On Human Rights
"No one is free when others are oppressed."
I wrote a diary in 2010 over at DKOS on Human Rights. It got little to no interest. What interest there was concerned a perceived slight against Transgendered persons. Two years later I re-wrote that diary, adding to, and subtracting from the first one in hopes that folks would finally hear me. It didn't fly then either.
I am going to try again here.
I shudder to think of what our nation and our world will become if we continue to let ourselves be divided into special interest groups at odds with one another, only concerned about our own agendas.
It is imperative that our actions be centered upon securing Human Rights for every one of us.
Human Rights are under assault, both in the United States and around the world. Religious intolerance and hate are preached and practiced by Theocratic movements and threaten Democracy at every step. None of it is about Pro-Choice or the health of women. It isn't about the GBLTQ community or their right to marry, or even in some cases to exist at all. It isn't about the rights of people of color. It isn't about the rights of Labor.
The MegaCorps and their bought and paid for politicians are waging war against Humanity. They are forcing “austerity” upon us, even as they pad their own pockets. They are selling off public lands that belong to the PEOPLE. They are taking over our cities and states and running them as little Theocratic fiefdoms.
They are gutting agencies that protect the PEOPLE from abuse and unsafe condition in the workplace or which control the poisons being spewed into our air, water and earth.
House Republicans Pass Legislation Gutting Consumer Protection
How Politics Gutted Workplace Safety
The Koch-Congress Is Gutting The EPA While The Media Is Silent
I mean really, when some overpaid idiot actually says out loud that WATER, that HUMANS need to LIVE, is NOT a HUMAN RIGHT....what more proof do we need that Human Rights are under assault?
These things affect us all...regardless of age, color, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, or religion (or lack thereof) (Did I miss anyone?)
And, they are using OUR money, OUR taxes to do it.
They scream and holler about "balancing the budget".... but they spend like drunken sailors on shore leave. They spend on things that are not good for the PEOPLE, like war, and intervention into other nation's business. They try to run our government like a business, but it ISN'T a business...and EVERY DIME of taxes should be spent for the benefit of the PEOPLE...for the COMMON good.
Even the very basic genetic codes that make us who we are and of the food we eat are being patented and controlled by multi-national MegaCorps who’s ONLY purpose is to make money while enjoying the exact same freedoms that used to be reserved for living, breathing, bleeding and dying Human Beings.
Bill Moyers said about the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling that ,
"Corporations were endowed with the rights of “personhood” but exempted from the responsibilities of citizenship."
Corporations are considered people now. Us, not so much.
They are taking steps that could force women to have as many babies as their bodies can tolerate, and then, once the children are born, give no help for their care and upbringing. In their world, a zygote would have more rights of not only the mother, but more than the living and breathing child they may well become. A nun, of all people summed this up better than I ever could....

They are refusing to follow the LAW regarding equal marriage RIGHTS.
They are gerrymandering voting districts to limit the voting RIGHTS of people of color and the disabled and aged.
They restricting the RIGHTS of working people to unionize thus reducing them to third world status.
They are taking steps that could remake The United States into a Theocracy.
They are taking steps that could completely shred our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, reducing them to nothing more than worthless pieces of paper.
Lives are at risk here. Women’s lives, men’s lives, the lives of our children and grandchildren, gay, straight, transgendered, religious or not, people of color, we ALL must face the fact that we are running out of the necessities of Life on a finite planet even as the MegaCorps and politicians seek to control what is left…in an effort to control all of Humanity.
It is nothing less than our very lives that are at stake here.
But here’s the thing….”They” are mostly white, middle aged obscenely wealthy men (and some women) who are scared to death that sooner or later we will understand what they are doing, and stand TOGETHER against them. A few are starting to see the pitchforks and torches and are speaking out...
Nick Hanauer writes;
They fear that we will draw a line in the sand and tell them “This far and no farther” . So, they work hard at keeping us divided in order to keep themselves in power. They know that they are outnumbered if we ever realize that we have a common cause. They fear becoming a minority (although they already are) and that should they lose control…lose the power they have over us, that they will be treated as they have treated us. They fear that because it is exactly what they would do if they were in our shoes.
Benjamin Franklin said, upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence,
“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. “
No truer words were spoken with regards to what is happening today… United we will stand, divided, we will surely fail.
Taking a deep breath and hitting "publish"..... again.

I will be away from my computer for a few hours
But I will check back later and try to respond to any and all comments.... Bright Blessings.
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First Nations News
your diary is spot on and timeless in its importance
thanks for posting it again. Moyers quote is perfect. There is not much to say other than to agree in full.
Thank you mimi! n/t
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First Nations News
Inclusive politics
I think I know why this essay failed on DKos: it didn't appeal to a targeted Identity group.
Instead it talked about all of us.
It's huge failing of the GOS, in that people are looking for ways in which they are different through identity rather than seeing ways that we are alike.
You should update this essay and expand on it. I think you are onto something.
Thank you gjohnsit.
Just not sure what more can be said that would get anyone's positive attention over there. I am sure I would run afoul of the "BlackLivesMatter" crowd.
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First Nations News
Excellent post!
I simply cannot understand how any human being would find offense with it. Well done!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you gulfgal98! (May I call you GG?)
Both times before I was simply blown away with both the criticism, which was a perfect example of how narrow agendas can be and how much they limit us, as well as the apathy....
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First Nations News
You may call me GG, gulfgal, Nancy or whatever you wish. I am not particular.
I think gjohnsit really hit the nail on the head above. It is something that is pervasive over at dkos. I saw it with both the response to the Occupy Movement and kos' dismissive "white privilege" comments about the Edward Snowden revelations.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Your exactly right
but at dkos a lot of people don't want to hear that their 'issues' are part of a bigger picture and believe that all issues are separate and some issues are better then. They even take it a step further in many cases and say because you care about universal human and civil rights you are a white privileged racist or sexist, in my case I'm both. Whatever their is is you have no right to talk about it. Gjohnsits right they are not about inclusive politics or even solidarity. I sometimes think that the worst case screamers who HR your supposedly racist/sexist/classist/ Dr. Commie Rat comments prefer to be victims rather then admitting that the Democratic candidates and policies they support are not working for anybody's human or civil rights. Divide and conquer seems to be working well for those who view universal human rights as an impediment to their global and domestic agenda that has no place for anyones rights, liberty, common good or even survival.
I feel sorry for a lot of the people who refuse to look at the overview and acknowledge that our inalienable self evident truths belong to all humans. Solidarity works, so do coalitions, we have a common cause that is above the farce of identity politics. Identifying with the powerful anti-democratic people and entities who's goal seems to be to wipe out any human or civil rights makes no sense to me. Nice dairy, thanks. There is also the fact that dkos is so huge and so focused on the fear and hate of Republicans that anyone who doesn't accept the 'accomplishments' of Obama or Hillary or see's the causes of injustice of our current system is against their issue. Makes no sense to me but then again I'm a white privileged sexist, right winger, teabagger who should be posting on red state.
Where's my habeas corpus or posse comitatus for that matter?
I'm not exactly proud of my little plan but...
when Hillary Clinton loses I think it would be cathartic to go to dKos and say "aww, you didn't get your pony"
That might get you banned....
Then again, so what? I'd wear it like a badge of honor!
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
So they still refuse to ban you?
And instead have sentenced you to the purgatory that comes with still being a member of dkos?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you shaharazade,
I hear what you are saying...I too have run afoul of those who refuse to see the bigger picture. I was dumfounded the first time someone over there called me a bigot.... still am. And, there was a time I was upset by that....worried about that...but I finally realized that, like the Teapublicans, I am not going to change their minds. Those minds are like steel traps, closed and rusted shut.
So I really am not writing for them....I am writing for those people who haven't closed their minds...those who are seeking answers to those nagging questions in the back of their minds. Those who KNOW instinctively that something is terribly wrong and are looking for ideas to cope.
Climate Change and Peak Oil/Resources are the twin disasters heading for us like runaway trains with no one at the controls. Those of us who realize that we MUST depend upon one another to survive, who learn to adapt, will be the ones who DO survive. Those of us who only have a narrow focus of what is important won't. It really is that simple.
I am even going to go so far to say that I think Humankind is at a evolutionary crossroads....I've had visions of a terrible time coming. But once the dust settles, a better Humanity may just arise, and pressure on our Earth will be relieved enough for Her to recover.
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First Nations News
Shaz, this is a terrific comment!
I hope you will not be offended about what I am going to say. But over and over I see you write what I am thinking but somehow am unable to capture it in a comment as well as you do.
By virtue of my background, I tend to think in big picture terms because I believe that all these tribal issues are a part of a bigger problem in our world. Without seeing the interconnection of these issues, we wear ourselves out playing whack a mole by tackling one thing at a time and often working at cross purposes with one another.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Universal human rights
They don't go over big on DKos because the site is so fractured. I have similar thoughts about the human right to clean air and water and have had these thoughts for years. The universal rights should be paramount. Maybe those rights are too broad for the myriad groups on DKos
Good diary.
To thine own self be true.
Thank you MarilynW. :-)
I used to be a corporate director for a large healthcare organization (GODS am I glad I am not there anymore!) ... and I learned a long time ago, the bigger the organization, the more fractured it becomes until it collapses under it's own weight.
This idea can be applied to government... My father taught History, Social Sciences, and Government (back in the days when it was still taught) and I came to the conclusion then that when ANY form of government gets to the size where the People have to have representatives to run things is when it starts to decline and fall apart. Representatives start to think of themselves as "special"...above the masses... and when that happens all bets are off. Direct social democratic rule with provisions for the minorities is, IMO the only way to run things, and for that you need small societies, not empires...
And there is proof, I think, of that hypothesis....there have been approximately 166 societies throughout Human history that meet the broad definitions of Empire...and all of them, due to man made or natural disaster or a combination of both, have fallen apart because those "special" people couldn't cope with the truth, couldn't govern, couldn't LEAD....
Make sense?
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First Nations News
There used to be a time on GOS that diaries
like this could get some traction. Maybe not a lot, but enough.
Nowadays? Good luck trying to get anyone to pay attention to anything that isn't a Republican-bashing Democrat-praising diary. And preferably one with pics of "pooties" in it -- LOTS of pooties* (and particularly the one in the White House named POTUS.)
Maybe that's what you need to do; try reposting it there with plenty o' pootie pics. Of course then you'll get ZERO comments on the substance of the thing, but hey, traction is what you want, and traction you shall get.
Anyway, yes, excellent, urgent, strong stuff, and more of it is needed over there.
There's an old saying: "If you don't stand for something, you will go for anything." Right now, they are contributing to the ever more evident notion of a Democrat that isn't a "something" but merely an "anything"; i.e. not a Republican, and only because of the team colors they wear, not because of any real policy differences.
*Mind you, I have nothing against cats, or particularly kittens, but jeebus! can they just curb their enthusiasm a little for these pics fercrisakes?
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Thank you LapsedLawyer. :-)
LOL!!! Yes, the "pootie" diaries have always puzzled me... but then, I just skip over them looking for the substance... I love my cat, but I save those photos for Facebook...
You wrote,
Maybe we should try to foster it here...eh? Give people a choice without trashing DKOS...? If it devolves into another FB, let it be without our help...
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First Nations News
True enough....
I may use that site as a whipping boy, but it's a stand in for me of what we're up against generally, and I see it as a starting point for what needs to be done to break through the concrete mold of Team Dem v Team Repub that all our problems are filtered through in our politics and particularly the media coverage about our politics. (Watching Maddow and Hayes gets more and more grating each evening.) I see so many over there who have expressed total agreement with the things we stand for, and yet, when you bring them up in one of the rah-rah or two-minute-hate diaries, it's pouncin' time, and you're deluged with a plethora of "so you're voting Republican then" type comments.
And my "stand for something" comment is directed at part of the site's mission statement -- electing better Democrats and a need for a definition of what a "better Democrat" really is. Right now the sites's members are gripping the wheel quite tightly to stay in the "more democrats" lane, from there never to stray or drift.
There's a reflexivity about it that's maddening, and demonstrates why we started this blog and what we need to keep in mind when we talk about our own efforts at raising awareness on these issues. But that reflexivity is present in the greater world as well, and it grows exponentially worse as election day draws near, and we have to deal with it to break through and get people to at least listen and look through our lens.
You're right, it should be curbed. But a reminder of it every once in awhile doesn't take us too far from our task.
And besides you mentioned The Rough Orange Beast right at the beginning of the diary
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon