Clinton's forgotten policy speech...another look.
According to NPR, national pro-corporate radio, Hellery gave a great speech yesterday. Her best yet on foreign policy.
However she didn't mention how great her Libya policy worked out:
Hillary Clinton is quite rightly taking heat for being the U.S. mastermind of this atrocity. As secretary of state she made the case for the American nightmare. She was quite proud of this evil achievement and infamously said, “We came, we saw, he died.” Of course these machinations were the cause of blowback in 2012 when jihadists killed the American ambassador at Benghazi.
She didn't review her Syrian policy either:
In 2012, Clinton was the obstacle, not the solution, to a ceasefire being negotiated by UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan. It was US intransigence - Clinton's intransigence - that led to the failure of Annan's peace efforts in the spring of 2012, a point well known among diplomats. Despite Clinton's insinuation in the Milwaukee debate, there was (of course) no 2012 ceasefire, only escalating carnage. Clinton bears heavy responsibility for that carnage, which has by now displaced more than 10 million Syrians and left more than 250,000 dead
In the Milwaukee debate, Hillary Clinton took pride in her role in a recent UN Security Council resolution on a Syrian ceasefire:
But I would add this. You know, the Security Council finally got around to adopting a resolution. At the core of that resolution is an agreement I negotiated in June of 2012 in Geneva, which set forth a cease-fire and moving toward a political resolution, trying to bring the parties at stake in Syria together.
This is the kind of compulsive misrepresentation that makes Clinton unfit to be President. Clinton's role in Syria has been to help instigate and prolong the Syrian bloodbath, not to bring it to a close.
Nor her Honduran policy:
Not only were the coup leaders trained at SOA, but post-coup, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stepped in to legitimize the new government. Clinton strategized with regional allies in keeping Zelaya out of the country and then held a new "election." Frank writes, "Most opposition candidates withdrew in protest, and all major international observers boycotted the election, except for the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute, which are financed by the United States." Crucially, U.S. aid to security forces increased. Honduras increased military spending from $63 million in 2007 to $172 million in 2012.
Clinton is not a progressive. Her work has undermined democracy and human rights in Honduras and elsewhere. Domestically, she advocates deporting children seeking asylum. While most liberal media and pundits fear-monger Americans into voting for the "lesser evil," human rights activists must not let Clinton rebrand herself.
And new to me her Haitian policy:
Perhaps most troubling from the Clinton campaign’s perspective: the tiny handful of players who did profit from Haiti’s reconstruction includes several members of her inner circle, like Tony Rodham (Hillary’s brother) and Irish billionaire Denis O’Brien, a fact that Peter Schweizer and other Republican critics delight in pointing out.
And with the minor exception of Hillary’s efforts to block a 2009 minimum wage increase, Clinton’s challenger Bernie Sanders has ignored her ignominious record in Haiti to focus on inequality, health care, and other domestic issues.
9 min interview with Nick Shaw
There was no mention of the corrupt way the Brazilian President has been deposed.
As my partner, David Miranda, wrote this morning in his Guardian op-ed: “It has now become clear that corruption is not the cause of the effort to oust Brazil’s twice-elected president; rather, corruption is merely the pretext.” In response, Brazil’s media elites will claim (as Temer did) that once Dilma is impeached, then the other corrupt politicians will most certainly be held accountable, but they know this is false, and Temer’s shocking support for Cunha makes that clear. Indeed, press reports show that Temer is planning to install as attorney general — the key government contact for the corruption investigation — a politician specifically urged for that position by Cunha. As Miranda’s op-ed explains, “The real plan behind Rousseff’s impeachment is to put an end to the ongoing investigation, thus protecting corruption, not punishing it.”
Nor the efforts to depose PRESIDENT NICOLÁS MADURO of Venezuela
The Organization of American States has announced it will hold an emergency meeting to discuss whether one of its member nations should be suspended for violating the OAS’s Democratic Charter. But you may be surprised by what country is being targeted. It’s not Brazil, where the democratically elected President Dilma Rousseff was recently removed from power in what many have described as a coup. Instead, the OAS is going after Venezuela, which is in the midst of its worst economic crisis in years.
20 min Democracy now interview.
We are the oligarchs that think we rule the world. Hielary is ready to lead the way.
That's experience for you
Has she learned anything? As Frederick the Great once wrote about the value of experience: "A mule, though he should have made ten campaigns under prince Eugene, would not have improved in his tactics."
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
The more we talk about Hillary Clinton's involvement in
these things, her statements about foreign policy and the endorsement of her by various neocons, I can't help but think it's crucial that she is not elected as President. It's basically the same as having George W. Bush and Dick Cheney on the ticket, we know what they're going to do and we know it's bad. How on earth can we, the United States of America, be in this situation, that what gets me. A nation of 330 million and all we can come up with is this? It just doesn't compute.
I think much of the problem is folks are not informed because the MSM doesn't do their job. I also think that is why young people, who use social media, support Bernie. Whereas older folks who rely on broadcast media do not.
As a young friend told me...I think we've learned how to google that. If only our generation did the same.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Oh absolutely. The MSM as we call it is a primary reason
for the ignorance of the American sheeple, not to mention the public school system, the churches, you name it. Our country and society is built on lies after all.
If people watch and read that stuff without balancing it out with accurate and true alternative news and opinions they are going to believe whatever they're told. It's how it works. The lies and false narratives about Libya and Syria have been so successful that most people do not even know they are U.S. wars.
I often reference an old book called "Preachers Present Arms", from the thirties which talks about how the clergy/church was used during the build up to WWI to prep the people, paint the horror stories, get them to back U.S. involvement.
Yesterday's post on de speech with translation notes
Clinton Makes Major Foreign Policy Speech
The "Jenny and Jimmy" Show
Her speech proved that Jenny could wave fist to hand with King Cheez Whiz and spout off the same meaningless, arrogant, supercilious sneers against her nuclearly insane rival as he can to her. Hooray! Jenny! She Chunking For Us!
Jenny take all de credit for murdering Osama bin Baden, forgetting Gates and Panetta were in also in the room rattling their
limp dickscoottlasses, And continues running her campaign against Joe bin Baden, who advised against it… kind of, or maybe kind of not.“We came, we saw, he died!!!!.” … I love Jenny can translate Latin and quote Julius Caesar and know all about whipping Pharnaces’ booty.
She then goes on to denigrating “dictators like Vladimir Puta”… the same dude who won the 2012 Russian election with 63.6% of the vote against his closest rival, the Communist Party’s very own Zyuganov, who obtained a whopping 17.2%. With only a 46 point lead, It was all a big fraud, unlike black box voting in America and stripped voter rolls in Crooklyn.
Then she makes her MAJORRR foreign policy pronouncement., what we were all waiting for!! Hallejuleh!!! She “promises she would do a better job keeping the United States safe.” Allah Akhbar! I remember that policy!!! President George W. Bush came to office promising to keep America safe, …
BTW, Where was Boo Boo today?
--------- Part 2 ----------
Clinton's speech was so utterly awful and offensive I couldn't help but strike back with an absolutely fair and equally offensive commentary.. It seems like this post disappeared yesterday without being read, or being misunderstood. So reposting with translator notes.
Translation Note: Jimmy and Jenny refer to genital characteristics, Jenny can also refer, depending on usage, to: "THE most beautiful girl in the world. the only girl who is able to give a guy butterflies, and can make him smile just by looking at him with her amazing eyes." I have used it in a snarky way to refer to a candidate who has the opposite characteristics of a Jenny. Have fun with the antonyms. And at the same time used for Jenny's superior form of genitals as opposed to the other candidates inferior form.
I will refrain from defining, "fist to hand with King Cheez Whiz".
Chunking is fighting. Coottlass is the local Dominican pronunciation of machete (pirate's sword) and I use it to contrast with
limp dicks. Booty is "ass" depending on what country you are in can be either female or male. I envisioned King Pharnaces as having the soft, rounded female form. Boo Boo is husband, a child's mispronunciation of poopoo, "a scab on society, and sounds like "Bubba"Personal note: Because I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet I am forced to wear Flip-flocks.
See "dozens" a great art form at:
Posted it at TOP on a Jenny diary and didn't even get flagged. LOL.
From the Light House.
Glad you cleared that up. I saw it yesterday, but
全然分かりませんでした。 (zenzen wakarimasen deshita = I didn’t understand a thing)