
Michael Schiavo on Jeb!: “A Vendictive, Untrustworthy Coward”

We all remember the story of Terri Schiavo, a brain-dead woman from Florida whose husband, Michael, was mired in controversy over whether her feeding tube could be removed fifteen years after she collapsed and fell unconscious. Politico’s Michael Kruse interviewed Mr. Sciavo recently. The article refreshes our memory about the details of his fight to fulfill his wife’s wishes to not keep her in a vegetative state. It also paints a very clear picture of what former Florida Governor Jeb Bush thinks, how he operates and the lengths he’s willing to go to make a point. Schiavo calls Jeb! “a vindictive, untrustworthy coward.”

Congressional Votes: S-1, Keystone XL Pipeline Act

With Seantors like these who needs enemies?

Take a good look at this list of Democrats who voted yes on this bill.

  • Bennett - CO
  • Carper - DE
  • Casey - PA
  • Donnelly - IN
  • Heitkamp - ND
  • Manchin - WV
  • McCaskill - MO
  • Tester - MT
  • Warner - VA

Not voting: Reid - NV

If you're a constituent please let them know how unhappy and pissed off you are at how they voted. It's unlikely they care what you think, but use your right to let them know anyway.
