
Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 8-6-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

July 17, 1975 is one of those days etched in my permanent memory, significant events of the day easily recalled by simply closing my eyes. Great Grandma was 84 and visiting with us for the day to watch TV. Canning five boxes of over ripe pears took priority over spending a day in casual chatter until it was time to watch the Russian and United States astronauts shake hands in space.


Ukraine's corruption and U.S. weapons

As Congress gets close to approving another $1 Billion of weaponry for Ukraine, bring the total from just the U.S. to near $10 Billion of weapons. The UK has given Ukraine more than $4 Billion in advanced weaponry, and at least another $4 Billion from the rest of Europe.
And this is only the amount that has already been sent. It doesn't include the amount that is pledged.


Open Thread - 08-05-22 - A Potpouri of Political Postulations

Whose Reality Do You Live In?

My wife and I travel a lot around the country. We mostly stay at motels. It's at these temporary stop-overs that I turn on the TV, something that I haven't done for years at home. My usual refrain is; "Since it's paid for we will use it". It was at a recent stop-over that something caught my eye. I've oft wondered how it is that people are so susceptible to mind control. How it is that so many seem to have lost any semblance of critical thinking. And then I saw it.

While surfing for something to fill background noise I happened upon Fox News so I left it on for a few minutes. I can't remember exactly what the talking head was bleating about but I did take notice of the background imagery that accompanied the commentator. I saw subtle thought steering using symbolism and subliminal perceptive inferences. The commentator's words were enhanced by the imagery, a double splash of propaganda, verbally and visually, engaging both the conscious and subconscious mind.

We all know how the propaganda is catapulted. Movies, newspapers, radio, books, etc. It starts at a very young age and continues throughout our lives. I am now convinced that the television is the main mode of brainwashing, both in words and imagery, and I also suspect, by audio sensory.

Television has created the boobus americanus' modern reality. Thanks Obama. It's most noticeable if one doesn't watch TV at all, but if one were to quit watching for a few months and then turn it back on to the news it should pop out like a jack-in-the-box.

Then watch the commercials to see who is funding the propaganda.

How is this insidiousness negated? Shut the damn thing off.

TV propaganda.jpg
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Thought this link last night from Moonbat was good

“I don’t even know if I’m a person with my own thoughts, or if I just think whatever TV and the internet programs me to think. I’m so mired in ideology that even when I attempt to strip away what you might consider the external rhetoric that I’ve inherited, it’s hard to tell if anything truly remains of my being.
