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Title and Post date Comments & New Comments Last commenter and time Edit Delete Add comment
The Protocols of the Elders of Putin
03/07/2018 - 5:08pm
65 k9disc
03/09/2018 - 3:36am
MIT study says Uber wages are horrible
03/02/2018 - 6:18pm
19 leveymg
03/04/2018 - 10:45am
American Politics is like Syria minus Assad
03/02/2018 - 3:40pm
11 arendt
03/04/2018 - 9:33am
The Legacy Left sees the elephant but misses the rest of the living room
02/26/2018 - 11:10pm
34 arendt
03/01/2018 - 8:55am
Scapegoats against class consciousness
02/25/2018 - 1:51pm
20 lotlizard
02/28/2018 - 2:14am
Information Technology: American Haute Couture versus Chinese Pret a Porter
02/19/2018 - 11:51am
55 UntimelyRippd
02/21/2018 - 5:28pm
The murderous trail of violent emotion in the modern era (Reflections on "The Age of Anger")
02/12/2018 - 4:09pm
55 janis b
02/15/2018 - 10:14pm
A really intelligent discussion of Venezuela's Petro e-currency
02/05/2018 - 1:43pm
3 UntimelyRippd
02/05/2018 - 6:27pm
It had to happen: Ponzicoin
01/26/2018 - 11:09am
13 SancheLlewellyn
01/28/2018 - 8:25pm
MMT and Debt Jubilees versus Bitcoins and the "Cashless Economy"
01/22/2018 - 10:31pm
31 Pluto's Republic
01/24/2018 - 2:54pm
