
Maybe if Hillary hadn't overthrown Gaddafi ...

Filed Under; You Can't Make This Shit Up!

Hope You All got Stuffed in the Spirit of the Turkey.
Apparently, our congrASS critters want to nuke their constituents-US! Yes, ladies and gents, Eric Swalwell SB(ScumBag) Ca,tweeted out a Truly BIZARRE idea. Read it and weep for us All.https://journal-neo.org/2018/11/22/coming-soon-america-nukes-herself-in-...

Just getting us Used to the idea, I'm sure.

The time is at hand. I am going to war.

There are times in life when decisions must be made. This determination has been gnawing at me for some time and has led to a deep feeling of emptiness in my gut. There is only one way to extricate this feeling from my being. Only one way to fulfill the hunger pangs of my soul. I must go to war.

With fork and knife in hand, I will, on this very day, Thursday 11-22-2018, be attacking, turkey. Lying there, smug in its wonderful aroma, adorned in splendid golden brown armor, prodding me, nay, insisting that I cross the line of table demarcation and carve it into various balkanized sections of deliciousness. I will then devour and digest its very existence and adsorb it unto myself. It is there for my taking, it is destiny. For this I give thanks.

But, as with this time every year, I will also be going to war with myself.
