
"The Speed of Science" definition:

Have the whole world take part in the 3rd stage of the trials.

"The largest global vaccination trial ever

There are 3 ways in which our leaders denied the public the opportunity to give valid consent, which is a legal and ethical requirement for the administration of a vaccine:

1 - The majority of the public was not made aware that they were taking part in an experiment

2 - The government applied undue pressure and engaged in tactics of manipulation and coercion

3 -The public was not sufficiently informed of the risks

Open Thread - Thurs 30 Mar 2023: Learning in the Zoo

Learning in the Zoo: Cobby Taught Me!

Many years ago, in the mid 1980's, I was very tiny part of the start of a study on captive chimpanzees. This study was called Chimpanzoo and it was created under the auspices of Dr. Jane Goodall. It is still continued to this day, after beginning in 1984!

The Weekly Watch

Spring has Sprung, and
Change is in the Air

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Did the petrodollar die this week? It is at least the beginning of the end, as oil is sold in yuan and countries like Russia are placing much of their wealth into yuan. The banking sector in the west is still feeling the shock of the bank failures last week, as other banks sit at the brink of collapse. Lula had planned a trip to China but caught pneumonia. I wonder what they plan to discuss, perhaps a Ukraine peace plan? Meanwhile things are not going well for Ukraine as Russian forces continue their advance.

Screenshot 2023-03-26 at 06-17-44 Xi tells Putin of ‘changes not seen for 100 years’ Al Jazeera Newsfeed.png
