
Album of the Week - 6-4-22

Afternoon folks!

I've got some great stuff for you guys this weekend. There's a late period Mississippi John Hurt album from the great folk scare of the 60's where he recaps his "hits" for the fellows who "rediscovered" him. There's some great blues from Rockin' Tabby Thomas and a whole pile of blues rock follows. There's Dr. Feelgood, Love Sculpture (with Dave Edmunds) and The Yardbirds.


Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-4-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

I have been fortunate to spend most of my life in an area with continuing infrastructure improvements over the past 120 years. Each new method of transportation and subsequent improvements brought burst of economic activity. Railroad arrived in 1911 with a station in Bend, Oregon. The train station gave an economic edge over the other communities and became a lifeline for economic prosperity to move goods.

Friday Night Photos Birds: Foreign and Domestic Edition

Happy Friday Everyone. As always, post any photos you like.

Last week I went to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. My intention was to photograph the large mammals. As luck would have it most of them either were not out or were to far away for good photos. Thankfully the birds were good enough to cooperate. The foreign birds are year round residents of the park. The domestic birds are non-residents come and go as they please.

Open Thread - 06-03-22 - The Great Reset

The Great Reset. Let's talk about it.

I'm sure by now we all have a pretty good idea of what the Great Reset is all about, Klaus Schwab and the WEF are not shy about their plans. So, let's not focus on the various tenets of the design, but let us take a look at the reasoning behind what seems to be a rush to implement the Great Reset now rather than the previously projected 2030 timeline.

One world government has always been the stated goal of the Reseters, but, IMHO, it's greed and power that are the true impetus. But why does there now seem to be a frenzied rush to get it done?

Here are a few of the reasons I've come up with than may explain the rush to Reset:


Letter from a pediatrician

Letter from a pediatrician

Dear Families,

I was your child’s doctor until I was fired by my clinic. What happened? I was placed on unpaid administrative leave a few months ago for “failing to comply” with the “show me your papers” vaccine mandate from my state governor. My employer abruptly cancelled my already booked clinic schedule and I have no idea what they told you about why I “disappeared.” I chose to stay silent for the last few months so that the clinic could not say that they fired me because I spoke out about what was happening. Now that they have made their final move, I can speak with the certainty that they fired me only due to my refusal to comply with the unconstitutional vaccine mandate.
