind of triumph of democracy.

In fact, even apolitical people like my sister, who usually just asks me who to vote for (win! Two votes for me!) is talking and posting about how awful this choice is.

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came within a whisker of upsetting Hillary shows that the facade is breaking down for Democrats.
It's pretty much gone for Republicans.

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Orwell was an optimist

HRC is 68 and Elizabeth Warren, her hot-to-trot VP, is 63.

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tapu dali's picture

All youngsters.

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

since at least that not-so-
good B-movie actor in 1980.

And everyone in the US has long
ago been surveilled, assigned
a threat (to the system) score,
had a dossier compiled (including faked digital info for use as needed), and on and on beyond our imagining.

And all the show trials of the
unfortunate entrapped Muslims that we didn't protest en masse? Well, no one's going to show up to protest our show trials either.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

detroitmechworks's picture

Sure things look bad NOW, but they can always get better!


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lotlizard's picture

If you grew up in 1950s Hawaii, you’ve always known what the score is.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I know it must be dead.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

OLinda's picture

So, had to go look.

(She hasn't yet, but reports are that she plans to soon.)

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detroitmechworks's picture

Because Clinton destroys anybody who works for her, for the most momentary of advantages.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lunachickie's picture

media and other Clinton sycophants will tell you over and over that Bernie stuck that knife in Warren's back.

Which will also be a lie, but what's one more lie in the ocean full of them floating past the end of your nose?

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NonnyO's picture

I would never again listen to anything Warren would have to say since she would have to change her tune and not go after big banks, big moneyed interests, and the like, if $Hillary were elected.

Come to think of it, my "respect" level would go to minus zero numbers to infinity.

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

for not saying who they voted for.

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Indicated how truly worried the Obama White House is about HRCs ability to win the GE

THIS FEELS LIKE A BUMS RUSH against the Bernie wing... Helped by someone the establishment dems think can sway a Bernie supporters away from Bernie and to HER

I sure hope Warren got some bankable concessions from the Clinton. Wing for her endorsement because right now it feels like she is giving a big thumbs up to another 4 years of NO CHANGE whatsoever

And although I HAD a positive opinion of EW up until now I cannot vote for another 4 years of the CLINTON WING IN OUR WHITE HOUSE.... Not without major concessions... Starting with ridding our democracy of CITIZENS UNITED billionaires controlling everything... Including the entire media AND the technology by which the votes are counted

I was born into a representative democracy
I may well die in a bad sequel of 1984

And that makes me both very sad and very angry

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Orwell was an optimist

You mean eight years, don't you? Then another eight for Chelsea, then another eight for Chelsea's hubby, the failed hedge fund manager, then another eight plus eight for each of their daughters.

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You mean eight years, don't you? Then another eight for Chelsea, then another eight for Chelsea's hubby, the failed hedge fund manager, then another eight plus eight for each of their daughters.

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Indicated how truly worried the Obama White House is about HRCs ability to win the GE

THIS FEELS LIKE A BUMS RUSH against the Bernie wing... Helped by someone the establishment dems think can sway a Bernie supporters away from Bernie and to HER

I sure hope Warren got some bankable concessions from the Clinton. Wing for her endorsement because right now it feels like she is giving a big thumbs up to another 4 years of NO CHANGE whatsoever

And although I HAD a positive opinion of EW up until now I cannot vote for another 4 years of the CLINTON WING IN OUR WHITE HOUSE.... Not without major concessions... Starting with ridding our democracy of CITIZENS UNITED billionaires controlling everything... Including the entire media AND the technology by which the votes are counted

I was born into a representative democracy
I may well die in a bad sequel of 1984

And that makes me both very sad and very angry

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Orwell was an optimist

It does not show me that Clinton is trustworthy or has value.

It shows me that Warren is willing to compromise her values to endorse Clinton.

No help for Hillary in my book, though I do suppose others will be far more easily impressed (with Clinton) - and ooo and ahh over it all with the opining 'see, Warren legitimizes Clinton and validates her'.

No - A warren endorsement does not.

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Big Al's picture

the system but blaming in on the nominating process misses the bigger picture. As I've said many times, we have a system where we elect 535 politicians to "represent" 330 million people. That alone should be enough to signal this system is undemocratic as hell, completely inadequate and will never provide real democracy. The last time the number of reps was increased (to 535) was something like 1906 (1913?) when Congress capped it. Also, we elect one person to act as a President with assassination powers, powers to go to war, and change the Supreme Court among other things, again for 330 million people. Why? Why do we do that?
There is plenty wrong with this system, has been since it was implemented as many have explained, and to think if we could just clean it up a little and all would be well is folly. It's time to replace this system.

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lunachickie's picture

the entire Constitution, but in some ways, it really doesn't matter. If we're gonna scrap the whole thing, let's let the current lot do the dirtiest work. The minute that TPP shit passes, it's all effectively scrapped anyway. So maybe we just should go with that?

You know, use the tools they make available to you!

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Haikukitty's picture

Only because they (theoretically) spend all their working hours probing and understanding the issues (I know, ha ha ha).

Obviously, we need more representatives from outside the duopoly, but for some issues, it's a system that makes sense if we got money out of politics.

I definitely agree we should do away with a single president, have a council, of three or five. Even though it's a small number, it still changes the system to one of cooperation vs. one of competition and ultimate power.

Actual straight democracy for some issues - like voting in our representatives, would also be good. The problem with straight democracy is in the implementation. I've heard people say - we could use the internet or smart phone apps to vote on bills. The problem with that is the same problem we are seeing now. Any votes without a paper trail are worthless.

But yes, I agree with you, the system needs some major changes, but that will NEVER happen as long as money is in charge.

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CS in AZ's picture

I essentially agree with what you say here Al, and I'm very cynical about "the system" that we have. I'd love to think we as citizens or the people who live here, we can somehow replace it with something better - but what? and how? Political action is our pressure valve it seems to me. The idea and ideal that we can effect change and create a better system by working together - sharing information, organizing, and ultimately *voting* our wishes into reality, is deeply embedded in most of us. If we give up on that, which I'm inclined toward at the moment... where does that leave us? That's where I'm stuck right now. I feel ready to accept that political avenues are all dead ends or circuits in the maze, going nowhere. But what does that mean in terms of what to do about it. Anyone with insights on this please share them!

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and do away with a presidency altogether.

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tapu dali's picture

And separate the roles of Head of Government (Prime Minister) and a ceremonial Head of State (Chancellor?) at the same time.

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

F = Fantasy
E = Expectations
A = Appearing
R =Real

My favorite comment on FEAR.
Chuckling to see how Clintons are using it now.
When we have this to remind us "Clinton's Law"

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tapu dali's picture

F = freaked out
I = insecure
N = neurotic
E = emotional

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

ZimInSeattle's picture

burnt to the ground. I've been saying all along that Bernie is the only real enemy to the oligarchy. The Republicans and the Democrats are two sides of the same corrupt coin, that being the C.P.A.-- the Corporate Party of America.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Where Did 12 Million California Voters

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that 18 million newly registered voters in the state of California marked a new record for voter registration during a primary. Yet, only around 6 million votes were actually counted. Why?

Among reports of bogus party affiliation changes, voter purges, accidental party affiliations and rigged voting machines, the California primary was just one of six states experiencing what is looking more and more like widespread voter suppression by the Democratic party.

Tuesday’s California primary resulted in around 3.2 million votes cast in the Democratic party and around 1.5 million in the Republican primary. Even if we rounded that up to 5 million and accounted for another 1 million voters who somehow made a mistake of their own, what about the other 13 million new voters?

Something must be done. I don't know what. I will follow Bernie to the end and then decide what it all means to me.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

from 2008 even with all those new voters. No one cares, HRC won, they don't care how. The Hillbots don't give a shit about democracy just that their queen has been crowned. They are a really scary bunch. I have been told by Hillbots that is my DUTY to work for her. They sound like the Central Committee for Mao's Cultural Revolution. I am not sure who is scarier, The Trump people or the Hillary people.

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the cosmoso story you're quoting says "18 million newly registered voters", and that's wrong to start. It's 18 million TOTAL not just new voters. There weren't ever "13 million new voters", there were a few hundred thousand.

I'm not discounting the reports of strange stuff, especially in Los Angeles, but the numbers aren't as weird as that story wants us to think.

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Only 30% in Alameda County where I live. That basically sucks. So why? I'd like to see some hard numbers from scientific polling, but I doubt anyone will do that....

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lunachickie's picture

assuming anyone is stupid enough to broadcast it when he's asked where the fuck 13 million voters on his watch disappeared to.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

...... and a millstone around the necks of all the rest of us!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Neither was Sandra Day O'Connor, a political hack raised to the Supreme Court by a cretin. I have nothing in common with these people. Setting elite women at the top of the elite table doesn't do a damned thing for ordinary women. Especially since we know Queen Elizabeth I was a total badass over four hundred years ago. Smile

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Twain Disciple

lotlizard's picture

What matters is not war or peace, but diversity. The top echelon must therefore always boast a complement of “historical” tokens and figureheads.

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would praise O'Connors' vote on overturning RoeVsWade. Personally, I believe one good decision does not a great justice make. I would prefer her to the person put forward by President Obama.

A search should provide you the source of the blockquote.

In opposition to the Republican call to reverse the Roe v. Wade decision on abortion rights, O’Connor provided the vote needed to uphold the court’s earlier decision.

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Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking

That is not all the Supreme Court does. She was also a pro-corporatist hack. I am a lawyer and I have read plenty of her opinions. She was simply not very bright, and her decision in Bush v. Gore (not to mention her idiotic questions at the oral argument in that case; my God) was an abomination. And I do not necessarily agree with "Mrs. Clinton and President Obama" on anything.

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Twain Disciple

Sandino's picture

I'm pretty sure of that.

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CS in AZ's picture

how she has made this breakthrough for women, such that now -- with Hillary's "historic achievement" -- now finally every little girl can at last know hope and believe they can do anything ... Grrrr. It makes my blood pressure go up and infuriates me. How disgusting. Hillary Clinton... Oh fuck it. I really just want to forget her and go into hibernation until this is over. I feel like I did in 2000 - can't watch, someone wake me when this horror show ends. Obama did wake me, with promise of hope ... but he faked me out. Endorsing Hillary is the final last straw. I think I'll head back to my cave.

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My daughter says she gave up on politics before she cast her first vote. She was upset by the fact that campaign "messaging" was rarely how they governed once elected. Mrs. Clinton has been clear, she is in the "can't do this, too difficult" as part of her messaging.

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Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking

personally. She gives all women a bad name, in my opinion. I know women are fully capable of just as much corruption as men, but she will do NOTHING for our gender but pander to it while selling us out behind our backs. Just, yuck.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

"Listen Liberal" by Thomas Frank laid out how the Clinton's took down the New Deal. The smokescreen of all the controversy covered up what they did. They needed the republican crap to hide it because when there was a lot of back and forth between the parties many of us missed what had happened.

Now Hillary is back to try and more of the same.

But it will not work the same way this time.

The legislative branch could function at 10% approval ratings but that no longer is enough

The earth is the major political actor and there are a lot of supporters who won't shut up and things are getting worse quickly

Before the Bernie movement, it looked like the "trade" deals that were not covered by the corporate media, and in fact were secret even to legislators (except in extreme cases that they could read them but not take notes) - and with Fast Track Obama can pass it. That will give Trump an issue. I don't think he gives a shit, but he can hang it on the democrats since Obama has been granted Fast Track.

Income inequality is out of the OWS effort and is now a national issue and millions are pissed

Alternative media and activism has educated and engaged people which hasn't happened since the 1960's

Spending trillions on wars when there are important issues is getting harder to cover up

And, the Bernie effort will continue for another couple of months

And, and Hillary's negatives might get too much

The administration could sink her just by an indictment , but they won't because they are part of the same club

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into this situation. Hillary is being investigated by the FBI...doesn't anyone see the risk here. We are all through the looking glass. Trump is a fraudster and Hillary I don't know what to call her. At the very least she thinks she is above the law.

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terriertribe's picture

we can hope for a new Mark Felt to don a trenchcoat and pick up the phone...

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

Pricknick's picture

not to weep, but to mourn those who have died to protect the ninety nine percent.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Cassiodorus's picture

Trump is Hitler y'know, and we're like the KPD calling the SPD "social fascists" back in '32, and because of us American democracy (you know, the one that worked so well through the primaries?) will disappear and Congress will become a rubberstamp for dictator Trump.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Lookout's picture

at least for a moment. The only way to miss the corruption of the democratic party is to look the other way. So many people are dependent on the MSM for the lies. We better watch out for net neutrality. We've used the net to look at the man behind the curtain. They will do their best to see that we are kept from seeing! Beware.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Shockwave's picture

In November I'll have to choose between a slap on the face and, excuse my language, a kick in the balls.

I never paid so much attention to the primaries nor did I ever get so involved with a campaign (Bernie's) as this last 12 months.

Clearly we have a dysfunctional system at best or completely corrupt at worse.

A recent Harvard study places us at #47 among all counties when it comes to "electoral integrity".

Land of the Free? Harvard Study Ranks America Worst in the West for Fair Elections

And then there is this study done by a PhD candidate at Stanford friend of mine;

Are we witnessing a dishonest election? A between state comparison based on the used voting procedures of the 2016 Democratic Party Primary for the Presidency of the United States of America

I know CTs are not cool but this math is scary.

No wonder we don't do well in voter participation;

58 countries with better voter turnout than the United States

We have a lot of work to do, the political revolution continues.

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The political revolution continues

...is that the neoliberals have figured out a sneaky and much less obvious way to suppress the vote: bad-mouth and name call your opponents, shut them out of the mainstream media, and loudly proclaim you've "already won" until they're so demoralized they stay home. No need for CT.

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Bluesee's picture

...and there is a bit of prisoners dilemma mixed in with it, as well.

I was listening to NPR today (so in the tank for her!) when they interviewed a woman who said "I voted for Hillary because she's a woman!"

You wonder that this can happen, that someone can vote based on such simple logic, then you fear that the percent of the populace that could think that way might be larger than you thought, and you lose confidence in the righteousness of your cause.

So you become a fear-bot. You allow yourself to be driven purely by fear. Once you submit, it's hard to stand back up. I listened to Hartmann today, I like his message - vote your conscience! It's not un-Democratic! We need more messengers like him. And Bernie.

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Bernie is a win-win.

The GOP has taken notice that the Democratic primary was anything but democratic. They have latched onto themes that have been uniquely Liberal, such as middle class incomes decreasing over the last 30 years while the top 1% are eating a lot more caviar. Expect to see a whole shitload of Liberal issues thrown at Clinton from the GOP. And, you know what, she has little defense since she and Bill are the root cause by destroying the New Deal. They did it for personal political gain. I know it's hard to believe, but I now despise them more than Reagan. At least he did it out of ideological reasons.

Gjohnsit is right, we have to fix our government. The Constitution doesn't even envision a two party system. There are no guidelines. The founders had no idea of how to keep a democracy in the face of overwhelming corporate power. There are basic principles of democracy and we are on the wrong side of them. The 2000 election with the Supremes selecting the president was a warning shot over the bow of the ship of state. How do we fix it and how do we get the motivation to fix it since it is self-powered now? There really is a sense in the Clinton camp that the presidency is hers since she figured out how to game the system.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

karl pearson's picture

In 1992, Bill would never have been president if Ross Perot had not run as an Independent because the Clintons were weighted down with scandals. As an incumbent in 1996, he beat Bob Dole, who was 73 and acted older than his age. Hillary moved to NY (a safe blue state) and was handed the Democratic nomination for NY senator in 2000. Her opponent Rudy Giuliani dropped out 5 months before the election and was replaced by more of a lightweight (Rick Lazio.). Everyone knows in 2008 Hillary's campaign was fraught with many problems before she was beaten by Obama. Now in 2016, a little known Senator from the small state of Vermont gives her a run for her $$ and she has to engage in one of the worst campaigns I have ever witnessed. The Clintons present themselves as very skilled politicians, but when one looks closely, a different picture emerges. It will be most interesting to watch the end of this story.

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Non, mon frere. You are assuming that competence or likeability gets you that brass ring. If you conclude that the end justifies the means like the Clintons do, then the end goal is all that matters. If you can manipulate voting machine counts, boards of elections, public opinion, the media, spread lies and innuendos against your enemy, create an aura of inevitability, then it doesn't matter how good/competent/liked/or right you are.

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karl pearson's picture

I know you are correct, but I just had to "report the news". That's why I'm glad there is a blog like caucus99percent. One can counter the bs out there and keep sane.

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karl pearson's picture

The Democratic party can no longer play the role of Little Red Riding Hood and claim the Republican party is the Big Bad Wolf. In this primary, the Dem elites suppressed the vote within their own party. To me that is worse than doing it to the opposition. Also, the Dems can no longer say the media is biased against them and in the hands of the Republicans. There is one consolation. The Democrats lost a lot of their cover for not winning elections against Republicans. Who will listen when they scream voter suppression or a biased media?

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This primary has shown the Democratic party to be nothing but a tool of big money interests.

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stole this election. My sadness is only eclipsed by my disgust for what the Democratic party has become.

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Bulldawg's picture

I finally did it. I left the Democratic Party and registered as a Green. The Party of FDR and JFK and RFK is dead.

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“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck

That the FBI investigation into HRCs server is NOT pro forma, it's A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (wow) I now understand the RUSH to get EW to endorse HRC tonight...

It's about the only news story big enough to wipe the FBI criminal investigation OFF the front lages of every single news outlet in America.

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Orwell was an optimist