Not My Fault (NMF) movement

Okay, I have been thinking about this idea for the past few weeks- it is not a knee jerk or emotional reaction to last night results.

Many of us really hoped and wanted Bernie Sanders to be the candidate and president as the catalyst of change to address the current problems with our nation, but we all knew the challenges he had to face to obtain this goal. However, he did fight and bring attention to all the problems (income inequality, education issues, infrastructure, societal, environment, corruption in politics, race/gender discrimination, etc.). Moreover, I believe he has woken and brought energy to the left/liberal and true progressives of this country- there are a lot more of us than any other group. Now is the time to keep up this movement and fight.

There have been several suggestions and discussion regarding the next steps how best to proceed forward with this effort. First, let us see what Bernie is planning to do and continue to support his effort. Moreover, plans and events will determine the national efforts, but continue to focus on your local efforts. However, you can do something within the next several months, please really consider your vote for the general election.

I do not care how your vote, but will advocate you to consider not voting for either of the two major candidates. Why? Both are part of the establishment and do not care about us- they are in it for themselves. Do not let FEAR control your actions and consideration for your vote. If you do not vote for either one and are blamed for the loss (i.e. Gore) then tough shit. A candidate must represent what is good for all the people (not the elite), and be someone that you are proud to cast your vote for, no matter who or what the office. A politician must earn your valuable vote- it should not be given or wasted!

Think about this for a moment regarding both candidates- Are these the type of people (Trump and Clinton) you would consider as a friend? Would you invite them to your family’s Christmas party? Would you trust them with your money? More importantly, do you trust them with the reins of power and leadership with our country? For me, I can honestly answer “no” to all these questions. Therefore, I am either not voting for this office or voting for a 3rd party candidate. I am not wasting my vote, I am not voting out of FEAR, and I am not voting for the lesser of two evils. I am voting with my conscience and heart. I want candidate that that will work for what is the best for of my country not for his or her own agenda. WE need to stop the madness and abuse of our country by both of these parties- please stand up and make a difference.

Therefore, please consider joining the Not My Fault (NMF) movement- voting for neither major candidate because both candidates are terrible. Therefore, since both major parties did not nominate viable and acceptable candidates that could earn my vote then it is "Not My Fault" their candidate is not elected. Going forward both parties need to do a better job of selecting a candidate that is best for the country not just trying to stay in power!

Break the cycle of insanity, stop voting for crappy candidates for the most important office in the world join the Not My Fault (NMF) movement.

By the way, I attached a video that both parties want you to believe in so you can vote for their terrible candidates.

Peace and blessings.

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kharma's picture

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Ken in MN's picture

...out of one side of their mouths they say they don't need stupid Sanders supporters to win; out of the other they say it will be the fault of Sanders supporters if she loses to Trump. So I found it interesting that a greater percentage of Sanders supporters say they will support Clinton in the general election than Clinton supporters who said they would support Obama in the 2008 election...

Will Bernie Sanders supporters rally behind Hillary Clinton now? Here’s what we know.

A May Washington Post-ABC News poll found 20 percent of Sanders primary supporters said they would support Donald Trump if he faced Hillary Clinton in a general election. At the same point eight years ago, 26 percent of Clinton primary supporters said they would support Republican Sen. John McCain.

Looked at the other way, 64 percent of Clinton primary supporters said they would support Obama in the general election; this year, 71 percent of Sanders backers choose Clinton over Trump. The differences between years are not statistically significant, though they suggest intra-party discord is at least no higher this year.

To paraphrase Spinal Tap's David St. Hubbins, "Fuckin' wankers!"

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I want my two dollars!



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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

WindDancer13's picture

I would highly recommend that everyone vote in November. For the president spot, write in None of the Above or Sanders or vote Green or other party. The loudest message of all would be to have an overwhelming turnout with no votes for either mainstream presidential candidate.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Alphalop's picture

respect their ability to lead.

But, I do have to TRUST them to do what is right if they are doing so in my name, which they are if I gave them my vote even if only to a small degree.

I do not trust Clinton to do the right thing for anyone who isn't a Clinton and I refuse to claim even partial ownership to the things we all know she is capable of doing.

If I can't vote for Sanders Stein is on my ballot down here in Florida and will get my vote.

I made a commitment to myself in 2012 that that was gonna be the last election I "Settled" for the lessor evil.

I am done with that, and it actually feels quite good!

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

i'm thinking of abstaining. refusing to vote for either with a vote for "none of the above". i'll likely deliver down ballot but even that is debatable since both my CA senate candidate and district representative endorsed Clinton. i didn't vote for either in the primary. i will continue to wait and see how this election plays out, what Bernie decides to do from here on. i'm not sure yet about voting third party, Green or otherwise.

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I wouldn't vote for anyone who endorsed Clinton, just as I won't give them a dime of my money or a moment of my time. If we really want to see important change, we have to hold politicians accountable. One of the many gifts of the Sanders campaign has been that his honesty and integrity have forced many of our lesser lights to show their true colors. Many of us suspected the cravenness behind the hollowing verbal pandering, but they were forced to show their true selves.

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Daenerys's picture

I may not be able to vote for either Jill Stein or write in Bernie (and have it count at least); if that be the case I won't vote for president at all. I won't be an enabler of this garbage.

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This shit is bananas.

Borkrom's picture

Thank you for the comments and feedback, my point is that we all have choices and must live with them.

In my case, I am tired of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result- I believe Einstein said this was the definition of insanity. Therefore, each of us must make a truly informed decision about this transformational election. In my case, I can not vote for a lesser of two evils. However, I will find someone to vote for or not vote for this office. If enough of us come to this realization we will break the cycle of corruption and cripple the establishment.

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First, there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, November's a ways off, and while assuming who the nominees are is natural, we don't know really.

Second, I don't have to decide now. Technically, not till I have my ballot in hand, which is when I decided in the Carter v. Reagan v. Anderson election, 1980. (Voted Anderson. This was an easier decision since our state was expected to be a Republican walkover. Either way my vote meant little.)

Third...and this is where I differ from quite a few others at present, no disparagement of those...I don't look for my ballot, whatever I do, to convey any message. It's too crude a medium, subject to misinterpretation and easily ignored. Neither do I look on it as a personal endorsement of the candidate.

I dislike Clinton and everything she stands for more and more. T-Rump scares me on an even more visceral level. And I don't think that getting T-Rump in the White House is going to lead to a general change of heart, lesson learned, awakening of conscience and reason. We've gone in my lifetime from disbelief that a Reagan could be nominated, let alone elected, through the worse debacle of W, now T-Rump? Experience here and abroad through the course of history shows that leaders like this don't wake up a country and cause it to change course for the better, or an empire for that matter. They lead down an ever-widening spiral to the Sack of Rome, or equivalent. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. We have a triage situation. How to buy time.

My thinking just now.

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