
Looking back at the Iraq war

What I Got Right About The Iraq War

By Dick Cheney

On the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, it’s important for us as a nation to reflect on that conflict and its consequences. As the vice president of the United States in 2003, I was one of the architects of the project to go after Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. Today, I believe it’s important to offer an honest assessment of my role in the Iraq War. Looking back on it now, I have to say that, wow, I mostly got it right.

Knock knock

open thread_52.jpg

Just spent a few days at the farm, got home last night, was to tired to produce an open thread.
So I will try to pen something this morning.
Of course, the recent news of the arrest warrant for Putin is a real hoot to come back to. The "no-knock" arrest will be an even bigger hoot. Wouldn't want to be that Swat team. Ha Ha.

Life with CBDCs w/ update

I have some free time on occasion. My brain travels to the future, when Banksters exert control over my life to comport with what is best for them.

Imagine finding a car to purchase. The dealer informs me my transaction was rejected. I follow up with a call to customer service, and a bot informs me that gas or diesel fueled vehicles will not be approved. Only $350,000 electric vehicles will be approved. Own nothing, be happy.

You can know the truth as soon as it doesn't matter

October Surprise

WASHINGTON — It has been more than four decades, but Ben Barnes said he remembers it vividly. His longtime political mentor invited him on a mission to the Middle East. What Mr. Barnes said he did not realize until later was the real purpose of the mission: to sabotage the re-election campaign of the president of the United States.
