
My Indignant Response to People Who Use Autism as an Insult

This is something I've noticed over the years, especially in comment sections (Youtube is by far the worst), online gaming, and other cyber spaces where people gather. I'd like to know just what the hell compels keybord warriors on various sites to use autism, autistic, or autist as an insult. It's no different than calling someone a retard or retarded.

Regarding c99% member "native".

native, who last posted here on Nov. 7, is our "ranchmate", having lived out here with us for years. On Nov. 17 he received a sudden and unexpected diagnosis of an untreatable metastasized cancer and has entered Home Hospice Care here at our home. He has declined very rapidly, is still conscious and somewhat coherent, but is mostly sleeping now.

Why I Wrote My Matt Lauer/Hillary Story Yesterday. It's Because I was Raped

This isn't an easy story to tell, but I've been up all night thinking about why the stories linking sexual predator Matt Lauer to alleged sexism toward Hillary at a political forum 14 months ago were resurrected yesterday, and why they bothered me so much I felt compelled to write about it. And last night, a nasty twitter exchange with a Clinton supporter made me understand why.

Polling ToP on Pelosi calling for Conyers' Resignation

Even I, your humble opinionated bastard, am now truly amazed.

The response that my Poll is generating is truly mind boggling.

Long term members are lecturing me about the proper form of diaries, telling me I have no context for the poll and basically admitting that life is good inside the bubble.

They don't know what Pelosi said today. Really? Guerrilla Demorats? They don't know?

Here's the link
