Alan Grayson Must Think He Posted By Mistake On RedState
He dared challenge the Democratic Party elite on you know where, now I am no fan of Grayson, but beyond his bombastic style I read what he has to say and that in this case he points out the blindingly bloody obvious [with a little garnish]. So what did he actually have to say:-
The disenfranchisement of Democratic voters in choosing our candidates has been largely ignored by the complicit national media. Leaders have been replaced or squelched by corporate bag men. We have been directed to sit down, shut up, and do what we are told. Or, as Archie Bunker used to say to Edith, “Stifle!”
Up for grabs, right now, is the very notion that candidates matter, that programs matter, that government matters, and that democracy even exists. Any candidate who shows the slightest commitment to Democratic principles is condemned by the party overlords and their media stenographers as “unelectable,” or “ideological,” or “unrealistic.” In fact, the one last thing that the Democratic Politburo is good at is defeating progressive Democratic candidates. Lord knows that they don’t have a clue about how to beat Republicans. In Florida, a very purple state, party bosses have delivered the nomination in statewide races to right-wing Democrats virtually every time this century. And we have lost 14 of those 15 races.
Needless to say the reception was predictable, the same one most of us here have received ourselves - have a read if you must [you've seen it all before] but go prepared for the hatred on show.
I am listening to the favorite in the race tell me that she will reduce money in politics' but at the same time grabbing the cash with arms flung open wide, her opponent has refused to play that game. How many times must I listen to her say one thing whilst cashing in the checks?
She calls for more transparency on Wall St whilst refusing to release what she said to many of their companies and got paid vast sums for so doing.
As Grayson is finding out, pointing out the bloody obvious gets a vicious backlash these days.
The only candidate consistent in both actions and words is Bernie Sanders and gosh the backlash has been consistently nasty. Running on traditional Democratic Party principles is quite simply treasonous.
It seems that no matter what they are going to get exactly what they deserve Hillary or Trump and once again the rest of us will enjoy the fruits of their labor, sigh.
I'll finish with these words from Grayson
I’m trying to change that. I’m trying to remind our party that we don’t have to be Republican to beat a Republican – that never works -- and that we can still be champions for the People. But there’s only so much I can do alone.
How many of us have said the same damn thing, over and over again, with what result
Oh and don't forget
Vote the least bad!

OK!!! I will be in touch. :)
Thanks for the kick in the pants! lol
I miss Colorado.
OK!!! I will be in touch. :)
Thanks for the kick in the pants! lol
I miss Colorado.
Call it Orange State, conservatism without the hate
What a *bleeping* disgrace that cesspool is!
A sitting progressive US Representative treated that way. And I only read about 1/3 the comments.
If I say more it will digress into an angry curse-filled rant
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Don't you mean all the hate with half the conservatism?
As far as I can see, OrangeState has all the hate you'll fine on plenty of lovely internet cesspools. It just has slightly less conservatism.
Read it last night and the
Read it last night and the comments were just nasty. Grayson may not be perfect and be flawed but he is almost always pushing progressive policy. what they are doing over there is unforgivable. In anothe diary a front pager couldn't believe people were leaving KOS, she was informed of C99P and KFS on Reddit, was completely unaware. The bubble is thick there.
When people talk about the Great Orange Satan
I can't tell if they're talking about Trump or TOP at this point. It's gotten that bad. They've turned into everything they claim to hate. The vitriol from the Hillary supporters everywhere on the internet is absolutely intolerable and disgusting. And yes, I do lump them all together, because even the ones that don't do it personally encourage and perpetuate the hive mind mentality that makes it possible. When you see folks on your side engaging in bad behavior and trolling, any decent human being should know enough to put a stop to it.
Follow-up email from Alan kind of builds on this?
They chose the fracking lobbyist over the three-star admiral.
In Pennsylvania a few weeks ago, the party Politburo force-fed the Democratic Senate nomination to Katie McGinty, a fracking lobbyist. They wasted millions of dollars of party money to ensure the defeat of Joe Sestak, the highest-ranking military officer ever to serve in Congress, who had a 100% rating from the AFL-CIO. Even though Sestak polled substantially better in general election polls than McGinty did.
Why? Because Sestak wouldn’t kowtow to them. So they had to destroy him.
Don’t let malevolent party bosses deliver every nomination to pliant tools. Contribute $20 to our campaign to make the unDemocratic Party democratic again >>
With some Senators, it seems, there are only 99 other people who matter to you. So it was in 2010, when Senate Dictator Harry Reid tried to deliver the Democratic Senate nomination in Pennsylvania to Arlen Specter – a Republican! After decades of accumulating a miserable record on every issue that matters to Democrats, Specter decided to bug out on his own party, as long as Reid promised to deliver the Senate Democratic nomination to him.
Only Joe Sestak, a three-term Member of Congress and a former three-star admiral, stood in the way of that stinking maneuver. Joe, who had expected to run against Specter in the general election, ended up running against the GOP turncoat in the Democratic primary.
The DC Establishment tried to bully Sestak out of the race. (Boy, that sure sounds familiar to me.) Sestak stayed in. The Administration offered Sestak a political appointment if he would drop out. Sestak stayed in. Reid CLOSED DOWN THE SENATE and took the President, the Vice President and the Senate Democratic Caucus up to Philadelphia for a fundraiser for Specter – so that Specter could pay back his GOP donors! Sestak stayed in.
The party Politburo raised $17 million for Specter.
Sestak stayed in.
The party wasted $2 million in party money on behalf of the GOP quisling – money that it was allowed to spend only once in the 2010 election cycle, which then wasn’t available for the general election.
Sestak stayed in.
Sestak beat the party-switcher by eight points in the Democratic primary.
Then, in the worst election cycle for the Democrats in 106 years (you can look it up), Sestak gave the GOP a titanic battle in the general election, losing to Pat Toomey by just two points. It was the closest Senate race that any Republican won that year.
Did the party say, “thank you, Joe, you ran a great race, we owe you one?” Not on your life. The power-mad party bosses carried a grudge against Sestak for six years, and a few weeks ago, they buried him – in favor of a fracking lobbyist.
This is so wrong. How can we call ourselves the “Democratic” Party when the party bosses hold all the power? I’m fight back against this, but I need your help now >>
So, this year, we had Admiral Joe preparing for a rematch against Pat Toomey, in a far better year for Democrats. Nationwide generic polling for the Democrats is ten points better than it was in 2010, and Sestak lost by only two. However, spiteful Harry Reid and the other party despots, tyrants and autocrats just didn’t want it that way. Reid told Sestak, “Sestak, when tell you something, the only answer is to be ‘yes,’” and Sestak, a three-star admiral who felt a greater loyalty to the voters than to the party Politburo, found it difficult to agree to those terms of surrender. So Democratic Party despots took failed statewide candidate Katie McGinty, who ran fourth in the 2014 Democratic gubernatorial primary, with only seven percent of the vote, and they tried to drag her over the finish line.
Every single one of the six general election polls between September and March showed Joe Sestak performing better than McGinty against GOP Sen. Toomey – an average of four points better. The party poohbahs did not care. For them, it wasn’t about defeating Republican Toomey – it was about defeating Democrat Sestak.
They couldn’t sell McGinty to the voters as a fracking lobbyist, so they sold her as a mom. Yes, that’s right – she’s a woman, and she has three children. She’s a mom. And it would be a nice thing if there were more moms in public office. But why this particular mom? There are around three million moms in Pennsylvania, and approximately 2,999,999 aren’t fracking lobbyists.
Let me be blunt. I fight for justice, equality and peace. That often places me at odds with party bosses, who are engorged like blood-filled ticks on special interest sewer money. I can beat them, but the only way that I can beat them is if you help – right here, right now >>
Help me beat the bosses. Help me defeat the dictators. Help me top the tyrants.
We can do it.
Rep. Alan Grayson
i just might throw up.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Haven't you heard the REAL meaning of "Politics"? ;-)
"Poly" = many
"Ticks" = bloodsucking insects.
Snarka snarka snarka!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Holy smokes. He's not holding
Holy smokes. He's not holding back.
The Party is going to absolutely destroy him. But maybe the silver lining is that he'll bring some of the Establishment down (even just a little) with him.
*off to make the popcorn*
Oh, they are so pissed
That we dragged the tip jar out of the hiddens. I'd feel for them if I weren't playing the world's tiniest violin right now.
I popped over, recced a few comments--one looked a little iffy given the atmosphere over there. If I get an NR it will encourage me to stay away. Maybe I can give up ice cream and old fashioned doughnuts while I am at it. Gotta drop a few pounds . . . and the exercise I will get while NOT surfing that site will help too.
Whoa, I posted this by mistake
So I will add the fact that I love how someone renamed that site "Little Orange Footballs." I might use it if I find myself "over there" again . . .
I am done with TOP, no moral compass.
Let them celebrate another victory for our corporate masters. YaY we won! What did you win? Doesn't matter.
The Flying Monkeys are really swarming Grayson
But that IS their job.
Twain Disciple