
The Weekly Watch

Growing Frustration

...and food for thought

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It seems there is a growing sense of frustration in the US and western world in general. People know the system is broken, and like me have no idea how to correct our course. Many are hurting, homeless, and hungry. This week there's been a viral song that has captured this spirit of frustration. Lots of people have discussed it but I'll let the song speak for itself...

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond (3 min)

Album of the Week 8-19-23

Afternoon folks!

It's a smaller haul this week because I missed uploading a couple of days, but maybe we'll make it up with quality.

Starting off, there's Taj Mahal's eponymous album with an epic version of "Statesboro Blues" on it. After that there's a 1960 Bo Diddley comp album followed by Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown and Roy Clark collaborating on a fun album. Following that we switch to blues-rock with a Ram Jam album with their big hit on it (Black Betty), then there's an album by Dave Alvin and Fred Wesley (a long-time member of the JB's) lays some serious funk on us. We finish off with some old-timey music by the Red Clay Ramblers.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the music!

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Aug 19, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Harvested my first crop of peaches today. About a year after starting to write at C99 started planting trees requiring a little warmer growing season than typical in Central Oregon. The summer temps have been moderate and only a handful of nights the temp stayed above 60 (F). The news has been loud about extreme heat, but it really depends upon where the thermometer is located.

Tuesday was hot. Weather channel predicted 101, it is August hot, dry weather is to be expected. A few chickens were panting even with the shade cloth. Stepping out onto the front porch was comfortable, thermometer read 84. Set a thermometer in the middle of the drive 120 degrees. Five minutes later set by the back porch in the sun only 100.

Friday Night Photos McMansion Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. As always, post any photos, memes, or music you like.

These Victorian McMansions were built in various areas of San Diego during the 1880s-1890s and moved to Old Town San Diego in the 1970s.

Christian House (1889) This graceful residence was constructed by Harfield Timberlake Christian, founder of an early San Diego abstract company. It is built in a popular late Victorian design characterized by a variety of chimneys, shingles, a corner tower, and encircling veranda.
