First Essay here: Leaving the Dem Party
CNN is on behind me but muted. I don't need their dialogue. We're as smart and possibly more intuitive than they are. My dad always said, "It's 10% of the people dragging the other 90% along." In this case, we're about 45% Dem voters for Bernie. I'm a lifelong Dem. My first vote was for George McGovern. My last will have been in the AZ Primary, for Bernie Sanders.
I believe that it would be a monumental thing for those who are disgusted by the Democratic Party's coronation and embrace of Republican lite policies to leave the party, en masse on a specific day. We create a hashtag and post the hell out of it on all social media formats.
The question is what date should that be. I recognize that some need to remain Dems for various reasons. In fact, I will still be working for and with Dems in AZ to break the 24 yr hold on the AZ legislature. But, I will be doing it as an independent.
I'd like to hear your thoughts about the date we should change our Dem registrations, possible hashtags, and your thoughts.
I'd also like you to read this article about HRC and her Dark and SuperPAC$. It'll remind you why moving away from the Dem party is the only way to break the cycle.
How ‘Citizens United’ is helping Hillary Clinton win the White House
Sorry about any irregularities in the post. My first. ¡Andale!

After the fraud and corruption we have seen in this primary?
As someone stated in another thread we are simply going to watch both parties to try and out cheat each other. Who knows maybe the deal has already been worked out
aboutbetween Clinton and Trump? Who takes what states, make it close, etc. for their corporate media buddies. I think the reason the CA primary is so upsetting to me is that I have to face the fact that this country needs UN election monitoring and we are perhaps less democratic than some countries with dictators.O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
That just means the fight gets harder
As Americans we can't give up this fight.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Exorcism Needed
The only way to exorcise the Clintons from the party of the people is to make sure that they are not elected this cycle. Four years of Trump would be a small price to pay to reformat the party as a progressive one.
Progressive, Independent, Gnostic, Vermonter.
I know this sounds like a joke but I'm not kidding
We need to get rid of the Clintons before Chelsea is old enough and sophisticated enough to inherit the donors. Seriously. Give Hillary eight years and the heir would be ready to grab hold of the money machine.
Twain Disciple
Just my two cents but, two dates would be good...
One before the convention and one before the general election. A one-two punch, so to speak.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~